“Dang, We Needed This”

November 2nd, 2023

Playcaller Dave Canales and No. 2 quarterback Kyle Trask.

Lots of love for Buccaneers offensive coordinator Dave Canales at One Buc Palace.

There is not lots of love for the production of the Tampa Bay offense, but the guy in charged is respected and appreciated.

Right tackle Luke Goedeke touched on that during his visit to the Buccaneers Radio Network this week.

“I’ll be honest, I mean when Dave came in the very first day. He came in and shook all of our hands. Went around the whole offensive room and shook all our hands and introduced himself too us,” Goedeke said. “We all looked at each other and were like, ‘Dang, we needed this.’

“Just for him to do that small detail, like we could already tell — like this guy means business. We want to play for this guy.”

There’s nothing quite like a good handshake. Perhaps Byron Leftwich should have shaken more hands?

Joe’s being sarcastic. Handshakes for each player or getting hired and barking orders to guys who only know your title — there are many ways to approach Day 1 with your players. Neither is way is necessarily better.

Joe would like to see the offense play harder for Canales, from running backs hitting holes to offensive linemen channeling Ryan Jensen and finishing blocks with anger.

If the players love Canales as much as they say, they’ll all get on board with that in a hurry.

32 Responses to ““Dang, We Needed This””

  1. power sweep Says:

    In that photo scene Mayfield is standing next to Canales’ left shoulder you just can’t see him.

  2. DayOnePaul Says:

    Means nothing. Goedeke was impressed, another might frame it as juvenile. Show me some blocks, tackles, touchdowns, turnovers, and wins.
    Just a slow day at JBF, I guess.

  3. Bucsfan951 Says:

    Handshakes only go so far. Production and wins are what matters. This is a performance based occupation and results matter.

  4. Couch Fan Says:

    This offense looks exactly like last years offense without the deep throw attempts.
    Theres a reason for that.

  5. Upstate NY BUC Says:

    Something has to click soon with this offense, they can’t be this bad…. Something fishy is going on behind the scenes!!!

  6. Bobby Says:

    Dave Canales will be elsewhere by end February 2024. I’m betting we are going to have new HC and coaching staff by January 2024.

  7. Mike Johnson Says:

    Handshakes aye? 3-4 with a possible upcoming 3-5 does nothing for the win/loss column. It’s like buying a new car. when the deal is signed and closed, the salesman shakes your hand because he knows he screwed you and there is nothing you can do about it.

  8. Voice of Truth Says:

    Prior poster beat me to it – the common denominator in both pitiful offenses is one Toast Bowles

    As a player he was aggressive and violent, a headhunter and ballhawk- as a coach he is scared, appears soft as the other side of the pillow, makes horrible in game decisions, and doesn’t recognize or bench poor players nearly fast enough

    His teams are consistently undisciplined in all 3 aspects of the game.

    He is just a poor head coach that was over promoted to a job he can’t succeed in.

  9. Whimpy Says:

    What we need is the guy on the left. I’m convinced we can’t win with Mayfield.

  10. TonySoprano Says:

    Holy crap. Players were blown away because a new coach shook their hands when he introduced himself? What a low bar to set at One Buc. If this fundamental action honestly impressed them that much, no wonder this group woefully underperforms.

  11. It's Corn Says:

    Positive attitude and enthusiasm only take you so far.

    Probably a reason Pete Carroll twice went with someone from outside rather than elevate Canales to OC.

    Tampa is Peter Principle central. Head coach, OC… demote every one of them by one rank and you have a winner probably.

  12. Marine Buc Says:

    no doubt Canales’ personality is an upgrade over coach flat bill… Very few will argue with that.

    Unfortunately his run game sucks just as bad though and his passing offense is way worse…

    It’s great to be liked but winning football games is all I really care about.

  13. Tackleblockwin Says:

    Handshakes are great. A good swift kick to the backside would be better 🙂

  14. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Just useless information but I guess slow week for a Bucs/Texans 1PM kickoff.

    Sure Dave Cananles can give off the vibe of real estate saleman but thats has nothing to do with if he can call plays or not. So far he’s not been impressive at his actual job description of running an offense not selling used cars.

  15. Allbuccedup Says:

    Bowles is not a motivator he believes players are adults and don’t need motivation. Thats why he will never be a successful head coach.

  16. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of UniqueModernArt.com Says:

    10% of his situational playcalls still seem to be garbage, and that has killed us at least a few times per game it seems (in the losses, that is).

    As he continues to learn and hopefully improve on his craft, and our offense gels, we’ll hopefully start to get more production and points.

    That’s alot of ‘hopefullys’, though.

