49ers 27, Buccaneers 14

November 19th, 2023

The Bucs showed plenty of life and lots of sporadic fight today, but it wasn’t nearly enough and the lack of consistency is maddening.

Now the Bucs are 4-6, tied with the Falcons and one full game behind the slimy Saints (5-5) in the chase for the NFC South crown.

So which of those teams has the best starting quarterback for the stretch run?

That’s why Joe’s not betting against the Bucs. Baker Mayfield looks more and more comfortable in the Bucs offense and his afternoon at San Francisco would have been better today had Deven Thompkins and Cade Otton not dropped touchdown passes in the fourth quarter.

Joe wrote all about the sad Bucs defense (story on home page). They were their own gravediggers today, manhandled through the first three quarters and changing the framework of the game with their ineptitude.

Niners QB Brock Purdy was a ridiculous 21-for-25 for 333 yards and 3 touchdowns. Allegedly, that computes to a perfect quarterback rating, for those who are into that stat. (Joe is not.)

Ironically, the huge 27-7 deficit in the third quarter is probably what sparked the Bucs offense, which again and inexplicably avoided throwing early to Chris Godwin and Mike Evans. Why? Why? Why?

Trailing by that much, the Bucs started throwing, which is the strength of the team. Maybe one day the Bucs will start throwing early and often.

The Bucs still can’t run the ball, but the offense found life late in the game and the defense manned up in the fourth quarter. It’s at least something to build on as the Bucs try to win the worst division in football.

83 Responses to “49ers 27, Buccaneers 14”

  1. HC Grover Says:

    We could of got a FG on that last drive but Nooooo. Canales and Bozo dropped more clunkers than the homeless downtown.

  2. Couch Fan Says:

    Are we sill Super Bowl Dreamin?

  3. tampabuscsbro Says:

    I’m sure they had a great practice this week guys.

  4. TheBucsAnthem Says:


  5. HC Grover Says:

    But it was a great loss.

  6. ElioT Says:

    1st perfect game by a 49ers QB since Montana & Young. Lol



  7. ModHairKen Says:

    They lost. There are no moral victories. They blew it. They can’t win with this coach.

  8. Bucs13 Says:

    Baker defenders will talk about the dropped passes. What about the three picks he almost threw. He wasn’t terrible, but let’s not give him a pass.

  9. D-Rome Says:

    Purdy is the most overrated QB in the NFL. Put him on most teams and he’d be average to below average. Having the best LT, best RB, top tier offensive line, and 3rd best TE, and outstanding receivers makes him look like Tom Brady.

  10. Rod Munch Says:



  11. Stewart Brew Says:

    Gritty effort by the Bucs bit the tale t disparity was obvious.

    We just need to take our lumps this season while we clear the cap and get our rooks some experience.

  12. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    There’s nothing about this team that excites fans or anyone for a matter of fact…..sucks

  13. IrishTony Says:

    Bowles can’t be a head coach and manage the defense. Much of this is coaching.

  14. ModHairKen Says:


  15. NE Fan Says:

    C’mon no surprises here except the SF score wasn’t higher. Shanahan was probably using this as a scrimmage and trying out new plays the entire second half. Baker lighting it up on a pass prevent D pretty much the entire game, maybe that leaped him to #14. Bad football by Bowles AGAIN!!

  16. Cobraboy Says:

    Just not good enough.

    End of story.

    At this point I don’t care if they lose the rest.

  17. orlbucfan Says:

    The reason Bucs lost this game is Canales, period. Not once did he call a QB bootleg option for BM. Lynch better hope 49ers make the Stupid Bowl this year or he’ll be history, too. BTW, he’s puffy looking and getting fat.

  18. IrishTony Says:

    Do need a new head coach though. He’s way over his head. If Arians was coaching and Bowles focusing just on D scheme would probably win this game.

  19. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    We played hard and with a lot of fight. I am not disappointed in the effort. Dropped TD pass by Otton or this is 27-21 with a chance to make something happen. Could have been a hell of a lot worse.

