Devin White: Injuries Require “Treatment Around The Clock”

November 27th, 2023

Devin White says he’s not blaming injuries for his play.

But he also says injuries have been — and still are — a huge part of his 2023 season.

White explained in the somber Bucs locker room in Indianapolis yesterday.

“It would be very great to be healthy, all the way healthy, I would say,” White said. “I’m healthy enough to go. So that’s why I keep pushing it because at the end of the day, man, I’m laying it out on the line for these guys. I went through a lot with training camp with them. You know, if I was healthy, 100 percent healthy, that would be better for me because I could do the things that I love to do. … I mean, but at the end of the day we got a great treatment staff. And I get treatment around the clock — morning, after practice, and even in the evenings before we go home so I can touch the field on Sundays. And I’m thankful for them just to give me the opportunity. I just got to keep getting stronger with everything that I’m dealing with. You know, and I can’t put it on nobody else. It’s me. I got to take it; I got to own up to it and go out and fight.”

White has a foot issue and he had a groin problem earlier this season, among other things. He doesn’t look like the same player he was in 2020 or 2021. The dropoff has been steep over the past two years.

Durability could be an issue for White, but that’s not a fair assessment. He’s only missed a few games through his five-year career. (Joe is not counting COVID absences.)

Lots of NFL linebackers play hurt like White is. The problem with White is that the greatness in his game relies so much on elite athleticism. When that’s taken away because of injury, White looks very average.

28 Responses to “Devin White: Injuries Require “Treatment Around The Clock””

  1. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    AMF 45

  2. Rod Munch Says:

    White should have taken his own advice this past offseason and sat out, this new Bowles defense has done nothing at all to play to his skill set.

    With that said, without knowing he was that hurt, I thought he looked slow today – which is not something you ever see with White when he’s not being forced to play back in those garbage Bowles soft zone defenses. But today, even when attacking, he just flat out looked slow compared to what you expect from him.

  3. Bosch Says:

    Undoubtedly, injuries impact speed strength, agility, physical capabilities in general. But, Are injuries the reason for taking bad angles? For fundamental breakdowns? For lack of focus, lack of discipline? Perhaps at the high school level. But at the NFL level? The best 1,600 football players in the world? I sure wouldn’t know.

  4. Not Bodd Towles Says:

    Remember when this guy demanded a trade

  5. Joe Says:

    Undoubtedly, injuries impact speed strength, agility, physical capabilities in general. But, Are injuries the reason for taking bad angles? For fundamental breakdowns? For lack of focus, lack of discipline? Perhaps at the high school level. But at the NFL level? The best 1,600 football players in the world? I sure wouldn’t know.

    Thank you. If he is that injured, get the hell off the field. He’s hurting his team too (if he is that injured).

  6. Jeebs the Honey Bear Says:

    To be a football player, you need to be physically tough. To be a great football player, you need to be mentally tough. Everybody in the NFL is playing hurt. Not everyone sucks and then cries about it. This dude is sooooft. Weak. Dump it.

  7. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Here come the excuses. Bosch absolutely nailed it tho. In Ira’s 10 things, he said Licht would have to admit a mistake drafting him. While he hasn’t panned out as well as we all expected and didn’t build on his 2020 season, arguably without him, we don’t win the Superbowl. He peaked early and either didn’t develop or Bowles is using him wrong. Idk, but the lack of effort really shows. He had a clear shot at Minshew and got embarrassed. Looked exactly like the Mahomes move last year. He can go.

  8. Buc booote Says:

    Orlando magic hired a black Gm I think the glazers should do the same! Jason got them a ring but I personally believe mr licht should be fired! You hire an inexperienced OC, to pair with a coach that has experienced nothing but failure as a head coach? That don’t sell tickets!! You draft Trask sit him behind Brady and then sign a back up Qb for 8 mill to compete that lost the competition but still hand him these keys to the ship? Also you go in draft oline men from schools never heard of in think they suppose to know in learn how to run block over night! Your best player playing with out a contract for next year. You also goes in pay dean all this money knowing he is a man to man corner and try to force him into a zone defense with no pass rush! SMH you also let Davis rob you for so much money it’s a shame. Not only that but white asked for trade letting u know he did not want to be apart of this team and you still force him to stay in play in expect him to lead the defense? Gtfoh

  9. Rod Munch Says:

    Joe Says:
    If he is that injured, get the hell off the field. He’s hurting his team too (if he is that injured).


    Same with Baker today.

  10. Mike C Says:

    Injuries do not make you over run tackles….

