More Todd Bowles On YaYa Diaby

November 21st, 2023

Insight into playing time.

UPDATED: Joe thinks for the very first time since Todd Bowles took over for former Bucs Super Bowl-winning coach Bucco Bruce Arians, Bowles may be mired in controversy.

A guy who is not just recognized locally, but is being thrown props nationally, rookie outside linebacker YaYa Diaby, got less snaps than he did against a stiff team like Tennessee on Sunday than he did against San Francisco when the Bucs needed him the most.

Instead, Joe Tryon-Shoyinka, who hasn’t had a sack since the loss to Detroit, had a lot more snaps than Diaby. And despite this, Diaby still had two sacks in San Francisco against one of the better, more physical offensive lines in the game. (Yes, Joe knows Diaby was unblocked on his first sack.)

Bucs fans are outraged and the Fourth Estate is smelling blood.

Of course, Bowles was asked about not playing Diaby more after the game in his postgame remarks (Joe was one of two local members of the Fourth Estate to make the trip to Silicon Valley).

So when Bowles appeared for his day-after presser on Monday at One Buc Palace with a larger gathering of the Tampa Bay area pen and mic club, Bowles was again asked about Diaby not getting more snaps.

Simply put, Diaby doesn’t yet have the defense down, Bowles said, which runs counter to what Bowles said on WFLA-TV.

“Week in and week out, he’s been making some splash plays, but understanding the scheme is way more important of what we have to do as well, and he’s coming along with that,” Bowles said. “We’re fine at the pace we have him in, and we have a plan for him.”

“Fine?” Your team is on the edge of being eliminated from the playoffs and you’re fine with a better pass rusher watching the game like some drunk in the upper deck?

If the Bucs lose to the Colts and fall to 4-7, what are the chances the Bucs rally to get a winning record? Does Joe have to remind folks what the history of Team Glazer is with coaching staffs that have two consecutive losing seasons? Out the door you go.

Joe fully understands what Bowles is saying in general, an outside linebacker in his defense has more responsibilities than just rushing the quarterback.

But here is the thing: Why, in certain, obvious pass-rushing situations, is Diaby not on the field? Brock Purdy on Sunday was pulling off a feat of passing that the NoCal locals haven’t seen since the great Joe Montana wore the cherry red and gold. And yet for large chunks of the game Sunday, Diaby sat on the sidelines cleaning his fingernails.

You cannot tell Joe (unless you’ve had two four-packs of Bay Beer from Big Storm Brewing) that Diaby is not a better option to pressure a quarterback.

Please, Joe begs you (and the folks who work at One Buc Palace) to read Warren Sharp’s breakdown of how critical sacks are to getting a defense off the field (you can read here and here) and try to tell Joe that Diaby missing a read to allow a four-yard run is worse than allowing a quarterback to shred your defense time and time again?

As Joe typed earlier, if the Bucs don’t have Diaby on the field more than a warm body like JTS on Sunday in Indianapolis, then that tells Joe the Bucs are not serious about winning. That’s all there is to it.

The NFL is a results-oriented business. Production, production, production.

Get Diaby on the field (more)!

71 Responses to “More Todd Bowles On YaYa Diaby”

  1. #99 the big fella Says:

    Coaching malpractice!

  2. Hodad Says:

    I watched his presser, dude needs to go. You don’t need to know the whole scheme to go rush the passer. Three snaps for Watts? Bowles is just digging himself a deeper hole. Really listening to him today, I’ll just say hoping the team isn’t as tuned out as I was. Bowles inspires mediocrity.

  3. Aaron Says:

    So JTS plays more due to understanding the scheme better?

    I can get on board with that as Option 1, but as the game progresses and you’re down double digits+ and the opposing QB is pitching an almost perfect game. Why not make some adjustments and just go with a more productive player?

  4. unbelievable Says:

    Stubborn and Clueless: The Todd Bowles Method.

    That’s the running title of a new book being written by yours truly.

