Todd Bowles: Unfair To Compare NFL’s Worst Rushing Attack In 2022 (Bucs) To Current NFL-Worst Rushing Attack (Also Bucs)

October 19th, 2023

Run game chatter.

In the eyes of Bucs coach Todd Bowles, it’s apples and oranges.

Last year the Bucs had the NFL’s worst rushing attack in yards per carry (3.4). Through five games this year, it’s even worse (3.0).

Still, Bowles said yesterday that comparing the two rushing attacks isn’t right.

“No, I don’t think you can compare it to last year because we have a new system in itself,” Bowles said. “We’ll get the system going. We’ve tweaked some things and we’ll get better at that as it goes.

“I’m confident that’ll get better. I’m not saying we’re going to be No. 1 in the league, but we won’t be as bad as we were.”

Let’s hope not. The biggest problem Joe sees is a lack of vision with the backs, at least with Rachaad White and Sean Tucker. (Joe hasn’t focused enough on Sneak Vaughn in games to offer a critique.)

Joe has seen White and Tucker pass up green grass in every game, available running room with only a step to the left or the right. It’s not often, but enough to raise red flags. Why this is, Joe can only guess it is a lack of vision. Joe doesn’t know how one fixes that overnight.

Perhaps coaches are ordering Bucs backs to run up specific holes — some call these “gaps,” but some dudes like Joe would know what a two-hole or a three-hole is, etc. If so, this could explain a lack of vision.

Joe read something claiming that with the new offense and new blocking schemes the Bucs have installed, it is natural to see growing pains. This would back up what Bowles is saying, why he is confident the run game will improve.

Joe thinks it is very fair to compare results from last year and this year. Joe doesn’t believe there is one person at One Buc Palace who expected the Bucs’ run game to be worse after five games.

The Bucs have a revamped offensive line, a new offensive coordinator, a new running backs coach and a new quarterback. What do the Bucs have that is the same as last year? The same RB1 who started nine games last year.

34 Responses to “Todd Bowles: Unfair To Compare NFL’s Worst Rushing Attack In 2022 (Bucs) To Current NFL-Worst Rushing Attack (Also Bucs)”

  1. Bucs Fan From Philly Says:

    Man, imagine having a winning record and the media won’t let him slide with that weak ass running game press conference after press conference. One big run for 20+ yards and I swear Todd will be on the sideline celebrating lol. I wish Jason trade for a RB to help our season.

  2. Bobby Says:

    Hey Jason, I know a way to improve this horrible rushing game coming from the Bucs offense. Playoff Lenny Fournette is still available!!! Sign Playoff Lenny back!!!

  3. Why Not Says:

    I get annoyed when I hear Bowles talk about the system as if he thinks will magically start clicking at some point in the season. I am assuming the system is made up of two parts: the scheme and the players. Bowles is probably referring to the scheme. Maybe at some point the players will be more comfortable with the new scheme. My concern is the players. If you don’t have the talent, no scheme will save you. My son’s football team is playing IMG tomorrow night. His team is well coached and the players work their butts off, still they are going to run into a team that is simply more talented tomorrow and no scheme is going to save them. The Bucs’ running game will not improve until the talent level improves (that includes the offensive line too).

  4. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Bobby….wasn’t Lenny part of the worst running in the NFL for us last year?

    I still don’t think it’s all on the backs……I’m seeing other teams open up wide holes for their backs.

    We have also played some pretty stout run defenses this year and it won’t get easier Sunday.

  5. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Rashaad Penny?

    He was effective in Seattle running a similar offense

  6. ModHairKen Says:

    Six rushes, 9 yards. That’s the critique on Vaughn. You’re welcome.

    The problem is the Pillsbury Dough Boy at Center and the lousy Guards and the obsession with running up the middle, which apparently is not a SpongeBob problem.

    The rushing attack is worse. The RBs are worse.

    It’s 5 games in. It’s showing no signs of getting better.

    Don’t be that guy, Bowles.

