Standing Pat At Running Back

October 18th, 2023

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

Five words flew under the radar on Monday.

They came from the mouth of Todd Bowles.

The Bucs stunk the joint up (again) running the ball against Detroit. It’s been the same ol’ song on repeat since the start of last season, minus a few games in 2022.

And like last season when the Bucs had the worst yards-per-carry output in the NFL, the Bucs are tied now with the Raiders, running the ball at three yards per carry clip.

The Bucs want to run, but don’t have a back who can do it. It’s a helluva conundrum.

Monday in his day-after presser, Bowles was asked if the Bucs will bring in a running back from the outside. Bowles immediately threw cold water on that idea.

“Not at this time, no.”

Joe guesses the line “not at this time” means things could change, as in today or tomorrow. The NFL trade deadline is on Halloween, less than two weeks away.

If the Bucs do not make a move for a running back, then any of their talking about wanting to win playoff games by pounding the ball is nothing more than virtue signaling.

34 Responses to “Standing Pat At Running Back”

  1. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Gas Licht Central

  2. RagingBrisket Says:

    Once again we see the elephant in the room being ignored purposefully in order to scapegoat the dismal backfield. Much of the reason the Bucs suck at running the ball is because the oline sucks at blocking the men in front of them. They get their aases kicked on most run downs. It holds back the offense which in turn holds back the entire team.
    The second and much bigger elephant in the room being ignored is the man responsible for crafting the starting lineup. Zero finger pointing at the General Manager Jason Licht. He bears the most responsibility at this point but for some reason he gets a pass. The run game has sucked since he got here a decade ago. That’s a pattern of ineptitude which is being ignored in glaring fashion around here.

  3. Steelers fan Says:

    White isnt the problem. The problem is no one respects Baker and they stack the box.

  4. garro Says:

    Joe get ready for that signal.

    They may bring in some new dude but they won’t be giving away the big money or picks to do it. Ya get what ya pay for Joe.

    Go Bucs!

  5. Mike Says:

    I don’t believe our running game has been dismal for 10 years but I will say our O-line has been ineffective run blocking due to the numerous changes with personnel. To better understand Coach Bowles position, O-lines need time to gel and with the youth, it will take time. Surprisingly, the line has fared well in pass blocking situations and I think this is what has fooled many fans into believing this line is established. Not so fast, it will be a process. Do I think Rashaad White is a bruising back to be used between the tackles, no, not at all. He lacks the hard running ability that we saw in Fournette. Tucker has those traits and could be more effective once the O-line becomes somewhat seasoned. That’s my take.

  6. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Shocking! (sarcasm)

  7. Zoocomics Says:

    @Steelers fan… there’s some truth there, but last year we were terrible running the football, you think teams feared Brady’s ability to throw the ball?

    @Raging Brisket, 100% truth. Perhaps Licht hung his hat too much on a Jensen return, and they felt comfortable if Jensen couldn’t go that Hainsey in his full 2nd year at center would be better. Also, while Bucs websites were showing how well Goedeke held up his part on the line, I saw at least twice Mauch getting blown up. And as far as our talent at RB, perhaps we just have rotational talent there and no true RB1.

  8. SufferingSince76 Says:

    Repeat after me: The Bucs have no money. Many of you seem to have forgotten that.

  9. JSmalls Says:

    It’s hilarious the experts on here blaming the Oline. You definitely aren’t paying attention or attending the games. On the screen to white against the lions for decent gain, when he cuts inside, he should’ve just split the blockers and he could’ve walked in. We were sitting right in front of the play and the replay confirmed our initial thought. Later in the game the right side of the line completely collapsed the defensive line and Vaughn cuts left into the back of the left tackle. I’ll go back to the eagles game goalie play for the safety. Goedeke cracks down and the WR seals off and there’s a gaping hole in the oline but White reads the play wrong for a safety. There was literally only Slay to beat for a homerun and Slay was 5yrd behind the play, so min we get off the goal line. Sorry, but there are so many run plays being missed. Also, early in the lions game White took a screen with only one man to beat for decent yardage, makes a lazy cut and gets tackled on the spot. Sorry, he’s not good. He gassed himself up as RB1 and changed his number accordingly…. Well buddy needs to change it again to number 3.

