“He’s Come Leaps And Bounds”

November 27th, 2023

Rachaad White

Buccaneers running back Rachaad White is being celebrated at One Buc Palace.

White is coming off a 15-carry, 100-yard day yesterday, his best showing of 2023. That vaulted his yards per carry this season to 3.6; a tenth of a yard below where he was last season.

White’s receiving production has fallen way off the past two games; Joe’s not sure why. But his good Sunday of the ground is more than just a Thanksgiving weekend wonder, Todd Bowels said today.

“From the beginning of the season he’s come leaps and bounds as far as understanding the run game and playing fast instead of thinking it,” Bowles told Dan Lucas, the WFLA-TV sports czar and preseason sideline reporter.

“You know, [White is] playing a lot faster now that he understands where everyone is, where he has to go, how quick he has to cut it back or whether he should keep forward. And you can see it in the way he’s running. There’s no hesitiation in his steps. There’s no glitch in his steps and he’s playing with a lot of confidence right now.”

Joe is happy for White and White is happy for White. But Bowles’ comments make Joe wonder why White needed so much time to understand the offense and run with confidence.

Rookies around the NFL jump into new offenses and thrive every year. Look at running back Zack Moss, who the Bucs faced yesterday. He was traded to Indianapolis midway through last season and averaged 4.8 yards per carry in a new offense, and he has continued that pace this season in another new offense.

Chiefs running back Isiah Pacheco is another example. The 2022 seventh-round pick was a quick study and hasn’t let up this season.

Joe wants to see White build on Sunday’s game. If he’s comfortable and confident now, there’s no reason to take a step backward.

62 Responses to ““He’s Come Leaps And Bounds””

  1. Tb bolts Says:

    Oh no what will Joe do? Thats one less excuse to be made for his guy Baker

  2. rrsrq Says:

    I know that I am just a guy watching it on TV, but I still think he left yards out there on the field yesterday, where he ran to a person versus the hole that was there.

  3. zzbuc Says:

    Their is nothing to celebrate in One Bucs plaza, about nothing….

  4. It's Corn Says:

    This sounds like bunk to me.

    He had exactly 100 yards against a weak defense, in a losing effort, with one large chunk gain to pad the average there.

    And had they not run a stupid running play on 2nd down for a few yards with time running down, he would not even have had that magic “100” number.

    Let’s not start awarding him the League MVP.

  5. Buc4evr Says:

    So what! Winning is the only thing. All other stats are for losers. Bucs are pathetic losers led by a guy that should have never been made HC.

  6. BucsFanSince76 Says:

    Actually Joe Pacheco has let up around 17% less yards percarry this year when compared to last year from 4.9 down to 4.2.

  7. Beeej Says:

    I wonder if it has to do with their new left tackle

  8. Jack Clark Says:

    Zack Moss has much better run blocking than rachaad white, the colts have the 12th best run block win rate in the NFL according to ESPN, and Isiah Pacheco is benefiting from defenses focusing more on stopping Patrick Mahomes than putting 8 men in the box to stop the run. If Rachaad White had some decent run blocking and a good quarterback and he’d be a pro bowler

  9. Rod Munch Says:

    White is on pace for 1427 total yards – and if he has another couple of good rushing games, he’ll pass 1000 rushing yards on the season – and push that total well over 1500 yards.

    Sounds pretty good to me, considering how poor the run blocking has been.

  10. Fred McNeil Says:

    Let’s string a few games like that together. Hopefully, this ain’t a blind squirrel moment.

  11. Tony Marks Says:

    Need to see a lot more game at a good level to pronounced the run game sufficient. Part of the effectiveness of a run game in improving passing is not just the yards in a game but the reputation over several gams that makes the defense have to account for the run and pass.

    and sorry I am not seeing the confidence in the run game when with first and goal and short yardage you go to the QB for the running play and then passing game.

  12. Rod Munch Says:

    Tony Marks Says:
    and sorry I am not seeing the confidence in the run game when with first and goal and short yardage you go to the QB for the running play and then passing game.


    Well they gave the ball to Baker at the goalline and he came up a little … short.



  13. Hodad Says:


  14. godlovesbucs Says:

    Even without the long run he had a 4.4 ypc.

  15. Rod Munch Says:

    Oh man, thankfully we dodged a big one … I just saw that the Baker MRI came back negative. Thank goodness he’ll be healthy enough to start again on Sunday, I’m sure this will be his big breakout game and he’ll prove to everyone why he’s the man to take this team all the way to the Super Bowl!

