Are Players Beginning To Mentally Check Out?

November 28th, 2023

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

Let Joe be clear: Not all players are tuning out the coaching staff. Not all players have thrown in the towel. Not all players are thinking of Tulum in January instead of the playoffs.

But man, Joe does not like the vibe around this Bucs team.

Joe has seen and felt worse, much worse. But for a team with a shot at the postseason, Joe sees and feels growing indifference.

For example, Baker Mayfield is busting his ass. You may not like his results, and Joe understands. But there is no way you can watch Mayfield and get the idea he’s half-assing it.

Devin White? Well, you tell Joe. Look at the box score and tell Joe he’s busting his tail. Then look at the way he gets clowned by Gardner Minshew near the goal line. We’re not talking about Pat Mahomes. It’s Gardner GD Minshew! Give Joe a freaking break!

Yesterday in his day-after presser, Bowles was asked if there is a growing disconnect between the coaches and players and if that is why there are critical mistakes week after week as the Bucs are spiraling.

Bowles disputed this.

“I don’t think it’s a disconnect, I think it’s a concentration thing,” Bowles said. “They’ve done these things millions of times. It’s not like they don’t know how to do them.”

And then Bowles added his stock, weekly statement about his under-performing Bucs.

“We’ve got to coach it better and we’ve definitely got to play it better.”

Indeed. Yet the same things keep happening, week after week.

One reason Joe thinks there is a growing disconnect and guys are tuning out the coaching staff? How the players are used.

You think White, for all his drawbacks, isn’t PO’ed he’s not rushing the quarterback more? You think Carlton Davis (who had a strong game in Indianapolis) and Jamel Dean enjoy being used in zone when they know their best football is when playing in man-to-man defense?

Yes, yes, yes. Joe knows they are paid handsomely. They are professionals. Joe also knows players don’t live in vacuums.

Players are human. If the Bucs were winning, they might not like how they are used, but they are competitors. They want to win. When they are not happy with how they are used, and the losing mounts week after week, it’s understandable the joys and excitement of playing football might be zapped from their souls.

63 Responses to “Are Players Beginning To Mentally Check Out?”

  1. Conte Piscatelli Says:

    Players? I’m convinced Todd Bowles has checked out. Remember, he’s already working as hard as he’s willing to.

  2. Popcorn Mike Says:

    I am not sure of what’s happening at one Bucs place but, something is not right. So many of the players seems that they don’t have much motivation and it’s showing in their play

  3. Bobby M. Says:

    The ability to trigger performance bonuses might be the underlying frustration. CBs get healthy bumps in pay per INT, per Pro Bowl, per postseason win, etc….they have ZERO shot at triggering those in zone coverage. Those bonuses can be in the tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars….its not chump change and they’re basically watching their opportunities evaporate. Same for White except he’s playing for a new pay day….sacks = $$$. He can’t get sacks in coverage or dropping back…..blitzing is his one elite skill.

    So yeah….players are definitely tuning Bowles out, he’s costing them money.

  4. Not Bodd Towles Says:

    Honest question, at what point down Bowles look at his self and realize that’s the disconnect. The man hasn’t been head coach of a winning team…EVER

  5. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Joe

    “Are Players Beginning To Mentally Check Out?”

    Ask Devin White…


  6. Craig Says:

    I think the scheme is so bad that some players are disgusted by it.

    Shaq seems a bit miffed that he is not rushing the QB enough. He has to play like a regular OLB because last week the only half of the ILB team that does anything was not playing.

    DBs drafted because of being press/man guys line up for that , but don’t disrupt the route of the receiver. The next play is a soft enough zone that quick slant almost guarantees a first down.

    O-line guys who are supposed to block straight ahead on running plays, zone blocking is done by most high schools and colleges. How come the Bucs haven
    t discovered it yet?

  7. zzbuc Says:

    I disagree CDIII had a great game……

    Some players are not making enough effort because they got his check, some other because they didn’t got his check.

    Some other bust their soul….

    Those who don’t show any effort, I don’t wanna see them next year

  8. Rod Munch Says:

    For example, Baker Mayfield is busting his ass.





