Don’t Blame Baker Mayfield

November 5th, 2023

The NFL cliché says the quarterback gets far too much credit and far too much blame.

The truth lies somewhere in between.

For the sad 3-5 Buccaneers, Joe wouldn’t blame Mayfield for the team’s bad record.

Statistically, it doesn’t fit. And the eye test doesn’t show Joe that Mayfield as a core problem.

That doesn’t mean Mayfield is a star. But he’s done enough to show he’s tough, explosive and consistently protective of the football.

After today’s ugly 39-37 embarrassment in Houston, Mayfield now has 12 touchdowns and 4 interceptions through eight games. That’s one of the better TD/INT ratios in the NFL. He’s also deftly avoiding sacks and fumbles, and scrambling better than he ever has in his career.

Essentially, Joe believes, the Bucs are getting nearly everything they could have expected out of the guy. And Joe might bet a few bucks that Mayfield is the best quarterback in the NFC South.

In one additional game, Saints QB Derek Carr has 10 touchdowns and 4 interceptions. Carr also has a running game; Mayfield does not. All offseason, Joe heard people saying Mayfield needs a running game to play well. That hasn’t proven true.

Mayfield’s solid opening eight games gives Joe hope for the Bucs’ ability to pull themselves out of their current funk and find their way to meaningful games in December.

Joe knows very well what bad QB play looks like. Mayfield ain’t it.

106 Responses to “Don’t Blame Baker Mayfield”

  1. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Sorry Joe,

    But Baker was exactly 💯 on fire today either……

    The problem is coaching Joe…..coaching that is horrid

  2. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Mayfield I think is just bewildered…….he’s probably thinking Tampa is like Cleveland south 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. Durango 95 Says:

    He may not be the answer but he’s certainly not the problem.

  4. John Says:

    Fire Bowles

  5. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Not when the defense can’t protect a 46 second lead and a jv squad oc calling plays and a I coach not to lose HC. Even Brady couldn’t win with that!

  6. Mike S Says:

    LOL Bucs lose 5 of 6 and the first thing you think of is to protect Baker.

    I can’t wrap my head around it.

    19 total yards of offense in the 3rd quarter – turned the game around.

    266 yards for Baker is setting the world on fire – against a team with zero pass rush and a missing secondary.

    LOL sorry this isn’t a credible argument.

  7. TheBucsAnthem Says:


    If it wasn’t for Baker and him improvising this whole season, this team possibly may have only won 1 game 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

  8. Rican Says:

    He’s not the answer, and he’s also not the problem. The problem is COACHING. Clean house.. minus Jason Licht.

  9. SBucs Says:

    Mayfield is the least of the problem… start with Jason and Todd… instead of getting better this team gets worse. The offense scores 37 and the defense allows 39, it’s just a poorly constructed and coached team. Who the hell allows 470 yds / 5 touchdowns to a rookie? Todd is who.

  10. ModHairKen Says:

    “Mayfield’s solid opening eight games gives Joe hope for the Bucs’ ability to pull themselves out of their current funk and find their way to meaningful games in December.”

    Are you serious? Did you watch the game? Was this post written by AI?
    C’mon, Ken. The NFL is ruled by quarterback play and elite playmakers. Mayfield playing solid football gives the Bucs a chance. –Joe

  11. Mikeinlutz Says:

    Dont blame Baker, where was the fing defense. Flush them all hc, gm, oc

  12. Bucs13 Says:

    He isn’t the problem, but he’s also not the solution. Can’t be blamed for this loss, though.

  13. sasquatch Says:

    Mayfield did everything to win the game except play defense. There is no excuse for that defensive performance. None. Zero. Nada. I’m beginning to think they need a defensive overhaul.

  14. ModHairKen Says:


  15. LEE COHEN Says:

    The problem for the last few games has been coaching. The offense is predictable. I can predict when they will run from 1000 miles away. Also, when the opposing team is missing there starting safeties, you test the secondary and throw it down the field. Not the Bucs!