  5. Rod Munch Says:

    While I think Bowles is a terrible head coach, I will slightly defend him here. YaYa is a rookie, and allegedly the Bucs play a pretty complex scheme, so he’s probably telling the truth in that it’s taking him some time to learn the position.

    With that said, he seems to have it down, and he should be out there playing until he collapses from exhaustion as he looks like a special talent so far.

    Also, what a home run draft from Licht if Kancey and YaYa turn out to be as good as they look so far. Plus Cody does in fact seem to be getting better – and I think after another full offseason he’ll have the strength to be a good starter. Dennis has been injured so much it’s hard to know what you have, but when he was healthy in the preseason he looked good. Then Trey Palmer seems like he might be a legit third WR down the road, if you get that out of a 6th rounder, that’s a heck of a find.

    The next headcoach of the Bucs will have some nice pieces there.

  6. Rich Says:

    It’s so obvious to even a casual fan, not to mention the softball question media ” experts” that Bowles is way out of his league as a head coach! I may add that given the defensive play this year and last, he’s way out of his league as a DC also….it was criminal that the Glazers and BUD Licht let Arians dictate his successor…absolutely the most horrible decision by them…..may I remind you that there are 7 starters from the Super bowl championship team that returned on just the defense. This is total incompetence….

  7. Nprbuc Says:

    We have an incompetent coach when you sit a proven pass rusher when we are getting picked apart because “ Diaby doesn’t yet have the defense down.” Earth to TB- please tell us WHO on your defense has your defense down? Neal? Davis? Dean? JTS? They all got maximum playing time while we were getting crushed by the rookie in Texas. Do you seriously think they had your defense down?If you want someone to learn how to swim, you put them in the water! We have a coach that refuses to recognize talent and then give them an opportunity. I’m sure Watts doesn’t know what he is doing on the field either and therefore rode the pine with hardly a snap after Rodgers sang his praises all week. We need a coach that can see what is in front of his face and isn’t glued to some kind of rotation that he dreamed up at the kitchen table. Time for TB to go.

  8. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Bowle’s defense must be some kind of Rube Goldberg design. Not only is it too complicated, but it’s arranged such that if one piece falters the entire thing caves in. That’s not good design, sorry.

    Also, assuming that he believes what he just said, why are other players still on the field despite repeatedly “busting?”

  9. PSL Bob Says:

    Bowles’ logic just doesn’t make sense. The two in rotation seem to be JTS and Diaby. JTS gets more snaps than Diaby because he knows the system better. Then all thing equal, and considering JTS gets more snaps, JTS should be making more plays than Diaby. But he’s not. So regardless of knowing the system, JTS just isn’t getting the job done. So put the friggin’ rookie in and get him more reps to learn the system. And, while he’s doing that he’ll be excelling at that part of the defense he does have down pat, rushing the passer!

  10. Defense Rules Says:

    Bowles … “We’re fine at the pace we have him (Diaby) in, and we have a plan for him.”

    I’m starting to suspect that the main problem that Bowles faces is that he’s got a plan, and by golly we’re not gonna deviate from it. It’s called ‘Being your own worst enemy Todd’.

  11. Rich Says:

    One more thing….the ” media experts” need to get some balls and ask the tough questions!!!! It’s absurd that this clown of a head coach isn’t being taken apart in his pressers….we deserve the explanations, not ” we just have to execute”BS which was thrown out again this week. There are a number of players on this team who should’ve been benched, even released , weeks ago!!! (Especially on Defense). 45 should have been traded in the off season….he’s not worth a freakin bag of donuts now! Get real management….give this organization some creditabilty and make the right decisions…NOW!!!

  12. Cchead Says:

    Joe, O know the defense, doesn’t mean I should be playing in the NFL. Every time clueless Todd opens his mouth, I shake my head. Glazers need to wake the eff up and launch him after they lose again Sunday.

  13. Proudbucsfan Says:

    On a side note I think the Stealers will consider hiring Byron Leftwich.

  14. Dave Pear Says:

    But the Toddster will keep him on the bench in favor of JTS. Watch.


    Yada, Yada, Yada Darby…….first the Joe(s) declared Clancey the next great thing, now it’s Yada Yada Darby………please….just stop it!

