Watch Luke Goedeke Own A Linebacker

October 3rd, 2023

Fun video.

Now this is something cool to kick off your Tuesday — Bucs offensive linemen getting their jobs done.

Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht loves small school offensive linemen who are a little more than ornery on the field. So this is right up his alley.

Jenna Laine of ESPN posted this way cool video from the Bucs-slimy Saints game on Sunday. Watch right tackle Luke Goedeke (67) get over on and body slam Saints linebacker Pete Werner. Then, Goedeke jumps on top of Werner to keep him in place and Goedeke raises his arms as if saying to the refs, “I’m not holding!”

That’s sort of like a wrestling heel screaming at a referee he’s not doing anything wrong;  meanwhile he’s kneeling on some dude’s throat. LOL

Also, while not the focus of the video, notice how mouthy Cam Jordan tried to cut inside on right guard Cody Mauch (69) and Mauch got feisty with Jordan and kept the All-Pro defensive end away from Baker Mayfield.

Mauch’s play is a perfect example of how pass blocking isn’t about manhandling dudes (though that is fun to watch). Pass blocking is just as much about getting in the way of defensive players.

This is why Licht likes small school guys with ‘tudes.

Now if you scoff at small school guys, consider Licht built a Super Bowl-winning roster with three small school interior offensive linemen: Ali Marpet, Ryan Jensen and Alex Cappa.

That worked out just fine, didn’t it?

32 Responses to “Watch Luke Goedeke Own A Linebacker”

  1. Crickett Baker Says:

    Great look! Thanks

  2. Bucschamp Says:

    WWE level I like

  3. Rod Munch Says:

    Called the strongest guy on the team for a reason. What a great career highlight.

  4. SlyPirate Says:


    Pete Werner has .5 sacks in 3 years. He had .5 sacks in college. Sacks aren’t his thing. He weighs 230 lbs. His DC had the brilliant idea to run him on stunt against the strongest, meanest, 320lbs OL. That’s like telling your kid to go play in traffic.

  5. Joe Says:

    brilliant idea to run him on stunt against the strongest, meanest, 320lbs OL.


  6. SOEbuc Says:

    Just thinking about everyone that called Goedeke another small school OG bust by Licht. Wherever you are, kick yourself in the crotch. He had a terrible rookie OG season, but this is proof takes olineman time to develop and find their groove. This guy has been dominant first four games in his second season at his college position. Definitely no more talk about Bucs oline put us in last place Vegas.

  7. adam from ny Says:

    and he finned out with the airplane move 🙂

  8. Rican Says:

    Love seeing him flourish at his natural position.

  9. BRYAN KOHN Says:

    Hysterical Man! Thanks!

  10. Defense Rules Says:

    SlyPirate … Great catch on Werner (not sure what move he was trying to use on Goedeke, but his feet sure weren’t on the same page as his head). The whole OLine held up beautifully on that play, plus White & Palmer threw great blocks on the outside. Play it in SlowMo & it’s really impressive.

  11. Big Papi Rojo Says:

    Jason Licht played a lot of Madden. Drafts OL and moves them all around the line all willy nilly like. Not a recipe for success and our offensive line struggles have been predictable (see Philly game i.e.)

    Moving Wirfs to LT was a mistake imo, but he’s played very well over there thus far. He was still elite in his position on the right side, and if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Kid said he went to the TB sports psychologist over the move. that’s evidence enough that it was the wrong one.

  12. Hodad Says:

    It’s hard to draft plug in play Olineman. Usually you’re picking at the top of the first round for that. Goedeke is still a kid, it takes a little time. Mauch is still a kid. In two more years these two could be all pros. Mauch I believe will move to center next year. If they all stay healthy the O line is the least of our worries.

  13. Bucschamp Says:

    Luke to Linebacker : “iam your father”

  14. garro Says:

    The Glass Eater is in the building!

    So is the Cody the Red!

    These guys are getting better! Picked up a stunt and made them look like the JV scrubs!

    Go Bucs!

  15. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    F cam jordan

  16. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Who’s the brain surgeon that calls him Geodonkey?

  17. BucU Says:

    You wanna see Cam Jordan get handled by Luke? Check out the Thompkins TD pass. Luke completely destroyed little Camille for like 5-7 seconds. Dude could not get thru Luke.
    I was a Luke basher big time but the improvement has been palpable since the move to RT. Maybe Camille should keep his mouth shut moving forward. He was embarrassed out there.

  18. Duane Says:

    I don’t understand the penchant of so many fans to get down on a player who is undergoing on the job training. For every player that comes out of college “NFL ready” there’s a dozen who have to learn and develop and get up to NFL speed.

    I also don’t understand the penchant of so many fans to declare a player a “bust”. Does that give you pleasure? Does it make you feel more manly, kinda like pounding your chest and shouting hoo-rah? Or is it just your ego that has to be soothed by someone who didn’t like a particular draft pick and is lightning fast to declare that player a bust?

    I wonder how many of these bust-declaring fans were superstars at the outset of their careers in whatever field they work or play? Probably zero to none.

  19. orlbucfan Says:

    I grew up knowing OLine players take time to develop. Plus, I have faith in Licht’s judgment. Goedeke and Mauch are slowly learning to play as a unit. I also liked watching that shifty move BM made to avoid an Aint when he ran out of bounds.

  20. DJB Says:

    I think Luke’s arms must have gotten longer. . .

  21. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Go ask Werner about Luke’s “short arms”. Lol

  22. Bucsalltheway Says:

    Not the same guy everyone wanted to Jetson from town Remeber he was horrible and was a liability to our offense…*newsflash* Brady immobile azz was the problem..go bucs!

  23. gotbbucs Says:

    Look at how easy Wirfs makes it look. That dude is ridiculously good.

  24. BoricuaBucfan Says:

    That’s called a pancake block.

  25. My Momma Says:

    No. That’s not a pancake block. That’s a Smash Burger Press!

  26. DS Says:

    Nice block glass eater, I was skeptical of him seems he was miscast as a guard. Also Wirfs isn’t fair lol

  27. Bojim Says:

    That’s great.

  28. Craig Says:

    Nice to see the Bucs O-line getting some love.

    After watching that crap game last night I believe the Bucs have the fifth or sixth best O-line in the league right now.

    They might make it to the top four if the injury bug misses them.

  29. Brandon Says:

    Big Papi Rojo Says:
    October 3rd, 2023 at 3:22 am
    Jason Licht played a lot of Madden. Drafts OL and moves them all around the line all willy nilly like. Not a recipe for success and our offensive line struggles have been predictable (see Philly game i.e.)

    Moving Wirfs to LT was a mistake imo, but he’s played very well over there thus far. He was still elite in his position on the right side, and if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Kid said he went to the TB sports psychologist over the move. that’s evidence enough that it was the wrong one.


    Every word you typed somehow managed to be stupid and wrong. Great job on that.

  30. PanthersSuck! Says:

    Legend says that LB is still laying there.

  31. unbelievable Says:

    LOFL at him sticking his arms out at the end

  32. garro Says:

    New NFL fad is Linebacker surfing! His technique was flawless!
    I give him a 9.8 score. .2 off because Mauch didn’t pile on top.

    Go Bucs!