Concerning Devin White Grumbling

November 10th, 2023

Joe’s not going to say the Bucs’ floor has caved in, but the wood sure is creaking.

Disappointing Devin White, the former savior Tampa Bay linebacker, is not the happiest man on the roster.

That was known in the winter when White demanded a trade, but yesterday White shared his current discontent. And it’s not just about the team handing out losses like Jameis Winston dishes out interceptions.

White was asked to assess his performance this season, one that has disappointed Bucs fans, via the eye test and the stat sheet.

“I’m doing everything that the defense allows me to do,” White said. “I’m really proud that I’m not out there, you know, playing not sound. I think that’s the perfect [phrase] for it. I feel like I could do a lot more and I think like Coach Bowles is trying to, you know, find a way to get it. You know, just having (pause), people coming in and out of the lineup you got to do certain things. But, man, hopefully he find more ways to be even more creative and, you know, get everybody going including myself, just doing different things and confusing offenses. … There’s a lot more work I could do and a lot more games we could win.”

White sound happy to you?

To Joe, it sounds like White believes Todd Bowles isn’t using him correctly and is subsequently limiting his output, which will hurt White in the wallet after this season.

Joe loves when players are candid, but in this case, Joe finds it alarming from a guy players voted captain.

63 Responses to “Concerning Devin White Grumbling”

  1. tampabuscsbro Says:

    >everything the defense allows me to do.

    Dude can’t cover, can barely tackle effectively but acts like he can do more but they just won’t let him.

    He isn’t even that good on the blitz anymore but is acting like he is a Ray Lewis type that could be the greatest to ever do it.

  2. D-Rok Says:

    He’s postulating a cyclical argument. Egg or chicken first?

    If he does what he’s asked to do flawlessly, perhaps the defense will ask him to do more?

    Puzzling comments.

  3. Bucswin Says:

    Seems only confusion being created is on the defensive side of the ball and the fan base. Unfortunately not the other teams offense. See last week. Especially in zone defense.sad. GO BUCS

  4. Dlavid Says:

    Of course that’s what it sounds like Joe ! It sounds like that to everybody else that read this article …. And like a lot of fans , we are tired of hearing a lot of wolfing, and no biting from this guy ! He started off the first couple of games, pretty much looking like he was returning to old form! But I believe that he and the rest of this team bought into the narrative when this team was three and one on the one-week by and the national media proclaiming how the Bucs are for real and playoff contenders blah blah blah ! Poor Cochin has disabled this team as well as poor play from a lot of our leaders … talking to you, number 13, 45, 24, 35,50 ( in the tub to much ) …. We have guys on the bench that need to get some playing time in and experience and evaluation !

  5. Cobraboy Says:

    Just shut up and play.

  6. chark Says:

    Regardless of who is saying this…devin white…sounds like a player saying our coaches are calling conservative game plans and not utilizing our strengths more suitably……elephant in the room..maestro bowles

  7. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of Says:

    He’s basically just saying that Bowles needs to step up his game in the playcalling/scheme dept.

    And I think we can all agree on that.

    And we all know that White needs to step up his game as well, obv.

  8. chark Says:

    If the quote came from winfield it would point to one person also…guess who..elephant in the room

  9. DS Says:

    Great athlete but not cerebral. He isn’t nasty either

  10. Tom in MadCity Says:

    These aren’t comments I expect to hear from a captain. A captain, aka a leader, doesn’t throw others under the bus, even if it may be true. A leader simply says I need to be better and to help those around me be better.

    Contrast that with what Carlton Davis said yesterday. Davis was given an opportunity to blame the zone coverage for his failures on Sunday. He didn’t do it. He said it’s my job to play great defense regardless of whether it’s press man or zone (paraphrase).

    If you are a leader, you play your best regardless of what is called. If you have a problem with the scheme or the personnel, you take it up during the week behind closed doors!!

    Devin White will not be a Buccaneer next year and also will make half of what he thinks he’s worth.

  11. Couch Fan Says:

    If you combine this with what Davis said, it starts to paint a picture that might be implying the players arent really buying into the scheme anymore. I wonder how many others are starting to feel this way?

  12. Voice of Truth Says:

    Diva coming out again – me me Mr me me

    He is not that good except in a straight line and then he can’t break down or redirect worth a darn

    He is a one step and go chase LB best suited for OLB in our scheme really

    In a 4-3 he is a MLB – in a 3-4 he is better suited on the edge than JTS is or just the shadow and flats ILB in pass pro – putting him in space is a disaster

    If he doesn’t have a clean lane to get thru in the run game he can’t fight off a block – he needs two Vea’s in front of him in a 4-3 to be used properly

    Chancey is a 3tech, Vea is a NG – we have the makings of a 4-3 defense and it shows

  13. Tony Marks Says:

    “And I think we can all agree on that”

    Nope . You think wrong. All I see is a player who hasn’t played well making excuses. White is making no serious point on Bowles. In fact I think this barf from White could be used to make an argument that Bowles needs better players.