  16. Joe Says:

    Yada, Yada, Yada Darby…….first the Joe(s) declared Clancey the next great thing, now it’s Yada Yada Darby………please….just stop it!

    We’ve finally found a Joe Tryon-Shoyinka fan!

  17. Joe Says:

    Why not make some adjustments and just go with a more productive player?


  18. HC Grover Says:

    YA YA has it down better because Bowles has not ruined him yet. Less Bowzo equals better player.

  19. HC Grover Says:

    YA YA has it down better because Bowles has not ruined him yet. Less Bowzo equals better player. He drops Plan 9 back in some of his failing zone schemes.

  20. Nprbuc Says:

    Tom Ederington. Gotta stick up for the Joes on this one. It’s not that they are anointing anyone as the second coming. They are stating that obvious fact that Ya Ya is totally outplaying JTS yet sits on the bench the majority of the time. Doesn’t take a genius to figure who the hot hand is right now, unless your Bowles, the defensive Guru whose defense is getting lit up on a routine basis. Fire Bowles and this team would come alive.

  21. quarteback whisperer Says:

    at the very least ,maybe it would light a fire under his ass (JTS) to do better when
    he is in?…..

  22. sasquatch Says:

    I’m done with his explanations. Sacks are game-changers. Missing assignments while still learning the defense might be costly, but there’s only one way to learn. I’m glad to hear JTS knows the defense, but what else?

  23. sasquatch Says:

    November 21st, 2023 at 3:07 pm

    Yada, Yada, Yada Darby…….first the Joe(s) declared Clancey the next great thing, now it’s Yada Yada Darby………please….just stop it!

    Can’t spell Diaby. Doesn’t know the other name is Kancey. Not sure your opinion matters.

  24. Defense Rules Says:

    Rod Munch … ‘The next headcoach of the Bucs will have some nice pieces there.’

    Mauch (71), Palmer (51), Merriweather (34), Kancey (32), Diaby (21), Izien (21), Dennis (17), Hayes (15), Jarrett (14), Durham (12), Watts (3). Those are our 11 rookies and the snaps that each of them got against San Fran (excluding S/Ts). Of those, 7 are defense and 4 are offense.

    Wonder if there’s another team in the league that had 11 rookies take the field at various times in any game this year. Wonder if we should give Todd Bowles & his staff credit for DEVELOPING such a large group of rookies to the point where they could actually take the field in a professional football game.

    Nah, let’s not go overboard. The NEXT head coach, whoever that might be, will surely do infinitely better. Maybe we get lucky and Greg Schiano will agree to leave Rutgers & come back for a second go-round. Or maybe Lovie Smith. I bet he’s waiting by the phone for a call as we speak.

  25. SlyPirate Says:


    Bowles told Joe …
    He is not playing a player that produces because he doesn’t know the system.
    He is playing a player that knows the system but doesn’t to produce.


    Let’s create a Florida sports analogy. Orlando drafts Shaq. Shaq doesn’t know Brian Hill’s system but can up 28 points, 18 rebounds, and 2 Blocks a game on sheer talent. Hill sits Shaq for Greg Kite because Kite knows the system. Greg career avg 3 points, 4 rebounds, and 0.3 blocks. Brian Hill would get fired. Hmm?

  26. Pewter Power Says:

    And here I am thinking the most important is getting to the quarterback that is carving up your defense with ease. The scheme is trash is it can’t get the best players on the field. It’s stops like putting offensive lineman on a rotation. Seen a lot of crazy with this current regime.

    He said he was going to do it his way not ba way. Uh you need to call him back and apologize, he hasn’t been around because he’s knows what’s about to happen

  27. Joe Says:

    I’m done with his explanations. Sacks are game-changers.

    THANK YOU!!!

  28. Texasbucsfan Says:

    There is way to much hype over these young players. One, two or three games does not make a player a pro bowl caliber player. Let players prove themselves over a 2 to 3 year span. Enough Hype.