  9. Boss Says:

    beginning to?

    sheez, they’re out singing carols, buying gifts, planning their vacation, taking a $hit…….anything but worrying about the next game or season.

    these cats checked out 4 games ago.

  10. Boss Says:

    toilet bowl has yet to check in. he has played the same exact game for 2 entire seasons. let that sink in. hard headed…NOPE. He just does not give a damn because he knows he is un-fireable.

    they only check in he does is make sure his checks in the bank.

  11. Mike C Says:

    Rod…. you are exhausting smh

  12. Cardiac kidz Says:

    The Glazers screwed up when they allowed Tom Brady to push BA into retirement just so he could play OC /QB. We saw how that played out…so they made Leftwich the escape goat, canned him, BA still relegated to retirement and after this season, the Glazers have no choice but to fire Bowles. They should have made the business decision to let Brady walk into retirement. It might have saved his marriage and the Bucs. Now it’s back to the drawing board for all parties and the fans are stuck with a team that isn’t worth the 3 hrs to watch. Very disappointing.

  13. Rod Munch Says:

    Mike C – I can’t believe that everyone complains about negativity, then you get the most positive posts possible, and now people complain about that.

    Really shows that you just can’t please some people.

  14. T. McGee Says:

    Baker works really hard but as the father in law in Christmas Vacation can tell you, “so do washing machines”

  15. Rod Munch Says:

    I’m just going to say it…

    When it comes to working hard, giving 110% and punching above their weight:

    Bruce Gradkowski > Baker Mayfield

  16. Pewter Pride Says:

    ….waiting to hear Trask is starting.

  17. Pewter power Says:

    How did Todd Bowles become head coach and suddenly is defense has a concentration problem? Is suh, jpp and whitehead the only reason we won the Super Bowl? Kancey is an upgrade but everyone else except Ryan Neal and Izien was on that team

  18. Tony Marks Says:

    “They want to win. When they are not happy with how they are used, and the losing mounts week after week, it’s understandable the joys and excitement of playing football might be zapped from their souls.”

    That analysis could explain some things BUT not blown coverages being beat so bad you damage your own reputation and football worth. Don’t tell me you don’t like how you are being used so you let a player blow you up on a 30+ yard play thats going to be on Espn and I am NOT talking about the length of the play by “blown up” but how badly you trailed the play (or get juked my a QB)

    IF so you have no pride and yeah thats human as well

    IF thats the kind of players we have then Licht has some responsibility.

  19. Pewter Pride Says:

    Tired of hearing how gutsy Mayfield is….Chris Sims finished a game with a ruptured spleen, didn’t mean he was a quality starter either.

  20. NE Fan Says:

    Your team takes on the personality of its coaches, so the answer is YES!! And it started after the Rams PO game.

  21. Capt.Tim Says:

    Ive been posting for weeks.
    You’d have to be blind not to see that Evans, Godwin, White, Dean, and others are on coast.
    Our star WR are running into coverage, on plays they think might get them hit. They’ll catch the ball in the clear. But they aint taking a hit for this team.

    Until this week, Dean and Davis were also both in the” stay healthy for the off season” state of mind.
    Davis took so much heat- he knew he had to play hard last game, or he would hurt his brand value.

    Lots of our Vets have given up on Bowles. Even Wirfs and Goedeke took plays off this last week.

    At least a third of the team has stopped playing to win, and are playing to avoid rehab during the off season.
    That means they have absolutely no faith that Bowles can can be a winning coach in the NFL.

    I think they are right.

  22. TonySoprano Says:

    It’s just comical that Bowles had the gall to say they’re working just as hard, if not harder than every other team when it’s pretty obvious the coaching staff puts in far less man hours than the rest of the NFL.

    They run the same stale cover-3 scheme every. single. game. Every other coaching staff is scouting opponents’ strengths and weaknesses, drawing up new plays, adapting schemes based on what’s working and what’s not.

    Not the Bucs. Same gameplan every week. Zero self-assessment. Zero changes in philosophy. Zero personnel adjustments. I really question if they watch ANY game film week to week.