  20. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    This team is so pathetic…..they don’t even have an identity

    Are you good on offense is? = NO

    Are you good on defense? = NO

    ……Do you have any star players that can take over the game???…..= NO


  21. Rod Munch Says:



  22. Seattle Buc Says:

    Baker lays another turd: 7 points in the first 3 quarters.

  23. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Too many problems to solve in one offseason. The o-line is poor. The DB’s are trash. TE play is non-existent, and the QB isn’t good enough to make up for the deficiencies.

  24. ElioT Says:

    The roster talent and coaching talent disparity today is glaring.

    This team IS NOT EVEN CLOSE to being competitive against top tier teams.

    They’re also not building anything towards the future.

    Bowles and Licht are in over their heads and this franchise is in serious trouble.

    Save me the division talk BS!!

    Garbage product on the field and there needs to be major changes.

  25. orlbucfan Says:

    Hey Cobra, you a Buc fan or just a show off on here?

  26. Irish Laughter Says:

    I still have us finishing 10-7 and winning the division. Baker is not the problem, Mr. Bowls is. The team will win, win, win starting next week.

  27. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Baker is the absolutely LEAST of this teams problems

    Terrible TEs, slow linebackers, non existent corners and so on….

  28. IrishTony Says:

    I don’t see a problem with the scheme they were moving the ball just not executing in the red zone. What about the defensive coaching? It’s abysmal! Takes them 3 f’ng quarters to figure it out! Jesus

  29. HC Grover Says:

    Bucs failed to beat the spread. Otton…Thompkins to the practice squad.

  30. Lombardi Lenny Says:

    Bet ya this week at practice is gonna be incredible and canalas will get the chills

  31. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    If you find yourself saying…they fought hard or showed life then you probably lost the game


  32. NE Fan Says:

    Orlbuc u sure it wasn’t the refs fault the Bucs lost?

  33. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    @grover – I got Bucs +13.5

  34. Seattle Buc Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says: “The o-line is poor. The DB’s are trash. TE play is non-existent, and the QB isn’t good enough to make up for the deficiencies.”

    He’s not good enough. Period.

  35. Rod Munch Says:

    Baker turns 45 attempts into 246 yards and 1 TD, and an INT, and a fumble.

    Had 3 chances at the end to get points, and came up empty – downs, INT, downs.

    But hey, he tries hard, and that’s what really matters!

  36. Seattle Buc Says:

    Tbbucs3 Says: “Baker is the absolutely LEAST of this teams problems”

    I see Baki Boi is in panic mode.

  37. Rod Munch Says:

    HC Grover Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 7:09 pm
    Bucs failed to beat the spread.


    Depends on when you bought in. I think it opened at +11, but ended at +13.5 – so huge money was put on the Bucs getting blown out.

  38. Seattle Buc Says:

    Rod Munch Says: “But hey, he tries hard, and that’s what really matters!”

    Never forget the moxie he brings to the locker room!

  39. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    I poured Lynch a keg beer back in the day. Was at Michael Husted’s house at one of his parties. Bunch of players. Lynch came up and said, “hi, I’m John”. What a great guy. I was nobody in a house full of somebodys. On the way out with my girlfriend, a girl standing next to Alstott said goodbye to me. Needless to say, huge points with my girl that night. Still stay in contact with Husted. Super cool guy. Anyway – glory days. Lol

  40. IrishTony Says:

    It’s coaching people period! Specifically head coaching! The f’ing Glazers trusted Arians and this is is the result of nepotism. I honestly thought with the talent they had last year Bowles could at least be a winning coach. I’m chronically optimistic to a fault when it comes to this team. They need to 86 Bowles ASAP it’s not working.

  41. Tony Marks Says:

    Bucs13 Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 7:03 pm
    Baker defenders will talk about the dropped passes.

    lol…..I can almost feel your desperation. because you know a qb can only pass the ball. the rules and physics make it impossible for him to catch them too for TDs. Cot’s drop pass really rained on Traskie’s parade.