  29. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Maybe NOT understanding the scheme is the key to success……

  30. realistic-optimistic Says:

    JTS has proved himself over a 3 year span. That’s half the point of this article.

  31. SufferingSince76 Says:

    He’s an impact player and deserves an increase in game reps, which in turn will only make him better. Bowles is stunting his growth.

  32. Leighroy Says:

    How did Kancey get dragged into this conversation? Anyone with a clue and access to YouTube can watch film showing him as part of the solution not the problem.

    If anyone else needs to be pulled into the fray of this conversation it’s Shaq. He’s doing his part vs the run, but we aren’t paying him 17mil a year to only have 4 sacks so far.

  33. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Apparently, others on Todd’s defense don’t understand his scheme either.
    What kind of scheme is he trying to run, that takes a PHD in Todd philosophy?

    Wiki: Todd Bowles re-invents the wheel.

  34. BucsFanSince76 Says:

    Throw a bunch of Glazer cash at Jim Harbaugh and guarantee him you will draft JJ McCarthy and then we can close the book on this rather forgettable head coach.

  35. Bucs2023 Says:

    No Diaby for almost 1 1/2 quarters, no Kancey for the entire 1st quarter (correct if I’m wrong) and 3 snaps for a kid who made more plays in 11 snaps the previous week, than #9 has in the last 4 games. There’s something weird going on here, and what makes even weirder…everyone from the top down seems to be ok with it. Smells to me like a tank job. Why win a crappy division and be roadkill in the 1st round, when we can get one of the better QBs coming out for next year’s draft.

  36. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    It will be written. “Todd Bowles schemes himself out of a job”

  37. Jack Clark Says:

    I’m glad Joe is pushing his agenda on Todd Bowles to play YaYa Diaby instead of JTS sorry useless as 😂

  38. Buc4evr Says:

    So YaYa is getting it done but doesn’t know the system, JTS knows the system but is not getting it done. Makes sense. lol. Ok Todd, you are officially a dumbass.

  39. Defense Rules Says:

    Sasquatch … ‘I’m done with his explanations. Sacks are game-changers.’

    Joe … ‘THANK YOU!!!’

    Oh wow Sasquatch, you dribbled right into Joe’s never-ending ‘Sacks will get us to 17-0′ defense. But the shot went over the backboard & into the stands Sunday when we played the 49ers.

    Bucs had 4 sacks plus 5 QB Hits Sunday, a very good day’s work against a quality team that should make Joe proud. And yet their 23-year-old QB completed 21-of-25 passes … an incredible 84% … for a perfect QB rating on the day. Bucs got lots of other pressure, such as an unbelievable 9 TFLs (we lived in their backfield it looks like). Know how many PDs we got? Nada. Zip, zero, zilch. We’re not a complete defense by any means, and that’s our undoing.

    Watching the game Sunday, kept thinking that the Bucs weren’t getting all that much pressure from their interior DLine or from their OLBs. Looked to me like Purdy had plenty of time to set up & pass on almost all of his throws. I suspect it’s because the THREAT of the run kept our interior guys home a bunch trying to protect their gaps & the edges (actually worked pretty well … except when it didn’t & the 49ers made big play gains). SF is significantly more talented AND experienced than we are, and it showed primarily in (1) the explosive plays that their offense came up with; and (2) the big plays that their defense kept making against our out-classed offense.

    But ya, a few more sacks and we could’ve whooped ’em.

  40. Defense Rules Says:

    Oops, back to the dungeon.

  41. WyomingJoe Says:

    A memo to the Jason Licht.

    KEEP MAYFIELD (he’s going to finish in the Top 10 among QBs). And you’re right, he IS a dude! DRAFT A CENTER. DRAFT A RB. TRADE FOR A GUARD. THAT FIXES THE OFFENSE.

    Stability produces wins and championships long term.

    Don’t listen to the Haters and Trolls pretending to be Bucs fans.

  42. Joe Says:

    But ya, a few more sacks and we could’ve whooped ’em.

    Hey, closed mind, go ahead and read up on what the NFL percentages are on drives the last three years ending in a touchdown when there’s a sack. Then read up on percentage of drives that end in a touchdown without a sack.