  23. Capt.Tim Says:

    And for those of you taking about
    “Playing for pride”
    Well, enjoy life in the 1950s.

    None of these young millionaires are gonna risk six months of injury rehab, for a doomed cause.
    You wanna see pride? Go suit up, and you get hurt playing in Bowles losing system.
    Nobody thinks like that in pro sports. And the new coach will watch them coasting- and will understand entirely.
    They wont say that to the fans, but they never tellus the truth anyway. The team PR guy tells them what to say.

  24. Bosch Says:

    Hey Rod Muncher. You don’t believe the things you post. You just like Screwing with everyone,. Well it’s longer effective because you have been found out.

  25. David Says:

    Baker fans; I have to repeat again and again;
    Your trash boy, Baker has had 5 turnovers in the past two games with seven near picks. He can work his ass off as much as he wants. He just doesn’t have the football qb talent and high skills to go with it. He is now in to 10 highest trun over qb’s within the last three games. Just two fumbles and a pick just in the last game.
    The defense has not been the issue this season, ranked top 8 to 12th off and on. The issue has been the offense with a trash journeyman at helm.

  26. Bucnjim Says:

    They are still on Bye week vacation. Never came back from wherever they were. That and the Falcons loss made them look in the mirror and know they are going nowhere with this coaching staff. Unfortunately if you watched any of the game last night you’d understand those are two of the teams we barely beat and they’re not good at all. At this point they’d have to win a playoff game to save Bowles and that’s not going to happen.

  27. Bucnjim Says:

    David, Do you watch Bucs games at all? The defense is the biggest problem! It’s not really even close. I’m for drafting a new QB, but I’m not blind to the fact that this HC who’s specialty is DEFENSE can’t stop anyone or anything.

  28. Bucnjim Says:

    David, Do you watch Bucs games at all? The defense is the biggest problem! It’s not really even close. I’m for drafting a new QB, but I’m not blind to the fact that this HC who’s specialty is DEFENSE can’t stop anyone or anything

  29. David Says:

    This slow scoring offense just can’t afford the Baker turnovers as we saw in last game. Toilet Bowl has been bragging on Baker with his low Turnovers. How about now ? Baker only had three passes over 10 yards by the end of the third quarters to keep his turn overs down. Guess what the trash still had three costly turnovers with the last one at the last drive when Bucs had to score.

  30. Dwayne Cone Says:

    New York Jets have averaged 6.8 wins over the last 30 years. Bowles had the opportunity to coach for a historically bad organization.

    Tampa as a whole has been pretty bad to0. Maybe not so much over the last 10 and certainly not in the Super Bowl Go for Broke years lately.

    Bowles has had to work within the structure of a team that did not have a lot to spend on talent. Upside is there is young and hungry players that will play hard to try and make a name for themselves. Downside is playing hard and good take time to merge.

    For the most part players will tend to tune out or turn against a Coach after 3 years with no results.

    Bucs have averaged 7.5 wins the last 20 seasons. 6.5 was the projected this year so the team is right on track.

    Brady accounted for at least 2 wins that were close to L’s. Other average QB’s would have not pulled them out. Bucs could have been 6 and 11 easily in 2022.

    As it has only been 2 years and Bowles has not really had the best of choices
    due to constraints and has not lost the team he will be coaching in Tampa next year. Sorry.

    At +$450 and odds on favorite to be next coach fired two months ago there are now 5 others with better odds to be next and he sits at +$950 to be next. That does not include the two fired already.

    Projected Firings this year is between 7 and 10. So five more will probably go and Bowles could be one of them with no doubt.

    I figured I would leave some Hope there for the Bowle haters to go along with the chance for a Home Playoff game or even one on the road.

  31. Hodad Says:

    Joe let’s be honest. We’ve all seen Dean, and Davis get beat plenty in man coverage too. They may play it better, but don’t suggest they don’t get beat playing man. They do, too much so.

