The Bucs Are A Bad Team

November 19th, 2023

Has power to change.

Joe knows this will shock Bucs fans, but Bill Parcells nailed it.

“You are what your record says you are.”

No truer words were ever spoken.

Whenever the Bucs play a good team, they get worked: Philadelphia, San Francisco, Detroit. That’s the hallmark of a bad team.

Just like last year in Northern California, today the Bucs got curb-stomped physically.

Down went Jamel Dean (yeah, Joe knows it was a non-contact injury but how much was Dean’s ankle/food weakened by getting beat up on?).

Down goes Lavonte David.

Down goes Carlton Davis.

Down goes Tristan Wirfs.

Down go the Bucs.

Oh, the Bucs battled back to make it interesting. They did it by throwing — imagine that?

This team really has no business in the playoffs. They are still very much in the playoff hunt, even at 4-6, but the only positive for the Bucs having a home playoff game via winning a terrible division would be financial.

On both sides of the ball, there are many glaring, baffling questions that don’t add up.

After tonight’s game, the two key questions are will Bucs offensive coordinator, after seeing his offense move the ball well against one of the better defenses in the NFL, realize he can win games throwing but lose games running?

The other question that needs to be answered is why hot players like YaYa Diaby leave the field when they are neither hurt or nor worn out.

Last week defensive back Dee Delaney told Joe he thought Bucs coach Todd Bowles had a good gameplan for the 49ers. Joe would hate to have seen a bad gameplan?

Bowles got a little miffed at Joe when Joe asked him about the Bucs offense fighting back today. Bowles didn’t want to hear any of that and he sort of growled there are no moral victories.

OK then, how about keeping your most productive players on the field and allowing your offense to use a style that scores points against good teams?

Do the Bucs have a bad team? Yeah, sure, when they try to run the ball with the worst running attack in the game and keep unproductive players on the field.

Are the Bucs an OK team if they throw the ball and play productive players? They seem to be.

Until things change, the Bucs are a bad team. Does Bowles and his staff wnat the team to improve? They have it in their power.

58 Responses to “The Bucs Are A Bad Team”

  1. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    …whatever man…

  2. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Bucs= Chargers

    Solid QB play and WR weapons
    Putrid defense
    Bad head coach

  3. Rod Munch Says:

    Joe, just so I don’t bash Bowles unnecessarily – when he said ‘moral victory’, he was responding to your question? He didn’t say that on his own? Because losing by 13 points, if Bowles brought up ‘moral victory’ on his own, he should literally be fired on the spot for that.

    If he was responding to a question, then that changes the context quite a bit, and I withdraw my demand to have him fired for that comment. Although I’d still have him fired, to be sure, just for a different reason.

  4. Leighroy Says:

    Joe with all due respect it sounds like you threw Bowles a soft ball and he could only foul it off. Throw him the heater from now on please, this fan base has had enough.

    Today went as expected, and that is the problem. Bowles is known for pass rush but he has none. Ordinary QBs look great against this secondary. The offence… *sigh.

  5. Rod Munch Says:

    Tbbucs3 Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 8:33 pm
    Bucs= Chargers



    OMG, you’ve really lost it now.

    You’re saying Baker Mayfield and Justin Herbert are the same guy?!?!


    You know what they say, crack is wack. Put down the pipe, kiddo.

  6. Dom>Licht Says:

    All brought to you by Jason Licht!

  7. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Can’t believe you just claimed Mayfield is on the same level as Justin Herbert. Sometimes Herbert reminds me of Favre, the way he squeezes frozen ropes into impossibly tiny windows. Mayfield does nothing of the sort.

    I actually feel bad for Herbert. He’s been stuck with a sub-par defensive HC. I’d take him 100/100 times over Baker.

  8. adam from ny Says:

    can we build a pocket around baker so he can throw the dam thing

  9. thatmiracle Says:

    Seeing Mike Evans climb the ranks of Receiving leaders in yards and touchdowns is the most exciting part of this season.
    He will likely be top 15 (maybe pass Davante Adams) in touchdowns and likely 34-36 in yards after this season which edges him closer to Deandre Hopkins and Julio Jones.
    Looking at the history, he’s arguably the most productive (yards + tds) since he’s been in the league.

    Bucs season isn’t exciting. We get in the playoffs? We get thumped again. I’d rather not watch another Dallas like beating again to be honest.

