Andrew Whitworth Very Impressed With Left Tackle Tristan Wirfs

November 12th, 2023


Tristan Wirfs is a freak. That’s no revelation from Joe.

But when a former All-Pro left tackle comes out and says it, well, Joe thinks that’s high praise.

In a recent edition of the podcast “Trench Warfare” with Brandon Thorn, former Bengals and Rams left tackle Andrew Whitworth, the current Amazon NFL analyst, reviewed their midseason All-Pro awards for offensive line.

The discussion turned to Wirfs, the Bucs’ left tackle and former right tackle. Whitworth went on and on raving about how it is almost unheard of for a right tackle to flip to left tackle and almost not miss any beat.

Apparently, Wirfs has blown Whitworth away so much that when the Bucs played the Bills on Thursday night football, Whitworth made it a point to find time to talk to Wirfs to learn how Wirfs was able to pull it off.

Thorn noted Wirfs is “looking like he has been playing [left tackle] his whole career.”

Whitworth didn’t disagree.

“From playing the position, it is just mind-boggling to me to be able to play both sides,” Whitworth said. “I just think it is so rare.

“If you think of how many guys have been dominant and who have played both sides and been really good on either side. Like a dominant player.

“To be dominant [at right tackle] and move to the other and look like you are going to be dominant again, I just think it is rarified air right there. It shows you what a freak he is at his size to play left tackle after playing right.”

Whitworth then made an interesting point that only a seasoned offensive lineman with a sharp eye would detect. He said he catches Wirfs leaning a certain way in an effort to compensate for a move of a left tackle he’s not yet mastered.

While that’s not good fundamentals, Whitworth said — largely do to inexperience playing to the left of the center — Wirfs is such a tremendous athlete he can cover up for a fundamental error.

Thorn pointed out one of those “leans” came against Jalen Carter of the Eagles and Carter got the best of Wirfs on a particular play, something one rarely sees.

The Bucs are so, so, so fortunate to have a guy like Wirfs.

You can hear and see Whitworth break down Wirfs as a left tackle in the video below.

18 Responses to “Andrew Whitworth Very Impressed With Left Tackle Tristan Wirfs”

  1. ElioT Says:

    Need more dudes like Wirfs on this team

  2. adam from ny Says:

    clone him

  3. Fred McNeil Says:

    Thaaarrs an idea, matey. Clone him!

  4. lambchop Says:

    And to think he was the 5th and last first round OT in that draft. Literally 4 other teams scouted Wirfs wrong and either we lucked into him or we actually scouted him correctly. I’m going to put my money on it being 99% luck that we got the stud OT of that draft. If he would have been drafted before our pick, we would have drafted whichever OT was remaining and this story would be entirely different.

  5. Fansince76 Says:

    It’s a great thing to have an HOF left tackle in his prime!

  6. Hodad Says:

    We lucked into him.

  7. CHRISTOS Says:

    it was the 4th OT taken but you are right.
    We had some luck for sure and help from the
    Giants who took Thomas
    Browns who took Willis
    Jets who took Benson
    I mean they are not even close to Wirfs level

  8. Lombardi Lenny Says:

    I feel so bad for Wirfs that he has Coach “please like me everybody I really need your acceptance” Canales running this offense. And to top it off defensive minded Coach Constipated

    If you are reading this Tristan, we know this ish show of a team and offense is not your fault. You’ve been dealt a terrible hand and we wouldn’t hold it against you if want off this dumpster fire team to go play for an organization that loves being in a loser division b/c no matter how bad they are there’s still a chance to make the playoffs. Go play for an organization and a fan base that want to win consistently and take home championships.

  9. Lt. Dan Says:

    What really makes the Bucs fortunate is having two really good tackles. Wirf’s obviously is all world but don’t forget Goedeke on the right side. He is playing really good for his first stint as a RT in the NFL. He should only grow and get better. Check offensive tackle off the list for the 2024 selection show.

  10. D-Rok Says:

    Moving Wirfs to LT has been one of the ONLY very good coaching decisions I can name for this entire year.

  11. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Draft penix jr and flip him back to right side protect his blindside and save about 8-10 million a year

  12. Buc50 Says:

    Flip him to save money? This isn’t Madden and the Bucs definitely are not getting a discount on an All Pro talent LT

  13. Lombardi Lenny Says:

    Trade Wirfs and Devon White in a package deal for whichever team lands the #1 pick in the draft.

  14. Beeej Says:


  15. Cobraboy Says:

    I had Wirfs as the #1 OT by a mile and was stunned but overjoyed he was there when the Bucs picked.

    I remember how many folks were afeared his switch to LT. I figured he was destined for LT the day he was drafted, and was a reason dumping Smith was an easy decision.

    Not many freaks in the draft like Wirfs and Nelson.

    You never, ever get rid of a LT like Wirfs…unless some dumba$$ GM offers a Ditka deal.

  16. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Has any player ever made All Pro at two different positions?

  17. Beeej Says:

    Meanwhile, $9 million Donny has 7 penalties and a sack allowed, pff in the 50’s. Goedeke has same penalties and 1 more sack, but pff in the 70’s for 1/10th the money

  18. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Durable Donnie makes his block then stands around watching, hoping there isn’t a flag on him too. Play through the whistle never made his effort list.