“I Appreciate [Nick] Bosa For Not Killing Him”

November 22nd, 2023

Yes, Baker Mayfield eagerly blocked beastly 49ers edge rusher Nick Bosa on Sunday to help spring receiver Trey Palmer for a six-yard run.

One could wonder why the Bucs even put Mayfield in that potential position, knowing how he loves to throw his body around. Perhaps Kyle Trask secretly added that call to the playsheet?

Head coach Todd Bowles saw the play differently. He was grateful Bosa played nice with Mayfield.

“You call that a block? He got in the way pretty good,” Bowles said of his tough-guy quarterback on the Buccan. “I mean, he got in the way, enough for Trey to go around the corner. [Mayfield] didn’t go to the ground, so that’s a good day. I appreciate Bosa for not killing him. I apprecieate Bosa for not putting him down.”

Watch the video below and Mayfield’s somewhat odd flex.

It’s all fun, but Joe seriously does wonder why the Bucs set up Mayfield to make that block — not exactly the move of a team protecting its quarterback.

33 Responses to ““I Appreciate [Nick] Bosa For Not Killing Him””

  1. Buc booote Says:

    This baker mayfield cat is a nut out of his shell. Wtf did I just watch?? This is not my quarterback!!!!

  2. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Speaking as a Buckeye fan, Bosa is a dick. Its the pros Bubba, i wanted to pull Mayfield’s spine out when he planted the flag at Ohio Stadium. This aint an excuse for a dirty hit on the Interception. Don’t GAF that they don’t call horse collars on the pocket, you frickin watched the ball come out and tried to inflect pain regardless. POS.

  3. Stevek Says:

    It was very courteous of Bosa to not destroy Mayfield on that play. Glad they previously buried the hatchet regarding the college flag planting incident.

    I was cringing like the hit on Pat White of the dolphins that ended his time as a QB in the NFL.

    That easily could’ve been Baker’s last snap this year bc of shoulder injury, already a repaired left one.

    It’s great that he plays so hard, but it’s tough to think he’s going to get knocked out at some point.

  4. Larry Says:

    Re-sign Baker!!!

  5. David Says:

    There is no Bucs conspiracy against Baker or he wouldn’t be handed the starting position without clearly win it.
    Bucs utilize Baker as a spendable commodity that did not pan out as they planed. He is in and out of pocket dangerously as he is the RB not a qb. I am not sure how he has survived so far without an injury.
    Baker is a lucky man that Bosa let him pass by. LOL.

  6. Seattle Buc Says:

    That’s not a block. That’s running parallel to Bosa’s motion.

  7. HC Grover Says:

    Thank goodeness our winning opponents are nice guys.

  8. Seattle Buc Says:

    Looks like Bowles might be looking for a way to bench Mayfield without breaching the Bucs’ contractual promise to start him. Todd, you sly you!

  9. HC Grover Says:

    Thank goodeness our winning opponents are nice guys. I think Lynch told the team to take it easy on us given his history in Tampa.

  10. Watch More All-22 Before Commenting Says:

    @Buckeye. Agree. Bosa has an uncomfortable ‘edge” to him, and always has.

  11. realistic-optimistic Says:

    It was a funny play to watch. Bosa was very kind to not ragdoll him.

  12. WyomingJoe Says:

    DAVID: Baker is a “spendable commodity?” You might be the sickest guy on this site, but unfortunately, not by much. I got news for you. If the Bucs resign Baker, fix the O-line and get a RB, they’ll go deep into the playoffs next year. If not, get used to 3-5 years of “we should have kept Mayfield.” Similar to what the Browns fans are saying now.


  13. Fred McNeil Says:

    Well, this shows Bakers “moxie”. Yeah I know that’s an unloved word around here, but supercalifragilisticexpialidocious doesn’t quite fit. (What Disney flick was that from? I think it was Disney.)
    I’ve seen him throw a few other blocks too. Honestly, I wasn’t down on that punch-out fumble either, even though Joe threw some shade on it. Somebody has to set the example for effort. I applaud him on that. On the other hand, Im not sure he’s the long term answer at QB yet. In spring and camp I though he’d be either Jeckle or Hyde. In reality he’s both and neither.

  14. Rod Munch Says:

    JOE – It’s all fun, but Joe seriously does wonder why the Bucs set up Mayfield to make that block — not exactly the move of a team protecting its quarterback.


    On a Todd Bowles team, the QB’s top job is to protect the football. His 2nd job is to block for the runningbacks.

    Somewhere around the 16th most important job is to score points.

  15. Fred McNeil Says:

    Ohhh that word was from chitty chitty bang bang.

  16. Oneilbuc Says:

    Wyoming. Man go somewhere with that take Baker Mayfield has a good running game with good receivers and a good o line and still couldn’t do nothing. It’s a reason why he’s on his 4th team in 6 years and no other team wanted Baker Mayfield as a starter but the bucs. I can’t wait until he’s gone I hate you band wagging fans of a player. Baker Mayfield should have had 5 picks last week and every pick was thrown right to the defender they just couldn’t catch. The first throw was almost pick off . Baker Mayfield is a bust he’s a backup at best. He’s average against bad teams and trash against good teams. The bucs need to move on and if they bring him back next year that means we are garuteen to have a losing season if not tanked !!