    Wha this shows is the team with baker and catched pass right on the hands is good enough to be competitive with probably a super bowl team.

    Time to face reality – the team needs some receivers to take the next step. Aways mentioning Evans and maybe Godwin is just being fan boys. A passing game needs 4 decent receivers and a good TE. MINIMUM.

  42. Captain Vic Says:

    I finally figured it out. The talent level we DO have is being under-utilized; and the talent we DON’T have is being under compensated for. There just is no coaching, no planning, no chess game type thinking, nothing to counter the other teams talent and strengths. Canales is literally playing checkers while the D is playing chess. And the Bucs officially have a weak secondary.. which accounts for the lack of decent one-on-one coverage, hence really big plays. Better Zone it up coach Bowls, count on the strength of your linebackers and 50/50 D line. Canalis – How hard can this be? we’re over halfway through the season – have some creativity, make the other team work side to side, pitch-outs, screen flare passes, Etc. And if you’re going to run an end-around don’t run it right into one or two unblocked linebackers, devise a better scheme, draw up a better play that at least has a CHANCE of working. The games we have won, have been based on sheer Talent, just being better than the opponent. The coaches should not get paid, for this reason: I truly believe if our guys went out and just drew up plays in the dirt looked at the D and called plays, we would have the exact same 4-6 record, possibly better, cuz if left to their own, they actually might call better plays/schemes, AND make better adjustments. Worth a try. Who knows, maybe we’ll run the table against weaker opponents from here on out, and steal a division again like last year!?

  43. realistic-optimistic Says:

    his afternoon at San Francisco would have been better today had Deven Thompkins and Cade Otton not dropped touchdown passes

    Conversely, his numbers could have been a LOT worse had SF not dropped 4 INTs.

  44. Baking with Canales Says:

    As expected.

    Frustrating to see their offense hit open receivers left and right.
    Also frustrating to see multiple batted balls.
    Disappointed to finally see Evans and Godwin targeted in the same game. It took the coaching staff 10 games. Smh

  45. IrishTony Says:

    As a life long Bucs fan since 76 it’s totally feast or famine. Hey on the bright side we’ve won 2 Super Bowls since the Sam Mateo 49ers last one won. So there you freaking fickle Frisco fans.😂

  46. Rod Munch Says:

    Tony Marks Says:
    Time to face reality – the team needs some receivers to take the next step.


    So if you’re going to count the dropped Otton pass, are you also going to count the 4 INTs that the 49ers dropped?

  47. HC Grover Says:

    How would you rank this loss?
    pretty good

  48. orlbucfan Says:

    Irish Tony, I watched the damned game cos getting it on radio is becoming more and more a headache. I love Bucs Radio. I got so frustrated with Canales. Does this jerkoff know what a QB bootleg option play even is??? BM is not the problem. Neither is an OLine that has to have time to jell. Canales better get his wits together. This team will make the playoffs but Bowles really needs to sit down with his rookie OC on the flight back to FL, and have a serious talk. There was no reason why the Bucs could have scored a TD in the final 2 minutes and tried an onsides field kick. They probably would have lost but at least make the attempt, Canales. Man, am I pissed!

  49. Rod Munch Says:



  50. Bucs13 Says:

    @Rod. You’re making too much sense. Fans are making excuses for Baker. His Stans are maddening. He didn’t have a good game. Period.

  51. gotbbucs Says:

    Offense and defense looking good in the 4th quarter of a blowout is an optical illusion. How can you watch and write about football for this many years and not understand that the Niners were in coast mode by that time?

    You don’t believe in QBR but you put credence into garbage time stats at the end of ugly games? Got it. The stats that got the game to a 27-7 score are all that matter.

  52. stpetebucfan Says:

    There are actually people on this site who are slamming Mayfield for this loss!!!