    In no scheme should White be disappearing while still out on the field. Thats all on him.

  14. SlyPirate Says:

    The Message
    Bowles isn’t creatively scheming his defense. He’s limiting players abilities. White is speaking on his behalf and others. This shows us Bowles has lost the locker room.

  15. Fire the HC Says:

    So your telling me players who’s ability is best suited for a man press style defense are unhappy in a play it safe soft coached cover 3!?

    Crazy days I tell you, crazy.

    The HC AKA defensive guru, has not figured out how to use his talent….

  16. Beeej Says:

    Is skills simply do not match what Bowles has him doing

  17. 1#bucsfan Says:

    I could be wrong but doesn’t seem like he’s rushing the passer as much like in the past or maybe he is but he’s not getting home. I’d like to see the stats on how often he’s sent after the QB. He’s good at it when he doesn’t miss.

  18. Tony Marks Says:

    “This shows us Bowles has lost the locker room.”

    it shows us no such thing. Its one player talking about himself pointing away from himself as the reason why he has sucked.

    “White is speaking on his behalf and others.’

    Really then how come Davis took full responsibility for his getting torched? Your evidence to that statement is severely lacking. We’d need to hear that from at least two more players to draw any such conclusion.

  19. Sal Says:

    They should have traded him for a running back #!!

  20. gotbbucs Says:

    One thing I’m sure of, Devin White isn’t the only player in that locker room that feels this way. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that none of our defensive backs are tickled with being lined up 10 yards off the ball and getting eaten alive in coverage.
    These kinds of gutless game plans do ultimately cost players money if they aren’t being put in the right position on the field to showcase what they can do. Future contracts will be affected and bonus triggers can’t be met. That’s how you lose the locker room.

  21. HomerSimpsonRocks Says:

    See ya later dumba$$. He thinks he’s way better than he is. Delusional. Gonna be making $7M a year for some other team next year and a year later will demand $25M a year. He’s the Jameis Winston of linebackers.

  22. Allbuccedup Says:

    Another loss this week to the Titans would be a strong sign that Bowles has lost this team.

  23. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    As I recall, White never demanded a trade. He simply suggested that if they couldn’t pay him they could trade him.

    That’s not a demand.

  24. fred Says:

    Joe he is speaking for the def he is a captain that’s what he is suppose to do none of them are happy Right now But it all goes away with Wins PERIOD!

  25. captivajim Says:

    he should have been traded over the summer for proven guard

  26. Tbbucs3 Says:

    This defense has so many issues and the play for Devin White is the least of my concerns for this defense….

    Tho White has been inconsistent, he has flashed at various points in the season especially through the 1st 3 games and recorded a sack last game…..

    How about let’s direct some more attention to Shaq Barrett who was stuck to Lamary Tunsil the entire game? Or the DBs that can’t cover or stay healthy?

  27. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Sure devin sure let another qb side step you cuz you’re undisciplined

  28. TF Says:

    He is just not a natural fit for a disciplined schemed defense that Bowles runs. White clearly likes to run around the field like a maniac jumping offsides every 4 plays and missing tackles. Bowles got us a SuperBowl ring with a PERFECT game plan as it was executed by veterans that picked up the slack for the wreckless undisciplined athlete White is. This isn’t high school or college where the best “athlete” on the field winds. It’s the NFL. I hope he develops some accountability for his SUBPAR play. He does NOT deserve the payday he is asking. Produce first consistently and THEN ask for the loot.

  29. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Devin White is certainly not the main reason CJ Stroud lit us up for 470 and 5 TDs….

    The linebackers have been the strongest unit on the defense considering the Dline and DBs look like something Lovie Smith created.

    If White cant fully turn it around you move on in the off-season but I really don’t get the constant complaints for a linebacker who’s played OK when every other unit has failed so miserably.

  30. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    He won’t be here next year. Nor Mike.

  31. Rich Says:

    Voice of truth is on the money….he is a straight line player period! No adaptation, no football instincts, no discipline, extremely deficient at avoiding blocks, always allows many yards after contact….we can go on and on. Those who read jbf regularly know that I’ve been on his case for 4 yrs! The voice of truth is… He’s a phony who’s looking for an undeserved payday…a check collector! He is not a good football player and is fast becoming a cancer on this team! The best organizations get rid of players at a time when they’re worth something. Unfortunately this has passed by the Bucs…..

  32. Jerseybuc Says:

    He should be used like parsons! He’s got a ton of speed. Let him rush!! Radio refuses to change HIS scheme

  33. TonySoprano Says:

    As much as I can’t stand Bowles and his cowardice, conservative scheme, it seems like we have a bunch of low-character players on this defense. Toad isn’t a disciplinarian- he’s more like a college professor that does nothing to coach or motivate his players – he just provides the Xs and Os and expects the players to study and be ready.