  32. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Tony Marks Says:
    November 28th, 2023 at 3:03 pm
    “They want to win. When they are not happy with how they are used, and the losing mounts week after week, it’s understandable the joys and excitement of playing football might be zapped from their souls.”

    That analysis could explain some things BUT not blown coverages being beat so bad you damage your own reputation and football worth. Don’t tell me you don’t like how you are being used so you let a player blow you up on a 30+ yard play thats going to be on Espn and I am NOT talking about the length of the play by “blown up” but how badly you trailed the play (or get juked my a QB)

    IF so you have no pride and yeah thats human as well

    IF thats the kind of players we have then Licht has some responsibility.

    I actually agree with everything you said Tony Marks. I thought you were just a Baker Mayfield fan and didn’t care about the Buccaneers but the last few comments that I’ve read from you show me that your a fan of this club

  33. Dwayne Cone Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    November 28th, 2023 at 2:21 pm
    For example, Baker Mayfield is busting his ass.



    Take 10% off his passes and he won’t be overthrowing open receivers by 3 yards.

  34. David Says:

    I do watch games. Although I rather see him dismissed but I wouldn’t not have any issues with the toilet bowl to remain as our DC not HC. He only had one blow out game against Texans. He kept Bucs in most of the games in the season allowing single or low digits points by the end of first halfs. I can only imagine what Bucs defenders felt during those losses as they became exhausted by the end of third quarters. There is no shame for coaching a neat top 10 defense in NFL. However he has no clue and know how on the offensive side of the ball which is not a good candidate as a HC and that is one of the main reasons why we are a terrible team.

  35. Tony Marks Says:

    Capt.Tim Says:

    And for those of you taking about
    “Playing for pride”
    None of these young millionaires are gonna risk six months of injury rehab, for a doomed cause.

    Pride in my post had NOTHING to do with risking the body . Its specific to the number one problem with the defense – pass coverage so bad that YES it dos hurt their brand and potentially cost them money because its so bad people have to start asking if you can play at all.

    I’m not buying that NFL defensive players making themselves look silly or incompetent on national highlight reels is something solely attributable to checking out listening to the coach

    A lot of you are very binary because you have illusions that one fix at coaching or QB will usher in another super bowl run but its delusional. In real life its usuall MULTIPLE issues with a bad team.

  36. BUCS4LIFE Says:

    Lmao concentration thing? They are professional football players, it sure as hell is not a concentration thing. It’s a give a sh!t thing, it’s lack of effort and emotion. They need fire again, that grit! Mayfield has an a$$load of it. If the ones in question had half the fire Mayfield has we would be 7-4 not 4-7. They need a leader in conjunction with Mayfield and it ain’t Bowles. I’m dug in on this, Ive given the guy chance after chance to show me something, he just doesn’t have it. It isn’t gonna change with Bowles, they’ve got to see this.

  37. unbelievable Says:

    But Joe, they can’t work any harder, remember?

    If that statement didn’t seal the fate of Todd Bowles, well then the Glazers should be fired too (and yes, I know they can’t be fired, just sayin…)

  38. Tony Marks Says:

    Proudbucsfan Says:

    I actually agree with everything you said Tony Marks. I thought you were just a Baker Mayfield fan


    Actually PBF I’ll blow your mind further and say – I could easily be a TRASK fan. I l looooove a good underdog comeback story more than anything in sports and especially with a guy thats gentlemanly soft spoken and without the razzle dazzle bravado. So in other words just like Trask. I have strong suspicions even if tampa wants Baker he’s going to say no thanks. ( if Stafford retires due to another injury and the rams don’t get a good pick then he is definitely gone)

    Thing is most of the “Baker bois” have nothing against trask . Its his FANS we can’t stand and their over the top nonsense and conspiracy theories. Read carefully and you will see at least two say out loud that its his idiot fans that make them want to root against Trask – not trask himself.

    I can support Trask but on this blog I’ll ALWAYS be a Traskie hater and being vocal about that is why we are painted as just Baker fans.

  39. infomeplease Says:

    Joe, some of the players are definitely happy cashing their checks whether they are producing great results or not. DW comes to mind! He plans on moving on next season, so there!