    Then get back to Joe and try to argue sacks are trivial and overblown.

    Otherwise, you’re just spreading well-versed nonsense.

  43. Conte Piscatelli Says:

    As expected. Bowles values his run defense above all else. Won’t play a pass rusher if he isn’t great against the run. Reminds me of an offensive coordinator that wouldn’t have played Walter Payton unless he was a beast in pass protection. Good coaches ask what a guy can do and have them do that.

  44. Couch Fan Says:

    Stable bad decision makers dont win championships. Unless ReTodd completely changes his coaching philosophy and schemes we are going nowhere. No amount of wishful positivity is going to change a bad coach, bad scheme and barely average QB play. Repeating top 10 Qb wont make it any less fictional.

  45. adam from ny Says:

    a coach can’t be late…and coach is constantly late…which equals being out coached by guys on the other side of the field…

    but most importantly he shouldn’t be out coached by us fans… and the pen and mic club…

    it’s crazy…

    as i’ve said yaya is built from stone and moves men at will…

    meanwhile it seems jts’ main concern is if he’s looking stylish and fashionable…

    he’s not a football player, he’s a style maven…send him to south beach

  46. stpetebucfan Says:

    Whatever happened to “Damn the torpedoes full speed ahead”. I get criticism of players, coaches, management etc…they all deserve some, nobody’s perfect…how about the freaking fans? Have any of us given up before the season even started? Have any given up with seven games remaining…two against Carolina and two against Atlanta and N.O.?

    Bottom line is that there are several groups here. Some with an agenda (Trask, Ego invested in their prior predictions) actually seem to enjoy seeing the Bucs lose games.

    Football…all pro sports are simply entertainment. I realize that for most “entertainment” begins with “winning”! But I’m greedy!!! Winning is not enough! I want to be entertained. Last year’s drama was NOT entertaining for me at all!!! Brady took the joy out of the game with his theatrics and drama.
    Baker has brought it back. NO Baker is not as good as Brady…but an over the hill unhappy Brady is not entertaining. It seemed to rub off on the entire boring team.

    Is Baker Mayfield as good as even the broken down Brady…nah…but he’s far more entertaining!!! Blocking for heavens sake. Stupid or not, at a gladiator entertainment level it’s AWESOME. There is a cast of likeable young guys who are showing their wares quite nicely. There are a LOT of reasons to be entertained by this team. I’m not blind…Canalas and Bowles do not help with their play calling but other than that I AM entertained by heart and effort and GROWTH of this team!

    Are people here truly saying they see NO improvement in this young 11 (rookies) team and no HOPE going forward. Are they not excited by the fire Mayfield has brought to the offensive players?

    7 games left…win 5 of them and the Bucs are in the playoffs. Make the playoffs and a LOT of good things can happen especially with the two kickers on this team.

    Sports Illustrated said the Bucs were ‘overmatched’ this year, predicted the team to win 2 out of 17 games.

    These guys…the maligned QB…coaches and kiddie Korps have already stuck that prediction right up SI’s bunghole!!!

    I HOPE the Bucs win 5 more…reach the playoffs…and stick it up the bungholes of some posters here who can’t even digest the fact the Bucs have already won twice as many games as the “experts” thought they would.


  47. adam from ny Says:

    get diabolical yaya in there

  48. Irishmist Says:

    In this case, not knowing the scheme might be an advantage.

  49. Couch Fan Says:

    We just won the Super Bowl a few years ago. Many players from that team are still here. And you want people to be excited because the QB tries hard and they’ve won more games than the 2 they were predicted to win? LMAO. I just dont understand this type of logic. I dont care what anyone else says, this team is good enough to win more than they lose. They been playing awful. Lost 5 out of the last 6. But you want everyone to be happy they won more than 2? LMAO

  50. Crazyhorse54 Says:

    In an economy of words…Coach Bowles, your stubbornness is costing you a lot, ultimately your job. You’ve dug your own hole.