  10. BucU Says:

    We can’t run block and we have sub par running backs. That combo gets u last in the league.
    Sucks. Bowles and Licht have been derelict in their duty to improve the roster yearly.

  11. Defense Rules Says:

    I’m thinking that this is what media does: they dwell on the obvious. They’ve been beating up the Bucs’ offense for years now because (let’s see, oh ya) we can’t run the football. THEN they dissect WHY we can’t run the football. Our OLine can’t run-block (duh). Our RBs lack vision, or aren’t big enough, or fast enough, or tough enough, or smart enough (pick one or more?). Our OCs design & select predictable running plays (hmm, whodathunkit?). Our HC insists on running the ball even though we can’t because he doesn’t care about winning (duh, really?). Our GM won’t appropriately stock the roster with run-blocking beasts in the trenches or bull RBs in the backfield (brought to us by ‘Show me the money’).

    Reality check? Teams are built differently by design, resulting in accompanying strengths & weaknesses. On offense, Bucs have emphasized a passing offense for several years now, and we built our offense accordingly. Hard to switch overnight. Our OLine is quite good at pass-blocking. Our receivers are quite good at receiving. Our TEs are average-at-best blockers & receivers. Our RBs are average-at-best runners, but decent receivers. Our current QB is adequate in the passing game, but certainly no Lamar Jackson as a running threat.

    So what does all that get us? An average-at-best offense IF we do everything right. And that’s a BIG IF it appears. Maybe wew’re not emphasizing our strengths enough?

  12. Lt. Dan Says:

    The Bucs probably could have had Kareem Hunt for a bucket of worms.

  13. Jack Clark Says:

    Let’s fix everything except the run blocking!

    -Bucs logic

  14. DJB Says:

    White and Vaughn both use the jump cut to nowhere move.

  15. Fansince76 Says:


  16. gp Says:

    Maybe wew’re not emphasizing our strengths enough?
    As well as not attacking our opponents weaknesses!

  17. Ed Says:

    Bucs will pick up some practice squad backs. You can’t stand pat with the worst running attack in the NFL when you are supposed to run a balanced offense.

  18. Pewter Power Says:

    Wow ties with the raiders, I guess should trade for a running back too because Josh Jacobs isn’t getting it done. I’m sure Josh Jacobs and it has nothing to do with the offensive line😑

  19. Duane Says:

    We completely rebuilt our offensive line this season. They have only played together as starters in 5 games that count. We are less than 1/3 through the season.

    Patience, grasshopper, patience!

    It always, I repeat, it ALWAYS takes time for a new or rebuilt offensive line to gel, to learn to trust each other and know that the other guys next to you are going to do their job. Then, add on the fact that we have a brand new offensive coordinator who had never called plays before, and a brand new offensive design and playbook, and yet the media and fans stamp their feet and demand instant gratification … as in “NOW!!!!!”

    Offensive linemen love to run the ball, but creating the holes and dominating defensive front sevens is hard to do consistently. If we have the players we need on the O-line now, it would be shocking if they were hitting on all cylinders before the half way point of the season – as in week 9.

    And without a line that dominates the defenders, running games simply don’t work no matter who is in the backfield.

  20. Duane Says:

    Steelers fan – you are at least partially right. When defenses don’t think a team can pass the ball down field, and must be limited to dink and dunk passing half the time with running half the time, then the obvious strategy is to load the box. That not only takes the running game away, it also deals effectively with a quarterback who is prone to keep the ball and run, or else run out of the pocket to find an open receiver or run for the LTG.

    That is a perfect description of the Bucs offense. Especially so when we have an offensive line that hasn’t had enough game play to get fully in rhythm with each other on a 5 man front.

    If Baker Mayfield was consistently completing passes down field, then defenses would have to let off on run stuffing. But to do that Baker Mayfield has to learn to stay within the pocket, or step up in the pocket, rather than scramble sideways so often.