  16. Miller5252 Says:

    Baker isn’t the problem but I don’t think he’s the future for the next 10 years either. Canales sucks and hasn’t fed his 2 best receivers and thinks White should be given the ball every play. Bowles D just keeps getting worse like last year and you can’t count on them for a stop. 470 for a rookie is just ridiculous and someone has to pay for it. The Arians era is over and it’s time to send them all down the road. Bowles has no business being a head coach

  17. ModHairKen Says:

    Atlanta, same thing. Defense failed.

  18. Pittbucfan Says:

    Fire Bowles now!!!!

  19. Mike S Says:


    They’re losing games Joe.

  20. RagingBrisket Says:

    Blame Licht first. He loves his lousy players way more than they deserve. He sucked before the miracle gift that is Bruce Arians and he sucks out loud since he left. Starts at the top with our overrated lousy GM.

  21. BrianBucs Says:

    Bucs scored 37 points today.
    That should be enough to win.
    Bowles’ defense 💩 the bed.
    Baker took his team down the field and got the lead with 46 seconds left in the game.
    Baker played better than good enough to win today.
    The defensive play caller was very badly outcoached.
    Bucs will never win anything big with Bowles as the head coach.
    Lots of good talent on this team being wasted by Bowles horrible coaching.
    He needs to go.

  22. Pewter Power Says:

    It’s impossible to blame baker. If any defensive coordinator was fired after a game like this it would barely get news but it just happens to be the head coach. Even if he was fired in season no way they do it this soon. We aren’t like the Raiders who just fired their head coach. Glazers think they are being thoughtful but are really cowards scared to make bold moves

  23. Rod Munch Says:

    MAYFIELD THREW FOR 250 YARDS AND 2 TDS and supposedly had some impressive day. No thanks.

    I didn’t want Mike Glennon, and I don’t want Baker Mayfield.

  24. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of Says:

    CJ Stroud looked like the best QB in the NFL today.

    Houston logged life the better/ more explosive team all day, and I want sidled at all that they ended up beating us at the end.

    But Mayfield played pretty well other than a few bad decisions to hit check-downs that got immediately blown up and resulted in losses and turnovers on downs.

    CJ Stroud was by far the best player in the field today.

  25. StormyInFl Says:

    Anyone who blames Baker for this, needs their head examined.

    This one was on alleged ‘defensive genius’ masquerading as an actual NFL head coach.

    I wish the Glazers had half the stones Mark Davis does. He recognized that McDaniels was a train wreck and launched him. They’ll let this clown finish the season.

  26. Dewey Selmon Says:

    this loss is on #24. simple as that

  27. de bucs fan Says:

    I think this is the rational take. It’s not Baker.

    Fire Baker if he called the endless defensive zone calls. All season. While getting carved.

  28. Mike S Says:

    Joe hear me out…

    Would you rather have Bo Nix or Baker Mayfield?

    Bo Nix is very gettable.

    Forget about this season. There are too many prime QBs in next year’s draft and we need to find out about Trask.

    Its over Joe. Time to turn the page.

  29. Magicbuc Says:

    At what point does Jason light get blame for giving Davis and Dean and bunch of money to suck?

  30. 1#bucsfan Says:

    BM is deff not the problem. Play calling on offense and after this game the defensive play calling was the worst I’ve ever seen. Bowles must have bin sleeping not to adjust to the rook. Dude had all day to throw and what the is up with Davis giving up 3 TDs. Bowles defense and play calling lost us that game no doubt. Offense finally put points on the board but they were far from perfect. 1 game our defense played worst than I’ve ever seen but it’s enough to make me want Bowles fired.

  31. Marco Says:

    I keep hearing all this talk about no interceptions, you’re rarely ever going to throw an interceptions when you rarely ever throw the ball down the field. I don’t care if he throws one or two int. A game if he throws four touchdowns. There are 2 parts of a pass, the QBs job to throw it and the receivers job to go up and get it. But this isn’t going to happen in Tampa until that sad excuse for a coach is gone.
    I get that we are in cap hell but there is way too much talent on this team to have lost some of these games. This is ALL on the head coach

  32. Rod Munch Says:

    Your QB has less than 200 yards passing and 1 TD with 2 mins left in the game, in 2023, and he’s the solution, not the problem?

    I don’t think so.