  51. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘Then get back to Joe and try to argue sacks are trivial and overblown.’

    Wow, apparently rebuttals to make a counter-point aren’t permitted. Didn’t even make it to the dungeon; just went off into cyberspace. Not the first time though.

  52. WyomingJoe Says:

    Stpetebucfan: You, like most of the pathetic fans trolling this site, know little to nothing about Mayfield. So don’t make me laugh.

  53. Defense Rules Says:

    Bucs are middle-of-the-pack with 29 sacks in 10 games right now (tied for #13). That puts us on-track for getting 49-50 sacks this season, most we’ve had since our 2000 team that had 55 sacks. But that team also had a pretty good Secondary to go with the robust DLine (Abraham with 7 INTs, Barber with 2, Robinson with 6, Lynch with 3 … not too shabby).

  54. gotbbucs Says:

    Don’t listen to a single thing Bowles says during the week, it means nothing. He is just like Leftwich in the way that he thinks anyone that questions him in regards to his scheme is a moron and doesn’t know what they’re talking about. He’s the smartest person in anyvroom, you just have to ask him and he’ll tell you.
    He’s either so arrogant that he thinks his scheme can get equal production no matter who is in the game, or he’s so ignorant that he thinks Barrett, JTS, Diaby, and Nelson are all the same player and they all can produce equally.
    There are 1st,2nd, and 3rd round picks all over the field on defense and he can’t figure out how to scheme a defense that can even slow down an above average offense, let alone stop it.
    Get ready to watch the mustache sling the ball all over the field, and watch Taylor and Moss gash us on the ground.

  55. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Tell em joe. It’s ridiculous. Great coaches sheet even the good ones schemes up plays for their best players. Getting tired of the bone headed decisions by Bowles. It’s almost like he got the Winston syndrome. Tons of talent but man the head isn’t there

  56. Alanbucsfan Says:

    If Diaby’s not on the field more than 1/2 the game, then line D White up at DE and leave JTS on the bench- White dropping back in coverage is a waste of his talent- he can’t do it and never will. Or at least blitz White every play.
    Every time White blitzes, good things happen for the D.

  57. Hopein1hand… Says:

    First off- the comments on this piece are superb reading for and old Bucs’ fan. My hat is off to all participants top to bottom but here are a few extra fist-bumps:
    @ Joe: “We finally found a Joe Tryon-Shoinka fan!” made me spray my Big Storm brew all over the wall 😂
    @ stpetebucsfan: You are spitting the science. Bucs’ fans are not gluttons for punishment (though it is a reasonable assumption/logical fallacy.) We crave a level of entertainment few can appreciate as we do and this year’s Bucs deliver that in spades.
    @ Couch Fan: I’m not going to cite which part of your comment made me spray more brew so it doesn’t get taken down but your nommiker for this head coach is funny cuz it’s true.
    @Tampabatbucfan and Irishmist: You made the same very valid point. Also, SB Nation is a wasteland yet Crackerball keeps posting into the abyss like a dog who barks daily for his long-deceased owner to come home.

    Bowles can always say he kept the Chiefs out of the end zone in the Superb Owl but he has a rep as a head coach that I pray he can shake. He and Canales both seem to rest on scheme complexity as an excuse for lack of performance. I guess the Glazers eat that BS up and to an extent I do too. I do not advocate for NFL coaches dumbing down their schemes under any circumstances but one can keep it complex for ten players, let scheme-illiterate talent(“See this shoe? It says Addidas”) type forces of nature contribute, and thus, win and keep everybody’s jobs. David and Winfield can offset Diaby and Watts’ lack of pass and run game savvy if you adjust as great coaches do. Andy Reid has no wide receivers or running backs worth a damn but he keeps winning (Sure Kelce, but still…) The Bowles regime’s season-long adjustments are worse/stubbornly non-existent than its half time adjustments. I’d like to keep Bowles and Mayfield. New faces and minds are overrated and don’t produce. They just engender fresh expectations that will most likely fail as those that preceded them did. NFL fans love a good blood-letting after expectations are dashed but player and scheme/regime development take 5 years. No one in NFL or NCAA football positions of power get that time as it is because at the end of the day it is about keeping the current consumers of your product satiated and drawing in new ones. Mayfield has more than done his part. Bowles and his staff have not. Piss and moan all you want in inter webs comment sections about this roster and coaching staff but whether the Bucs win or lose the rest of this season my bottom lines are #1 I know no better than a career NFL professional and I am being supremely well-entertained by both the Bucs and y’all. Thank you 🙏🏻

  58. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    To be clear on this, JTS understands the scheme better – yet makes zero plays. Ok – just checking.

