Todd Bowles Confidence Poll (Week 8)

October 25th, 2023

Weekly flash poll posted at 7:25 a.m. Poll closed at 11:21 a.m. Last week’s results are linked here.


45 Responses to “Todd Bowles Confidence Poll (Week 8)”

  1. HC Grover Says:

    We could of been a contender….but nooooo.

  2. Aceofaerospace Says:

    That didn’t take long. Just wait until the next one.

  3. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Nope. Just when I started to support him a little, the losing began. Back to none.

  4. Jack Clark Says:

    I will have no confidence in Todd Bowles until he can fix the run blocking

  5. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I’ll be on the road listening to Thursday’s game. I’ve half a mind to mute it. It is not going to be pretty…it SHOULD be Baker’s last game.

  6. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Trask is getting more practice this week.

  7. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I will say this….if Trask starts tomorrow because of injury…it won’t be a pleasant first game. But…if he somehow manages to win?

    That would instantly prove he is the better QB…because Mayfield can’t beat good teams.

  8. Jeff Says:

    My vote has been for little confidence from day 1. Spot on again, unfortunately. The Bucs stinking out loud is bad for JBF. We’ll stop reading the articles soon. Just can’t stand this incompetent coach.

  9. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Get real. We’re not going to stop reading JBF.

  10. Boss Says:

    I voted totally confident this week. The team will show out this Thursday.

    Just because they focus for one game for the sake of their ego….does not make them a competitive team.

    It makes them a team with the ability, yet lacks the coaching and mentors to get them to the next level.

    They just had to walk all over the Tom Brady aura he left here out of ego…and they will suffer their entire careers for it.

    Some people would rather surround themselves with people better than them to elevate their game. These people surround themselves with yes men and losers so they can feel better about themselves.

  11. BFFL Says:

    How about a Licht confidence poll. I would think he was ok with Bowles and this staff. He also mismanages the cap signing mediocre players. And he lacks the ability to fill holes with good trades.

  12. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist - Founder of Says:

    Wow, what a difference a couple weeks can make…

    74% of Buc fans have little or no confidence in Todd Bowles as of today.

    ‘Are we circling the drain?’ – Every Buc Fan

  13. DBS Says:

    Another Trask moron ready with the excuse. Trask is the Backup. He should be ready to go at any time he is called on. If his as great as you people say he is he will know this playbook. He has already come off the bench in college and set the world on fire remember? So no excuses. If he gets his chance he better prove he was the QB that was the starter to begin with.

  14. DBS Says:

    I lost any confidence in Bowles. Even his defense lis getting pushed around and can’t get off the field.

  15. Morgus the Magnificient Says:

    I’ve voted “no confidence” in EVERY Todd Bowles poll. C’mon, we all KNOW he’s never going to lead a team to the Super Bowl.

  16. Nicholas Carlson Says:


  17. Erik The Viking Says:

    We gon fix it. – Todd Bowels

    Even the NFL can’t cover up this level of incompetence and stupidity.

  18. pewter941 Says:

    Our interior o line is not good, cant make chicken salad with chicken poop.

  19. DS Says:

    Just don’t think we have the guys it’s fine. I watched the 2020 & 2021 bucs on YouTube sheesh those teams were different man

  20. Tye Says:

    History reveals as a HC, Bowels is pure garbage!…
    The old saying goes: “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”

  21. Jack Sparrow Says:

    NO CONFIDENCE ! defense against Allen and DIggs will be non-existent,,,, Running game will be 0 to nil….. Evans and GOdwin too slow to have a separation and OL will be just like our southern border… wide open! Baker will be running for his life the whole night. Bills 45 – Bucs 3

  22. Buc4evr Says:

    17 seconds, 3 timeouts. Zero confidence in Todd. The guy simply can’t handle the HC job. Should have never have gotten the job.

    Do this poll again on Friday morning.

  23. BucsBeast Says:

    He’s a coordinator not a coach.

  24. Fred McNeil Says:

    At the start of the year I was voting no confidence in Bowles. He won me over to confident. I still voted confident today, but with some trepidation. It’s not all his fault. I personally think this defense is pretty effin good despite the haters. Replace Neal with Delaney and we should be a little better.
    I would welcome Feiler’s Absence tomorrow. Let that fat slob rest. It wouldn’t upset me to see some Trask out there either. Baker is … well … meh. Not good. Not exactly bad. Just mediocre.
    Joe is right about R White. Fine receiver. Foul runner. Maybe use him thusly. None of our other off-the-bench receivers are doing much anyway. White might be an improvement.

  25. Joshua porter Says:

    Go and watch the all 22s from this past week there’s noway I can be confident in any of the coaching staff. Anyone remember when we were supposed to have 3 or 4 head coaches on this staff …… where I don’t see 1

  26. BucsLifer Says:

    O-line is getting pushed around and committing penalties play after play, running backs have no vision and can’t find holes, and receivers are running sloppy routes and dropping balls. Defense has two guys really hustling while others loaf and take plays off. Output is consistently sloppy and lazy. This is simply not a well-coached team.

  27. Craig Says:

    My confidence is wasting away again. His defense holds for a while and then forgets where they are. His take on the offense is to run the ball up the gut half the game.

    Those things can create a win with six other teams in the league, but we only play two of those and those are two of our wins.

    Going to be a long, ugly season if something big doesn’t happen.

  28. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Stinnie gets the start Thursday night! Hope he plays well enough to take over.

  29. Benji Says:


    Are you an FSU fan? You sound very bitter about Kyle Trask. It’s not normal.