    Plus, Winston rules say even if you get a game ‘winning’ TD, if the defense collapses, that’s still on you as a the QB and you get 100% of the blame. I didn’t make those rules, those were the rules here, so Mayfield gets thrown under the bus.

  33. Oz Len Says:

    Mike S=

  34. Rod Munch Says:

    Magicbuc Says:
    November 5th, 2023 at 5:21 pm
    At what point does Jason light get blame for giving Davis and Dean and bunch of money to suck?


    You mean what was the point of Licht giving them a ton of money, only to have the coach change the scheme and play almost exclusively zone defense, when you have two man-press corner covers?

  35. PewterStiffArm Says:

    December? We won’t be able to get through November. Such a great come-back and such a awful letdown. We don’t win at home and I feel for Baker. Todd Bowles has no pass rushers and this prevent defense crap doesn’t work. Such a disrespectful loss to the fans and to the local community. I won’t spend another Sunday wasting my time on mediocrity, good riddance.

  36. George R Says:

    Baker is not bad, but he is not great. He is probably on par with Carr but usually the second best QB on the field. He missed many throws or was late short.

  37. Mark hardt Says:

    The Bucs radio team seems to think zone defense is the problem. It is time to man up.

  38. Ted Says:

    The only meaningful games left on the schedule are the games they lose to get them in the top five for draft order. No serious person looks at this team and sees a playoff team, regardless of how weak the NFC south is. There are 5-8 QBs in the 2024 draft that will be quality starters in the league. We need to get one and not screw him up. Go get a high profile aggressive, offensive head coach, draft a qb and LFG

  39. chickster Says:

    He can only throw the ball when he moves he can’t see over the line this is why Godwin is a ghost

  40. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Baker Mayfield has played great all year despite a 1st year incompetent run run pass play caller and half the fan base and Gator nation rooting against him for their clipboard holding boyfriend Kyle Trask.

  41. Mike S Says:

    I swear to God this is like listening to a wife make excuses for her abusive husband.

    What blackmail pics does Mayfield have on the Joes?

    Completely bizarre.

  42. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Baker is not really the problem, but he is far from the solution. Yep, it’s a crapshoot, but there could be 7 or 8 QBs drafted in the first round next year. Because if you don’t have a QB, you very rarely have a chance unless you have a historic defense. You hear me Dilfer?

  43. Mike S Says:

    Tbbucs3 you know what the definition of insanity is?

    Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

    Half of Houston’s already middling defense were injured.

    Yeah Baker put up some points today, big whoop.

    Bowles is already two feet out the door. Bakey ain’t coming back.

    Its over. Accept it.

    Its time to find out what we have in Trask.

  44. Rod Munch Says:

    250 yards. 2 TDs.

    Meanwhile the other team had their QB put up 500 yards and 5 TDs.

    But the Bucs should just settle on Mike Glennon 2.0.

    No thanks.

  45. Steven007 Says:

    Munch, there are no Winston rules. Chatter from some internet trolls doesn’t equate to a rule. At any rate, don’t worry, Baker will get thrown under the bus regardless so there you go. Today. Had nothing to do with Baker being inept Baker didn’t throw multiple balls to the other team. And he doesn’t call the offense either. Feel free to pile on the new OC. But today it was on the defense. Or lack thereof.

  46. Hodad Says:

    He was out played by rookie Stroud no matter how you slice it. We’ll have a top 5 pick, and hopefully our own new rookie QB, and HC next year.

  47. Tbbucs3 Says:

    If you think Baker Mayfield is the problem…..


  48. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Also if your comparing Baker Mayfield to Mike Glennon….Your an idiot!!

  49. Zzbucs Says:

    Mayfield is not the problem guys.
    Is much deeper that that.
    No running game, no secondary, bad offensive calls,no rushing the passer, how could you pretend winning a game when you lack of everything above?

    There is no mystery here……

  50. OklahomaAl Says:

    37 points…7 scoring drives…2 passing TDs…70% completion…ZERO turnovers…gutsy play including the 4th down run when it counted…go-ahead touchdown with under a minute…and once again…37 freaking points and some of you want to blame the quarterback???