    And hopefully our freaking All-World skill position players can start playing like studs instead of choke artists occasionally. Not to be too harsh, my bad

  17. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of UniqueModernArt.com Says:

    Also, Allbuccedup nailed it right there with that Bowles comment.

    A Motivator of Men, Bowles is not.

    Therefore, he will get less out of players than a true motivator type would, like a Coach Prime. (Although, obviously, that Coach Prime reference would be more powerful if they were still winning)

    But there’s a huge difference in player output alot of the times, if they are properly and higjly-motivated vs not.

  18. Oz Len Says:

    Hey how do you get a red headline instead of a black? I know that’s obtuse but it’s just as relevant as the question of what does this post matter today? The real question is why is everybody always ragging on Todd bowles. I realize he’s the head coach, but we all should remember that he has. Passed the offense completely off to Canalis.

  19. Joe Says:

    The real question is why is everybody always ragging on Todd bowles.

    He’s ultimately responsible for the men he hires. To wave off Bowles’ responsibility because he’s not an offensive guy is well, irresponsible.

    Same with Dirk Koetter ignoring the defense years ago. At the end of the day, he’s the head coach.

  20. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Maybe that’s some of the problems with the offense. It’s like raising kids, love the to the end but, if they don’t do their chores, misbehaving or start failing in school you got to raise hell to get across your point. If they don’t then it got to be some kind of punishment

  21. Boomer Says:

    Damn, than means I could be N offensive coordinator for the Bucs.
    I’m onehellofa hand shaker!!

    Canales might be a nice guy. But doesn’t mean he’s a good coach.
    Offensive penalties,
    Ignoring play calls to your best players,
    Running up the middle, middle and middle,
    Tight ends that can’t block,
    3rd and long – all damn day.

    And than Canales says we’re a work in progress….
    At $200 bucks a ticket, hooie that’s a reach.
    This is the NFL – belly up to the bar boys.

  22. gotbbucs Says:

    This is a results league. Motivational speaking and hand shaking won’t get the job done. I’d like to see Canales succeed, but I think he may have jumped on a sinking ship and he won’t have time to build whatever kind of offense he’s trying to build right now.
    They chose to go with the “veteran” QB over the unknown young QB, so they get zero developmental leeway when it comes to that issue. They also chose to not add a single realistic option at RB to the roster, so they get no leeway in that area either.
    The next 10 games will obviously tell the story. A team on the upswing should be able to get a minimum of 6 wins out of these last 10 games. A floundering rutterless team will lose 6 of them.
    I expect to lose 6+ with the way they look right now, and when we are mathematically eliminated from the playoffs they had better put Trask in there to cover all their bases.

  23. ScottyMack Says:

    So funny … a couple of weeks ago, everyone here was worried about the interest other teams were showing in Canales. Fickle, fickle “fans”.

  24. captivajim Says:

    bowles hired him…..

  25. JimBobBuc Says:

    New OC but old Oline coaches and old running backs same as last year. Bowles wants to run it so his defense can rest. Too much for Canales to overcome.

  26. EEK Says:

    “Love the guy” is maybe not the right criteria for choosing an OC

    Geno is just fine in Seattle without him it seems

    With some consistent production (how about more than 20 points a game?) he can be a quality coach and loveable

  27. SlyPirate Says:

    The players needed a nice guy who would shake hands? They don’t care that they are one of the worst offenses in the league because the coaches make them feel all warm inside.

    “We needed this.” Get a hug from your mom, Goedeke. Play football for the Bucs.

    Hey Joe, can I send you a gift for all the players? I’ll box up some participation awards. I’ll even make one smell pretty just for Goedeke.


  28. Oz Len Says:

    Thanks, Joe for the reply. All good points. There was a little bit of a change-up in the way Rachaad White was used against Buffalo. Who really knows who was the impetus for this? I just think with all the changes on offense it’s going to take time for it all to jell. And it seems a little petty to be outraged at grown men shaking hands. I only started watching the Bucs this year but I came in under the impression they would be bad and they aren’t that. I’ve truly enjoyed most of the games and still expect them to make it to the playoffs. This team is feisty and has shown no signs of folding after a 3-game losing streak. I like to think the coaches have a played little bit of a part in all that. Peace!

  29. Tony1775 Says:

    So cute and touching, Dave is such a nice guy, but over his head as OC. This was a cute hire and it failed.

  30. Statguy Says:

    Gonna need to see some results from baby tony robbins

  31. Nope Says:

    Awee…ain’t that sweet.

  32. Drunkinybor Says:

    Oh awwww. They needed to be coddled and felt awwwwpreciated. Well us fans needed this horrible offense like a kick in the peanuts. Our paid intern O.C. is learning each game. That’s nice for him isn’t it. Maybe next year when he’s the O.C. or q.b. coach somewhere else they will be grateful he has this experience.