    Maybe, just maybe if the slackers were held accountable for bad play, by their coaches and team captains, called out, benched, replaced, some even released, a message might be sent loud and clear to all!

    That or maybe this team is not as good as we think they are!

  40. Cobraboy Says:


  41. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “David, Do you watch Bucs games at all?”

    No, he watches Trask standing around on the sidelines.

  42. Mike Johnson Says:

    I actually think our Offense is trying to play their best. But some of our O linemen do get overpowered from time to time. I just cannot figure out our sorry Defense. Throughout the years its been our bread and butter. Shaq plays hard but has clearly lost a step. And Joe Tryon….Ok won’t go there. Bottom line we are not getting the sacks or rushes we need from our D line. Its our defense thats the problem.

  43. FortMyersDave Says:

    Todd Bowles calls on D are like those called by Mike Smith vs the Bears and ATL before the Glazers forced Koetter to launch him. Pretty sure Smitty was just here for the coin, perhaps Bowles knows he is getting canned and is also going through the motions.

  44. NE Fan Says:

    I’m actually feeling bad for Bowles. On this site he’s called blows, Bowels, bowzo and a slue of other names when he is probably just trying to do his job as best he can. Most of us on this site cannot perform heart surgery no matter how hard we try we are just not surgeons. In Bowles case he is just not a NFL coach no matter how hard he tries. He’d be better served as a D2 DC. This gig is not for him. Todd bare your family from the shame and embarrassment step down and let the big boys in.

  45. Irish Laughter Says:

    The blame game has started and after the Bucs beat the Panthers, we’ll be whistling a different tune. Same old Bucs. With a destroyed Brady last year, Joe couldn’t wait to finish him off. Now, the next one in line is Todd Bowles. However, the players that have really let us down are the defensive secondary. It started last season and has carried over to this season. No Question. So Joe, start naming names and placing the blame where it really belongs. Yes, Bowles deserves some blame, but his players (buddies) have really let him and the offense down all season. Just keeping it real in Ireland.

  46. Kidfloflo Says:

    I don’t believe they have yet, but if they somehow lose this sunday!!?? Oh man, that is the end of the line for Bowles, and this season

  47. Let em bake Says:

    Baker not going anywhere . 30 tds/ 10 pick year pays well in this league. Licht loves baker. Couldn’t praise him enough a few weeks back . Get used to it folks. Baker took a discount this year, Licht will honor that with a nice deal. Save this post😊

  48. stpetebucfan Says:

    @Irish Laughter

    I believe I read you’re actually from Ireland in an earlier post. What part of the Emerald Isle do you reside?

    I’m 4th generation Irish immigrant on my father’s side. I have led a truly blessed life and so for my 75th birthday I got a tattoo of a beautiful four leaf clover with a banner that says…”The Luck of the Irish”.

    The Bucs will need a ton of our Luck to avoid disaster going forward. But I’m with you. Unlike some “screamers” we have here who are obviously more concerned with THEIR predictions and blog fame you and I are still rooting for success.

    But then we Irish are known as hardheads. My uncle used to regale me with a story about my “Irish” father. They were bar hopping when my father…totally shtfaced gets in a fight with another guy and they go out to the parking lot to settle it.

    My uncle acted as his second and the fight starts and the other guy blasts my ole man and drops him. The guy thought the fight was over. But my father somehow staggers back to his feet and the guy blasts him and drops him again.
    My father struggled to get up a 3rd time before my uncle finally grabs my father holding him down saying QUIT…he’s kicked your arse.

    I’m like my ole man. The Bucs may have their arses kicked but I want them to keep on getting up until they can’t anymore. Lose for draft picks? Lose on purpose for ANY reason? That is so UN Irish. I like fighting until there’s nothing left to give.

  49. Fansince76 Says:

    White didn’t get his meg money contract after the first few games so he is not playing hard period. Same for Evans, no mega money contract and after the first few games many drops, Ooops lack of concentration because he didn’t get the money. They both have been great players for the Buc’s but if i were GM i would deal them both gone.