    One infamous shouter here whining that Mayfield couldn’t get the ball into the end zone at the end of the game without mentioning the fact that Otton dropped a pass that hit him perfectly in the hands and Thompkins almost made a nice grab on what was a tough but catchable ball!!! 14 FREAKIN points but do you think the blog blowhard could even acknowledge that.

    And then there are the loons who might look at this post and say yeah lets send Thompkins and Otton to the practice squad!! Baker’s fumble was a CHOKE!

    I do not get the so called “fans” on this blog!!! Not all but it’s just sad that when the Bucs win a great game they’re not around…let them lose and they love to come to run their NEGATIVE mouths!!!

    Bottom line…The Bucs went on the road to play the very best team in the league in their house and their time zone and found out they’re not yet ready for SF on a regular basis. But this team is getting BETTER!!! WTF do you guys want?

  53. SBucs Says:

    Talent is not good enough to compete because there’s a doofus as GM

  54. stpetebucfan Says:

    BTW Not that anybody is paying attention but Mayfield’s first half QBR was higher than Purdy’s!!!

  55. Captain Vic Says:

    Otten’s juggle, and drop of a perfectly thrown strike of a TD pass was soft! Just hug the ball into your chest with two hands! You’re bigger and stronger than a freaking safety. That would have made it a possibly winnable game. The pass to Devin Tompkins was really low and outside, technically catchable, but not realistic he brings that in. Otten had a ball hit in between the numbers, most tight ends in the league catch that pass for a TD

  56. Seattle Buc Says:

    Laughing my ass off at Baki Marks babbling about what Baker needs.

  57. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Seattle Buc Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 7:10 pm
    UKBuccaneer Says: “The o-line is poor. The DB’s are trash. TE play is non-existent, and the QB isn’t good enough to make up for the deficiencies.”

    He’s not good enough. Period.


    But he’s the best we’ve got right now.

  58. orlbucfan Says:

    Grover, hey bozo, how about ranking this loss as a big el sucko in large part cos of Canales. BTW, Lynch looks like he’s getting a little too fond of the booze, fat and blown up looking.

  59. Pewter Power Says:

    I mean what are we doing saying the Bucs are still in it at 4-6 this odd a trash division so it’s the best time to reload. Todd Bowles is a defensive coordinator nothing more nothing less.

    Can anyone honestly say his defense is any better than it was his Friday year because it looks the exact same. Got vita Vea up the middle so it’s painful rb’s busting runs up the middle

  60. Texasbucsfan Says:

    Everything starts at the top!

  61. orlbucfan Says:

    What’s the Bucs’ final schedule?

  62. orlbucfan Says:

    I am still mad and it’s a good thing I have low BP. I didn’t expect a win, but Canales throttled his offense. I hope Bowles verbally kicks his butt in the long flight home.

  63. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    No moral victories, I get that – but come on – we didn’t get blown out by one of the best teams in the league, and we are still paying off the SuperBowl – remember? Rest of the schedule is much easier, other than JAX. Todays effort beats all of those other teams.

  64. Seattle Buc Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says: “But he’s the best we’ve got right now.”

    Nope. Trask outplayed him in training camp and until Trask is given meaningful time in a game with the starters all we know is that Mayfield is not our future and that Trask may or may not be.

  65. Oz Len Says:

    The Bucs sure have a lot of anti-fans. I don’t know why they even watch the games. If you’re not happy, go watch the Chiefs. As usual, the Bucs had an interesting game, to say the least. Last week the 49ers waxed the Jaguars and sacked their future star QB 5 times with a score of 34-3. Which game would you rather watch? What happened to Mike S., did he become Rod Munch or Seattle Buc says? Go Bucs!

  66. Seattle Buc Says:

    orlbucfan Says: “What’s the Bucs’ final schedule?”

    50% chance at another NFC South Champions t-shirt.

  67. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Seattle Buc Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 7:38 pm
    UKBuccaneer Says: “But he’s the best we’ve got right now.”

    Nope. Trask outplayed him in training camp


    Still persisting with that myth even after you were proven wrong? I admire your tenacity.