  7. Alanbucsfan Says:

    The strength of the OLine is the 2 Tackles- attempts to run outside off Tackle have been thwarted partly because the TE is missing his block, receiver is missing his block or RB is not hitting the hole. The middle of the line is good at pass protection – not so good at run blocking

  8. Voice of Truth Says:

    It’s no secret we have a way below average set of Guards and Center in the run game and it’s not going to miraculously change in season

    Barry Sanders couldn’t get out of this backfield and the worst part is they don’t have to stack the box – we are just a soft team in the run game period

    It’s a revolving door of DT penetration in the a and b gaps every single Sunday

    Ray Charles sees it but Todd doesn’t

  9. Weebs10 Says:

    Man I hope we take care of business this weekend so the whining in these comments can chill out for a bit! 3-2, and first in the division in a year we weren’t supposed to compete for anything but the number 1 pick. Sure the wheels could come off but they haven’t yet so let’s do our part to lift this team up!

  10. Why Bowles? Says:

    Lenny used to dance before hitting the hole. If the back is side stepping there is no hole or the hole didn’t open in time. It’s either a bad run scheme or a bad oline or both. Bowles cannot wiggle his nose like Bewitched and make it better. If he can fix it that easily why didn’t he last season? History will repeat itself, you CANNOT win with an eneimic running game, especially if your offense is run first. Why Bowles?

  11. Shane247 Says:

    I thought I remembered Jason Licht making a statement a few years back about acknowledging a mistake & moving on (see Robert Aguayo). Good GMs recognize a mistake & correct it. They don’t hold on to a player because their hubris won’t allow them to admit they made a mistake. What we have here is several years of failed attempts at finding a quality RB. Sorry folks RoJo was not it, Rashaad is not it & Vaughn is certainly not it. GO FIND A BACK! Don’t waste another season because you refuse to acknowledge the backs you have selected are mistakes.

  12. Beej Says:

    Was not at least one of Vaughns’ runs for like -6 yards because they were on him before he even wrapped up the handoff?

  13. EricTheViking Says:

    The Emperor has no clothes. When will ownership wise up and dump this buffoon? He has no business being a HC. And the lack of quality RB’s is squarely on the GM. He too should be in the cross hairs. Cut the driftwood. LFG!!!!

  14. BucU Says:

    No concerns from Todd with this awful run game.
    He must have a secret plan ready to implement that we’re not privy to. And we wonder why we see the same stuff over and over again.

  15. Thisisouryear!! Says:

    I think they should play Keft full time between full back and tight end. I think he’s the extra blocker we need and he has decent hands.

  16. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Let’s not forget Hainsey is the starting center again too. Any chance Ben Jones is healthy? Bucs could pick him up on the vet minimum to start the remainder of the year if he is.

  17. admin Says:

    Bowles cannot wiggle his nose like Bewitched and make it better.

    Don’t get Ira started this early in the morning. It’s a long day. He has a thing for Elizabeth Montgomery.

  18. Popcorn Mike Says:

    We talk about Bucs fans being out numbered at Bucs stadium. Well if Bowles don’t stop making excuses and right out say the run game is bad and we’re gonna fix it or Mayfield has to cut down over throws it’s gonna get worse. I mean if Joe see it and a thousand Bucs fans see it then why is Bowles saying it’s not bad. I’ve been a Bucs fan since 1976 and one thing I hate hearing is things or not bad when we keep losing, we can’t run over the pass 22 games under his tutelage and inconsistent QB play week in week out At least if he point out these areas and make some type of change or commitment if it be just sitting a player for a game it would look like he’s trying to make the corrections. In other words why would anybody keep buying tickets to see the same o we could have should have and we were in the game but no changes

  19. Hodad Says:

    I don’t know how you can say White, and Tucker have no vision, but you haven’t seen enough of Vaughn Joe? Tucker has had less carries then Vaughn, and Vaughn has been with the team for years. I’ve seen enough of White, and Vaughn to know they’re nothing special, and need to be replaced. I haven’t seen enough of Tucker, but not impressed with little I’ve seen so far.

  20. HC grover Says:

    Beating head against wall over and over.