  16. Bobby Says:

    Number 9 pick now, probably earlier in the draft by end of season. we are hoping some kid with out of college can come here and be Joe Burrow. Yea oook, Bucs are quietly tanking, Furthermore, I agree with Brady, The NFL is putting mediocre football this season. Use to be receivers Randy Moss and TO and pick another hall of famer would occasionally make these acrobatic catches and then just creamed by a defender. Now receivers make them all time because the rulles make those plays easier to happen. Receivers would be afraid catch a ball over the middle. QBs use to be afraid to run because they didn’t want to get creamed and possible hurt. all kinds. Now the QB is pampered so much and it seems qbs are getting hurt the same. Joe Burrow is out for the season. Brady’s comments I agree with. Mediocre NFL Football on tv often this season.

  17. Marine Buc Says:

    White is developing nicely.

    We still need to draft a RB this Spring.

    K. Vaughn is gone (thank god), Edmonds will be out of the NFL in 2024 and Sean Tucker will be our RB4 next season but is still miles away from being a good NFL RB.

  18. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of UniqueModernArt.com Says:

    Jack Clark,

    If my aunt had a peni$, she’d be my uncle.

  19. Eckwood Says:

    More dumb Jock BS ,,, so he was no good and you were 3-1 but now he’s better and you are top 5 worst teams in the NFL ……. This is why !! And the fact they are basically telling on themselves for being terrible coaches or talent evaluators !! I’m mean really they sat in a room and said we are gonna have to coach the hell out of this kid for a year and 3/4 to make him a below avg runner in the League !! Oh boy let’s take him in the third round ……….. Hey the kid can catch and so could Charles Sims but ya gotta use em right and they gotta be able to run some?? They Suck so let’s listen to how good we are making the player , Please !! Stifle It Jock Wad !!
    Cap Hell is Hell !!

  20. Defense Rules Says:

    ‘Joe wants to see White build on Sunday’s game. If he’s comfortable and confident now, there’s no reason to take a step backward.’

    Oh wow, sounds like your expectations for Rachaad are now off-the-charts Joe. And to think there was some doubt Saturday whether he’d play at all (‘Rachaad White Downgraded for Colts Game’).

    Defense is pretty well banged up, and now several on the offense are also hurting (Mayfield, Wirfs, White among them). Can’t help but wonder how that’ll play into the Bucs-Panthers game outcome.

  21. Tony Marks Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    November 27th, 2023 at 5:05 pm
    Oh man, thankfully we dodged a big one … I just saw that the Baker MRI came back negative. Thank goodness he’ll be healthy enough to start again on Sunday, I’m sure this will be his big breakout game


    My condolences Mush. I feel so bad for you I am sending you a box of hankies for Christmas. I know how used up the ones you have are – Foiled by Baker for the 5th week in a row !!!

    I dunno if he will be ready to go though – so chin up. I mean you got one of your spoken wishes – for him to be injured but so far every time you thought you had Trask Pine on the field . Baker just spins out and the Cult of Kyle is sobbing in those hankies again. No sack Today

    Go Bucs!! Shake and Bake Baby!

  22. Tbbucs3 Says:


    You consistently fail to realize that most NFL teams use a 2 RB system, most good NFL teams have a quality #2 back….it’s almost commical how you keep insulting the idea of the Bucs needed a guy like Zach Moss when he literally just ran it down the Bucs throats.

    Rashad White, excellent pass catcher but the Bucs need like power back to run through tackles which White doesn’t do.

  23. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Also, Rod, you’ve come a long way into developing as a Trask super fan… apparently you think he’d do better than Mayfield who literally has a top 15 QB rating.

    Let me assure the crowd that Trask would not even come close to playing better than Mayfield is right now.

  24. SlyPirate Says:

    Trey Benson, RB FSU, would be such a good compliment to R White.

  25. Texasbucsfan Says:

    White is a third string RB. The only long run of the season and Joe is celebrating?
    I am not for or against Trask. He has never played several games to see if he can make it in the NFL. I would not count on the GM or coaches on this team to evaluate talent or potential of any football player on this team. Just look at DW, LH or JTS. All should be traded or cut. It will take years to make this team competitive again. Go Bucs

  26. WyomingJoe Says:

    Agree with Tony Marks about Capt’n Munch weeping about Baker overcoming his injury. Too bad Baker missed those goal line plays because he would have thrown for a TD instead of Trask screwing the pooch and getting us that field goal. Even though I never hated Trask, sh*theads like you Capt’n have made me reconsider my stance. It takes a sick individual to wish a player becomes injured.