  68. Rod Munch Says:

    Oz Len Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 7:38 pm
    The Bucs sure have a lot of anti-fans. I don’t know why they even watch the games. If you’re not happy, go watch the Chiefs. As usual, the Bucs had an interesting game, to say the least.


    Interesting? Hummm, I’d disagree. I found the game to be incredibly boring. You have an incredibly boring head coach, you got an incredibly boring quarterback, you have an incredibly boring broadcast team. I legit thought that was an absolutely terrible game to watch.

    As for the Bucs losing. I think it’s more about being realistic. The team is 2-6 over its last 8, has a middling QB, an awful head coach, a bad defense, and, as previously stated, they’re just flat out dull.

    For me, personally, I just wanted the team to tank this year, clear up the cap, and be ready to start winning again next year. That was always the deal with getting Brady – and bringing him back, we all knew that a rebuild would start as soon as he left.

    Mayfield isn’t the future, he’s just a placeholder, and this team isn’t going anywhere – not with Todd Bowles as the coach. So let’s just get that good draft pick and our future QB, and not screw things up.

  69. orlbucfan Says:

    Hey Seattle, I think their chances are better than 50%. But unlike fake fans like munchhead, I’m a halfway educated fan. Bowles really needs to pop Canales in the head.

  70. Rod Munch Says:

    UKBuccaneer Says:
    But he’s the best we’ve got right now.


    But that is good enough to get you 6 wins.

    Why bother?

    Just lose, get a high pick, and your future QB next year. Look at the cap, if somehow Baker was amazing, you’d have to lose a bunch of key guys to keep him. And he’s not amazing, he’s middling.

    Said this the entire time, but playing Trask isn’t about him being better – it’s about the fact we have no idea what he is. I do agree, likely he’s to be worse. Good, that helps with the draft pick selection. But what if Trask isn’t terrible, what if he’s actually turns out to be good? He’s the guy under contract for next year.

    The problem with Baker is that he is what he is, a QB that gets everyone around him fired. All the back and forth on him is why. At times, he looks fine. At times he doesn’t. And most of the time he’s middling. He has years and years of tape, and this is near the top end of his play, and the Bucs are 4-6 and just got blown out yet again, and are 2-6 over their last 8.

    Is Baker the top issue? No, that would be Todd Bowles. But is Baker the solution to anything? Uh, no, not at all.

    Anywho who speaks ill of Baker, everyone says is a hater – but I don’t hate Baker, I just don’t like him, because he’s not a good QB who will lead you to win anything – not unless you’re the 2002 Bucs, then sure, he can be a QB on that team and ride the defense to a SB. But you could say that about Derek Carr too, and I don’t want him as QB either.

  71. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Bakesie wasn’t exactly the problem today but he’s not the solution. He was let down a number occasions but the biggest problem is Cajones calling terrible games, no imagination what’s so ever. Doesn’t use White properly and does nothing scheme wise to get Evans and Godwin our only two weapons on offense the ball early and often. Instead he schemes backups who more often than not will drop the ball. That’s why offense is always playing from behind. Where Baker is the problem is he’s too inconsistent and erratic and in accurate when we need it most . He is bold and courageous I’ll give him that. That 40 yarder to Jarrett was a thing of beauty because he was confident, his feet were set and knew where the ball should go. Almost every other time he has happy feet and tends to be more in accurate at times. Score one for the Bakettes.

  72. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “and that Trask may or may not be.”

    Hey Seattle, before you get your hopes up let me assure you that he isn’t.

    Amazing how these anti “fans” can watch a game with 0 defense, no running backs, terrible tight ends and all they can come away with is we need a new quarterback. Some geniuses on here.

  73. Hodad Says:

    That’s like asking who’s the smartest retard in the special needs class.

  74. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Again, I’m open to the idea of deliberately tanking for a top draft pick. Except it’s never worked. Ever.

  75. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Rod, not sure if you’ve taken a look around the league but there are about a good 6 or 7 teams that are 10 times worse than the Bucs…it’s makes absolutely 0 sense to tank when you have no chance to get a top 5 pick.

