“We Gotta Coach The Penalties”

October 31st, 2023

This will not be a week remembered for high-level thinking at One Buc Palace.

That was one of Joe’s takeaways from Todd Bowles’ chat with WFLA-TV sports chief Dan Lucas this week.

Its a “back to basics” week at team headquarters, Bowles said, “to the bare bones of football.”

It seems the Bucs’ many senseless penalties against Buffalo gut under Bowles’ skin and lodged in his head.

“We gotta coach the penalties and that’s all we’re going to do this week is coaching fundamentals, technique, penalties … ,” Bowles said.

It’s clear that Bowles thinks his team has a discipline problem. And that’s on coaching when it’s this late in the season, or at least as much as it is on players.

Specifically, Bowles called out wide receiver Trey Palmer for his blocking issues and right tackle Luke Goedeke for his issues with false starts.

39 Responses to ““We Gotta Coach The Penalties””

  1. ModHairKen Says:

    They do have a discipline problem. It’s the coaching.

  2. Demetrios Says:

    Every negative article comes down to one thing, POOR COACHING!

  3. Irish Laughter Says:

    When the coaches stop worrying about who’s ego they are afraid of hurting, and start coaching the team hard, penalties will start to disappear. Arians would be blunt and direct (even with Brady) and he got results. Bowles and his coaches are to afraid to call out mistakes and have players own them. Football athletes want to be coached, they want to improve and they want to win. Keeping it real.

  4. K_bassuka Says:

    How can you have a disciplined OL with an undisciplined QB?

  5. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Trey Palmer on the verge of becoming the next Kenny Bell. Underwear football all american.

    You know there’s no depth on this team when Tyler Johnson would be the 3rd best WR and OJ Howard would be the best or at least 2d best TE.

  6. Steven007 Says:

    Interesting thing is the next coach will certainly be an offensive minded coach. But who will that be? Some retread? Will we land a Harbaugh? Monken? Either way, it’s pretty clear that when this regime is over it will be replaced with an offensive-minded coach and the requisite players to support his vision.

  7. Bucnjim Says:

    Penalties are only a very small part of what’s going on with this team. First you have the defense (according to Bowles we are a defensive team) You can’t continue to give up these sustained drives. Even if they don’t score they are pinning the offense back on the five or ten yard line consistently. If anyone has the Bucs starting field position I’d like to see it. Then you have the offense. If you are continually pinned back in your end of the field you need chunk plays. You can’t dink and dunk 80 or even 90 yards. This way you can re-establish field position for your D instead of giving the ball back on the 50. The most valuable player right now is the punter and that’s just sad.

  8. Breadwinnerbob Says:

    How safe is Jason’s job joe ? Jw..

  9. Joe Says:

    How safe is Jason’s job joe ? Jw..

    It ought to be damn safe.

  10. Jerseybuc Says:

    We’ll thT coaching radio. Week 8 coming up n it’s still not figured out? Can’t wait till he’s gone

  11. BucsFanSince76 Says:

    Yeah Jason picked the coaches and players-why would his job not be safe??????

  12. John Sinclear Says:

    Quit blaming the coaches – blame the players. These people have been playing football at various levels for over 15 years. They are highly paid professionals. The basics, they learned them many years ago.

    I have yet to see a coach commit a false start, an illegal formation or a hold.

  13. Bucnjim Says:

    Coaches set the game plan and call the plays. The game plan against the Falcons (a one dimensional team) was simply pathetic. Taking the blame for this game would be a start. We weren’t beating the Eagles or Bills no matter what we did.

  14. We Make Custom Teez Says:

    @Irish Laughter… baloney! Bucs have always been an undisciplined team… and this is pretty much the same staff that Arians brought in… 2019 134 penalties, 2020 100 penalties, 2021 105 penalties, 2022 102 penalties… and they will end up around 105 area in 2023… they got rid of veterans and replace them a bunch of rookies and undrafted free agents… & a OC that never called plays at any level… you get what you pay for 🤷🏾‍♂️

  15. Bucnjim Says:

    Lions after the Bye week was also a very poor game plan by the Coaches

  16. Texasbucsfan Says:

    This far into the season & the ship appears to be sinking. Poor coaching on all levels. Back to basics is a joke. Firing Bowles is the only solution; sell ME, DW, JTS & the rest of the losers. Go for the draft. It is the only solution at this time. Go Bucs.

  17. SlyPirate Says:

    Demetrios Says:
    Every negative article comes down to one thing, POOR COACHING!


    Yes! Bowles and Canales are grossly inept to run an NFL offense. The Bucs are in a death spiral. They are purely putting their fingers in the next hole that springs a leak. Each week the Bucs will be trying to solve last week’s gaffs, while the next opponent prepares to reveal new holes. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Bucs only win 2-3 more games.

  18. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Half a season and we’re going back to basics?

    Yep, it’s the coaches.

  19. Bobby M. Says:

    Bowles can’t lead a team, there’s no fear of accountability from any position. We got players in every unit grossly underperforming….R. White, D.White, Dean, Neal, both guards, Otton, Barrett, JTS….The vast majority are experienced players, particularly on the defense. It’s the coaching, starting with Bowles. The best thing Bowles does is create excuses….hes mastered that aspect of coaching.

  20. 1#bucsfan Says:

    These penalties are fixable. Cut them out and the little bit of offense we do have won’t get handcuffed by stupid mistakes. Offense is too terrible to beat other teams and ourselves. Offense will improve a little if they can fix the penalties

  21. Buc4evr Says:

    Cutting out the penalties will help, but it won’t solve the ineptitude of underperforming offense. Poor play calling and bad players won’t magically get better. The niners are going to destroy the defense and the offense will be lucky to score two TDs. Sad times for the hapless Bucs.