  27. Pewter power Says:

    That 100 yard game was no fluke. The colts are the bottom half of the league in rush defense just like everyone else going forward except for I think the jaguars

  28. HC Grover Says:

    Thank oodness our Super Bowl bound QB is Ok. Horrors what would have become of us. Baker is back for the Carolina Game…whew we may have lost. Now we are a lock.

  29. HC Grover Says:

    Bet the Ranch on Baker and Bozo.

  30. Rod Munch Says:

    Erik Hesson –
    If my aunt had a peni$, she’d be my uncle.


    WOW… that’s not true at all. Anyone can be your aunt or uncle, regardless of whatever ‘equipment’ they may or may not have.

    All of us Buccaneers fans need to do better. Maybe we can do some group sensitivity training sessions this offseason! That would be fun, and more important, that would have a positive impact on our community – plus we could all document our journey and share with everyone so we can inspire them to do better as well. LETS GOOOO …. to DEI training everyone! Who else is on board!?

  31. Rod Munch Says:

    Oh no, the Baker Bois are after me because I said I was happy that Baker wasn’t hurt and is able to play this weekend.

    Talk about demented.

  32. Bill in Seminole Says:

    Enough negativism. We’re 4-7, which is disappointing, but we still have a chance to win the division. Here’s our remaining schedule, 6 games: Panthers (2), Saints, Falcons, Packers, Jaguars.

    Win both from the Panthers, beat the Saints and Falcons and win one from the Packers/Jaguars. Do that and we’re 9-8, same as last year.

    And in the playoffs. A man can dream, can’t he?

  33. Beeej Says:

    Boy, tough room here

  34. Bobby M. Says:

    We got guys that have been in Bowles system for 4-5 years and we’re still talking about “execution” every week. It’s time to recognize the coaches are the reason these guys aren’t developing quickly. Trask got ZERO coaching until Canales came here, JTS looks lost every week, White has been in a slow decline since the SB….the common denominator is Bowles.

  35. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    Oh man, thankfully we dodged a big one … I just saw that the Baker MRI came back negative. Thank goodness he’ll be healthy enough to start again on Sunday, I’m sure this will be his big breakout game and he’ll prove to everyone why he’s the man to take this team all the way to the Super Bowl!
    I don’t wish any harm to come to Baker but would like to see Trask replace him for at least 2 or 3 games before the end of the season. The Bucs really need to see how he plays in real games before the offseason.

    The QB position seems to be the most difficult to evaluate. Even some very good talent evaluators in the NFL get it wrong at times. There are so many examples but Brock Purdy (also known as Mr. Irrelevant) is a good one. Look at how many teams passed on drafting him over and over. He just barely missed being an UDFA.

  36. PowerOfPewter Says:

    I hope the Trask fanbois remember to wipe their chin when they’re done.

  37. Rod Munch Says:

    Bill in Seminole Says:
    November 27th, 2023 at 7:23 pm
    Enough negativism.




  38. Cardiac kidz Says:

    TANY- There’s Always Next Year. It’s been said for almost 50 years with a few years of exception. Time to clean house and start all over AGAIN. it’s really a shame! We shouldn’t be subject to watching this football on TV, its a waste of quality advertising time.

  39. Popcorn Mike Says:

    That’s what’s so frustrating. The offense is doing a little better now but defense is faltering. Is this a string of bad luck or a phase before the team come together

  40. Obvious Says:

    @Tony Marks, tbbucs3, wyoming joe, power of pewter (not to be confused with pewter power)

    We’re any of you actually ever Buccaneer fans before Mayfield came along or not so much? If you actually and whole heartedly believe Mayfield is the very best qb there is, I gotta ask you if we’ll still see the few of you around next year if he’s gone? And if that’s a confusing question, let me ask how long you’ve been Tampa Bay Buccaneer fans? Or better yet, are you actually a fan of the ball club at all? Hey, you might be. So what is it? Tampa Bay Buccaneer Fans or Baker Mayfield fans?

    Personally I’m a fan of my ball club the Buccaneers. I want to see my team winning with the BEST QB on the roster. Whether that be Mayfield, Trask, Wolford, or maybe the guy that’s playing college ball right now.

