Joking Todd Bowles

November 10th, 2023

Todd Bowles

Todd Bowles’ head coaching career in on the line, but he seems to be loose and in a great mood.

Yes, Joe realizes Bowels earns and has banked many millions of dollars. Joe would in a great mood, too, if Joe’s bank account looked like Bowles’. Still, being so jovial in the midst of a four-game losing streak isn’t typical of most NFL head coaches.

Bowles spoke to local media today at One Buc Palace and was reminded that cornerbac Carlton Davis is bouncing back after a very rough game on Sunday. Bowles was asked how he learned to handle that during his career as a defensive back.

“You’re assuming I had bad games,” Bowles said laughing, noting that many good players don’t have ugly games. “You’re assuming!”

Lots of smiles and positive vibes at One Buc Palace (sans Devin White). It’s making Joe a little uneasy, but an angry head coach doesn’t means wins on Sunday. So Joe is staying calm.

Is Joe “assuming” Bowles’ coaching future is on the line? Yes, Joe sure is.

Joe also is sure Bowles had a bad outing or two during his 127-game playing career for the Redskins and 49ers.

48 Responses to “Joking Todd Bowles”

  1. Drunkinybor Says:

    I’m really starting to dislike him. I’m sorry it’s just happening organically over time. The losses are huge 4 in a row and it’s yuck it up time. Maybe he never panics cuz he’s set. He didn’t earn this job Arians have it to him.

  2. TonySoprano Says:

    I suppose it’s nice Toad has a semblance of a personality off the field. I don’t mind that he’s stoic on the sidelines during games, but what bothers me is that I literally never even see him open his mouth on game days.

    Again, he doesn’t have to be Pete Carrol on the sideline, but how can you effectively coach/strategize/lead a team on Sunday when you literally don’t talk to anyone all game?

  3. ModHairKen Says:

    They say a freezing body feels warmth right before death.

  4. Ricki Says:

    He is not fired yet?

  5. CAbucsfan Says:

    Joe you ok?
    Late night?
    You might want an assistant to to pre-check before you post an article Joe first two sentence are off.
    I am just busting balls Joe

    My favorite place for Bucs news keep up the great work

  6. SufferingSince76 Says:

    He still seems to me like a guy who knows he’s going to be around next season.

  7. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Stuck putting up with his sorry self till end of season.

    If I we Licht, I would seek approval to fire him.

  8. Erik The Viking Says:

    I think Todd Bowles has done a fine job as HC.

    Sans all the losing and humiliation.

    Other than that he’s a joy to behold.

    Any thought to the contrary is just asininr.

    Right Joe?

  9. Voice of Truth Says:

    He is Laughing all the way to the bank while we suffer through the misery of his ineptitude

    Think about how much Lovie made AFTER he completely submarined our franchise? He got HC jobs in college and the NFL!!!

    It boggles the mind how people so inept can end up in the rose garden

  10. billyboy Says:

    ITS EZ to be relaxed when youve already made millions!

  11. Dwayne Cone Says:

    Next Coach fired odds.

    Matt Eberflus Bears +275 26.7%
    Todd Bowles Buccaneers +400 20.0%
    Bill Belichick Patriots +450 18.2%

    Looks like someone jumped ahead of Bowles in the last few days.
    No way Kraft fires Bill before the end of the Season.

    If it was the Raiders or Panthers maybe but not Kraft. Just don’t see it happening before the end of the season. Doubt Bowles gets it first either.

    Stuck with Todd for the remainder and maybe until the end of 2024 season too. Only heat he is feeling is from one of those fake fireplaces. 1500W at best.

  12. orlbucfan Says:

    Why is his career on the line? Cos he’s had one year as an actual HC? His young OC is beginning to connect and know his players. The refs ripped us off, but the offense took off. If the team will outplay the refs this weekend, it will be a great game. I have family from W TN coming in for a visit for a long weekend. They are not NFL fans. I hope it brings Bucs good luck.

  13. Rod Munch Says:

    Bowles sucks as a headcoach, but what nonsense to think he needs to go around 24/7 like he’s got a stick stuck up his rear.

    Also if I knew I had a guaranteed deal paying millions of dollars and I’m set for life, and my kids are set for life, and people are saying I’m about to get fired, which means not having to work while still getting that money, I’d be pretty happy too. In fact I’d change nothing, I’d keep everything the same, since the faster I’m fired, the faster I’m not having to wake up early every morning and sit in traffic on the way home.

  14. Rod Munch Says:

    Dwayne Cone – I’m pretty sure a team like the Bucs would give the Pats a draft pick for Bill. I don’t see any way they fire him unless they’re really dumb and extremely inpatient and won’t wait until the offseason. That would make no sense for a guy as legendary as he is.

    Just think, next year we get Bill, and talk Brady into unretiring, it’s gonna be yuge! Back in prime time, people talking about the Bucs again like it’s 2021.

  15. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Jokes are exactly what I expect from this clown show.

  16. Curse of Gruden Says:

    But, I remain a strong supporter of TEAMPOSITIVE!

  17. rfdes Says:

    Yep – That’s the attitude I look for in a head coach, i.e. … I don’t give a damn anymore…

  18. Rod Munch Says:



  19. adam from ny Says:

    the people saying the hoody gets fired are ridiculous…

    the hoody is part of a legacy over there in new england…

    if anything he steps away after the season, as a so called retirement…

    there will be no firing of bill belichik – what are you people thinking – he is the gm over there – and head coach over there, for like almost 25 years…and with more than a handful of superbowls

  20. Mike Johnson Says:

    Rod Munch..Man you are the ultimate optimist. But I’m not feeling it. Bowles is done. You can stick a fork in’em. And if he loses the next 2? He is fired before seasons end.