  50. canabuc Says:

    I think it’s more a realization by the players that they’re not winning anything and so they go into self-preservation mode – too much money is riding on their health.

  51. danang Says:

    I think it’s a realisation by the players that they’re not winning anything and so they go into self-preservation mode (too much money riding on their health).

  52. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Ever since Bowles took over as HC, something has been very off about this team. Worse this year without Brady. Players have checked out. It’s obvious to observe every Sunday. Slow starts and WRs running wide open. Someone needs to get in his grill. Show they care.

  53. Irish Laughter Says:

    stpetebucfan: Skibbereen/West Cork toward the coast and Baltimore. Loved your story and the Irish spirit. I will remember it well the next time I bloviate. I love the Bucs and have visited Tampa. Tom Brady was the worst thing to happen to Tampa. It gave us hope and a taste of excellence in leadership, brotherhood and commitment. I hope we can find it again before my ship sinks. Keeping it real in Ireland.

  54. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Conte Piscatelli Says
    “Players? I’m convinced Todd Bowles has checked out.”

    It’s a fair concern, considering how the last game ended. That sure looked like a coach who gave up.

    The players saw that…so I doubt things are going to get better this year. If only the Glazers saw it.

  55. Glass used to be Half Full Guy Says:

    10000000% agree with Joe. Some players are busting their tsils and others are surely frustrated by how they’re being used. If we can sense it from watching on TV I can imagine it’s palpable to Joe when he speaks to them in person.

    They had that defensive group meeting a couple of weeks ago. Maybe it’s time for another and give the players a real listen. I agree that it’s time for Bowles to come out of his shell and start showing some fire himself. Lead by example. And yes, I do want to see him screaming at refs and at players at times. I’m sure most fans are more animated sitting at home on their couches watching the game than Bowles is on the sideline. We need passion Mr. Bowles! It’s contagious.

  56. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Fansince76 Says
    “White didn’t get his meg money contract after the first few games so he is not playing hard period. Same for Evans, no mega money contract and after the first few games many drops.”

    All WRs go thru periods of having bad games.

    It might interest you to know…he is very close to tying his all-time TDs in a season. The guy is actually rocking.

  57. dbbuc711 Says:

    For White that would be really stupid. It’s obvious that he won’t be in Tampa next season so the film he’s putting out will keep dropping the $ that other teams will be willing to pay him.
    Dumb dumb dumb

  58. Owen Says:

    Toilet Bowls is an awful HC. I don’t know what Bruce was thinking handing a team over that just won a Superbowl to this turd milkshake. Todd is about as exciting of a coach as it is to see Amy Schumer naked or perform standup. This is NOT a bad team. They’ve lost some close games. But they’re very poorly coached. Lots of winnable games left on that field. 8-3 is where they should be sitting right now. Only 1 game this season where they weren’t in it til the 4th.

  59. SBucs Says:

    There’s a great chance if Todd and Jason do another year here the stadium will be completely empty and any current player worth his salt will ‘portal’ out. Why would anyone sit for this crap any more?

  60. Bill Says:

    Todd Schiano

  61. steele Says:

    “Beginning” to mentally check out? Hello. The mental checking out began right after the SB win. You could feel it, and we saw it get worse with every successive season. The Antonio Brown fiasco caused additional damage internally. Sure, Brady and some of the guys soldiered on, but the problems on the field that lost that playoff game vs. the Rams was not isolated. Poor coaching, missed assignments, freelancing, failures to adjust. Then you had the whiny final Brady season with everyone checking out, guys like Evans literally giving up.

    If anything, attitudes improved for a second with Canales and Baker coming in, if for no other reason than it was a new situation. Things have since come back down again.

    It all comes back to Bowles and his inability to get the entire team collectively and individually motivated. Not an easy thing to do, but that is the job of a HC.

  62. JerkingCircleofEpileptics Says:

    They don’t care about winning as much as you all do. It’s all about $$$. That goes from the top, down.

  63. jarrett Says:

    as a Bucs Fan, I’ve mentally checked out! THANK GOD FOR THE BRADY YEARS