    I gotta say you few seem pretty desperate. You seem actually scared to see what Trask can do for the Buccaneers. I mean STRAIGHT UP SCARED! The other 99% of the Buccaneer Nation wants to see what else we got going on because WE WANT THE BEST POSSIBLE TALENT TO BE LEADING THIS CLUB! If it were Wolford that takes over would you few feel less intimated? Or are you purest and if it’s not Mayfield then you’re not a fan of OUR BALL CLUB?

    Never heard of you guys before Mayfield took his chance here. Maybe tbbucs3 But that’s it. What happens if Mayfield does get hurt and can’t play/ and out for the season? Are you going to disappear or are you going to support WHO EVER is leading this team?

    GO BUCS!

  41. BucsFan2520 Says:

    All of you calling for Trask, have you asked him if he wants to start? He seems awfully content as a backup. The guy is soft. Coaches see him every day in practice.. if he was good he’d be in there.

  42. Tony Marks Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    November 27th, 2023 at 7:20 pm
    Erik Hesson –
    If my aunt had a peni$, she’d be my uncle.

    WOW… that’s not true at all. Anyone can be your aunt or uncle, regardless of whatever ‘equipment’ they may or may not have.


    I just want to know what kind of family Erik has where he as a nephew can verify what his aunt has or doesn’t have.

  43. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Obvious, hey dummy, I’ve been commenting on this site since it pretty much started.

    Crazy concept to support the quarterback of the hometown team right? Especially when he is literally top 15 in QB rating.

    You Traskies are something else. Go watch your bowl game coming up….oh wait.

  44. Tony Marks Says:

    Obvious Says:
    November 27th, 2023 at 9:17 pm
    @Tony Marks, tbbucs3, wyoming joe, power of pewter (not to be confused with pewter power)

    We’re any of you actually ever Buccaneer fans before Mayfield came along or not so much?


    LOL. exactly who are you of all people to question any of us on fanhood?


    You’ve been rooting ALLLLLLLL SEASON for your alleged “own” team to fail because you want your UF boy to play and you think you get to question us? Fake fan please

    GO back to the Bill s game and you can see all of you hoping for public national humiliation just so kylie boi has a good argument to start. Your Boy rod is even on record months ago saying he was fine seeing Baker get injured so Kylie can start. Despicable fake tampa bay bucs fan the lot of you . Don’t care if you hold season tickets – scrub fake fans root for their own team to be embarrassed on the national level and their players injured

    But ya kow what? – just to blow up your little world – not because I have the slightest bit of respect for you of all people asking _ I am a bucs fan and frankly due to players who played for the bucs coming fpm my alma mater
    college probable watched games when yuuu were diapers

    anything else? too bad. I don’t respect you enough as fans to answer any mor of your questions.

    Go bucs! Shake and Bake baby!

  45. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Exactly Tony Marks.

    “If you aren’t rooting against the starting QB your not a real fan!”

    I swear we have the dumbest fan base in pro sports.

  46. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Just glanced at next years opponents for Bucs… beside their division, they’ll face nfc East, afc west. That’s Philly, kc, dal, lv, chargers, den, was, nyg…4-4 would be quite optimistic.

  47. Alanbucsfan Says:

    To enhance the entertainment quality of Sunday’s game, I’d like to see the new coach of Carolina run a few wishbone option plays vs Bucs

  48. Rod Munch Says:

    Actually us real fans just want to know what we have in Trask before next year’s draft, so we know if we need a QB or not.

    Baker is not the answer, that is clear, he’s not under contract, and he’s 2-7 in his last 9 games, and is in the process of a full collapse. Waiting another game or two for his full meltdown literally does no one any good, including Baker. Seriously, for him, if the team had seen ‘something’ on the MRI, that would be the best possible news for his career since he hasn’t truly stank up the place, yet. But it’s coming. His history shows that.

    The best overall thing for the team is to find out what Trask is before the draft, and you can only do that during the game. We already have 5 1/2 years of seeing Baker, and he is what he is, one of the biggest busts in the history of the game.

  49. Rod Munch Says:

    Tony Marks Says:
    Your Boy rod is even on record months ago saying he was fine seeing Baker get injured so Kylie can start.


    No, that’s not what I said. I said keep starting Cody because I want him getting reps so that our new QB next year isn’t getting killed – that Cody needs to play and have a chance to get better, and if Baker gets killed in the meantime, who cares. I didn’t say anything about wanting him injured to see Trask start. The last thing I want is Mayfield getting injured before he totally implodes, and then if Bowles isn’t fired, he talks himself into wanting Mayfield back.

