George Kittle Touchdown Screamed What’s Wrong With Defense

November 19th, 2023

Forgot George Kittle?

With 1:42 in the third quarter, the 49ers decided to throw the final shovel of dirt in the faces of the Bucs defense.

This game at that point wasn’t even close. Early on, it didn’t even appear the 49ers were trying that hard.

In the second half, like a cat tired of toying with a mouse, it was time to put the Bucs out of their misery.

When Brock Purdy connected with tight end George Kittle near the end line of the end zone for a 27-7 lead, it screamed volumes about the once-proud Bucs defense.

How in the world could a defense let Kittle, one of the best tight ends in the game, that wide open? Bruce Arians screaming “wide ass open” didn’t do it justice.

Joe has seen tight ends in walk-throughs not get that open.

How can that happen? How?

If a defense whose head coach is a defensive guy is playing that badly, making that many major mistakes, that’s an ugly look for the organization and the coaching staff.

And there are other examples (Joe already detailed YaYa Diaby getting pulled in the most crucial time of the game).

Right now this Bucs team is not properly coached up. And even though the NFC South is a trash division, “this Joe” has little faith the Bucs can rally from a 4-6 record to win it.

Not the way the coaches are leading this team.

44 Responses to “George Kittle Touchdown Screamed What’s Wrong With Defense”

  1. T D Says:

    It’s time for lovie Bowles and Byron canales to go.

  2. Bojim Says:

    No way.

  3. Rod Munch Says:

    The Bucs defense has clearly not been as good since Todd Bowles was moved to head coach. So I have a solution, let’s make him the “co” head coach and let him work with the defense 100% of the time, and not have to worry about anything else!

    For the other “co” head coach – I say the Bucs be the industry leader and go with an AI chatbot that can make all the decisions.

    I absolutely 100% guarantee you it would make better decisions.

  4. ksbucfan Says:

    on a brighter note. is mike evans going to be the only wr to never have under a 1,000 yard season# team positive

  5. Nprbuc Says:

    I would keep Canales, assuming he is trying to keep his boss happy. I can think of no other reason to waste so many running plays every game. Even as a rookie I expect he is aware of what doesn’t work. Bowels needs to be gone. Period

  6. orlbucfan Says:

    Rod Munch, seriously, do you have a munchkin level brain? You sure aren’t a Bucs fan.

  7. orlbucfan Says:

    Nprbuc Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 8:51 pm
    I would keep Canales….
    I’m ready to kick his butt into Tampa Bay, and I hope he drowns. He still doesn’t get his offensive players.

  8. Dom>Licht Says:

    All brought to you by Jason Licht!

  9. Popcorn Mike Says:

    As what has already has been said, this team is bad. As I keep saying I don’t know what these NFL analyst see when they keep saying Mayfield is having a good year. He’s playing decent ball but he’s still over throwing wide open receivers and making bad throws. The defense is just getting touched. The same thing every week, we get in scoring position , a fumble a interception or penalty. Everyone is asking where is Evans and Godwin. The season is damn near over and it’s the same ole story. There has to be a change coming

  10. adam from ny Says:

    i heard there was a missing person alert at the game…

    over the loudspeaker they asked if anyone has seen…

    joe trying to shank ya 🙂


  11. ksbucfan Says:

    the bucs are not a good football team. yes we have pieces but we are missing more than we have. we have major issues on the interior online i think mauch is gonna be ok after a year. hainsley ok at backup. LG do we even have one?. baker has been as expected. not bad not great , for the money he is making been better than expected really, don’t think you van pay him big money though, and that is the problem. if you pay baker how do you make the team better?

  12. SBucs Says:

    Todd is not a head coach and quickly showing that he’s not a even a good defensive coordinator

  13. ModHairKen Says:

    Like Pitts in Atlanta, right?


  14. HC Grover Says:

    Sum Ting Wong…this organization is a shambles. They are not worthy. It starts with HC/DC and then Canales and Licht with his awful high round picks like Plan 9. Then the Glazer owners.

  15. Rod Munch Says:

    orlbucfan Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 8:52 pm
    Rod Munch, seriously, do you have a munchkin level brain? You sure aren’t a Bucs fan.


    Why, because I think Todd Bowles should be returned to doing what he does best? How is that hating?

    Also, have you used AI? It’s amazing. It literally has access to every coaching decision ever made in every situation, knows the outcomes, knows literally everything about anything – and it would do a better job than 98% of the coaches out there. Probably more like 100%, but I want to play it safe.