  51. Old Sombrero Says:

    Can’t go to Trask yet IMO. Indeed you have to wonder what would be with a less conservative QB while at the same time, he’s smart enough not to be the problem so props to him. The team is awful; fractured. 2nd half defense was terrible and some of the offensive play calls in the 3rd quarter were questionable. The flea flicker was a joke. Running Vaughn 3 plays in a row was a joke. White had a decent game for once. The zone coverage worked well in first half. Houston adjusted. TB didn’t.

  52. HC Grover Says:

    Baker plays QB like Tebow.

  53. Oneilbuc Says:

    I can’t blame Baker for this game but I’m not giving him a pass for all the other losses. This the best game he’s played all year and still next year he got to go with Todd Bowles, Veta, Christ Godwin, Ryan Neal, Hency, JTS and Saq Barrett. See what you can get for those players and let Baker Mayfield and Todd Bowles go .

  54. Stan says Says:

    I have said all damn seasons it’s not Mayfield. It Todd Bowles end of story. I don’t understand why most can’t see that.

  55. David Says:

    Joe give it up your man crush over the baker is over .Baker missed so many open throws in first half and only had one touch downs with two minutes left in the game .

  56. Mike S Says:

    Why would you give Mayfield a contract when you have Trask and you’re going to draft a QB in the top 10?

    Zero reason to start Baker from here on out.

  57. Duane in Sanford Says:

    He is all you could have asked for from a $4million dollar quarterback. I love his play, but he does have defiencies that makes him just a bridge guy. He struggles to find Godwin. Not a ringing endorsement. I think his size prevents him from seeing Godwin over the line, and when they try to roll him out, it always looks like a naked bootleg with a defender waiting. Baker is giving maximum effort and to be commended, but he cant carry this team.

  58. DBS Says:

    Mike S =Son of Trask under a dozen different names.

  59. Bucs'n'Bucks Says:

    Mike S……. Go Away!!

    A disappointing loss but an exciting game. An offense that finally showed up. Stupid coaching decisions at the end of both halves cost us the game.

    And your redundant answer….. Change quarterbacks.

    Go find another fan site for your pathetic, depressing, uninspired comments.

  60. DBS Says:

    David you are dumb as dumb gets. You hate Baker and we get it. 37 points on the friggin board. This ain’t college where teams win 60 -0
    Mayfield was not the problem here.

  61. TB bolts Says:

    Don’t blame bake! He had two touchdowns today!!! In fact lets sign him yo 8 years 200 milly!!! He’s our guy!

  62. Posey99 Says:

    Mayfield got outplayed by rookie QB. What else is there to talk about. Stroud was elite, baker was good. Good doesn’t beat great.

  63. BusterHolly Says:

    What are some of you watching ? He had under 200 yards and one touchdown against zero pass rush , and one of the worst secondaries in the NFL. When his asked to make big plays consistently throughout the game, he can’t do it he’s either inaccurate or afraid to throw the ball down the field. The Bucs will not win anything with this guy a QB. He was fine today but again was the second best quarterback on the field.

  64. Rod Munch Says:

    TB bolts Says:
    November 5th, 2023 at 6:01 pm
    Don’t blame bake! He had two touchdowns today!!! In fact lets sign him yo 8 years 200 milly!!! He’s our guy!




  65. 5220buc Says:

    Send the whole lot packing. What an embarrassment they are to Bucs football. That is saying a lot. The defense quit mid second quarter. Just stopped working hard. Everyone was wide open to the point anyone in this site could have made the throw. There was zero pass rush after what seemed like many blitzes in the first qtr. Absolute &$!*show. Leave them all in Texas. They don’t want to be here and they don’t care what we have to say. Show up in Titans colors Sunday and send them a message. They all need to go.

  66. Oneilbuc Says:

    Just know this if the bucs bring Baker Mayfield back next year it’s a garuteen losing season with no future. Bringing Baker to the bucs was to sale tickets not win games. It’s time to get younger I don’t care about one good game from a quarterback that’s on his 4th team in 6 years. How much longer are y’all going to settle for mediocrey ? We should have moved into the future last year instead of bringing Brady back. We would have known what Trask is and we would have our quarterback rather it’s Trask or another guy . And look at like this all this talk about what college produces NFL quarterbacks don’t mean crap .