    Get it right, Baker Boi.

  50. Tony Marks Says:

    Obvious says:
    I gotta say you few seem pretty desperate. You seem actually scared to see what Trask can do for the Buccaneers. I mean STRAIGHT UP SCARED!


    whats new?

    so we can add reading skills to your other deficiencies ? No surprise. I am on record in mutliple posts saying its time for trask to start and Baker should not rush back from injury.

    I was even in the Game thread saying Lets go trask when Baker got injured but according to your unsurprising illiteracy I am scared of kyle starting…lolol

    Same nonsense Traskie talk all season. Silly vapid stuff non stop . yes I am so scared of a third stringer most seasons third year Qb with 23 yards to his name – So scared I have said its his time to get play ( but not my call)

    Dumb and dumber each week – the Cult Kyle.

    Thing is you have talked him up soooooo much all year and placed the kid so high ( just today alone it was claimed by traskies he is the next steve young and he will go 6-0) that you are going to hear it if he pans out anywhere less than top ten. Baker is top 15 and according to you traskies he sucks – so Kyle better be top ten or KYLIE SUCKS according to your own standards.

    Let the games Begin!

  51. Tony Marks Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    November 27th, 2023 at 10:21 pm
    – that Cody needs to play and have a chance to get better, and if Baker gets killed in the meantime, who cares. I didn’t say anything about wanting him injured to see Trask start.


    Rod go play with the kiddies as your natural audience. Any reasonable adult can see in that dance shake and shimmy an alleged fan saying who cares if another player not ready gets a starting Qb get injured I am good with it – add to that while at the same time openly advocating the QB to be replaced

    Thats exactly wanting a QB to get hurt so your beloved Kyle can play even with your failed attempt to spin it.

  52. Richard Says:

    Tbbucs3, you posted your fan of the Bucs and the Bucs QB, and then you trash Kyle Trask. Isn’t Trask a Bucs QB? Why do you diss him, he’s a member of the the Bucs, your team. A little biased are you?

  53. Rod Munch Says:

    Tony Marks Says:
    Rod go play with the kiddies as your natural audience. Any reasonable adult can see in that dance shake and shimmy an alleged fan saying who cares if another player not ready gets a starting Qb get injured I am good with i


    Again, just flat out lying. What I said is that Cody getting better is more important than the health of a Mayfield – I literally didn’t say I was good with Baker getting injured, I didn’t wish him an injury, I just said I don’t care.

    It’s remarkable how you Baker Bois just refuse to see that no one cares about Baker, he’s just a guy, a placeholder, just like his fellow 2018 1st rounder bust Josh Rosen — who also played on the Bucs and Browns.

  54. Rod Munch Says:

    Richard Says:
    November 27th, 2023 at 10:48 pm
    Tbbucs3, you posted your fan of the Bucs and the Bucs QB, and then you trash Kyle Trask. Isn’t Trask a Bucs QB?


    Uh oh, that’s going to send the Baker Bois into an out of control logic loop that can only result in their brains bursting as they feign to be Bucs fans first and foremost.

  55. Hopein1hand… Says:

    “Leaps and bounds?” Hmm… maybe #1 could leap and bound into the end zone some more. Show me 3 TDS not 100 lousy yards. I am weary of Bowles rhetoric. If this is huge improvement how low was the starting point? The Bucs’ starting RB is a poor man’s Drug Martin on his best day which was this past Sunday. I loved that game in Germany from White winning the scepter and all but it was an outlier. He has no vision and vision is like speed- it can not be taught or learned. The OL is finally looking like a zone-blocking unit but I feel like Mayfield could put up better numbers if he lined-up in White’s spot. I’m not saying it would be pretty but White is JTS soft/ Charles Simms 2.0. It is what it is. Vaughn has “dawg” in him? Licht is a decent GM but he can’t find a decent RB if his life depended on it. It looks like the Bucs are wearing Vikings and Bears unis and putting on a shire-show on MNFB by the way. Kicker game.

  56. Obvious Says:


    First off tbbuc, you should probably read closer concerning you though I don’t get your hero worship for Mayfield.

