Todd Bowles’ Breaks Down Antoine Winfield Greatness

October 7th, 2023

How much of a dream player is Antoine Winfield Jr.?

Todd Bowles let it all out, it seems, and Winfield’s agent now has a sweet negotiating speech.

The Bucs’ stud safety (in the final year of his contract) was on Bowles’ mind during his visit to the Loose Cannons podcast this week.

“His thirst for knowledge is unbelievable,” Bowles said of Winfield. “When he watches film and studies, he takes it to the field. Not a lot of guys can do that. It takes them a walk-through and a few days to get it; he can get it just like that. He understands the game.

“He’s one of the few guys that really still loves to play and loves to practice. That’s important. He plays like he practices. He doesn’t play half-speed in practice and then turn it on in a game. He plays like that every day. He warms up barefoot. …. He takes care of his body, blitzes like a linebacker, covers like a corner. He has awareness when he tackles. He’s our best open field tackler. … He does so many things for us. It goes taken for granted sometimes.”

What an endorsement that was. Wow!

Joe was very intrigued by Bowles lamenting that not a lot of players love to play and to practice. It’s an interesting comment on many levels, especially considering Tom Brady was the Bucs’ quarterback the past three seasons.

12 Responses to “Todd Bowles’ Breaks Down Antoine Winfield Greatness”

  1. Crickett Baker Says:

    Brady always said he loved practice, too, although I think the heat in Tampa got to him. Remember when he said that the one thing he didn’t miss was putting on a helmet in 102 degrees.

    This great player always makes me wonder why we didn’t give Kade Warner (Kurt’s son) more of a chance. I felt he showed me enough to get on the practice squad. I think his dad tried campaigning for him and maybe teed someone off at OBP. It seems like kids with great football dads (Manning) do well in the NFL.

  2. Derek Says:

    Joe you guys should have a Youtube channel for your podcasts
    Video is good when you want to look at the people who are on the video. Reality is that the vast majority of NFL podcasters on YouTube should turn off the camera. Plus, when you remove video from the equation for nearly every show, the quality of conversation typically improves, assuming those talking understand how to do a audio/radio show. Joe’s going stay off camera. –Joe

  3. Citrus County Says:

    I generally don’t have a favorite player and with this team it would not be easy to pick just one. Back in the day my man was #47 and what a coincidence for me to say if I had to pick just one it would be #31.

  4. Citrus County Says:

    Sixth try. Leaving out proper names.

    On a recent Sage podcast, one of the Joes was cordially invited to don his swim trunks and join the Sage at the beach. Said Joe politely declined. He stated that he didn’t want to offend the eyesite of the beachgoers and after a recent skin treatment was precluded from such an excursion.

    I have complete empathy with the man.

    The humorous portion of the post seems to have not been found funny by the eye in the sky.

    It described the methods and tools of a skin doctor. I thought it was funny because I certainly have a lot of experience in that area.

    Please go thru. The humor is gone and I won’t type it again.

  5. garro Says:

    “What an endorsement that was. Wow!”


    Hope the rest of the team is listening to Bowles. If we can get a few others to go like AWJ then we will be epic!

    Go Bucs!

  6. BillyBucco Says:

    I loved hearing that’s it not uncommon for the whole defense to be in Todds office which ends up turning into a film session. Just unreal that there is that level of open door policy.
    Take Dean for example, I heard he basically shares Bowles office with him, and Bowles is like a father figure to him. The dude has all the training he could want, but can he translate it to the field? So far this year, the answer is NO. Makes me wonder if he has actually been hurt all year, because I have never seen him get torched and turned around this bad through 4 games. He does have a good number of tackles, but that is a useless stat most of the time as a CB. Defend the pass dont follow and tackle.
    This defense can be really special this year, and I really hope these guys get healthy and play hard all year. They have the beat DC in the league literally at their disposal.

  7. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    We have some expensive signings coming up……Winfield, White, Evans…..perhaps Mayfield & maybe another year for LVD.

  8. orlbucfan Says:

    Citrus Co,: I get a lot of tech error/moderation messages. Usually it’s a tech glitch at jbf’s end. What I do is wait few minutes and refresh the site. Some wag on here claimed the joes get their tech from Walmart. 🙂 I’m still laffin’ at that one. 🙂 I’m hitched to a retired tech wizard who’s a biker, but does not care for pro sports. Good thing I’m a Bucs Radio nut with headphones. BTW, will someone explain what the Salary Cap deal is regarding the Bucs next year? Licht knows what he’s doing. AWJ is a great D player, but so was his old man.

  9. stpetebucfan Says:

    So the immediate question that comes to mind is what are the top safeties currently earning?

    Derwin James, Los Angeles Chargers: $19 million (4 years, $76 million)
    Minkah Fitzpatrick, Pittsburgh Steelers: $18.24 million (4 years, $72.98 million)
    Jamal Adams, Seattle Seahawks: $17.5 million (4 years, $80 million)

    Does anybody here believe that anyone in that trio of very talented guys is more desirable than Winfield? Get ready to back up the Brink’s truck!

  10. Cometowin2 Says:

    Got to resign Vea and Wirfs too.

  11. Sly Pirate Says:

    Win is a DPOTY Candidate

    3Ws: Winfield, Wirfs, White
    3 top priorities in the offseason. Got to resign them all.

  12. R. Strader Says:

    I sure agree on Winfield,Vea and Wirfs. Do them first!