  67. David Says:

    Start Trask.
    Baker experience is over. Good or bad. New Orleans team with trash David Carr is getting hot. Baker can’t see the inside throw lanes. The defenses are forcing him to throw from the pocket. He has been defeating the bad teams but we already lost two of them, Atlanta and Texans while nearly defeated Chicago.

  68. Georgia Redneck Says:

    Baker can’t throw the long ball with any accuracy. We are wasting two excellent receivers.

  69. JD Still Says:

    LOL! I knew that would lead the responses!Don’t blame our man who stands behind the center and initiates the plays , whose name must not be mentioned in contributing to the loss ,because it is forbidden!! Oooooo K, we’ll, let’s compare the statistics for that person to the person who stood behind the other teams center and initiated their plays; our guy, whose name cannot be mentioned nor any blame assigned, threw for …….well, all you sycophants for the guy whose name cannot be mentioned know that Rod Munch has already given that stat above ,so I’m sure you all know them and don’t want to hear them again or you will throw a hissy fit and will withdraw into denial , so , continue denying if it makes you feel better, only nine more weeks to go.

  70. Since76 Says:

    Mayfield for the first time in Tampa had a average game. It was against a bad defense. It wasn’t Mayfield’s fault today but he hasn’t willed us to victory this year either..the defense has the only 3 wins we have. Time to blow it up and start over.

  71. OklahomaAl Says:

    What’s the word you used there…”team”? Where, exactly, can you pin this on the quarterback? What’s better than zero turnovers? How much better do you want than 70%? How many more points than 37 do you want?

    What EXACTLY is the benchmark?

    And you also ignore a factor that height doesn’t fix and you cannot teach. With the game on the line, the 4th down scramble. Again with the game on the line, the touchdown with under a minute.

  72. Kidfloflo Says:

    If people think Stroud way out played Baker, ask yourselves this….If they switch Qbs before game starts, u think we win with the rookie playing behind our line, and Baker going against Bowles defense?

  73. Itzok Says:

    Why the he’ll should he be spared. How about audibling out of a run up the middle when thTexans have 400 men in the damn box

  74. Rod Munch Says:

    Kidfloflo Says:
    November 5th, 2023 at 7:58 pm
    If people think Stroud way out played Baker, ask yourselves this….If they switch Qbs before game starts, u think we win with the rookie playing behind our line, and Baker going against Bowles defense?


    LOL! Yes, the Bucs would have won by at least 3 TDs.

    Is that a joke of a question? If we have a QB who isn’t afraid to throw it down the field and make plays, would they do better? Uh, yes, much better. In particular today when that guy was on complete fire.

    Against the Bucs defense, Baker would have thrown it to the TE and RB on 30 of his 40 passes, and had 191 yards and 2 TDs.

  75. Don'tBmad Says:

    Man you can tell there’s a bunch of Biden voters in the comments…..people who have no clue

  76. UKBuccaneer Says:

    When you score 30+ and lead with 46 seconds to go, the loss isn’t on the QB. BM has been more down than up recently, but this loss ain’t on him.

  77. Capt2fish Says:

    A lot of heat directed at Bowles and rightly so….the defense was horrible. But man, some questionable play calling by Canales leading to third and longs…e.g. run plays on 2nd and long. Notnseeing. Whole lot of creativity to get the ball to white in space.

  78. Michael Says:

    But Todd Bowles is a defensive genius!!
    Lmao. Gave up 500 yards passing and 5 touchdowns to a Rookie QB (Most in NFL history).
    Every week this team is unprepared and undisciplined.

  79. BrutalAsBucs Says:

    I’ve never seen a QB on a 4 game losing streak get so much positive press in the history football. Baker had an average game vs a jv caliber defense due to injuries! JoeBucs fan must be getting more views from Sooners and Baker Fanboys because it’s getting ridiculous with the support lol… 19 yards in the 3rd quarter killed our teams spirits and gave the Texans momentum. Baker is not a QB1 and would be a solid backup if he didn’t have a delusional fanbase rallying about how this time will be different than all of his failed stints with other teams IN THE MIDST OF A 4 GAME LOSING STREAK. Absurd lmfao

  80. DBS Says:

    How many TD’S and yards did Mahomes throw for today and win? I guess KC should replace him too. He did not set any records today.