  10. adam from ny Says:

    i will trade clunker mayfield and my ex-girlfried for justin herbert in half a heartbeat…

    i might even toss in an authentic mitchell & ness old creamsicle sapp jersey……………….and a case of pacificos

  11. garbs65 Says:

    I’ve tried to be supportive of Bowles this season. However, it’s getting hard when you see the decisions made and some of the comments. if Yaya is proving to be more productive than other players, why not keep him on the field more? how many defensive snaps did Bosa miss today? maybe other teams do the same thing and pull their best players out routinely. I also don’t understand why other teams can scheme their best offensive players open yet the Bucks cannot. Seems like every throw Baker makes is contested. I don’t know if that falls solely on the receiver or on our offensive coordinator. Probably both. I just now I’m tired of hearing Todd Bowles make the same comments every week.

  12. orlbucfan Says:

    Oh, now I’m reading the Bucs are a bad team. Where did that “pearl of wisdom” come from, joes? How drunk are you guys right now? You sure weren’t around when they set records for being a FOR-REAL bad team. Give me a friggin’ break!!

  13. Rod Munch Says:



  14. Iamabuc Says:

    It’s over folks. With Bowles doing the opposite of what he is supposed to do; that tells it all. The Bucs got to be tanking…there’s no other explanation, period.

  15. orlbucfan Says:

    garbs65 Says:
    It’s Bucs, not Bucks. This is the NFL not the NBA, nitwit.

  16. David Says:

    Baker fans,
    Please just go some where and hide today.
    Baker 0-6 against 49’ers. He can’t beat good teams. 7th round qb blew him out today . Baker is very lucky today he end up with only one interception. He threw in double coverages and hitting defenders in their chests and helmets.
    Bucs are done. Toilet Bowl is done. Baker is done with his last chance as a NFL starter.

  17. EEK Says:

    Was there a realistic expectation for a different outcome

    This game was lost before the season even started

    Get to 8 wins and this team may snag a division title again

    It’s a transition year sadly

    Too bad Baker is getting set up to fail. That dude plays hard.

  18. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    The Bucs secondary are frauds I tell you. The lot of them. Poor mayfield had tight tight itsy Bitsy windows to throw into all game long. While the niners had 20 yard openings time and again. Something is seriously wrong with this secondary on the Bucs that transcends the players.,.

  19. Itzok Says:

    Just lose already, put us all out of our misery. The team is bad we all knew it after last season. He’ll Bruce Arians knew it before last season. Tom Brady confirmed it after the season.

    We can root for our team but be realistic it’s going no where

    Coach is bad, defense backs are not good which is double kick in the balls since the corners got paid

    Now we won’t have a high enough draft pick for a qb. If you resign baker you cannot pay him more than 25M per year. Pay Winfield and wirfs

  20. David Says:

    Fire the GM, Toilet Bowl, bench trash Baker.
    Baker’s trash plays has already kept Bucs from high draft picks. Trask will be the most reasonable option if they start him now and plays efficient. Therefore start Trask with 7 winnable games so Bucs will know what they have in him.

  21. BradyGronk Fan Says:


    You know that Bowles is going to do what he’s going to do. That is playing not to lose. He coaches to try and keep the game a low scoring affair. He loses against good teams. Win most games against bad teams. Trying to win the division with a .500 record. Bucs are predictable.

    I find following a player move up the ranks of all time career lists quite interesting. Brady took a long time to pass Manning and then it was back and forth with Brees for awhile. Gronk was frustrating as he had about 4 major injuries that took out large part of his seasons.

    Evans is getting there, but he is in a race with Hopkins, D Adams, Keenan, and Diggs. Hopkins is in the lead but Adams and Evans are catching up, who in turn are being caught by Diggs and Keenan Allen. It will be interesting to see who is considered the best receiver when they retire.

  22. David Says:

    LOL, these Bakers fans don’t give up. Bucs are 4-6. Season is over. Baker’s NFL career is over. XFL is waiting for him if he is lucky. He can’t beat good teams. Accept it.
    Lost to : Lions, Eagles, 49’ers, Texans.

  23. Irish Laughter Says:

    Somehow when I watch the Bucs today, I really think they are going to do it. They are not a bad team in the way the New England Patriots are. We have good players and yes, a good quarterback. If Baker was on the 49ers coached by Shanahan, he would be elite. Instead he has suffered under poor leadership and coaching for many years. I am sure they will win the division with a 10-7 record. Keeping it real in Ireland.