    And these players seem to be taking advantage. They don’t seem to care when they lose. White, Vea and Shaq all look fat and a step slow this season. Our CBs got paid and are now playing with minimal effort or sit out with a hangnail. Aside from LD and AWJ, none of these defenders seem to be invested in the team. It’s all about personal stats and the $.

  34. TonySoprano Says:

    Devin White would fail miserably as a full time OLB. He can’t shed blocks from TEs or WRs, but people think he’d succeed going up against OTs every play? He’s 5’10 with T- Rex arms, and the only time he gets a sack is when Toad has schemed a clear path to the QB.

  35. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Give the genius what he wants and let him play where JTS does. Im becoming wary of these jack of all trades guys that dont do anything particularly well. At this point in his career, White should be perfecting his craft. He definitely is regressing. Shouldnt Bowles be the guy to put 45 in position to succeed?

  36. Jeffrey Becker Says:

    we’ve seen bucs defenders improve on other teams, i bet that’s what would happen with devin too. i can’t disagree with anything he said. even the ‘pause’ is indicative of the primary problem. — certain defenders could do more, aren’t permitted to, and are trapped in a defense that is NOT CREATIVE. we trick nobody. why do you think everyone drives the length of the field to start games? even teams that never do it do it against us. if you know what a defense is gonna do, and u execute well, u can dominate the clock and wear us out by taking what we give you. period.

  37. orlbucfan Says:

    I think one of White’s horses kicked him in the head recently. I love horses, BTW. He has not backed up LVD since getting a SB ring. JTS is better than he is right now. If he does NOT back up LVD and the edge rushers Sunday, TRADE HIM! The offense is beginning to connect between players and coach. Go Bucs!!

  38. Bucnjim Says:

    Not sticking up for White, but how can you play great defense (or offense) when the other team knows what is coming. This has been proven by not only our players but opposing players. This team isn’t good enough to oppose their will on anyone so that makes creativity even more important

  39. orlbucfan Says:

    This team isn’t good enough to oppose their will on anyone so that makes creativity even more important
    ‘oppose their will’, you mean ‘submit/push’ their will. No kidding.

  40. Rod Munch Says:

    “it sounds like White believes Todd Bowles isn’t using him correctly”


    White would be 100% correct on that. This soft zone crap defense is just killing his career and his value. White should have stuck to his guns and demanded a trade if he was going to continue to be used this way, where he’s just told to sit back and play in space, which is literally what he struggles at the most. You got a 5-star athlete, a true freak of a player who is a great interior pass rushing LB, who blows up run games by creating chaos when he’s unleashed, and he’s told to sit back in a garbage zone and react, instead of attack.

    For example, look at Sunday. Finally in the first half they unleashed him for a handful of plays, and he gets a sack, I think another couple of tackles for loses – then in the 2nd half, they go right back to the soft garbage zone. Why? It was just beyond dumb.

    The guy is a fantastic player, but he’s not being used in a way that makes any sense at all.

  41. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    He’s not wrong. Rotating in guys is great but if they aren’t all on the same page, nobody will look too good. He’s asked to cover too much and rush the passer too little in my opinion. Players can get frustrated and I can’t blame any of them at this point if the effort is there. I see plenty of effort from him, stats be damned.

    Defense can be a house of cards and collapse easily if you don’t get everyone doing their job and we have a lot of youth out there. D. White doesn’t worry me.

  42. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Devin White would fail miserably as a full time OLB. He can’t shed blocks from TEs or WRs, but people think he’d succeed going up against OTs every play? He’s 5’10 with T- Rex arms, and the only time he gets a sack is when Toad has schemed a clear path to the QB.


    Go back and watch all of his sacks. He only gets home when he’s untouched. He can’t shed anybody.

  43. realistic-optimistic Says:

    And getting sacks is his ONLY trick.

  44. Brian Says:

    You don’t play a soft zone in a close game or at the end of the game..only reason Carlton got torched. A victim of the scheme..Bowles needs to start calling better plays that play to his players strengths. 2 games ..atl and Texans were winnable games but this soft zone killed us in the end. The offense did their Thang against calling on defense cost us the last one…made stroud look like a hall of famer..Bowles 4 in a row…YOU NEED TO LOOK IN THE MIRROR and not say certain def players had a bad already

  45. Cover deuce Says:

    This guy has nothing going on upstairs. He doesn’t sound unhappy so much as he does stupid. He can run fast sure but he’s never going to have elite processing skills.

