When The Clock Is Ticking, What Is Dave Canales Doing?

November 10th, 2023

Clock management.

So when the clock is ticking late and the Bucs have the ball, what’s going on in Dave Canales’ headset?

Sounds like chaos.

Canales was asked yesterday about who is in his headset and how he handles late-game situations. Well, Bucs coach Todd Bowles is one voice Canales’ headset. Another is a Bucs coach assigned to monitor clock situations.

“We’re all kind of talking,” Canales said. “For me, I’ve got to be thinking, what’s the next sequence of plays? What do [defenses] call in this different scenario? I’m really focused on that.”

And imagine that with the clock ticking and multiple people in your headset telling you or advising you what to do. Talk about having to have laser-focused concentration!

Canales said it helps that when he was a younger coach in Seattle, he once had the duties of monitoring clock situations for the Seahawks. So he’s used to the chaos.

“I do have a lot of experience being that clock management person, in Seattle,” Canales said. “I was trained by a veteran coach – ‘Tater’ [Carl Smith]. He’s excellent at that – really fast with responses. I kind of have those things.”

Canales sort of gave fans a brief window into what is going on in those pressure moments.

“I’m like, ‘Where’s the ball going to be? What hash is it on? Here’s the next couple of plays,’” Canales said. “I have to be focused there. [Head] Coach [Todd Bowles] does a good job of just using all the information he has to make decisions.”

What play to call? What are the next ones? What packages are to be used? Who needs to sub? How much time is left? Do we call a timeout?

Seems to Joe a helluva lot more complex and stressful than Madden.

24 Responses to “When The Clock Is Ticking, What Is Dave Canales Doing?”

  1. Bucco Bruce Says:

    Do we not just want to rip off the band aid and bite the bullet here? New Coaching staff, new young QB, better oline, and consider new GM. This whole 1 or 2 year paid for championships are great that we won. However I want a year in and year out CONTENDER to which we don’t have and haven’t had since after our first SB trophy. I hate the idea of tanking However going 7 wins this year will just put us at pick 15ish situation and possibly give this staff another year. The worst outcome is keeping this staff. All of it needs to be flushed. Get an fing offensive head coach. We also need to build up the speedy receivers we have. Get rid of Vaughn and start looking for a true #1 corner, true pass rushers, and again a better coached and personal wise oline. Our interior Dline is fine and our secondary is hit or miss minus Winfield Jr.

  2. Fishhawkbuc Says:

    Let’s just chill Bucs fans. We are a bad football team. Perspective: We have the same amount wins as the Chicago Bears.

  3. Popcorn Mike Says:

    I don’t the the Bucs are a bad team, I think they’re just poorly coached. Weather that be Bowles, the DL, CB coaches are who ever, it just seems like use to be star players are regressing and to me that’s bad coaching

  4. DungyDance Says:

    Point of contrast – all of that is what’s going on in Canales’ head. As for what was going on in Leftwich’s head? Cue the line from Airplane! … “Did I leave the iron on?”

  5. Fishhawkbuc Says:

    Popcorn Mike: would you say the Bears are a bad team?

  6. ATrain Says:

    Yea let’s write about Canales he could be the issue right? I mean his offense put up over 30 points with Mayfield. Yes MAYFIELD and we lost but let’s talk about Canales

    THE PROBLEM last year is the PROBLEM this year. BOWLES…… He is not a HC

  7. Usfbuc Says:

    Lol Joe I know it seems more complicated but high level Madden players are thinking the same way. What tendencies has this player shown, how did they react to this formation the last time I ran it. They run plays out of formations to set up future plays. They also make adjustments once they select a play and line up.

  8. ChiBuc Says:

    Is this article attempting to establish empathy for this “Keystone (cop)” coaching staff? A lot of jobs have pressure/ chaotic situations. E.g. school bus drivers deal with noisy chaotic situations daily, with actual lives on the line, earning pennies on the dollar to these fools and they don’t crash and burn day after day (play after play). Enough excuses. Canales continues to tell us all of the skills he’s acquired under the tutelage of the best coaches, yet he continues to yield subpar product with those “skills.”

  9. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Against Houston, OLine played better, TE played better, RB played better and Mayfield played better. Bucs offense scored 37 points and could’ve scored more.
    Unfortunately, several defensive players and coaches had terrible games at the same time. And CJ Stroud was terrific.
    Just when the offense shows significant improvement, the Defense melts down.
    Is this a new direction of the team?
    Bucs’ season is at a crossroads

  10. dmatt Says:

    Popcorn Mike,
    I agree with u 100%. It is poor coaching. When Bruce Arians talked the owners into grandfathering Bowles in as head coach last year, Bowles inherited 55% of the offense including Brady n 73% of the defense. Good coaching would’ve ensured Brady maintained a line of protection after the retirement of Marpet, Cappa joining the Bengals n Jensen’s injury.Despite injuries and and players leaving the patriots to join other teams, Belichick maintained sustainability on the front line for Brady throughout his career with the patriots with a plan. How did Bruce Arian inherit a 5-11 Bucs team then go to 7-9 to 12-5 to 13-4 the answer, great coaching. How did Bowles inherit a 13-4 team with primarily the same players n coaches from years before then regress to 8-9, the answer,Poor Coaching n his Stubbornness. Poor clock management, failure to play to win, lack of aggressiveness on offense, failure to bench slackers n under performers. Failure to recognize hungry talent just sitting on the bench (Markee Watts) while allowing a passive lack of talent player (JTS) run around on the field clueless n like a deer in the headlight. A head coach has to be strategic in all phases of the game. Bowles is taking this team back to the Leeman Bennett losing years.