    Tony Mooch, you on the other hand, I got No respect for you either. What’s this lie? I’ve been rooting to lose? Sorry buddy, wrong guy. In your TWISTED VIEW because I had NO LOVE of the idea of Baker QBing my team as rooting to lose? Yeah, YOU WOULD!

    FOR SURE started with NO LOVE for Mayfield. NOT AT ALL interested having him WASTING MY YEAR. That’s truth. On TOP of that, he got EMBARRASSED in camp by what equates to a rookie in Trask. Trask BLEW HIM OUT OF THERE in camp AND Pre Season! Whether you like it or not!

    Now, with that said, after Bowles GIFTED him the job, Mayfield did win me over with his Heart. I admired that about him and STILL DO til this day.

    However, as much heart as he has, he ISN’T ABLE to put it together. It’s NOT the man that I no longer believe has the heart AND guts, no. It’s the fact that HE CAN’T HIT THE BROAD SIDE OF A BARN!!! Whether you like it or not, and your buddies, he just doesn’t have “IT”. SORRY!

    Do you think that the MAJORITY of Buc Nation is the “only ones” that see that? WRONG!

    Why do you think THE MAJORITY wants to see OTHER OPTIONS? Never Mind, YOU ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWER! And while YOU’RE wiping your mouth off with Mayfields jock strap, YOU KEEP THAT IN MIND!
    I actually like Mayfield. His Alma Marta can KICK ROCKS!


    In the meantime, it’s a FRANCHISE QB OR BUST! And Mooch, you can shake your arse on down the road when Mayfield goes SINCE YOU SURE DON’T SOUND LIKE A BUCCANEER FAN TO ME!
    Honestly, I was just wondering if I was going to ever read any of you few posts again since you don’t seem to talk about ANYTHING except your crush Baker.

    I already knew the answer, I’m BORED WITH YOUR LUST. It’s a BAD LOOK DUDE…

    But I guess you’ve just got to follow your heart. You’re the same type of fan that we had when we had a qb named Jamies. Can’t see the forest because the trees are in your College Way.

    This is a PRO TEAM SITE for a TEAM CALLED THE TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS!. Not the “Sooners” site. You should go there.


    Hey, but good luck to where ever you and Baker head next. Your such a pleasant guy that I’m sure there fans will enjoy YOUR STALKING WAYS!

    And O yeah, GO BUCS!

  57. Tony Marks Says:

    Mush says:

    Again, just flat out lying. What I said is that Cody getting better is more important than the health of a Mayfield


    You are the only flat out liar Mush. Like I said stick to your kiddie group. You don’t do well among real adults with an IQ sufficient to go to college. Your latest spin is just as asinine as what you are trying to get away from saying and shows you are no real fan and a suspect human as well .

    What NFL fan of a team claims its fine for their starting Qb ( really any players as human ) to get injured to develop another player? lol dude you need brain surgery to think adults can’t see through that

    lololol Traskies even when they spin they can’t get it right.

  58. Tony Marks Says:

    LOl anyone want to break down into a sentence or two what the unhinged Obvious just word vomitted?

    I took look a glance at it and saw it was full of screaming caps and skipped it

    Traskies having a meltdown because Baker’ s MRI came back negative I guess.

  59. Rod Munch Says:

    Tony Marks Says:
    What NFL fan of a team claims its fine for their starting Qb ( really any players as human ) to get injured to develop another player?


    Oh right, I forgot you’re a Baker Boi, not an actual Bucs fan, so you wouldn’t know all the hateful and hurtful things said about Winston.

  60. steele Says:

    OneBuc’s mission, like that of most NFL teams, is to hype every one of their investments, as much as possible, for as long as possible, until the point where said investment clearly and painfully fails. This results in being quietly let go or traded, at a long overdue point.

    Leaps and bounds? Rachaad sure does like leaping, bounding and hurdling over guys, after taking long, slow strides if he is lucky enough to have some open field against bad defenses. Slow feet, long mincing steps to generate momentum, this is who he is. Shoe horning a marginal #3 receiving back into the role of a feature back will result in continued frustration. Getting a real feature back (and a better OL) should be the priority. Demote Rachaad to his natural role, or lose him.

  61. BucU Says:

    Did that dude Bill say that’s enough negativity here? That’s a joke right?
    Wait until sunday afternoon when we score about 10 points against the 1-10 Panthers.

  62. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Rod spoke something about Baker and right on que the junkless Bakette3 have appeared with all their feminine glory ready to scratch his eyes out and defend their love! Watch out Munch!😅🤣😂