  46. Kidfloflo Says:

    He is in for a big shock, when he gets to test free agency or is traded and finds he’s worth about $6 million a year, instead of the $20 he thinks he’s getting

  47. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    another jason bluelicht special

    Joe, you can use that one BTW


    I love it…lololol

    JL stinks

  48. Bobby M. Says:

    Bowles has lost the locker room…..Davis and White seem completely disinterested and it’s hard to blame them. They’re not being utilized to their strengths but instead are being positioned to display their weaknesses. The team had some degree of confidence because Brady was present last year but now we’ve lost 4 in a row, two games to absolutely mediocre teams/QBs and they don’t see any reason to believe Bowles knows how to fix anything.

  49. Old Sombrero Says:

    He was out of position frequently against the Bills. Maybe he’s right. His rookie season benefited from Suh and Vea and JPP and Barrett. I’m not a White apologist – been harsh on him but without personnel he’s going to struggle. However Lavonte’s been a baller with very little to work with.

  50. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Here’s a interesting stat, former Bucs safety (New Chiefs SS) Mike Edwards has allowed a 31.3 passing rating when targeted…..

    Current dud safety Ryan Neal has allowed a perfect passer rating when targeted.

    Unreal how the dumb and dumber GM duo of Licht/Bowels let a quality safety league go and paid more $ to sign Ryan Neal.

    Blame coaching all you want but Todd Bowels did lead a solid defense last year….I believe that the majority of the Bucs issues on defense are personnel issues and its hard to coach around that.

  51. Jeff Says:

    Wasted draft pick. This is what you get when you draft low IQ players. And when this dude got all upset about a dead horse, that was it for me.

  52. Defense Rules Says:

    SlyPirate … ‘The Message – Bowles isn’t creatively scheming his defense. He’s limiting players abilities. White is speaking on his behalf and others. This shows us Bowles has lost the locker room.’

    I agree with you on your first 2 points, but can’t go along on the next 2. White’s speaking for himself … period. Bowles will lose the locker room if we keep losing, but I doubt that he has at this point.

    Fact is that we’ve got several weak links on defense … plus very little real depth … and Bowles can’t scheme around it. He’s been trying to I believe, but nothing seems to be working. Neal – weak link. Izien – weak link. JTS – weak link. Hall – weak link. Kancey – can’t stay on the field. White – inconsistent. Davis & Dean – both getting beat regularly (might be playing through injuries?).

    This is NOT even close to the defense Bowles had to work with in 2019-2021, and is even less capable than last year’s defense (which backslid quite a bit IMO). It worked out early in the season against the Vikings (5-4), Bears (3-7) and Saints (5-4) when they were struggling, but against better teams they folded. Inadequate coaching, meh field leadership, and too many talent deficiencies.

  53. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Defense rules, the 2022 defense was far better than it was in 2019. The roster on D was in tact last season, Licht screwed it up.

  54. Eckwood Says:

    Devin May have a point but he sure doesn’t pass the watch test

  55. Defense Rules Says:

    Tbbucs3 … 2019 had Suh & JPP going great guns, but the draft picks (Dean, SMB, Edwards, Nelson) were still green but improved later in the season. Hard for any defense to overcome 41 TOs by the offense (30 INTs and 7 of those were Pick-6s). That team gave up 449 points, but for 49 of them occurred when the defense wasn’t even on the field.

  56. Tbbucs3 Says:

    The 2019 defense was bad even with Suh and JPP. 4th worst in points allowed. Reminder that this is the year Vernon Hargreaves was loafing around and getting burnt.

    In 2022, you had Mike Edwards (very underrated in his time in Tampa Bay) and Keanu Neal (elite run stopper), and also had much better depth than this year with guys like Carl Nassib, SMB and Nunez Roaches.

  57. Buccos Says:

    I could see White on a 1 year prove it deal somewhere else next year. And the year after that and the year after that…

  58. Rod Munch Says:

    realistic-optimistic Says:
    Go back and watch all of his sacks. He only gets home when he’s untouched. He can’t shed anybody.


    That’s where the 4.4 speed comes into play.

    He’s literally had a 9 sack year as a part time rusher – but yeah, he has no idea what he’s doing. LOL!

    Thank you for your grade A analysis.

  59. Rod Munch Says:

    Defense Rules – The 2019 defense was literally on pace to be the worst defense in the history of the franchise until around week 10. They did improve greatly over the last half of the season, but those turnovers on offense came from having to score 35 every week just to stay in the game.

    Also I’ll take loses like Sunday, and 35-31 loses with Winston, over those God awful boring loses with Mayfield to the Lions and Falcons and Bills.

  60. garro Says:


    I’m sorry but how in the world did this dude pass freshamn English at LSU?

    Geez! That may explain a few things.

    Go Bucs!

  61. Time to Fire Coaches Says:

    Fast yup
    Soft for sure

  62. NE Fan Says:

    Bowles has lost the locker room

  63. dbbuc711 Says:

    Trying to make up excuses so he can rob a team of a big contract