  21. Hodad Says:

    Of course he’s in a good mood, he’s going on a three year paid vacation after this season. I wish I was so bad at what I did that people paid me just to go away. The good news is the Glazers can afford it.

  22. NYbucsfan Says:

    I’ll be smiling when they finally give him his walk and papers.

  23. adam from ny Says:

    why didn’t they sign him for 2-3 years…he woulda taken it…

    it’s not like he was ever a proven mcdooven

  24. Everything is just horrble! Says:

    Obviously, he knows the Glazers have his back. Is all good in the neighborhood.

  25. Bosch Says:

    Perhaps Bowles is breathing a sigh of relief as he has accepted is inevitable fate. He is ready to just give up and go through the motions and retire at the end of the season. In the whole scheme of things, he had a good career and a good life. He is now feeling the peace of knowing he has much to be thankful for.

  26. Hail2dabucs Says:

    I’m going to quote a line from cool hand Luke.
    Dead man walking here !

  27. Kidfloflo Says:

    Adam, your right! He would have signed a 2-3 year prove it deal, but hey it’s not our money right

  28. Mike S Says:

    It’s easy to be optimistic with a guaranteed contract

  29. BrianBucs Says:

    Bowles is jolly because he just saw the Bucs remaining schedule for this season

  30. David Says:

    Toilet Bowl seems to be loose cause he knew he just renting the HC position. He didn’t own it. A journeyman Head Coach with a Journeyman quarter back = 4 losses in a row. This is organization is a joke. The only right thing they did bringing Goat to win a SB but they went back to their old days of being suck post Brady.

  31. Tom Says:


  32. Old School Bucs Says:

    Better get your Oline squared away!!!!!

    Your defense is certainly nothing to brag about. Titans are a serious team, unlike the clown show going on here in Tampa.

  33. Buc4evr Says:

    Todd would be happy to retire with his millions and have the Glazers pay out the remainder of his contract. Sad, but the guy has no pride and it shows. Why they promoted this proven loser is beyond me. I’d take Gruden back a minute, even though he would eventually burn down the house. lol.

  34. Dlavid Says:

    Wake me when this season ends…….zzzzzzzzzzzz !

  35. Dom>Licht Says:

    Bowles looked like a GENIUS the Super Bowl year when He actually had talent in the D LINE…. Players win games … LICHTS poor drafting of front 7 players is the issue NO PASS rush!

  36. David Says:

    Fire GM, Toilet Bowl & Bench Baker after 49’ers game so fans can have something to cheer for.

  37. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    November 10th, 2023 at 4:07 pm
    Bowles sucks as a headcoach, but what nonsense to think he needs to go around 24/7 like he’s got a stick stuck up his rear.

    Also if I knew I had a guaranteed deal paying millions of dollars and I’m set for life, and my kids are set for life, and people are saying I’m about to get fired, which means not having to work while still getting that money, I’d be pretty happy too. In fact I’d change nothing, I’d keep everything the same, since the faster I’m fired, the faster I’m not having to wake up early every morning and sit in traffic on the way home.
    This explains a lot about you, and your loser mentality.

  38. Bucs since 76 Says:

    The Glazers like winning and money not necessarily in that order. The stadium will be half empty Sunday.The Glazers know that if Bowles doesn’t turn the season around starting this weekend, the only way they will get the fan base to buy season tickets next year is to fire Bowles and bring in a named coach. Harbaugh would be the clear choice.

  39. Rod Munch Says:

    Joe in Michigan – yeah, being a millionaire many times over while never needing to work again and taking care of your entire family … what a loser.


    Now back to your 2nd shift mopping the floors at the adult theater.

  40. billyboy@ Says:

    when does next season start?

  41. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Rod Munch: You outed yourself as a fraud. You said it’s okay to be a worthless, lazy POS and collect a paycheck. After saying this, how could you ever get on a player or coach?

    You further outed yourself as being a jerk, looking down upon anybody who has a “menial” job. I’d rather see a person TRYING and mopping floors than being like you and QUITTING, like you described in your earlier post.

  42. garro Says:

    You don’t suppose the Glazers have told him not to worry do you Joe?

    Go Bucs!

  43. First Last Says:

    If Bowles is fired where will Baker go? Green Bay, Patriots, or Rams?

  44. Buc4evr Says:

    Arrogant, stupid, and doesn’t give a damn. Deadly combination.

  45. Bucfan37 Says:

    I still think Todd will be back next year, maybe not as head coach. Or fire him and get it over with.

  46. David Says:

    XFL that’s where Baker will go.

  47. Rod Munch Says:

    Joe in Michigan Says:
    You further outed yourself as being a jerk, looking down upon anybody who has a “menial” job. I’d rather see a person TRYING and mopping floors than being like you and QUITTING, like you described in your earlier post.


    So you ADMIT you enjoy the job at the theater, just as I thought!

    Also I didn’t just out myself as being a jerk looking down on the peasant class, I’ve been saying this for years and years, it’s your fault you only just now noticed.

  48. Loyal fans Says:

    Keep up the great work to all the loyal fans. What are we? Lowest paid team? Good Ole fashion hard work ethic and all heart. Go bucs