What Time Is “Time?”

November 1st, 2023

Bucs OC Dave Canales.

We’ve heard this a lot from Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales, that the Bucs run game will take time for the players to learn the nuances of his offense. That there is no shortcut.

Joe thinks all fans are willing to give the Bucs time to flip the switch — within reason. There are plenty of examples of teams that had to learn new offenses this season and they aren’t struggling like the Bucs are to run the ball.

Hell, the Bucs’ next opponent, Houston, is running a new offense and they are doing OK — with a rookie quarterback for crying out loud.

So earlier this week, Bucs coach Todd Bowles was asked where he draws the line between players learning a new system and when they should be executing that system proficiently.

Bowles doesn’t even have a timetable.

“I wish I could tell you that,” Bowles said. “You’re always adjusting every week. Some weeks are better than others, some weeks they take it away, some weeks we miss some things.

“It doesn’t ever get drawn, we’ve just got to keep hammering at it and we’ve got to do the things that help to win the ballgame.”

Joe understands what both Bowles and Canales are saying, but gee, it’s seven games into the season. Can’t there be some signs of life?

Joe wants to believe the way misplaced slot receiver Rachaad White ran the ball against Buffalo that maybe he’s starting to break out (finally!). Joe can’t fully buy that yet because Buffalo has one of the worst rush defenses in the league.

If White couldn’t show he had a pulse against Buffalo, then it’s pretty damn hopeless.

The Texans aren’t the Bills. Texas has the fourth-best rush defense in the league, holding ballcarriers to 3.6 yards a carry.

65 Responses to “What Time Is “Time?””

  1. Boss Says:

    man… it sure seems like the glazers just love having a bad football team.

  2. Mike S Says:

    Boss they gave a 5 year deal to a guy and are in a cap reset year.

    It is what it is.

  3. PC Says:

    Bowles as a head coach is 35-53-0. What did we really expect? He’s an old school defensive coordinator who wants to run the ball, play it safe, stay close, kick field goals, and hope for a turnover. The problem is the NFL has changed and he has not changed. There is such a razor thin line for success with Bowles philosophy and the Bucs will be lucky to win 6 or 7 games, just like the wise guys in Vegas predicted. What does that get you? A draft pick out of reach of QB and a perpetual mediocre football team. Welcome to reality.

  4. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Admit it, guys. The dream is over. Back to real life for the Buc fan.

  5. Jack Clark Says:

    “ Joe wants to believe the way misplaced slot receiver Rachaad White ran the ball against Buffalo that maybe he’s starting to break out (finally!). Joe can’t fully buy that yet because Buffalo has one of the worst rush defenses in the league.”

    That’s because the run blocking was better against the worst run defense in the league. If Byron Leftwich and Dave Canales can’t fix the run blocking then it’s probably due to a lack of run blocking talent on the offensive line which only Jason Licht can fix by adding better run blocking offensive linemen to the 53 man roster.

  6. Buc4evr Says:

    Actually the so called system looks pretty simple. I think many of the player’s ability is at issue. There are a number of players that simply shouldn’t be starters. No need to make a list as they make the same mistakes every week, so you know who they are.

  7. zzbuc Says:

    I love Bowles as a DC, not as a HC, that being said, blaming just Bowles for this situation is pretty unfair.
    When we got Brady we got in serious cap trouble, and management decided to get conservative this year, so we have a roster with plenty of holes, we dont have a RB, we have an OL with serious trouble blocking the run, we are thin on WR, we drafted not very good TE, we had to sign a cheap QB that’s playing better than expected, our to CB aren’t as good as they get payed….

    So the result, a mediocre team, that still is in the hunt because our division is horrible.
    Blamming Bowles is incomplete, JL has his share of this situation.

  8. Craig Says:

    Canales is stuck on the horns of a dilemma.

    You can use play action to help a passing game unless you can run.

    You also can’t run if your opponents don’t respect your passing game.

    Some of the Bucs opponents must be whooping it up and passing the popcorn during film sessions. The entire offense is a joke. They move backwards a lot more often than forwards.

    The opposing defense can load the box, squash any run attempt, and harass the Baker without fear of the Bucs running up the score. 17.1 points a game will do that for you.

    The Bucs protected Wolford by putting him on the active roster; does that mean that if Stroud outplays the Baker and the Bucs lose big to the Texans that we get to see what Trask can do?

    It might be time.

  9. Tony Marks Says:

    ““I wish I could tell you that,” Bowles said. “You’re always adjusting every week. Some weeks are better than others, some weeks they take it away, some weeks we miss some things.”

    Yet another quote that confirms my take. Bowles doesn’t think he is being judged by making any playoffs this year but by how well he develops what he’s got. He would have got that idea from management.