  81. DBS Says:

    Fact is you people that want Trask on the field Next week. It ain’t happening.

  82. Bucs13 Says:

    @Kidflo. Are you kidding me? Stroud had a way worse line than Baker. He had like three lineman out. Yes, I do think Stroud does better with our offense today. He was hitting shots downfield, unlike Baker.

  83. Joe Says:

    I’ve never seen a QB on a 4 game losing streak get so much positive press in the history football.

    WTF, dude had an OK game. No, he’s not Marino. But dang, he gave the Bucs the lead with 46 seconds left. What was he supposed to do, play safety for Ryan Neal? The offense scored 36 points, most this season. That’s more than enough to win a game with any sort of decent defensive play. How can you pin this game on Mayfield? Did he steal your girlfriend? Or are you just p!ssed he standing in the way of poor whiddle Kyle Trask from playing and that prevents you from wearing your blue and orange jammies on Sundays?

    Joe still wants the Bucs to draft a quarterback in the first round no matter which QB is in there.

  84. SeeWhatTraskHas. Says:

    I’ve scoured this website for a couple years now and this year takes the cake, Baker has had some bad moments, what QB hasn’t? This game is not on Baker, he did not lose the game and matter of fact took the lead in the fourth quarter. It wasn’t pretty but it sure as H could’ve been worse, the amount of flak he catches from the Trask faithful is disgusting. Excusing my grammar, riddle me this ‘why hasn’t Trask taken over yet?’ He’s such a great QB, the guy who couldn’t beat out Blaine gabbert but made Ryan griffin expendable, that should’ve been our QB from day one. Im so tired of hearing ‘let’s see what Trask has’ the team knows what Trask has! He’s not it! This team has a coaching issue and don’t spin that as a reason to why Trask should play, defense is arse cheeks, play calling reminds me of a guy Tampa fired, running game was decent today, blocking was also decent. Score 37 and you shouldn’t lose, tampas defense is the sole reason we lost. Not Baker, not Rachaad, not Mike, again not Baker! 46 friggin seconds left on the board after the go ahead TD (Hey Baker) I knew it was gonna fail cos the D was torched alllllllll game long! They had two timeouts at their disposal as well.

    There are plenty of moments in this game that I know the actual Mike Glennon 2.0 wouldn’t have converted and just succumbed to pressure. He’s not mobile, he locks onto one read, he feels pressure that isn’t there, he’s also not exactly accurate either. ‘Play Trask and we lose out and get our QB’ what makes you think that QB is gonna turn this franchise around?! Enlighten me, please, I’d love to hear what everyone’s take is, especially the Trask fan club or his family parading as anonymous guests on a fan board.

  85. SeeWhatTraskHas. Says:

    Also, CJ stroud outplayed Mahomes today, guess the chiefs should get rid of him too. 😖

  86. SeeWhatTraskHas. Says:

    My comment got erased, cmon Joes, we gotta stick together (my names Joe) I’m not by any means a trask defender, I don’t wanna see the real MG 2.0 at QB.

  87. R. Strader Says:

    No, you’re full of it.
    We have a QB that can throw, and the coaches won’t let him because “we want to run the ball.:

    Well got news for you. We have no Offendive line to block to run tge bal.

    Baker is a good QB.

  88. Nope Says:

    Why not? Baker sucks just the same as this joke of a team and they’re very sucky coach. Hell, fire everybody.

  89. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Only 5 teams scored 30 points or more this week. Bucs were the only team that did that and lost. Blaming anyone on the offense this week just looks ridiculous.

  90. TampabayDJ Says:

    Defense lost this game and at least 2 of the other 5… How can you let them march down the field without a kicker and give up a TD ??? Bucs played solid offense. Still need to get Evans and Godwin more involved. Bucs have a first place schedule , and they have gone through the hardest part of it. The 49ers game is the hardest game left . All other games are winnable. Go Bucs

  91. Onetrickpony Says:

    The defense quit on Bowels.
    That much is obvious.

  92. Kenny Says:

    Baker would have even better statistics if the Bucs would throw form inside the 5 yard line.