  11. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Devin White is a complete embarrassment to the Tampa Bay Buccaneer organization and fanbase, there’s no other way to put it… The play with Minshew, I find it hard to believe that Devin White is THAT terrible at football. Either way, he’s a disgrace to football, any level of football, let alone the NFL… White won’t be cut this week, but he should be…Then he tries to hide behind the excuse that he’s hurt, most/all of the guys in the NFL are hurt, I’m sure Minshew is playing hurt. Embarrassing.

  12. Hodad Says:

    He’s a team captain!! He was dead to me the moment he demanded a trade in the off season. Bucs should’ve granted his wish. They kept him for Bowles, and this is the way White pays him back. White isn’t the only problem. It starts at the top with Licht, down to Bowles, to the players. No leadership at the top. Someone has to be the bad guy, and get the attention of under performing players, and coaches. The Glazers are watching these clowns sail the pirate ship over the falls. I hope they all walk the plank soon.

  13. Davenport Says:

    True or not, this is some serious ass-covering. Should have ran this guy when he started his “trade-me” nonsense.

  14. Fishing Buc Says:

    Was he hurt last year too?

  15. realistic-optimistic Says:

    He was drafted purely for his speed. He’s not athletic like everybody seems to believe. When does he ever sky to tip a pass? When does he ever shed blocks? When does he ever knife through the line to take down a runner (like David does every week)?

    None of his sacks ever come from his own bending/ripping/handfighting. He only gets home when there are no blockers.

    Opposing QBs lead him around the field by the nose with play fakes and motions (and jukes). They put him right where they want him. He always takes the cheese.

    I don’t want him back at any price. He’s not just a bad player that never improves, he makes teammates look worse by forcing them to cover his mistakes.

  16. Pewter power Says:

    Her white are you hurt or are you injured? He looked just like himself the last two years only he got embarrassed so needs to invoke his injury status…. Man you sorry bro you ain’t injured or hurt just sorry

  17. D-Rome Says:

    Undoubtedly, injuries impact speed strength, agility, physical capabilities in general. But, Are injuries the reason for taking bad angles? For fundamental breakdowns? For lack of focus, lack of discipline?

    Excellent comment, Bosch.

  18. Cobraboy Says:

    White should dye his hair red, then he’d be like the Red Rooster, high on himself, low on the playing field.

    Bad angles, missed tackles, and an occasional splash, but overall a negative…with excuses.

  19. Destinjohnny Says:

    Why not play his back up who is 100% healthy?

  20. Matt Says:

    Minshew had no problem getting through Devin’s line. Your ceiling was reached way too early in career. I would only use White to blitz. Otherwise give Dennis his reps in run and pass coverage.

  21. gotbbucs Says:

    There’s not a linebacker in the league that isn’t banged up right now.

    The problem is White is one of the most fundamentally undisciplined linebackers in the NFL. I knew when we drafted him that he was raw and was still learning the game, but he still hasn’t learned out how to form tackle. Every tackle attempt is up around the shoulders and he over pursues almost every ball carrier, even inside runs.

    He’s failed to develop the intricacies of the game, still trying to let athleticism trump fundamentals. He’s a meat head, sadly, who’s ego won’t allow him to change.

  22. Joshua porter Says:

    Probably talking about his ego needs treatment around the clock. He let a second rate qb out juke him …… take a seat and put in the rookie let him get his bumps now

  23. Deadwood South Dakota Says:

    Constantly beaten by 1st strings second string of even practice players.. how embarrassing.. just a little more and he is gone.. him and Jamieson two pea lsin the pods.. with joe just kissing his ass.. joe can u try and be a reporter and ask kinda tough question. Isn’t he embarrassed by his play.. how does a quarterback junk u out..

  24. unbelievable Says:

    It’s been pretty clear to me that he’s been injured most of this season… but I agree, if injuries are affecting your play THAT much, you shouldn’t be on the field.

    And with that said, I don’t really understand how any injury can make you blow an assignment or continuously take terrible angles to tackle… and that’s probably because injuries are not the reason for those types of mistakes- Devin has always made them.

  25. unbelievable Says:

    I shouted and screamed over and over and over both before and after the draft that we should have taken Josh Allen that year, as we need an edge rush even more.

    Everyone on this site told me I was wrong and that Devin White was the best ILB in generations and he would be a defensive savior. He was great in 2020… but that’s about it.

  26. Rich Says:

    All his talk is total BULL SHOT….injured my ass, all players are playing hurt. His play the c last 3 years has been almost as bad…thisvyear he’s God awful. Ice been watching you 45….you’re a total phony, a paycheck collector that has severely hurt his team. He is NOT a good football player period! Fundamentally unsound is an understatement…severely overpaid and overrated are facts!!!!

  27. bill Says:

    d white might be fast but he isn’t quick and it affects his abilliy tackle

  28. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Buc boote what does color have to do with anything ?