  30. Mike Johnson Says:

    Bowles is not dumb. He knows if he has a losing season, he is toast. Probably already selected his relator and moving company.

  31. Bucswin Says:

    Three time outs let the clock run down to the half. Lovie 2.0 sadly that was when the team was lost. If the coach has no confidence, how is the team going to be confident. It’s a BUCS life….

  32. Jack Clark Says:

    Boss Says:
    October 25th, 2023 at 9:11 am
    They just had to walk all over the Tom Brady aura he left here out of ego…and they will suffer their entire careers for it.

    Nobody walked all over Tom Brady, if anything you are the one walking all over the Bucs and this community because your feelings got hurt. Tom Brady is not here anymore so if you don’t like it then you shouldn’t be either.

  33. AL121976 Says:

    JIM HARBAUGH – Buccaneer’s next head coach

  34. HC Grover Says:

    Baker will score a mercy td at the end of the game when it is out of reach.

  35. HC Grover Says:

    Hire Harbough right now. Do not wait. He may clean up Bowles mess in a few weeks,

  36. Obvious Says:

    It’s weird to see some of us say “stop talking about Trask” and go on and on about it when literally there is No One talking about Trask. Seen it article after article.

    You guys should know that it “looks like” Trask is living Rent Free in some of our heads…
    Hey, I’d get it “if” there was non stop pounding on drums and some as Baker loyalist pushing back BUT if literally No One is talking about Trask… Well.. RENT FREE!

  37. Defense Rules Says:

    Bucs’ fans are fickle, but probably no more-so than Browns’ fans or Jets’ fans. Todd Bowles biggest mistakes IMO have been (1) dual-hatting himself as HC & DC; (2) retaining too many of BA’s buddies as assistant coaches; and (3) ever accepting the Bucs’ head coaching position in the first place. It was a no-win situation from the git-go and he most likely knew that.

    Glazers won’t fire him after this year though, unless he loses the team & they quit on him (I don’t see that happening BTW). Despite a lack of depth, he’s built a Top-10 defense structured for his hybrid 3-4 defensive scheme. I seriously doubt there are more than a couple other DCs who could get THIS defensive roster to perform any better than Bowles has.

    Todd Bowles is very much like Tony Dungy was IMO. He lets his OC run the offensive show, just like Tony did (of course, that proved to be his undoing here in Tampa, but I digress). Folks conveniently forget that until Tom Brady fell into BA’s lap, he had a losing record also as the Bucs’ HC. TB12 brought with him Gronk & several others who made all the difference (but ya, let’s give JL all the credit for signing them, probably after TB12 told him too). I don’t see FA players lining up to play for Bowles because he signed Baker Mayfield as his QB.

  38. DBS Says:

    I am a fan of no school. Don’t even watch college games. But for people to come up with excuses ready for him after doing nothing but saying he was the best and really won the starting job to begin with is ridiculous. I called for him to start yesterday. But did not say if he had to it probably won’t be pretty or if he manages to win. I don’t want to hear excuses now. He had time in practice as all the Trask fans people told us switching with Mayfield in the preseason and won fairly.. Baker was only picked by Bowles. So don’t tell me now as a backup he is not ready, know the playbook and had time with players to be ready to win games.

  39. Rod Munch Says:

    None, but said all season ask me after the Buffalo game.

    If they can get somehow get a win, that will be a giant boost.
    If they get blown out, like I expect, that means we’re on the way to 5-12 or 6-11.

  40. Rod Munch Says:

    Defense Rules Says:
    Todd Bowles is very much like Tony Dungy was IMO.


    That is right up there with one of the dumbest takes you’ve ever had – like when you told me Chris Conte and Ryan Smith were good starters.

    Lets see, Dungy is a guy who built a nothing franchise into a SB winner, won a SB with another franchise, has a career winning percentage of .668 and is in the HOF.

    While Bowles is a guy who was handed a SB team and went 8-10, made Tom Brady quit the game, and has a lifetime winning percentage of .411.

  41. Boss Says:

    jack clark

    “Nobody walked all over Tom Brady, if anything you are the one walking all over the Bucs and this community because your feelings got hurt. Tom Brady is not here anymore so if you don’t like it then you shouldn’t be either.”

    I could care less about Tom Brady, the Greatest Of All Time.

    I care about the mentallity of the team. They came out pissed off, and even said they had a chip on their shoulder about it. Toilet Bowl again does not realise emotions are fleeting. He has no idea what greatness is. If he did they would have a plaque of TB with his 7 rings right up front for every one to kiss the rings when they enter the building. They need to learn respect and desire to be something more than a bunch of b i t c h e s for lack of a better word. The team has ZERO heart and NEGATIVE leadership. They will never amount to anything, just like your daddy always told ya.

  42. Jack Clark Says:

    Boss Says:
    October 25th, 2023 at 2:27 pm
    They need to learn respect and desire to be something more than a bunch of b i t c h e s for lack of a better word. The team has ZERO heart and NEGATIVE leadership. They will never amount to anything, just like your daddy always told ya.

    They amounted to becoming successful millionaires at the highest level of their profession while you never amounted to anything, just like your daddy always told ya.

  43. bucsfan951 Says:

    it was littel confidence before the season. it was little confidence at/after the first game. it was little confidence at 3-1 and it is little confidence at 3-3. if the bucs hit 3-5 or perhaps 3-6, it will go to no convidence.

    i hope i am wrong but i do not see this team building momentum at any point this season.

  44. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    I agree with Rod today.

    Mark it down.


  45. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Oh…and the Glazers fired Tony Dungy.

    This is Bowles last stand.

    Think Custer