  24. Tony Marks Says:

    David Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 8:48 pm
    Baker fans,
    Please just go some where and hide today.
    Baker 0-6 against 49’ers


    David go put a bucket on your head to save you mom the embarrassment of anyone connection you to her. Baker has never played the 49ers 6 times.

  25. RGA Says:

    The Bucs do not have solid QB play, Baker constantly misses downfield throws. At his best he’s a middle of the road QB, the Bucs will go nowhere with Baker at the helm. Gotta keep trying to find a franchise QB if we want to play with the big boys.

  26. Cobraboy Says:

    How many teams with terrible coaching are any good?


  27. Red86 Says:

    Yes. Baker had 80 yards and 1 TD @ the start of the third quarter.

  28. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Are we really that shocked by this loss…and furthermore this season? Bowles is bad…and not in a “street” way. The O-Line is Olè for the most part. The main running back is a finesse 3rd down back or as Joe sez a misplaced slot receiver. Licht’s drafting of D-Lineman in the first and early second round are better boy band candidates than NFL caliber. This list is long…hopefully the patience of The Bros. Glazer isn’t much longer.

  29. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Mush, glad your finally admitting “QB wins” is an irrelevant stat

    Maybe if Herbert had more help from his defense than the wins would come? Kinda like Mayfield?

    Really shows your lack of knowledge that you seem to be hung up on the solid play of Mayfield while you barley say a word about the putrid Bucs defense.

  30. Larrd Says:

    These Baker haters really like polishing their bobs after every game. Every week. It’s sick. Try porno.

    Baker could have had three TDs, 300 yards, and a miracle comeback against the best team in the league if Otton and Devin T hold on to the ball in the end zone.

    The Bucs seem to be improving, imo. How many rookies were contributing today? Izien, Mayweather, Hayes, Dennis, Diaby and Kancey were on the field in crunch time. More than half the defense. Palmer, Durham, Jarrett and Mauch on offense. They made mistakes but competed on the road.

  31. BradyGronk Fan Says:

    Irish laughter, yeah the Bucs aren’t all that far away from the 2020 and 2021 team that they are good enough to be 10-7 with GOOD COACHING. They don’t have that. So just like the 2022 team, the best Bucs fans could hope for is a 8-9 record, win the division, and then a playoff boot.

  32. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Baker and Herbert are both 4-6

    They both have QB ratings over 90 which only 15 QBs currently hold

    Whats the common dominator? Putrid defense.

    Sorry facts over feelings, Munch.

  33. Bucs13 Says:

    Someone compared Mayfield to Justin Herbert?! That’s insane. Give me Herbert every time!

  34. firethecannons Says:

    YaYa just needs snaps, he has so much potential, he is so built–damn this young kid is a big guy, he looks like if he tried he could get bigger too (not needed). hope next year we cut theuseless baggage (JTS Logan Hall) meanwhile old man Gholston makes plays with old man Lavonte David sad but true!

  35. Richard Nguyen Says:

    The Bucs are the 22nd in yards and points on offense. Literally bottom third of the league. Baker Mayfield is mid at best. Facts over feelings, Tbbucs3.

  36. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “The Bucs are the 22nd in yards and points on offense”

    Ever care to think thats because of the 31st ranked run game?…..No!

    Baker is literally top 15 in nearly every passing category but blameMayfield no need to worry about the defense that gives up perfect passer ratings.

  37. AMI_Chris Says:

    In the days before social media and web sites like this, we just said “we stink.” There was no overanalyzing personnel or coaching. It was all about what we saw with our own eyes. We didn’t listen to press conferences or player interviews. Most fans have been watching football longer than these players have been alive. I know I have.

    The Bucs stink.

  38. Richard Says:

    Tbbucs3, Baker has exceeded my expectations of him, my expectations were not high. With that said, Mayfield is not and won’t be confused with an upper achelon QB in this league. He’s holding down the fort and not embarrassing himself until the Bucs find something better. Bucs will never be competitive with Mayfield and must do better.

  39. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Richard, you lost me at “until the Bucs find something better” as if its that easy to find a top 5 quarterback…..while the Bucs should still draft a QB, you cannot part ways with a guy whos playing good football at the toughest position in sports.

    Football is the ultimate team sport…..If Brock Purdy was on the Bucs do yall really think the Bucs would have a winning record? Heck no.