  10. Hodad Says:

    Losing to the Texans having had extra time to prepare would be the beginning of the end. It just can’t happen if the season is to be saved. A four game losing streak including loses to Atl, Houston is unexceptable. McDanials is already out in Vegas, what’s it going to take to replace Bowles?

  11. #99 the big fella Says:

    I can no longer back this coaching staff.. I have zero confidence that they can turn this team around.

  12. Joe Says:

    If Byron Leftwich and Dave Canales can’t fix the run blocking then it’s probably due to a lack of run blocking talent on the offensive line which only Jason Licht can fix by adding better run blocking offensive linemen to the 53 man roster.

    No, actually, it is about vision. There are holes there (Joe and half the press box sees them) and for reasons unknown, White chooses not to run to daylight.

    Even Dave Canales basically admitted this to Joe.

  13. Joe Says:

    Losing to the Texans having had extra time to prepare would be the beginning of the end.

    If Todd Bowles is not retained this offseason, Joe will point to the faux field goal at Buffalo as Bowles’ Tennessee-Ready moment, which was the beginning of the end for Lovie.

  14. zzbuc Says:


    To be honest with you, I saw what you are saying about the holes this last games, not on the others Joe…The other games we couldn’t make any holes at all, But when you add to this problem the poor conviction on Rashad makes the worst running game in the league….

  15. Steven007 Says:

    Craig, play action works regardless. And we can run, just not well. Can play action work better with a great running game? Of course. But it’s still functions with a subpar running attack.

  16. Mike S Says:

    Joe the video is available. The holes are indeed there.

  17. Jack Clark Says:

    Joe Says:
    November 1st, 2023 at 10:13 am
    No, actually, it is about vision. There are holes there (Joe and half the press box sees them) and for reasons unknown, White chooses not to run to daylight. Even Dave Canales basically admitted this to Joe.

    I must have missed seeing those holes when our running backs were getting hit before they could even cross the line of scrimmage!

  18. T. McGee Says:

    Why is everyone so interested in a top draft pick? Do you all remember when Mahomes went number one? He didn’t. I don’t think the Bucs are going anywhere this year, but the talent gap of the old days between picks 1-10 and the rest just isn’t there.

  19. Mike S Says:

    T. McGee it matters on LT and pass rush – everything else is more of a crapshoot.

  20. Marine Buc Says:

    If the Bucs lose to the Texans the wheels will start falling off the wagon.

    This team is teetering on the brink…

  21. larrd Says:

    “Some weeks are better than others.”

    Classic Todd Bowles, God love him!

    Words to live by!

  22. power sweep Says:

    JOE: “Hell, the Bucs’ next opponent, Houston, is running a new offense and they are doing OK — with a rookie quarterback WHO HAS A HIGHER PASSER RATING THAN OUR QUARTERBACK for crying out loud.”

    There, fixed it for you, Joe.

  23. Sly Pirate Says:

    I’m taking Licht’s position. Chill, evaluate, and let it play out. The players who perform get contracts. The coaches stay if they win the division. We have as much, and more, talent than any other team in the NFCS.

    They want time? They have 10 more games.

  24. Give it a Rest, Trask Brigade Says:

    “The opposing defense can load the box, squash any run attempt, and harass the Baker without fear of the Bucs running up the score. 17.1 points a game will do that for you.”

    No defense is stacking the box against the Bucs. In fact, it’s the opposite, they’re dropping 4 precisely because Mayfield and Evans, Godwin are the only offense this team has had.

  25. Mike S Says:

    Give it a rest…

    6 years 4 teams and its never Baker’s fault. Yeah not buying that.

  26. power sweep Says:

    Give it a Rest, Trask Brigade Says: “Mayfield and Evans, Godwin are the only offense this team has had.”

    Well, 2 out of 3.

  27. power sweep Says:

    Sly Pirate Says: “We have as much, and more, talent than any other team in the NFCS.”

    That’s quite a low bar.

  28. The Graham Tram Says:

    Let’s see Trask

  29. Mike S Says:

    power sweep Atlanta has plenty of offensive weapons. If the HC gets smart enough to start Hieneke they’ll win the division going away.

  30. McBucky Says:

    The way Bowels manages a game, it seems like he has all the time in the world.

  31. Dlavid Says:

    Tone drag Bowles !!! He is a losing coach with a career losing record ….. bottom line !

  32. Tony Marks Says:

    Give it a Rest, Trask Brigade Says:
    November 1st, 2023 at 11:05 am

    No defense is stacking the box against the Bucs. In fact, it’s the opposite, they’re dropping 4 precisely because Mayfield and Evans, Godwin are the only offense this team has had.


    Easiest team in the league to defend against. Shucks – all you have to do is take Evans out on enough downs and you have done enough to win. Thats the reason why management isn’t demanding anything much from this season.