  17. Fred McNeil Says:

    Damn! I’m wrong again! It was Mary Poppins.

  18. David Says:

    Baker fans Bucs are not going to resign your trash qb pending XFL.

  19. Oz Len Says:

    Maybe I’m wrong but Mayfield was celebrating the runner, not the block. Wasn’t that a first-down?

  20. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Right there is one little intangible that gets baker resigned. He celebrates the success of his teammates ( I know , only six yards ) but they probably discussed that play all week in practice. Remember , two years, not two games. Many encouraging signs as this team approaches the contention window next year.

  21. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Oneibuc: Mcvay wanted baker, but was shackled to staffords contract. Rams tried to get Stafford to restructure his deal. He refused. Baker wanted a startling opportunity, so he passed on being the rams backup. Ditto Baltimore . They were poised to sign baker when Jackson was unwilling to back off his fully guaranteed deal. When Jackson signed, baker and the Bucs signed. If Stafford retires…I can see Mcvay making a play for baker. Same offensive system, familiarity, past history together. Let’s see how these last 7 games shake out. Cousins and tannehil are old, qb speaking. Cousins will be expensive as a bridge. Bakers delivered a well rounded team to the playoffs and won. Helen Keller can see that ….

  22. Beeej Says:

    I thought Baker was frikkin hilarious there

  23. adam from ny Says:

    bosa had zero time to do much to mayfield…he was concentrating on footwork and lateral movement to even try to catch up with the speedy palmer on the hand off…

    at best he could have just chucked mayfield out of the way…but it all happened so quickly, if he took any more effort on mayfield, it would lessen his opportunity to catch up to palmer, and he’d have zero shot at catching up with palmer…

    and still he couldn’t catch up to palmer turning the corner…

    he was trying to get away from baker, not engage…

    either that or he was trying to get to the nearest wawa

  24. Bojim Says:

    They’re hurting Mayfield.

  25. WyomingJoe Says:

    Oneilbuc: You’re little more than a joke. Next time say something more intelligent. Get used to the fact that Baker is here to stay, but you’re not. Please go back to sleep with the other trolls.

  26. lanshark Says:

    G GS Comp Att Yds Avg TD Int Sk SkYd Rate RushAtt Yds Avg TD Fum Lost
    10 10 253 377 2619 7.0 19 9 13 9 93.8 48 296 6.2 0 3 2
    10 10 226 350 2389 6.8 15 6 20 1 91.5 41 139 3.4 0 5 1

    One of the QB’s above is All World, Pro Bowl, Super Bowl MVP, and widely considered a “Franchise QB”. That QB plays on a team with a real live running game, and an O-Line that provides far more protection, and a defense that stops people on 3rd down.

    The other is called a journeyman, scrub, backup material only. He has NO run game, poor pass protection, and a defense that cannot stop a mid-pack team from scoring in 46 seconds.

    Interesting, eh?

  27. WyomingJoe Says:

    Oneilbuc: Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you actually said something intelligent? Listen to “Let ‘em Bake” and learn something. Oh, stop trolling!


  28. WyomingJoe Says:

    Lanshark: Exactly!


  29. garro Says:

    I love it Joe!
    Shades of the Bears and Jim McMahon!
    Bring back the head butt!

    Go Bucs!

  30. garro Says:

    Lots of stupid floating around the old interwebs today…

    Go Bucs!

  31. Oneilbuc Says:

    Baker Mayfield is not a good quarterback the bucs are going to move on from Baker Mayfield. You ain’t winning nothing with him at quarterback he should of have 5 picks Sunday. The only people that think Baker Mayfield is a starting quarterback in the NFL is his fans and his wife that’s about it. Ain’t no good quarterback is going to be on their 4th team in 6 years. He’s a backup at best now I know he will be average against the Panthers and falcons and y’all going to say look how good he is but once we play a good team he’s going to suck again.

  32. m milligan Says:

    Oneil, you and David are idiots and no little to nothing about football, mayfield or team chemistry. Right on about McVey, there will be plenty of suitors given the way 2023 has unfolded.
    Trolls FO
    Getting ready to get the W this wkend and thrash remaining division rivals. Get the W in Green Bay and we’re off to the races.
    Get the Vikings or the Seahawks in first round and see what happens.
    Hope David is back sooner rather than later.
    Did I mention most of u suck. If you’re not on board why do u persist. Nobody five a sht about your rhetoric. Go find another team and FO

  33. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Oneill you’re a funny one when it comes to talking about fans of a certain qb. You were the walking strap for Famous Jameis America’s Turnover Machine regardless of all his horrible mistakes and decisions and was jealous of Tom Brady replacing him. Still you’re spot on about WyomingJoe. The Baker sheeple are ridiculous. Doesn’t matter how bad he plays its never his fault always someone else’s. Blind to the fact he barely “beat” out a 3rd year 2nd round draft pick who never had a real chance to play for a starting position. Baker will be Baker never good enough to win you much but not bad enough to bench for good. He is a middling qb and a long as he’s here the Bucs will never be more than a losing team. Pluckiness is not enough to win a Super Bowl.