  40. Bucs13 Says:

    Tbucs3. Brady also had a bad running game, yet you didn’t give him the benefit of the doubt like Baker. Baker has also had way better pass pro than Brady last year. You’re not consistent in your criticism, so you lose credibility with me

  41. David Says:

    Baker’s fans,
    Please stop posting and convincing us the Baker is the man on the bad team. Come back when he beat Colts and Panthers.

  42. Tbbucs3 Says:


    Well prime Brady is literally the greatest football player of all time so theres your answer

  43. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Also, this offensive roster is a lot closer to 2022 than it was in 2020/2021 and how did Brady look last season with no running game, no Jenson and no Gronk? Not so great.

    Baker is moving the football up and down the field which is something Brady did not do at all last year.

  44. MadMax Says:

    F it, keep Bowles the next year and lets get some high draft picks…then the next coach can walk in with some nuts (hopefully) and figure this stupid ish out….keep Baker, no hate here from me.

  45. Bucs13 Says:

    @Tbucsfan3. I refuse to let you gaslight me on the performance on Mayfield this year.

  46. Tbbucs3 Says:


    Why dont you, Bonzai, Muncher and all the other miserable anti Baker trolls google 2023 NFL QB stats and see how Baker is top 15 in nearly every category.

    In the fanasty land that you guys are living in, the defense that has sent 2 QB jerseys to Canton in the span of 3 weeks doesnt appear to be a problem in the slightest.

  47. Rod Munch Says:

    Tbbucs3 – you literally said that Baker is just as good as Herbert. That’s literally one of the stupidest things ever said here, and it also means you’re not just a full on Baker Troll – and suffering from mind rot.

    Go back to 10 hours of Baker Mayfield commercials loop playlist on YouTube, and you let him know that you’ve defended him against all the meanies on the internet, and one day you and him can be together when he dumps that evil temptress girlfriend of his… and, don’t forget your meds. Very important.

  48. Leopold Stotch Says:

    I’m just sick and tired of the same tired bs every week. wE HaVe tO eStAbLiSh tHe RuN. No the f we don’t! Pass the dang ball! We’re built to pass! My goodness. Tired of trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. If Todd is too stubborn to not pass, he needs to go. Baker also nearly threw several interceptions, so he can go too. He’s not able to be successful throwing so much.

  49. Big Wally Says:

    Joe says:

    Oh, the Bucs battled back to make it interesting

    Give me a break!! Dont confuse gaining large chunks of yards while eating up the clock against a prevent defense with battling back. You probably think its a miracle the Bucs always play well in the fourth quarter when they are down two or three scores.

  50. UKBuccaneer Says:

    What I’m learning from JBF is that a lot of fans don’t understand much about football.

    Show me a QB that can win consistently with a sub-par offensive line and no running game, especially when coupled with a porous defense.

    Think Trask is that dude?

  51. BucU Says:

    In the words of Vlad the Impaler…..”WHATEVER MAN”.

  52. August 1976 Buc Says:

    This needs to be posted at least 1000 times……

    Rod Munch Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 8:38 pm
    Tbbucs3 Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 8:33 pm
    Bucs= Chargers



    OMG, you’ve really lost it now.

    You’re saying Baker Mayfield and Justin Herbert are the same guy?!?!


    You know what they say, crack is wack. Put down the pipe, kiddo.

    Is the “Out of sight” place still on St Pete Beach lol, if they are, then crack pipes are there for the taking lol lol lol

  53. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “you literally said that Baker is just as good as Herbert”

    Rod Dunce, If you could read better than a 3rd level I literally did not say that

    Bucs and Chargers are both 4-6.

    Both have top 15 QB play and both are losing due to solid defense.

    You realize there’s 21 other players who play offense and defense right?

  54. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Bad defense*

  55. D-Rok Says:

    They are worse than bad.

    They are Pathetic.

  56. Mike Johnson Says:

    Bucs will get somewhere between the 7th and 10th pick next year.. 2 of the worst teams will not go for a QB, We need to get one along with a good D lineman, An O lineman, and some secondary help. Get on your jobs scouts!

  57. Seattle Buc Says:

    “Bad quarterback make for bad team.” – Confucius

  58. Bbro Says:

    It’s not that they are a bad team they just don’t complete the drives with scores. The defense doesn’t hold the opposing team when needed too. They have a lot of talent.