Interior Love

November 29th, 2023

Lauded with those around him.

Yes, the Bucs’ running game was good on Sunday. Joe has watched the game three times now and good things were happening consistently. Really!

And try to tell “this Joe” the Colts’ run defense is horrible. Take that noise elsewhere. The Colts allow 4.2 yards per carry. That ranks 15th in the league.

The Bucs ran 19 times for 125 yards on Sunday. That’s 6.3 yards per carry.

Head coach Todd Bowles had major love for his interior linemen during his visit to the Buccaneers Radio Network this week.

“I thought the interior three guys, between Cody [Mauch], [Robert] Hainsey and [Aaron] Stinnie, I thought they did a great job all game being physical in the run game and pushing people to the side and opening holes for [Rachaad White],” Bowles said. “Obviously, Rachaad has great vision but those three guys in particular, I thought they played well.”

Bowles sure stretched it there when he said White has “great vision,” but White certainly did on his 38-yard run in the fourth quarter, his best run of the season.

The Bucs are an undisciplined offense and one that’s not putting up enough points. But there are promising signs.

31 Responses to “Interior Love”

  1. Buc50 Says:

    I think having Stinnie starting has a done a world of good.

  2. HC Grover Says:

    It was a glorious loss Todd. One of your best.

  3. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    One game per season does not make for interior love.

  4. Boss Says:

    what pels said….

    more like blind luck….

    that said, I hold nothing against these players. I feel for them having to work under such an idiotic coaching staff.

    they probably come out of meetings more confused than when they went in.

  5. Bucsfanman Says:

    50- Agree on Stinnie’s presence. It’s been progressively better week to week.

  6. Scott Says:

    The offense is getting better but we need better qb play for sure

  7. Beeej Says:

    That penalty at the goal line likely cost us the game

  8. Marine Buc Says:

    The play calling has also improved.

    The dumb dumbs have finally stopped trying to jam it up the middle every run play.

    If you noticed the long run by White was off the right tackle…

    It’s about time our OC removed his head from his dumper.

  9. Conner50 Says:

    Beeej says…. “That penalty on the goal line likely cost us the game”

    Yea that “holding” call on Stinnie was complete bs, terrible call by the ref. But that one play didn’t cost us the game, the defense got bullied the whole day and offense sputtered like they have all season. Start Trask and fire Bowles

  10. David Says:

    All along, we have been fed that the passing game has been poor due to the lack of efficient running game. What happened last Sunday when we had 199 yards of passing ? The issue is the offense with a outdated busted qb. in addition to the running game.

  11. Voice of Truth Says:

    Their best DT and run stuffer has been suspended for 8 games but let’s not mention that

  12. David Says:

    Baker will play on an injured ankle to maintain his qb stats as the starting qb as he has done through out his career.

    As Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield likes to say about his upbringing, “Mama didn’t raise a wuss.” The injury has not caused Mayfield to miss a snap, and he has repeatedly refused to use it as an excuse for his recent accuracy problems.

    On March 16, ESPN NFL insider Chris Mortensen claimed he thought Baker Mayfield’s time in Cleveland was over and that he was informed the Browns wanted “an adult” at quarterback.

  13. Craig Says:

    The three of them were instrumental in making the running game happen, mainly because Stinnie is a verified starter now.

    Another thing I saw was Kieft in as a blocker. I think he sprung Rachad on that long run around the end.

    Kieft might also be great lined up as a FB, to make some interior holes bigger.

  14. J Says:

    The only reason he had better vision was due the fact there were more holes opened up by the Oline.

  15. David Says:


  16. David Says:

    Warning:No matter waht, Baker will play with his taped ankle.

  17. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    @David you are correct. When your R2 pick doesn’t dress for games two years, unable to unseat Blaine Gabbert as #2? No matter what they’re gonna start Mayfail because Trask is a dud

  18. SlyPirate Says:

    The run game looked good. I’m all for celebrating the positives. On that note …

    Joe, I’m passing you a fun story to break out of the toilet Bowles we seem to be stuck in. Pull a R White: Catch it and run it into the end zone.

    DESEAN JACKSON JUST OFFICIALLY RETIRED. A Buc for one forgettable year. When you think about DeSean, you think breakaway speed. You think gamechanger. The original Tyreke Hill. Slight frame but an impressive 14-year career.