    Caleb Williams and Drake Maye are off the board way before the Bucs will be picking.

  76. Beeej Says:

    Seattle Buc Says:
    November 19th, 2023 at 7:12 pm
    Tbbucs3 Says: “Baker is the absolutely LEAST of this teams problems”

    I see Baki Boi is in panic mode.

    HOW many names are you gonna post under? What are you, 12?

  77. Tony Marks Says:

    Rod Munch Says:

    So if you’re going to count the dropped Otton pass,


    LOL.. what do you mean “iF” . What kind of du fer wouldn’t count a dropped passed in the end zone ???

    Oh wait……

    ” are you also going to count the 4 INTs that the 49ers dropped”

    Didn’t see four and its you so why would I entertain your numbers.?

    Fans love to say “should have been intercepted but thats the nature of coverage. . Its almost always harder for the defender who doesn’t know the route to make an int.

    Sorry Mush…. We are ten game in and baker has 6 ints – the int narrative on Baker is now DOA

  78. BelleGladeBuc Says:


    Baker under threw ME13 and #2 almost intercepted the ball in the first quarter at about 12:00.

    In the 3rd quarter with 7:00 to go Baker threw into triple coverage for ME13, hitting #57 in both of his hands for a near interception.

    With 12:00 to go in the 4th quarter Baker hit #54 in his hands for a near interception.

    With 7:50 to go in the 4th quarter #54 almost intercepted a Baker pass at the line of scrimmage during his blitz as the ball hit his hands.

    With 6:45 to go in the 4th quarter Baker threw the ball into the end zone to ME13 into double coverage, hitting #31 in both hands for a near interception.

    Hail Marys don’t count.

  79. Ed Says:

    A Buc offensive playbook that looks out of phase whenever they play a decent team. It really shows how unsophisticated the offense is. Other than Otton running the seam route there is no scheme to get Evans and Godwin, your 2 bonafide stars, open looks. Instead throws are going to Thompkins, Palmer and White.

    Godwin makes as much money in one game as those guys put together make in the whole year. It’s up to the coaches to draw up plays to feature these guys.

    Shanahan is smart enough to get the ball in the hands of Ayoke, McCaffrey and Kittle.

    Bowles-Canales are dumb enough to not get the ball to Godwin and Evans.

    It really stinks that the 2 best playmakers on the team are not the featured players in the offense.

    Mayfield was not good he wasn’t getting the ball out quickly, he threw into covered receivers, he missed badly on many throws. The tipped balls continue.

    The Bucs will be what Vegas said they would be, a 6-7 win team.

    Cut bait with JTS, Davis, Dean and Devin White. Let Godwin and Evans out of their cages if you just want to run the ball. You don’t need $40,000,000 invested in 2 great veteran receivers if they are not going to feature them.

    Arians drove the bus to the cliff and jumped off. This coaching staff doesn’t know what they are doing.

  80. Oneilbuc Says:

    Baker Mayfield should have had 5 picks and y’all still think he’s a good quarterback? Lol 😂😂

  81. Karl Says:

    Morning Joe, I see it’s a “haters Monday” out there. I keep wondering what game some of them were watching. Except for a 5 minute stretch coming out of half time, I saw a pretty competitive team out there., Maybe Dean trying to cover Ayuke one on one with a bad wheel, was not the best idea but all in all I thought the Bucks defense didn’t play that bad. Hell,they had 5 sacks and were getting pressure on Purdy all day. The kid just made some plays. Having Little wide open on several occasions kinda scared me. I’m not sure who was supposed to cover him, but it looked like White simply forgot about him. That seems to happen a lot. D W is simply not a good cover LB. That’s probably one of the reasons we can’t play zone. But guys, lighten up. For 3 and a half quarters the Bucs played a pretty competitive game! San Francisco

  82. Karl Says:

    Clearly has a far better talent level.

  83. Karl Says:

    Thats the price we have to pay for the last 3 years.