    Only fans think the team is gifted with offensive weapons. People talk about the score average but its tied to having to kick field goals . what also happen when you are within field goal range?

    The field shrinks and its easier to cover an only passing team and even easier when the team can’t even name a wr3 and their TE sucks.

  33. ModHairKen Says:

    Q. Coach, it’s week 12. You’re no longer in the run for a playoff. When do you think the players will understand the coaching of the running game?

    A. It’s hard to say. I’m not sure. But I like my players.

    NEXT! Harbaugh. Sanders. Hell, bring back Schiano. (Joking)

  34. Rican Says:

    We lose to the Texans there’s a good chance Bowles is gone at the end of the year. I’d take Ben Johnson from the lions.

  35. aleyz2020 Says:

    If the offensive scheme is so complex, how could they ever expect to plug a new player in and go. These guys are laughing all the way to the bank and taking the Glazers for all they’ve got! Just a different dance to the same old tune.

  36. Lets bring the Hammer! Says:

    It’s time to become pass first team to help the running game. Let baker start the game with a hurry up offense. Keep them on their heels and let them become to worry about the passing game. Then the run will come.

  37. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    How many burner accounts does Baker have, here?

  38. unbelievable Says:

    The time is now folks, it’s halfway through the season.

    But of course Bowles doesn’t have a timetable.

    He also doesn’t know what his teams identity is.

    Or why they’re so sloppy

    Or how to clean up penalties and missed assignments.

    Or why they come out slow.


  39. David Says:

    Texans defense is solid against the run. Start Trask by the second half of Texans game if Baker struggle or Bucs are losing. Trask has to throw more passes and we all know what happens whenever he does, INT’s, INT’s.

  40. David Says:

    Oops, meant to say baker has to throw more not Trask.

  41. D1 Says:

    David ,

    Do you realize mayfield is ranked 6th in the NFL for lowest interception percentage?

    23 NFL QBs are ranked below him. 3 are tied!

  42. Rod Munch Says:

    Joe: “If White couldn’t show he had a pulse against Buffalo, then it’s pretty damn hopeless.”


    Huh? White averaged over 4 yards per carry and had over 100 total yards vs the Bills. What kind of revisionist history is going on here?

  43. orlbucfan Says:

    So Tony Marks, only Bucs fans think the team is loaded with offensive weapons? Then why are you on here? You and NE Fan need specs. This is a Bucs blog even though it’s loaded with a lot of idiot bloviators. The only defeat that stunk was Atlanta. Bills had to cheat to win, and there was a lot of questionable ref crap going down with the Detroit game. Bucs beat Houston then what?

  44. Rod Munch Says:

    D1 Says:
    Do you realize mayfield is ranked 6th in the NFL for lowest interception percentage?


    YES! Finally someone agrees with Bowles. The job of an NFL QB isn’t to score more points than the opponent, but instead their top priority is to protect the ball!

    Thank you! Not enough simpletons understand the nuances of the game like you and Bowles, that it’s not all about wins and loses, it’s about winning the turnover column on the stat sheet!

  45. Jack Clark Says:

    Joe literally posted an article about Rachaad White being “32nd in yards before contact per carry (0.86)”, meaning our running backs can’t even step one yard before getting hit before they can even cross the line of scrimmage, but Joe still thinks Rachaad White is the problem 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Bucs fans are backwards thinking probably because most of them live in the deep south

  46. DJB Says:

    Where is all the talent on offense that commenters refer to? I see three guys with bonafide talent on a “consistent” basis, they are Evans, Godwin, and Wirfs.

  47. power sweep Says:

    D1 Says: “Do you realize mayfield is ranked 6th in the NFL for lowest interception percentage?”

    He’s also 24th in yards-per-pass-attempt a/k/a Check Down Charlie.

  48. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Munchkin doesn’t seem to understand its a team sport. Thought the lesson would have been learned when Tarkenton failed to win a SB against a Steeler team led by turnover Terry Bradshaw. Mayfail is playing within the parameters set by his coaches. No Friday night gameplan changes, limiting TOs and playing within the system translates into the HC having your back.

  49. Tony Marks Says:

    orlbucfan Says:
    November 1st, 2023 at 2:26 pm
    So Tony Marks, only Bucs fans think the team is loaded with offensive weapons? Then why are you on here?


    Oh I see. You can only be a fan of the Bucs if you think the offense is loaded with weapons. Another example of Brady Rental Syndrome.

    “The only defeat that stunk was Atlanta”

    TOTALLY agree which is why all “the season is over” complaining is nonsense. This team is still in it but that a does not mean its loaded with offensive weapons. not now at least

    Go ahead – after Evans and Godwin. name the killer offense weapons at RB , TE WR3 WR 4 etc

  50. Tony Marks Says:

    David Says:
    November 1st, 2023 at 1:37 pm
    Oops, meant to say baker has to throw more not Trask.


    no you got it right. Trask in the preseason we all saw against other teams threw more picks.