  21. Brandon Says:

    OMG… people wanting to sign Lenny. Really, fellas? The dude is available for a reason. The dude has averaged over FOUR yards a carry TWICE in his SIX years in the league. He was a huge part of the problem last season. Legs go dead on contact, actually dives into tacklers instead of keeping his feet moving, routinely pulled down in open field by much smaller CBs, lacks the burst to get through a hole quickly, and lacks breakaway speed. What more can you ask for out of a RB? Sure he can block and has decent hands but he’s ZERO threat after the catch.

  22. Buddha Says:

    Consider this: New NFL coaches records this year, won 9 lost 22. Not one has a winning record! If the Buccaneers change coaches, you are looking at three year rebuild or more. What wins in the NFL usually is continuity. If Todd Bowles gets fired, he will have a dc job in 10 minutes.

  23. First Name Greatest Says:

    If something hasn’t clicked in 5 full games it likely won’t.

    Bowles inability to adapt his soft zone coverage schemes and this 1980’s obsession with running the ball so much when you have 2 good receivers and good pass blocking o line is boderline moronic

  24. Calogero Says:

    What do you expect from a running back that gets hit as soon as he’s handed the ball? What do you expect from a running back looking for a hole that isn’t there?
    The offensive line does a descent job at defending the quarterback, but they need to work on creating openings for the running backs.

  25. rrsrq Says:

    New system for who, White is a second year RB, Tucker is in year #1, we are not counting Sneak, and the only mainstay on the o-line is the center Hainsey, they don’t have to learn something different from last year, just learn the system they are in now. End of the day – is the offensive line giving the RBs the chance to get to the second level before being touch like we see some teams do or is it the RB’s are not seeing what is to the right or left to make that cut

  26. gotbbucs Says:

    Here’s the thing. The Bucs aren’t the only team that hired new coaches and installed new schemes this offseason.
    So, either the scheme sucks, the play calling sucks, or the players suck. It’s one of those three things, and that’s basically what decides winners and losers every week. I can understand a passing game taking time to develop timing and chemistry, but not a running game.
    I think White can run when conditions are right, but I also think running in the NFL only really works well if you have, A) a great offensive line, B) a threatening deep passing game. Right now Mayfield is missing on most of his deep balls and our offensive line is weak in the middle. Right now we have one deep threat reciever on the roster and a QB that can’t get him the ball. There is not a single defense that we play that is respecting the deep pass, if they were we’d be able to run and complete easy passes underneath all game long.

  27. Bojim Says:

    I think Tucker should get a pass but I can still see him getting better as the season progresses. But White? Really wanted to see him thrive. Maybe later. Kind of doubt it as he may be losing some confidence.

  28. Since76 Says:

    I think white is the biggest problem but definitely not the only reason. I just don’t see any desire in him to get yardage.

  29. Jeff Says:

    Clueless Todd strikes again! I’m not sure he has football IQ required to lead a team.

  30. SlyPirate Says:

    30th Ranked Offense (total yards) & 29th (total points)
    32nd Ranked Rushing
    26th Ranked Passing Offense

    When do the coaches say, “It’s not working. We need to try something different”?

    If I’m Canales, I’m saying it right now. This is his NFL audition and he’s bombing.

  31. Proudbucsfan Says:

    This team is built for moving the ball down field, that’s how we need to play. Pass and pass some more mid field and deep field then we would be able to run the ball better. If we change and start passing first I’m not sure Mayfield is that type of quarterback. Trask was drafted as that type of signal caller. The problem is that Bowles is to stubborn to change anything, that is very common for old school coaches, he learned from the most stubborn coach in the history of the NFL in Bill parcels.

  32. Crickett Baker Says:

    Soo many moronic and debilitating comments on this thread. I’ll add another moronic one for maybe a chuckle. We have to get back to fundamentals. Like FUN duh MENTAL!

  33. garro Says:

    I have a legit question, and I am not sure if there is even any factual data to get an answer.

    Has anyone on our offense actually run or blocked in a Zone blocking scheme prior to this year? Either in college or the NFL?

    Hoping one of the Joes or someone here knows, and if so who.

    Go Bucs!

  34. Pewter Power Says:

    Finally something we agree on “coach” you have to work with the backs you were given by Jason licht.