  59. AtlBuc Says:

    Starting Baker and starting inferior players like JTS and calling stupid defensive plays tells me this team is tanking. Not the team but the coach and admin

  60. Rod Munch Says:

    Defense Rules Says:
    Nah, let’s not go overboard. The NEXT head coach, whoever that might be, will surely do infinitely better. Maybe we get lucky and Greg Schiano will agree to leave Rutgers & come back for a second go-round. Or maybe Lovie Smith. I bet he’s waiting by the phone for a call as we speak.


    So the same guy that promised me that Chris Conte and Ryan Smith were good NFL starters, is telling me the Bucs need to stick with Todd Bowles…

    No thank you.

    Anywho, it doesn’t matter what I think, Todd Bowles has until the end of the season to either prove himself, or get himself fired.

    Based on his career record of being a loser, considering he was handed a SB-caliber team last year and got a losing record out of it, considering he got Tom Brady his first losing season, considering he stinks at his job, I’m going to stick with my preseason 5 or 6 wins for the Bucs.

    But you keep jumping on the loser coach and bad player bandwagon, sooner or later one of them is sure to hit, and then you can claim to be the smartest guy in the room!

  61. Rod Munch Says:

    Alanbucsfan Says:
    November 21st, 2023 at 8:21 pm
    If Diaby’s not on the field more than 1/2 the game, then line D White up at DE and leave JTS on the bench- White dropping back in coverage is a waste of his talent- he can’t do it and never will. Or at least blitz White every play.
    Every time White blitzes, good things happen for the D.


    I’m totally with you on White needing to be blitzing on literally every play – but I’m not with you on doing it from the edge. What makes him so good – is he’s so quick and fast, and still has enough size, to get pressure from the interior – and then explode if there is any opening at all.

    But in coverage, he’s just not good, has never been good, and is never going to be good.

    However, simple solution – don’t use him in coverage.

    It would be like having Mike Alstott at FB, and saying he’s top a top flight blocker, but we’re just going to continue to use him purely as a FB even though he’s a remarkable power running back. Oh right, the Bucs did do that under that idiot Gruden, who rode Dungy/Kiffins defense to a SB ring. Gruden had ONE game where he was forced to play Alstott at RB due to injuries, and he has like 140 yards vs the Browns, is a total showcase game, then the next week, that moron puts him back at FB and we get to watch Michael Pittman run into the back of his offensive lineman on every play.

  62. Miller5252 Says:

    Things like this is the reason Bowles will be gone. He’s trying to say that JTS knows the D, but no sacks or splash plays are better for the secondary that’s getting torched than a guy causing havoc in the backfield?!?! What a joke. With JTS not being able to do anything Shaq gets the full attention. No wonder Vea is leading the team in sacks. The D ends are just supposed to half a$$ rush while the secondary plays the Mike Smith scheme.

  63. stpetebucfan Says:


    ??? Not sure what part of my post upset you. I said Baker was very entertaining and played with the heart of a gladiator. If I recall your posts mostly support Mayfield, as do mine. Not sure but perhaps since I wrote too long you misread or maybe I’m mistaken and your are a Trasker who loathes Mayfield.

  64. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    The complex Bowles system… make sure you let all receivers run wide ass open, don’t rush the QB , don’t tackle and let the opponent score in 3 plays starting from their own one yard line. I guess YAYa doesn’t have that scheme down yet. Give him a few games and he’ll have Bowles’ system down just like JTS, Davis, Dean, D. White and Kancey. SMH!