  22. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    BucsFanSince76 Says:
    October 31st, 2023 at 10:39 am
    Yeah Jason picked the coaches and players-why would his job not be safe??????
    Jason’s job was to build a team that could go deep into the playoffs and win a Super Bowl. Everyone at One Buc Place, the players, coaches, the front office, and the owners were all-in on the same purpose of winning a Super Bowl.
    And they were well aware that bring in the help they needed via free agency would have salary cap consequences down the line putting the team into a challenging situation.

    Given the Glazer’s signed off on that and that the team achieved what it set out to do why would they fire the GM who played an instrumental role in accomplishing their purpose? That makes no sense.

  23. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Finally Bowles will address the penalties. I’ve been saying this for seven weeks and I am sure everyone who watched those game have seen it. Every game the Bucs have had several big plays including TDS call back because penalties. Some seem to have been game killers Yes John Sinclear, I see your point about blaming the players for this problem but, I still think it’s on the coaches. I mean if a player continues to commit penalties sit his ass on the bench a play or 2. That’s what Arians did and it seems to have worked well

  24. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    The Bucs cannot be accused of high-level thinking, so far this year.

  25. robclwtr Says:

    I couldn’t disagree with any player Bobby M called out. It took two hands, NINE fingers to count up, out of 22 players, mind you, to figure out how many players need to step it up or get gone! With that many players, how can it not be coaching?

  26. Larrd Says:

    Good idea! The basics! Just louder! Run it up the gut! Execute!

  27. Jack Sparrow Says:

    You know the saying….”Sh*t rolls downhill…” well,,, Bowles should be looking at himself why this team has no disciplinie

  28. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    Raheem, Schiano, Lovie, Koetter and now Bowles.

    It’s the Glazer way. Save money on cheap coaches.
    Have a crap organization with a terrible reputation
    around the league so no good coaches want to come

    Pop discovered Dungy as a (at the time) cheap, untested
    head coach. He became a legend. The Brats have tried to
    duplicate that process 5 times now, w fail as the result.

    It seems every one of the 4 Bowles predecessors listed
    above went on to never be a head coach again.

  29. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Got to eliminate the holds and false starts. Coaching is definitely a big part of that, by now the OLine should have the snap count down even a silent count. But they’re pretty young and NFL is high pressure; they could figure it out and gel yet. Sucks they dont have Jensen, i think he could pull this group together.

  30. Rod Munch Says:

    The Bills literally kept you in the game in their penalties, yet Bowles is going to gaslight people into thinking Bucs penalties cost them the game. LOL!

    How do players take this stuff seriously? Well, then again, you’re not dealing with the best and brightest for the most part – even with their college degrees.

  31. Hodad Says:

    Heading into the second half of the season we’re back to basics. That’s a sad statement if I’ve ever heard one. Toes on the line!

  32. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    Vlad The Impaler Says:
    October 31st, 2023 at 1:38 pm
    Raheem, Schiano, Lovie, Koetter and now Bowles.

    It’s the Glazer way. Save money on cheap coaches.
    Have a crap organization with a terrible reputation
    around the league so no good coaches want to come

    Pop discovered Dungy as a (at the time) cheap, untested
    head coach. He became a legend. The Brats have tried to
    duplicate that process 5 times now, w fail as the result.

    It seems every one of the 4 Bowles predecessors listed
    above went on to never be a head coach again.

    The Glazer’s made some really bad selections when hiring head coaches in the past but I don’t see evidence they’re looking for “cheap, untested head coaches”. Gruden was not cheap nor untested.

    Lovie Smith was a disaster here as a HC but the man had a resume so can’t be characterized as “untested”. He had previously been to the Super Bowl twice, once as a HC and another time as a DC. He also was promoted by the Houston Texan’s as HC in January of 2022. While he only lasted one season you can’t say none of the head coaches of the Bucs were ever hired again elsewhere as a HC.

    I believe Raheem will again be a HC again some day. He just wasn’t ready for it back when he was promoted to that position by the Bucs.

  33. Bucfan37 Says:

    Most fans knew this was coming. The SB win followed by hard times. How much did the Bucs pay Brady?

  34. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    I typed “untested” 1 time; In reference to Dungy’s resume in 1995
    as a head coach.

    I know how Joe feels now; Getting taken out of context in
    vain attempts to distort what was originally written.

    I also never mentioned Gruden or BA because they were NOT
    untested nor cheap. Gruden was the hottest ticket on the block
    at the time he was hired.

    If you want to criticize my comment I suggest regrouping and
    trying a completely different angle. Even the casuals can see
    your straw man arguments.

  35. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    I did make one mistake:
    Lovie actually was an “Assistant” head coach again after his Bucs tenure.

  36. Deadwood South Dakota Says:

    October 31st, 2023 at 9:46 pm
    Blah blah …same old tired canned answers from Bowles.
    we are working on it
    We spoke about it the room..
    We addressed it
    and the press just rolls over and excepts the same answer every week with no accountability. Never seen him pressed.. the press say thanks and blow him kisses. his lack of respect for the press shld be embarrassing .
    honestly don’t knw what’s worse the coaching or the lack of and follow up questioning at the press conferences..
    Let’s Go Bucs!!

  37. garro Says:

    Funny who he is not “calling out”

    Go Bucs!

  38. BucU Says:

    Lololol this organization is back to being a train wreck.

  39. Tom horn Says:

    Play calling has no imagination. You don’t know the next play when your playing a good team. Bucs run same game plan every week. Coaching from HC and OC are awful.