    Canales took away 2 Baker TD passes today. Could have been a 4 TD 0 int day for Baker.

  93. Bbro Says:

    Def backs have all the trees leaning towards their homes

  94. MsChemicalEngineer Says:

    Baker played his heart out, period. I’m an Ohio State fan. I love CJ, but he can be heated, all you have to do is look at his 2 games against Michigan. Baker gave them the lead with under a minute left, and the defense couldn’t hold them. I be firing my Defensive Coordginator and the head coach immediately.

  95. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Trask gurglers are not buc fans

  96. Mark hardt Says:

    Baker was talking about himself. He has always been hardest on himself. His third quarter sucked and he knowz it. Browns fans were always frustrated that he accepted responsibility for poor performance but nothing changed. Lazt 3 games he has been saying he needs to get better. Baker did get better. But Stroud raised the Bar so now Bakes has to get even better. This is a guy who accepts challenges and meets them. Forever a walkon.

  97. BucsFan2520 Says:

    SeeWhatTraskHas. Says:
    November 5th, 2023 at 10:32 pm

    My comment got erased, cmon Joes, we gotta stick together (my names Joe) I’m not by any means a trask defender, I don’t wanna see the real MG 2.0 at QB.

    Everyone in the building has “seen what Trask has” for the last 3 years. It’s obviously not good enough. No need to play him because Gator fans want to see it – you can’t evaluate players from your couch better than the professionals – get over it, trask is a qb2 at best.

  98. Bojim Says:

    I loved the signing and think he is doing fine. Agree with Joe. He’s a tough SOB.

  99. BakerBucs Says:

    sometimes I have to wonder how u say Stroud is elite they were 3&4 yesterday same as baker 3&4 the 1st half we had the lead 3rd 1/4 was not good still put ,up 20 points baker shud have had a me TD but feel short by yard some baker shud of had 3 TD had them in position pretty much all day why is it like bills j.allen has ok games they r still only 5&4 Allen has had some rough outings but the fans don’t act like u dirt bags throw him under bus read baker complete stats for the year they r better than most of the league QBs the next draft doesn’t mean diddly u never know what the next draft means look at Panthers # 1 pick,I wonder if some of this is fixed last week Stroud had 13 points against young WTF happened yesterday might b rigged

  100. David Jones Says:

    This one lies totally on the defense! Throw in poor coaching too. We score points that should have won the game.. where was the defense in the last 40 seconds??? On the sidelines? That 4 quarter was a freak show! Bewildered coaches and players

  101. Timtim Says:

    Bucs lost five of last six games, and you think the QB is not the one to blame?

  102. Debbie Says:

    Clock management needs improvement. Taking the10 seconds and keeping the timeout might have helped, Running off the time so they do not get the ball back would have helped win. But on the defense, why did you guys fold when Jamel went to the locker room? What happened to next man up? D had one of its worst game. Smh.

  103. Kidfloflo Says:

    Munch, and Bucs 13, u are both wrong, Baker would have taken the lead and Strouds defense, Ours in this case, and would have crapped the bed and given up the game winning drive! And C.Js face would look like Bakers after game with an incredulous look and go, did we really just let them score with 47 secs left!? Yep, thanks coach

  104. orlbucfan Says:

    Canales is starting to call the correct O. But, it doesn’t mean jacksh1t if when your defense does its job, and suddenly the refs show up on 4th down and call DHolding on the Bucs. The refs keep doing it. Very few calls were legit. I lost Bucs Radio on streaming at the half. So, I had to turn on the tube-sound off. Got to watch the DHolding show. I’m over the fire-Bowles screeching on here. Really?

  105. Jroll-Bucco 78 Says:

    Baker was a gunslinger. His whole career going back to college. But he’s not able to do that in nfl bc of lack of physical attributes. He’s become a game manager and that’s his best way to succeed. Unfortunately game managers need elite defenses and elite run games to be successful in the Ligg and we have neither.

  106. Oak Says:

    The defense looks lost and confused on lost. Devin white should be a pass rush specialist and should not be in there playing linebacker. They need to pass to open up the run. Just run on 1st and 2nd down every time ain’t working.