Grateful, Appreciative YaYa Diaby

November 26th, 2023

The Bucs suffered an embarrassing loss this afternoon in Indianapolis, but it was a big day for the Free YaYa movement.

Lots of Bucs fans have wanted rookie YaYa Diaby to replace third-year edge rusher Joe Tryon-Shoyinka in the starting lineup. And it happened against the Colts.

Diaby didn’t have a good day. He assisted on one tackle and got hurt. It looked like he had a quarterback pressure but that’s about it. Ironically, it was Tryon-Shoyinka who had one of two Bucs of the day.

Joe talked to Diaby after the game and he revealed that he didn’t learn about getting the starting job until today.

“It meant a lot. It really did. I thanked the coaches for giving me the opportunity. I gotta build on it,” Diaby said.

Joe is happy for the third-round pick. He’s been a bright spot of this season. Good pass rushers are hard to find, and Diaby might be one.

21 Responses to “Grateful, Appreciative YaYa Diaby”

  1. Bucs Fan From Philly Says:

    He definitely has to produce for all that Free YaYa JBF was doing

  2. Bucsfan951 Says:

    Growing pains. As long as you keep moving forward (and it shows) I am all good with that!

  3. Dave Pear Says:

    A real head coach and modern defensive coordinator will do him wonders. The Bowles losing culture must be steam cleaned out of one Buc place.

  4. Tye Says:

    The Players most likely will slack and not play full go for such a clown of a coach..
    keep him the rest of the season will only condone and encourage the losing culture…
    It’s a SAD Day when there is no ‘Bucs FIRE Bowles’ articles!

  5. Larrd Says:

    Bowles has been too slow to play the youngsters.

  6. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Gotta show up yaya. We all screamed and pounded the drum for free yaya. Maybe next game.

  7. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Joe you say the Bucs had an embarrassing loss today. lol the last 5 of 6 weeks have been embarrassing losses. All I want for Xmas is a winning atmosphere around my Bucs again

  8. Not Bodd Towles Says:

    I’m sure they are all just satisfied being able to compete with a juggernaut like the Colts since our head coach loves moral victories

  9. SBucs Says:

    Isn’t it nice when a coach wins five in a row instead of losing six out of seven?
    What does it say about Todd and coaching to lose six of seven games and what does it say when a team either grows into winning or crumbles into nothing.

  10. Curse of Gruden Says:


  11. Bucs 95 Says:

    In my honest opinion arians ruined the bucs when he retired out of the blue last year and gave bowles the job and leftwhich that was the end for us

  12. Bucs 95 Says:

    And were is arians this year ? Havent heard about him i thought he was part of the front office 🤔

  13. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    I remember when Licht would say the winning Brady effect would be around even after he left. What a croc! This franchise needs to clean the MRSA like it did years ago out of the Bucs locker room. This time the disease is the Bowles coaching staff. It’s embarrassing every Sunday. Bucs should be honest with their fans and rebuild from the ground up, including the GM.

  14. ATLBuc Says:

    Now, they need to replace Baker

  15. rrsrq Says:

    If the Bucs change coaches next year, with the current talent wouldn’t mind seeing a 4-3 back again.

  16. Defense Rules Says:

    Larrd … ‘Bowles has been too slow to play the youngsters.’

    I agree, but at the same time I don’t envy Bowles’ decision-making position. As fans we can look at individual rookies & say ‘He needs to be on the field more’. As the HC & DC, Bowles has to take a lot more into account if he hopes to win (which I’m assuming is his end goal no matter what some JBFers say).

    His defense is very complex for 1 thing. To fit 1 newbie in is probably not too hard to do. To fit 2 in is a definite challenge. To fit 3 (or more in like he did at times yesterday) must be a nightmare for a DC & his staff. Then throw in several veterans who aren’t even close to 100% physically (like White, Davis & probably Vea?) and the nightmare grows into surrendering 27 points to a team that should never have laid 27 points on us.

    Most JBFers will say that those are excuses, but I don’t look at them that way. There are valid reasons why an offense or defense isn’t performing at a level that it’s capable of potentially performing at. Ineffective coaching is 1 of them. Lack of field leadership is also 1 of them IMO. Inexperience at multiple positions is another. It’s a slow climb to the top of the mountain, but can be a rapid descent if you make just 1 false misstep. Make several missteps & the fall doesn’t end until you crash into the bottom of the mountain.

  17. Hodad Says:

    Ronde Barber for G.M.. Why not? He’s plugged into this team, and I could see him taking the career path of his former mate Lynch. We know no one would out work him, he has a vast football knowledge, he’s a friggin Bucs icon make this happen. Keep the rest of the staff. Just replace The decisions at the top with Ronde, over Licht. The results should be much better.

  18. BucU Says:

    This organization is a disaster.

  19. Colonel Angus Says:

    New coaching staff needs to switch back to a 4-3 defense.

  20. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    When is the date set for the Joe-Ya Ya wedding?

  21. Glass used to be Half Full Guy Says:

    We didn’t do too badly pressure-wise yesterday and too bad Diaby couldn’t play more but the Bucs run D got exposed again like they did against Philly.

    I predicted a 100 yard rushing game out of R. White and he and the o-line delivered (100 yards even at 6.7 ypc) but where did the pass protection go? Not that they were stellar before (Baker’s legs and quick release have saved many sacks) but yesterday was really bad and Mayfield was in a constantly-collapsing pocket.

    We were also out-coached on both sides of the ball, especially our D. We had no answers for their play designs, both on the ground and through the air. Minshew doesn’t know that he’s average at best and we didn’t convince him of that when he was able to make easy throws to wide-open receivers.

    It seems like we never take no-name or rookie QBs seriously so they look like All-Pros against us. These guys have eyes, legs and arms and got to the NFL somehow. Passes of 20 yards or less (60 feet or less) is just under the distance from the pitcher’s mound to home plate (60′ 6″). Any NFL QB can hit a wide open receiver at that distance, even scrubs like Zach Wilson.

    With the Falcons winning yesterday, not only do they have a tie-breaker by beating us (with still a game to play against them) but they’re also now 3-0 in the division. That division record will likely knock us out of the playoffs if we end up tied with them. We’re in 3rd place, 2 games out of first with 2 teams ahead of us. Playoffs? It can be done, but hardly likely after yesterday.

    Goooo Bucs!