  21. PewterStiffArm Says:

    If we can’t run the football this weekend against Atlanta we are definitely are not going to find any sort of rhythm against Buffalo. I see losses mounting if we don’t take the pressure off of Baker. The defense will be gassed by mid-season and since we can’t win at home stay on the look out for a long and disappointing season.

  22. TDavis Says:

    I wish you would stop blaming only the running backs. There are several factors making the run game bad.

  23. Buccos Says:

    If the bucs don’t trade for a running back before the deadline, then they are not a serious contender just a fringe playoff team with no real hope for winning any playoff games. the bucs owe it to their fans to go out and sign a real running back, who can play in the playoffs and gives us a chance against the best teams in the NFC

  24. Joe Says:

    If we can’t run the football this weekend against Atlanta we are definitely are not going to find any sort of rhythm against Buffalo.

    Not fully sure about that. Buffalo is beat to hell on defense. How many starters have they lost?

  25. Watch More ALL22 Before Commenting Says:

    @Duane & Steelers Fan – no this is patently wrong. The running game is dragging the offense down and Mayfield and the passing attack have been the only element that has worked. The need to dedicate 50% run plays that net 30-40 yards has killed this offense.

    The passing attack/QB play has been amongst the best in the league. The numbers are easy to find, spend your time doing research instead of commenting here.

    Just stop commenting. Stop.

    You clearly don’t even watch the games, and certainly don’t understand football offenses.

    Mayfield entered the Lions game a top 5-8 NFL quarterback with the league WORST rushing attack. Who did they fear and gameplan against? hint: it was the QB and the passing attack.

  26. McBucky Says:

    This team will never surpass mediocrity with Bowles running the show.

  27. Sly Pirate Says:

    Licht gives players and coaches the opportunity to prove themselves. In almost every case, it’s just a longer rope. I’m not sure I agree but it’s probably a better strategy for attracting talent. Licht definitely plays the long-game.

  28. Bucs4Life Says:

    Our backs suck! It really is that simple. If White had any vision what so ever he’d get good yardage, I’ve seen him squander opportunity after opportunity, game after game. The kid sucks , the end.

  29. Duane Says:

    Watch more – better stop commenting yourself if that’s allyagottosay

  30. BucU Says:

    I agree with him. Our RB’s do suck. As does our center.

  31. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    White should’ve changed his # to 2 for doo doo. Vaughn’s nickname Sneak is appropriate for his skill set

    Mayfield isn’t as bad as his detractors say and not as good as his fanbois say. He isn’t accurate enough on down field passes even when he has a chance to step into the throw. However he is the major reason why we’re 3-2. Just not good enough to beat good defenses

  32. Malstott Says:

    Any update on Chase Edmonds?

  33. garro Says:

    DR your points are valid.

    But we have been told that the “New” offense would come together. Maybe it will. But…

    Ok, I have seen a bit of improvement from the O line and even from White in the run game. However now i am hearing we are going away from some of the Zone blocking and returning to some pre Canales Man blocking which we do not have the maulers to pull off. At least from the center out on the right side. We proved that last season. That is worrisome to me at this point of the season.

    My fear before the season was that we would revert to putting the ball up 45 times a game. That, I do not believe for one second will work with Mayfield.

    Play more to our strengths? Yes I agree. This is where Canales needs to step up his game in a big way and get creative. Not talking about trick plays but finding some stuff that works for our personnel.

    And go get a tight end who can block gets my vote if Durham can’t.

    Go Bucs!

  34. Mike Pengelly Says:

    How many long passes did Mayfield miss in the Lions game. Then ME13 makes an easy drop. Then a corner route from the Lions 5 is thrown short and ME13 has to interfere to break up an easy interception. Clearly our QB had a bad game. Watching the 49ers game there is so much action going on in the backfield even the camera man has trouble deciding who to follow. Our game, not so much …basic dive plays and not much convincing play action stuff. Easy to defend.