  11. D-Rok Says:

    The problem is that Coach Bowles takes all that info and makes a decision…the wrong one.

  12. StormyInFl Says:

    My takeaway is that meathead Todd and his ancient approach to football are running the offense, possibly more than Dave Canales. Or Byron Leftwich.

    The incompetent boob ‘fixed’ something that wasn’t broken when he was gifted a job he was unqualified to hold.

    No wonder Monken passed, if he was even seriously offered the job.

  13. 1#bucsfan Says:

    We all knew offense was going to be a work in progress. New QB new OC frw new starters on the Oline. Most people even thought the O would take at least 4-6 games to gel realistically more like 8. Half a season also most of us knew the defense would have to keep games us in games for us to win. Guess what y’all outside the Texans game n eagles game they did their job. The real problem is no pass rush and why are we playing so much zone when our guys strengths are man to man. Most of they comments y’all are belly aching like the defense played every game like we did the Texans. We haven’t defense has played well outside of 2 games. Coaches gotta do a better job of eliminating the penalties , getting a pass rush and playing to our players strengths.

  14. rickym Says:

    It sounds like Bowles is making the decision on what plays to run on offense in these situations. That explains a whole lot. Playcalling in these situations has been very bad for the most part so maybe Canales lack of experience in play calling is not the reason for some of these bad offensive plays in crucial situations. Bowles may be the worst coach in the NFL. A good head coach lets a seperate OC and a seperate DC call ALL of the plays.

  15. WyomingJoe Says:

    The first thing that I’d like to propose to the Bucs ownership is get some new fans in 2024. Many of the “fans” on this site gave up before Game 1! I don’t know about the Joes, but this team deserves better than a bunch of pathetic losers disguised as Bucs fans who are still trying to compensate for being nerds in high school. They just want to burn everything down because they’re incapable of comprehending that great franchises build on what they have.

  16. Tye Says:

    ‘When The Clock Is Ticking, What Is Dave Canales Doing?’

    Hopefully learning on the job AND ignoring his lame HC who has solidified his unemployment come January…

  17. bucsfaninOregon Says:

    Well, maybe Wyoming is the re-incarnation of NDog. The team is in free-fall. Even Joe is writing WTF! And, Wyoming thinks the problems are with the fans. Pathetic Nerds who are pathetic losers.
    My definition of pathetic is a jerk who spouts the home town team BS regardless of the results on the field. If everyone was a clueless homer we don’t even need to play the game. Just root, root, and root- -who cares about the score.

  18. unbelievable Says:

    By my count, Todd Bowles has pocketed 11 timeouts in the first half of games this season… just like last year.

    No one has bothered to tell him he can’t use those after the half ends, huh?

    Canales is a great motivational speaker, not so sure about a coordinator.

  19. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Im curious what he was hearing when they were celebrating getting over the hump and Bowles just gave it all away.

  20. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Canales needs to open up the offense and stop being ultra conservative.

    I’m actually surprised the Bucs scored 37 points with Canales constantly wasting two downs with nothing yard runs with Keyshaun Vaughn and White.

    Mayfield being excellent on 3rd down this season has bailed this offense out

    Mayfields 3rd down stats
    54/78 (69.2%) 583 yards 5 TDs 0 INTs

    ^^^^^ pretty good especially when your OC is running a JV offense.

  21. BucU Says:

    What’s this gonna be Bowles 5th straight losing season? LOL. Whats the common denominator here? Dude is a proven lousy HC. This team is bleeding fan support big time. You’ll see that Sunday. Team has no character and no fight left in them.
    Just like last year. F that. Let them eat cake.

  22. GP Says:

    I’ve been consistent in saying we have the talent we need.
    I’ve also been consistent in saying that we call very predictable plays on both offense and defense, and that’s our real problem
    IOW it’s on the coaches.

  23. Pistol Pete Says:

    If i was him I would not have the HC in my ear. He’s repeatedly stated he is not managing/having anything to do with the offense. I’d have him on silent, listen in but say nothing. Also, I think there is a theme in Tampa, with Koetter hiring a guy that also was just for clock management and we sucked then as bad as we do now. Look back, i made fun of it then too. You know what would be great? Have those 8 minute TD drives in the FIRST QUARTER and not with 9 minutes to go in the 4th down by 2-3 scores.

  24. darengibo Says:

    If a voice to the OC is Bowles, you ignore that voice.
    That is all.