Todd Bowles Confidence Poll (Week 9)

November 2nd, 2023

Flash poll posted at 12:02 p.m. Poll closed at 2:08 p.m. See last week’s results linked here.

41 Responses to “Todd Bowles Confidence Poll (Week 9)”

  1. Couch Fan Says:

    To anybody voting confident. What is it that you are seeing that makes you confident in this buffoon? Honest question.

  2. Voice of Truth Says:

    80% little to no confidence after 7 games

    Should tell ownership everything they need to know

  3. Mike Johnson Says:

    This ain’t Todds 1st rodeo. I bet he got his bags packed already.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    People somehow think Bucs are gonna win, please every team that plays us now thinks we are a guaranteed W because we have awful coaches and CJ Stroud is probably looking at this defense and how he”s going to torch it. Have we forgotten how Bowles and the Bucs defense makes rookies look?

  5. MegaFailure Says:

    hes finished

  6. FlBoy84 Says:

    Sad part is that these numbers were close to being reversed just a few weeks ago. Funny how many just flow with the tide and their emotions instead of taking notice of the signs and facts staring them in the face. He’ll likely last the year, but not much longer after that.

  7. HC Grover Says:

    Houston we haave a problem. Need HC.

  8. Marine Buc Says:

    At 3-1 I had a little confidence in TB.

    Now with 3 straight losses (all winnable games) I have no confidence in TB.

    If this team fails a 4th straight week in Houston I believe the wheels will begin to fall off the wagon.

    I am getting Rah Morris vibes from the Bucs right now…

  9. D-Rome Says:

    I’d love to hear from the 3 people who are “Totally Confident”.

  10. Couch Fan Says:

    I’d take Rah over Todd any day all day and twice on sundays.

  11. FlBoy84 Says:

    Still waiting to hear from the “Bowles wasn’t able to hire his own staff” apologists as the reason he underperformed with a TB12 led team last season. Curious what their newest excuse will be.

  12. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Little confidence.

    But it’s a race between 3 failed head coaches with Bowles, Dennis Allen and Arthur Smith.

  13. zzbuc Says:

    Bi polar fan base!!!
    Changing opinion as underwear…..

  14. 808bucfan Says:

    No confidence in any of the coaches. Seems like none of them can operate
    Without Bruce Arians.

  15. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    Jon Gruden is available!
    He could be had on the cheap also, which should make him attractive to Team G.

  16. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    ^ That idea is so smart that I should be a corporate head-hunter

  17. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    I gotta ask people that voted any level of confidence…what have you seen in all his years coaching that gives you confidence as a HEAD COACH????


    Help me understand. His career coaching record is horrific.

  18. Jack Sparrow Says:

    NO CONFIDENCE! What we see on the filed is the reason i voted NC. For those who voted Confident, please share your thoughts. Give us some alternate reality that this guy deserves to be the HC.

  19. Nicholas Carlson Says:


  20. bucnjim Says:

    Confident until the Falcons game now little confidence. Win the games you’re supposed to win. Otherwise what good are you?

  21. NE Fan Says:

    WOW, how the tables have turned from 2 weeks ago.

  22. Nick2 Says:

    Perfect example is Sneak Vaughn whining and getting promoted over Sean Tucker when he hasn’t been able to move the ball in 2 years. Bowles can’t make the difficult depth chart decisions until the season has been imploded. Another example is not taking goedeke out last year at guard. You have to react when players aren’t performing.

  23. DBS Says:

    I can guarantee I know who 1 of those 3 is.

  24. Jeff Says:

    He’s a trash Head Coach and Coordinator that cost the Bucs a Super Bowl in Brady’s second season. Yucs must cut bait after his soon to be 5 win season.

  25. Jeff Says:

    Houston 20 Yucs 9 – Mark the tape.

  26. DBS Says:

    No confidence at all.

  27. NE Fan Says:

    My guess is zzbuc, DR and Oneilsuckyall are the 3 fans in total denial. Todd Bowles STINKS!!!

  28. Fred McNeil Says:

    I didn’t get to vote. I probably would still vote “confident.” Let’s just say it’s not a very solid “confident” but stronger than “little confidence”.
    Ask me Monday Morning. Actually, you will already know my answer by 4:00 Sunday. I think we are the early game. Your wordy-dird detector will probably tear itself outa the hard drive and run away screaming with it’s little hands over its ears if we lose. Aaaahhhh!!!

  29. Fred McNeil Says:

    Jack Sparrow: I still hold out some hope tor the Bucs this year. Maybe with his own hand-chosen coaches and with less turmoil he could shine…especially with Baker Mayfield. As painful as it was to lose to the Falcons and Bills, the games themselves exciting at the end . One more touchdown per game and we start winning a few. I hope they don’t test my patience too much. If we aren’t 5-5 after the 49ers game we are pretty much talking draft for the rest of the year. That means we must win 2 of the next three. Houston and Tennessee are a much better bet than SF.

  30. Fred McNeil Says:

    NEfan, if Bowles can win the next two he will have redeemed himself nicely. If not I’ll be watching Patsy’s games too. Oh, nevermind. They stink without Brady too.

  31. FlBoy84 Says:

    And the first “Bowles wasn’t able to hire his own staff” apologist arrives… commend the optimism at least lol

  32. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    He hasn’t lost the locker room. Yep he makes some head scratch decisions, but when you lose the room you’re done

  33. NE Fan Says:

    Fred@ the ultimate optimist. I applaud you loyalty but Bowles is not and never was a good HC. Sure he had a nice run in the last 3 playoff games in 2020 but let’s be fair when your O is averaging 31pts per game you have free reign to take your shots.

    Yes the Pat’s stink mainly due to the defensive first coach and Mac Jones is Baker without the experience. I will guarantee this, if Belichick were coaching the Bucs you would be 4-2.

  34. NE Fan Says:

    Sorry 5-2

  35. Timothy Raymer Says:

    @Vlad. Niiiiice! 😁😁😁

  36. Goobanoid Says:

    How about a coach with some personality on the sidelines? Some intensity maybe? Would be a nice change.

  37. Tye Says:

    Not a speck or flake of Confidence!
    The curse of Bowels is REAL!

  38. Rod Munch Says:

    I remember only a few weeks ago when it was like 80% saying confident – and I said wait until after the Buffalo game.

    Now it’s 80% NOT confident.


    Now lets see where we are next week. Going to Houston, a city where Tampa has never won a game, in a must win game, with Todd Bowles as the head coach.

  39. Bucswin Says:

    He seems to coach out of fear of losing instead of desire to win. GO BUCS

  40. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Run a poll about Mayfield!

  41. JK Says:

    Looking forward to TB, predicated to be horrible this season, improving to .500 at the
    halfway point…………and their “fans” hating them for it 🙄