“I Can’t Knock You For The Effort”

November 9th, 2023

One theme today at One Buc Palace was the consistency of Todd Bowles.

He’s simply not going to freak out and drag a bunch of extra issues into fire.

Offensive coordinator Dave Canales spoke about how much he appreciates Bowles always staying even and that Bowles’ leadership is always about fooball, no “extra baggage,” Canales said.

“The thing that I appreciate about Coach, and the thing that I’m grateful for my first time being a coordinator, is to be with a leader who just stays the same,” Canales said. “And he makes it about the football. He doesn’t get into any side stories or ulterior motives. He just says, ‘Guys, let’s just look at the things that failed in the game. Let’s improve these things and move forward.’ So that nobody has to carry any extra baggage for any other thing. It’s just play. Do what you’re asked to do. Do what you know how to do. Execute it at a high level. Play hard, you know. And that’s the one thing he keeps telling the guys, ‘I can’t knock you guys for the effort you’re giving in this four-game streak …”

Canales added that Bowles has been staying focused on fundamentals, telling the team good things will come if they stay focused on their basics and training.

Joe is glad that it seems Bowles isn’t in freakout mode behind the scenes. But Joe also is alarmed that Bowles likes the team’s collective effort yet the results have been so scary.

21 Responses to ““I Can’t Knock You For The Effort””

  1. Couch Fan Says:

    Maybe Bowles should be freaking out since his team is playing so poorly in all 3 phases.

  2. Upstate NY BUC Says:

    Thats ridicules talk!! maybe he should start calling some people out!!!coaches, players ,etc… could you imagine playing for a coach like that in any level of sporting!! no fire, no desire… Saw it 1st hand in Buffalo few weeks ago 4th row in end zone, walked out of the tunnel twice looked like a Zombie.. please for the sake of the fans!! Wake up Todd….

  3. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Only 4 teams in NFL history have endured a 4-game losing streak and still made the playoffs that season. Anybody think the 2023 Bucs will be number 5?

  4. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Something is wrong in Tampa. Bowles being a great and understanding guy doesn’t make him a great leader at least in pro football. This team just don’t seem to be progressing under Bowles. Maybe I am missing something

  5. Texasbucsfan Says:

    The only consistency that this coaching staff has is losing.

  6. NE Fan Says:

    What if the team is executing to the fullest what the coaches are asking them to do?? I read a lot of parking of the D prior to Texans. Well out of all 8 games the D let up 20+ points in 4 of them and the lowest points against 9 to NO then 16 to Atlanta. So their lowest points against from 2 teams in the worst division. Smoke & mirrors D.

  7. Bucfan37 Says:

    Bowles is going to do what he always does He will remain quiet on the sidelines while his team flounders. I like Todd as a person, not so much as a head coach.

  8. WyomingJoe Says:

    Yeah, I think that the Bucs will make the playoffs.

  9. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Paging Trey Palmer……

    Haven’t seen this much of a ghost #3 WR since Kenny Bell and Cecil Shorts

  10. adam from ny Says:

    is zombie mode kicking back in ?

    it cerainly sounds like it…

    “coach melatonin” in the house

  11. BUCS4LIFE Says:

    I disagree! The man’s emotionless leadership is not working. This ball club needs some freaking fire!!!

  12. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    Bucfan37 Says:
    Bowles is going to do what he always does He will remain quiet on the sidelines while his team flounders. I like Todd as a person, not so much as a head coach.

    While it’s maddening to watch the Bucs lose games in the way they are there is zero evidence that the way his is on the sidelines has anything to do with it.
    There have been some great NFL coaches who like Bowles showed zero emotion on the sidelines. Some of them are in the Hall of Fame. One of them, Tom Landry, was considered one of the top head coaches ever in the NFL.

  13. BucsFanSince1996 Says:


    I wish we had the ability to go back and edit typos and grammatical errors on this site!

  14. SED14 Says:

    Yes I totally agree that Sleepy No Energy Todd is consistent. He’s consistently lost AF on the sidelines with consistent clock and down and distance mismanagement along with a consistent lack of accountability and zero in game adjustments which result in consistent losses to rookie and journeyman QB’s over the past two seasons.

    Those are the facts and they are indisputable. Sleepy Todd is over matched, under prepared and out coached on a weekly basis.

  15. Joseph C Simmons Says:

    Only 4 teams in NFL history have endured a 4-game losing streak and still made the playoffs that season. Anybody think the 2023 Bucs will be number 5?


    If that is accurate, the Bucs are one of the first four. They went on a four game slide in 2000 and still made the playoffs.

  16. Crickett Baker Says:

    SED14, I think you said it well. It seemed like it wasn’t MOSTLY the players, but it was the schemes. It was a close and exciting game at last, but we had few big plays. However, their defense cooked us. We did not adjust with a winning counterattack.
    We also continued with penalties, I will admit. Todd had his worst day, I do believe.

  17. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    Joseph C Simmons Says:
    If that is accurate, the Bucs are one of the first four. They went on a four game slide in 2000 and still made the playoffs.
    It is not accurate.

    According to a news report on NBC New York’s website, there have been three NFL teams that have gotten into the playoffs with a 6 game losing streak. The 2020 Bears, the 2014 Panthers, and the 1970 Bengals.

    And other teams have gotten into the playoffs with a 5 game losing streak including Jacksonville last season. Kansas City did it as well in 2015.

    The Titans had a 6 game losing streak last season and just barely missed getting into the playoffs. Had they won the last game of their regular season they would have been in the playoffs.

  18. garro Says:

    Ok… Thats new… Rah Rah and Pat your HC on the back too?

    I like Canales but talk is just that.

    Go Bucs!

  19. BakerBucs Says:

    Bucsfanssays reread Simmons he said 4 game losing streak not 6 game losing streak pay attention that’s how this site is everyone has an opinion just like an a**hole everybody has 1″

  20. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    BakerBucs Says:
    Bucsfanssays reread Simmons he said 4 game losing streak not 6 game losing streak pay attention that’s how this site is everyone has an opinion just like an a**hole everybody has 1″

    You can’t ever have a 6 game losing streak unless you had a 4 game losing streak prior to that. *facepalm*

  21. realistic-optimistic Says:


    Thanks for the correction. That post was from my own research, but I admittedly had a hard time tracking down the info. That still only brings the total to what, 6 teams?