    DeSean Jackson
    Years: ’08 – ’22
    Yards: 11,263 (38th)
    TD: 58 (101st)
    1K Seasons: 5

    Mike Evans
    Years: ’14 – Present
    Yards: 11,275 (37th)
    TD: 90 (15)
    1K Seasons: 10 (assuming 2023)

    In five fewer seasons, Evans has put up the same amount of yards, almost double the TD, and double the 1K seasons as DeSean Jackson. Wow!

  19. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    To the main point of Joe’s article, very possible the line has turned a corner on the interior. Sucks that Wirfs is battling a high ankle sprain, he’s still elite when healthy. And yep y’all are right, Bowles and Baker both gone post season. Would be a shi# if the Falcones pick him up, all they need is average QB play to bury the rotten NFC S and Bakey boy is incredibly average

  20. Mr. Editor Says:

    Yes, we’re still waiting for Desean Jackson to “take the top off of the defense”, just like Coach Koetter promised!

  21. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    I thought the offense looked pretty good, run game included. There were some mistakes, but always is… I thought Canales play calling was actually good.

    But the defense decides to screw the pooch, that day. Then Baker seals the deal with one his signature fumbles, at the worst possible moment.

    Todd didn’t think it was a total loss, he banked another 5 timeouts.
    He should have quite a stash, by now,

  22. ShakeandBaker Says:

    VoiceofTruth – I was traveling Sunday and had to listen to the game on Sirius. It was the Colts broadcast and they lamented the entire game about how bad their internet d line were backups and absolutely horrible. It was 100% because the fact that our line was up against scrubs for the Colts.

  23. ShakeandBaker Says:


  24. Jack Clark Says:

    Mr. Editor Says:
    November 29th, 2023 at 3:47 pm
    Yes, we’re still waiting for Desean Jackson to “take the top off of the defense”, just like Coach Koetter promised!

    Didn’t he do that when Fitz Magic was playing?

  25. Jack Clark Says:

    I’m glad Cody Mauch isn’t getting manhandled like a scrany nerd in high school anymore, I believe his technique is good and will become a much better guard once he increases his physical strength

  26. Alanbucsfan Says:

    1st and goal from the 1 … no push then penalty
    Palmer drops a td pass
    There’s 11 points and ballgame
    D White plays like a kid dressed up in a Halloween ghost costume wandering around in zone out land
    McCollum plays like he’s covering space instead of receivers
    Is that Hall on the ground again?

  27. adam from ny Says:

    things got better the moment stinnie jumped into the starting line up…

    and if you can get hainsey next to him getting good push, all of a sudden you’ve got some holes to run thru

  28. Pryda…sec147 Says:

    I think if bowels can win out these games he deserves to be back next season

  29. Daniel Z Says:

    Voice of Truth – Joe will ignore that, because “stats.” Also, it destroys his fable, I mean narrative, that the offense is improving by leaps and bounds.

  30. garro Says:

    Again, I think they are starting to gel and it has shown.

    The zone blocking scheme is getting going just as I said it would Joe.

    It took them longer than I thought it would and part of that is on White.

    Go Bucs!

  31. stpetebucfan Says:

    “The Bucs are an undisciplined offense and one that’s not putting up enough points. But there are promising signs.”

    And I agree with Marine Buc pointed out Canalas play calling is also improving.

    Gee who’d thunk a New OC…a New QB…an new offensive line would leave any room for improvement?

    Bottom line. This team was picked to win two games by most national “experts”. They’ve doubled that. Sadly those same experts mistakenly pointed out the offense and trying to replace the GOAT would be the team’s achilles heel. And indeed the offense is not going to CARRY this team but by any reasonable standard the Buc’s problems have not come at the hands of the offense.

    IF the D had played even decently the Bucs would be 7-4 right now.

    Sometimes frustration and losing make teams throw the baby out with the bath water. This team does not need a major overhaul it’s needs as D.R. frequently points out DEPTH! It needs some JUDICIOUS drafting at whatever spot to match this season’s group of rookies. IF Licht can do that two years in a row the team is set to make a playoff run next year.

    I’m not giving up on this season and even if and when the Bucs are officially eliminated from the playoffs I’m still not going to bail as a fan!!! There are guys, actual human beings, putting their bodies and health on the line to entertain us. As long as they play hard and give it their best I’m with them!!!