    I’d put an AI coach against Bowles any day of the week – and I’d bet my house on it!

    Make it happen – big mouth!

  16. TonySoprano Says:

    It’s as if Todd Bowles said, “Everything that worked last week vs Tennessee, do the complete opposite. Go back to playing CBs 17 yards off. Get JTS more snaps. Put Watts back on the bench.”

    I don’t know if he’s overthinking things or under-thinking, but every decision he makes is wrong. It’s truly baffling

  17. HC Grover Says:

    Canales….about half his plays are good but the other half are stupid with little ‘tricks’ that always flop. IOW he is too cute by half.

  18. Bobby M. Says:

    Bowles will routinely explain the “what ifs” of execution yet every week he has glaring breakdowns in his scheme. Bowles defense routinely blows assignments…whether it’s Neal not being out of lposition, White over pursuing, JTS not holding his ground….the results are terrible. This coaching sucks, we have THREE 1st rd picks in the middle of our front seven, David is a potential HOF LB, $30+ million in TWO 2nd rd CBs, probably the best safety in the game in Winfield…..all available resources have been dumped into that defense yet it gets worse every year.

  19. Duane in Sanford Says:

    This has Bowles special all over it. Davis and Dean get banged up not even making the play, and at the end there is a coverage breakdown that leads to an easy score.

  20. Popcorn Mike Says:

    It’s very troubling when you have the Texans with a first time HC and staff and a rookie QB who’s playing a lot better ball than the Bucs who have veterans at every position with the exception of Canales at OC. It’s not like the Texans are just tearing up the league, but they look like a NFL team the way they are playing. The Bucs, it just seams there’s no answer but they’re BAD

  21. realistic-optimistic Says:

    More “busting”

  22. ksbucfan Says:

    if possible. signing baker to a 12-15 mil a year prove it deal agsin and drafting a real center and LG might. be a good strategy. if we can keep evans and baker can hot Evans on deep balls. that is also saying that coaches go for that. they did make a game plan to throw UT

  23. ksbucfan Says:

    more this week it just didn’t work cause its the 9era hopefully that doesn’t scare them away from doing it again

  24. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Todd Bowels may be a lousey head coach but he didnt all of a sudden forget how to coach defense….

    The talent on defense or lack thereof provided by Jason Licht is a much bigger issue.

  25. Falconrap Says:

    While Canales isn’t perfect, and does run it more than I’d like, his passing game is getting guys open on virtually every play (end zone and all-22 will show this). The problem is the dude failing to throw the ball to the open guys or missing guys completely, like missing Evans high and behind on a deep post in front of the goal line for what should have been a walk-in touchdown. He’s also getting guys open on quick simple outs on a consistent basis, which is one route Baker is actually good at.

  26. Front Four Says:

    Last I checked, Bowles has a Super Bowl ring in no small part for out coaching Andy Reid and smothering Patrick Mahomes in the Big Game. Before the season started I said if we win 7 games with this roster Bowles would deserve coach of the year. Still believe that’s the case.

  27. Tom Says:


  28. Tom Says:

    Tods Bowles has his personality. Ugh…

  29. Tom Says:

    Let my season tickets go after 14yrs. Can’t stand this mediocre team.

  30. kgh4life Says:

    Since Bowls have been in Tampa, his defenses has always have coverage busts and it’s a different player each time. That means it’s the scheme yet Bowls stubbornly plays it.

  31. Greg Says:

    Rod, I don’t think that’s a bad idea the more I think about it, why the hell not at this point?

  32. Curse of Gruden Says:

    AI for HC!

  33. ChiBuc Says:

    AI? I’d be happy with a housebroken Labrador over Bowles. At least the dog won’t drop a turd on the field after every halftime/bye/mini bye.

  34. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Wasn’t Dean out at that point?

  35. Rod Munch Says:

    On a positive note, I have George Kittle and the 49ers defense on my main fantasy team – and still have Mahomes to play, and I’m already up by 40!


  36. Rod Munch Says:

    Buccaneer Bonzai Says:
    November 20th, 2023 at 12:03 am
    Wasn’t Dean out at that point?


    If my memory is correct, this was the play after David got hurt. I couldn’t tell from the TV angle, but the dullards on the TV broadcast seemed to say Dennis was in the wrong spot when he filled in. But the broadcast team was much worse than normal today, so I’d have to see the ALL22 because I’d blame him.

