Remembering The Veterans

November 11th, 2023


Joe understands a whole lot of guys and girls who served our country read this here site daily.

Today, as Joe does every year, Joe salutes you.  Not because you read this site (though Joe certainly appreciates that a great deal) but for what you did for the rest of us. Thank you for your service. And for those who are still on active duty, a warm thank you as well, and Joe wishes you a safe return home someday.

One Joe is a son of a man who served in the Pacific Theater in World War II. Service men and women mean a lot to Joe.

Joe has a tradition each Veterans Day to go to either an American Legion hall or a VFW post, lay cash on the bar, and tell the bartender to buy a round of drinks. Then Joe will quickly walk out the door.

You don’t have to buy a vet any drinks, but Joe is sure if you meet a veteran today, offering a simple thanks would mean a lot.

Never forget.

17 Responses to “Remembering The Veterans”

  1. First Last Says:

    Thanks Joe, I’m reading this overseas at the moment. Even our DFAC knows the Bucs are bad. The paper on Tuesday said “Bowles Blunders” and had a picture of the score as the front page. Man I wish I grabbed it or taken a photo. I still read the site though!

  2. Voice of Truth Says:


  3. Senor Harry in Costa Rica Says:

    Thank you my fellow Bucs fans for your service to our country.

  4. FortMyersDave Says:

    Class act Joe, first class all the way. Props to all who have served our country regardless on genre, whether it be wartime or peacetime, your service is appreciated.

    I think I will pop a beer before my wife wakes up and raise an arm to all vets and especially my Dad, who like Joe’s ,was part of the Greatest Generation and spent a lot of time at Clark in the Philippines and Korea in his army career. The old man talked freely about life at Clark but never Korea, except that it was hell (Chosin Resevoir). Bless him and all vets!

  5. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Oh rah devil dogs

  6. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Ooh damn autocorrect

  7. Seattle Buc Says:

    A family member was born in a communist country and loved the U.S.A. so much he joined the army to fight the communists in Vietnam, at a time when other family members were taking refuge in colleges. After his first tour in Vietnam, he volunteered for a second tour. And then a third tour. I salute him and all who have served!

  8. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Free haircut and free Applebee’s. Still nothing from Mons Venus. oh well.

  9. Mike Johnson Says:

    My nephew is stationed in Japan. First thing he said to me during our call last week was, Uncle Mike, What the hell is going on with our Bucs..What happened to our defense? We look bad. They have an NFL Rec room on Sundays and show most of the games on the NFL ticket. He says there are about 25 of them rooting for the Bucs only to be disappointed every Sunday. I told him, I know the Feeling.

  10. SB~LV Says:


  11. Joe Says:

    that it was hell (Chosin Resevoir).

    Oh, sh!t.

  12. Bucfan37 Says:

    [Every year, same bullsh!t from you. — Joe]

  13. Bosch Says:

    As the son of a man who served in Europe WWII, I share your sentiments, Joe. Eloquently stated

  14. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Thank you to all who have served past, present and future.


  15. Bucfan37 Says:

    No Joe that is the first time I have said anything along those lines. I despise the warmongers and the criminal government of never ending warfare. And so do the overwhelming majority of US citizens by far.. It ain’t even close.

  16. T. McGee Says:

    I salute those that protect our society. But

  17. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Happy Veterans Day! If you’re not thankful for veterans, you’re not thankful for anything.