  65. OlBoy Says:

    A Todd Bowels defense made a second year QB look better than the great Joe Montana on Sunday. Two Su days prior the Todd Bowles defense sent a rookie QB jersey to the hall of fame. You want to know who doesn’t throw for almost 500 yards in an NFL game? CJ Stroud. Unless it’s a todd bowels defense.
    Not to sure him praising anyone is a good sign.

  66. garro Says:

    Done with anything you post relating to words from Bowles Joe.
    At least until he stops insulting Bucs fans with his idiotic lies about things Like rotation and keeping guys fresh.

    Go Bucs!

  67. Bucsman90 Says:

    Scheme? cmon. get to the QB and impact the play

  68. 1sparkybuc Says:

    Sacks are great if they stall a drive, but that never happens with the Bucs. Opponents simply convert on the very next play, and that is nothing new. It’s been going on ever since the four game losing streak that closed out Gruden’s career as our HC. Mayfield sucks in the deep game, and Bowles sucks as a HC/DC. We lose to every good team and make up for it by losing to bad teams. I don’t approve of tanking for draft position and this team appears to be doing exactly that. I’m not paying to watch this train wreck this season, and that’s a first. Licht gets the talent, and the coaches don’t know what to do with it. I’m old and frustrated, and finding better things to do with my Sunday afternoons. Hopefully Licht has better luck with the next coaching staff.

  69. Why Not Says:

    I don’t get Bowles’ explanation for not giving Diaby more playing time. It is clear that despite whatever his shortcomings are, he is a more impactful player. Just start the dude and let him play through his mistakes. What’s the worst thing that happens, he produces like JTS? I would rather let that dog hunt!

    So I read an interesting article about the differences in SpaceX and NASA, and a key distinction between the two organizations really does explain Bowles’ treatment of Diaby. SpaceX is willing to tolerate “strategic failure,” in the pursuit of progress. You learn as you go. The benefit of this approach has been nothing short of spectacular. NASA, on the other hand, wants to reduce risk to as close to zero as possible. I get it, they answer to a different master than SpaceX. The NFL is not rocket science however, so there is less risk by taking risks. Diary has shown enough upside that starting him is worth flirting with failure.

  70. stpetebucfan Says:


    While I understand your feelings and observations as an old dude who grew up with the NASA you describe I see very little difference other than the obvious manifest changes in technology.

    NASA blew up plenty of rockets in tests just like Spaceex. They did their best to prevent loss of life but still lost astronauts in at least two different programs.

    The major difference if any is that SpaceEx hasn’t flown nearly the number of MANNED missions as NASA. I agree with you that space flight involves risk, hence both NASA and SpaceX have blown up rockets in test flights. If Spaceex struggles when humans are launched and people die there will be a different reaction.

  71. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    Everybody should calm down and relax. Can’t you see that we have 2 genius coordinators with schemes so intricate, complicated and downright AWESOME that these dumb players just need more time, like maybe 3 or 4 seasons to understand them? Just wait until the 2027 season. Then we’ll all see how great our HC and OC are. Hell, even our running game will be awesome by then too after running up the gut 700 more times for no gain! Patience, ppl!!!

    Sorry but I have to be sarcastic any time Bowles or Canales use this excuse for not playing certain players or not making adjustments to their wonderful “schemes”.

    Is Diaby a moron or did he walk around all through OTAs, training camp and the last 2 months of practices with noise canceling headphones on jamming out to rap music instead of learning the D? More likely at this point he hasn’t been “coached up”. Or JTS has some compromising photos of Bowles and Licht. Maybe both.

    What prevents Shaq or LVD from giving him his assignment in the huddle after the play is called in just to make sure the “dummy” gets it right? It’s another lame and lazy excuse.

    More concerning to me than our pressure and QB sacks is the total ineptitude of the secondary. The number of blown coverages against the 49ers was embarrassing, especially Kittle wide-azz open in the end zone. I guess our secondary is also “still learning”?

    I can’t wait for 2027 to get here and see how dominant we’ve become!