  51. power sweep Says:

    Tony Marks Says: “Trask in the preseason we all saw against other teams threw more picks.”

    Trask threw only 1 pick in preseason, out of 69 passes, for a very low INT% of only 1.4%, way lower than Bakey’s career INT% of 2.7%.

    Thanks for playing, though.

  52. HC Grover Says:

    Now is the time Dave.

  53. J Says:

    All we’re hearing is how a LOSER runs a team. Please pack your crap and go!

  54. Tony Marks Says:

    power sweep Says:
    November 1st, 2023 at 4:02 pm

    Trask threw only 1 pick in preseason, out of 69 passes, for a very low INT% of only 1.4%, way lower than Bakey’s career INT% of 2.7%.


    You lose because your other constant complaining is Trask has never played with the starters – your way of admitting we’ve seen him play against third stringers

    and he still threw more picks in preseason against third stringers

    Lets facet the facts. Kyle Trask sucked in his first two years. How do we know?

    Because everyone this preseason was amazed at his improvement. People are not amazed if a good young QB improves . They are amazed when the player sucked.

    TO his credit he finally improved going into year THREE but only traskies think beyond Baker and believe the silliness that Bowls knew trask was better and put in Baker instead.

    He lost the Qb battle – get over it. NO intelligent person believes that conspiracy theory.

  55. David Says:

    How did Trask suck in first two years if wasn’t even a back up or play a regular season game ? Baker is trash. He will get Toilet Bowl fires as he has with the other coaches.

  56. D1 Says:


    I merely pointed out an inaccurate statement made by another poster.
    To assume I agree with Bowles is your own creation! I don’t think being safe with a QB is a good idea. When a QB is focused on not turning it over versus making plays he’s going to hesitate and be indecisive. That’s not what I agree with.

    How you can invent something is humorous. As is your explaining the games nuances to me!

  57. TOMMY MORDUE Says:


  58. D1 Says:

    Power sweep,

    His avg yds per attempt is a different story altogether. But since you brought up another issue, it is clear to anyone who pays attention to the game or just listens to canales that this offense is not going to take more than a couple deep throws per game. That’s canales explanation of how often he wants to go deep.

    So if you believe that any qb in this scheme is going to have more deep throws than short then you are going to be disappointed.

    The number of throws to white is not helping bakers yds per attempt avg. it’s just volume. Those are by design not checkdowns. The scheme is one read then check down as per canales. So what are you thinking is realistic?

  59. D1 Says:

    Power sweep

    How many TDs did trask throw in 69attempts
    Vs bakers 15

  60. DBS Says:

    They are going to keep evading that question. All anyone will say is he did not get the starters, Why did he need the starters to score in the preseason? What he had they say was fantastic for his passing and moving the team down the field. Inside the red zone he couldn’t score. Who was to blame? Of course it must be because he didn’t have the starters. The players he just moved the ball down field with were not good enough. Not his fault.

  61. power sweep Says:

    @Tony Marks

    No, you lose, you’re just too dumb to know it.

    YOU falsely stated that “Trask IN THE PRESEASON we all saw against other teams THREW MORE PICKS.”

    In response, I accurately pointed out 2 facts: “Trask threw only 1 pick in preseason, out of 69 passes, for a low INT% of only 1.4%”, and that his 1.4% INT rate is “way lower than Baker’s career INT% of 2.7%.”

    FACTS. The enemy of all Bakettes. LOL.

  62. power sweep Says:

    DBS Says: “Why did Trask need the starters to score in the preseason?”

    You Bakettes have for weeks now been blaming his utter failure to score points in games on THE PLAYERS AROUND HIM – WEAK OFFENSIVE LINE, NO RUNNING BACKS, DROPPED PASSES, WHAH WHAH WHAH – but the PLAYERS AROUND TRASK IN PRESEASON are NOT a factor? How stupid are you? LMAO!

  63. power sweep Says:

    DBS Says: “Why did Trask need the starters to score in the preseason?”

    You Bakettes have for weeks now been blaming Bakey’s utter failure to score points in games on THE PLAYERS AROUND HIM – WEAK OFFENSIVE LINE, NO RUNNING BACKS, DROPPED PASSES, WHAH WHAH WHAH – but the PLAYERS AROUND TRASK IN PRESEASON are NOT a factor? How stupid are you? LMAO!

  64. DBS Says:

    Son of Trask that’s exactly what aI knew you would come up with. Not his fault. By the way. I am on neither side. And you did not answer the question as expected.

  65. DBS Says:

    I knew.