  37. steele Says:

    Coverage mistakes, blown assignments, and predictability have been the perennial problems for the D, exposed in the last couple of seasons. The Super Bowl season benefitted greatly from the work of a certain Tom Brady+ a better roster, Arians, and team motivation. That Bowles managed a couple of good games as a DC under that protection doesn’t make him great. Handing him the HC job only exposed his lack of leadership as HC, and his problems as DC (exposed for all to see in the infamous playoff loss vs. the LA Rams) remain.
    Whether defense or offense, too many guys give up big game-killing plays, because this coaching bunch can’t seem to get them focused as a team.

  38. Mike C Says:

    How did this guy ever stop KC with his defense is beyond me.

  39. President Canales Says:

    Another QB with historic stats against Bowles defense.

    Rookies and Vets all get off when TB is on the other sideline.

    I have had enough.

  40. President Canales Says:

    I agree with Falcon trap. Baker is missing guys.
    He is playing well but not great. Big difference.

    You have to give Mike a chance in end zone. His 50/50 balls suck.
    His deep passes suck.

    Again the guy is good not great. I am not a hater…. I just prefer great!

  41. Zoocomics Says:

    We knew what the results would be in this game. Why was anyone convinced otherwise and YET, as well as San Fran played, we actually had a chance in the 4th to make it interesting. What more could we ask for fanbase? This 49ers Team is well established, well coached, well built, good depth, great weapons at all three levels of the offense, great offensive line, experienced, and they will be in the NFC Championship game, believe that! Everyone on this site believes the sky is falling in Tampa. Fire Bowles, blah blah blah… Jesus, everyone take a breathier.

    This team is not a bad nor a good football team right now. We’ve seen bad football teams during the lost decade, we’re just coping from the hangover that was Brady and a loaded roster in 2020 and 2021. It would not surprise me if we don’t lose another game this year, and I guarantee… barring key injuries, you’ve see our last blow-out of the season, everything will be within a 1 score game if we lose. This is will be our anxiety for the next several weeks. All the teams we’re about ready to face, will be like facing ourselves. Colts, Jags, Packers… these teams aren’t better than us, nor are we technically better than them. Get ready for a dog fight, and yes, the Bucs control their Destiny for a 3rd NFC South title.

  42. NE Fan Says:

    He coaches a predictable D just like his O. This man is NOT a good NFL coach. For two seasons he’s been trying to force the run but has made no personal changes or offensive schemes to support it. Canales has turned his #1 back into a 3rd down back. I still don’t get why Bowles hired a green OC after what happened last season. Another Stella move by Bowels. The D hasn’t played well since the 2020 playoffs. Where the head go the arse follows and this HC is taking this team to the toilet.

  43. dvashun Says:

    This is the inevitable Todd Bowles defensive coordinator arc. His first year in an organization it takes about half a season for the players to grasp the concepts, then for about 2 years the defense dominates, then there is enough tape on what he is doing and good teams torch his defenses. At much as it pains me to say this, but his defense approach is very gimmicky and does not stand up over multiple seasons. It is time for him, Canales (sorry about his timing), and Baker to go after this season.

  44. MelvinJunior Says:

    “Front Four:” NO. He has a ring as a COORDINATOR. Period. That does NOT mean he is a HEAD Coach, or a LEADER of men, Etc. There is a difference. A HUGE difference. I mean, WHERE did you come from or which ‘rock’ did you crawl out from under!? And, this roster is absolutely NOT horrible whatsoever, ESPECIALLY for being in the NFC SOUTH. For the most part, THIS is a Super Bowl CHAMPIONSHIP Winning Defense, from JUST 3-YEARS AGO, & with TWO really good WR’s, etc. And, they have been mostly HEALTHY… THIS is just a HORRIBLY Coached Football Team. PLAIN. AND. SIMPLE. Zero Excuses For BOTH Loses To ATL AND HOUSTON. ZERO. Just a decent coach has them at 6-4 AND in 1ST-Place in the division all by themselves, with a WEAK INDY TEAM coming up next!!!! THEN, Carolina & again ATL… And, a 9-4 RECORD heading into Lambeau with a VERY winnable game vs the Pack. Thus, with a 10-4 record setting up MONSTER Matchups with BOTH JAX & The SAINTS at HOME… Before ending the season in Carolina!!!! So, DON’T TRY To Tell ME That EVEN A ‘Decent’ Coach Couldn’t Manage THAT Schedule, With THIS Roster!!!! 💯