Saints Trash Talk, “They Said, ‘Tom Not Here'”

October 3rd, 2023

Joe loves the low key anger rumbling through a segment of the Buccaneers roster.

This summer, Carlton Davis gave fans a glimpse of it when he talked about how he and others were sick of the calls for Tampa Bay to be a crap team because Tom Brady retired. “We’re going to wreck sh*t,” Davis said.

On the sidelines Sunday, Chris Godwin was mic’d up and talking to Buccaneers savior linebacker Devin White.

It was late in the game and Godwin appeared to have his fill of the loudmouth Saints.

“They love to talk all that big (bleeped out),” Godwin said. “They said, ‘Tom not here or whatever.’ You feel me? … This damn division still goes through us, bro.”

Joe gave that rant a standing ovation.

Speaking of Brady, he wasn’t talking Bucs during his Monday Let’s Go! show on SiriusXM Mad Dog Radio. Joe’s going to get pissed soon if the Bucs keep winning and Brady stays quiet on his good friends in pewter and red.

60 Responses to “Saints Trash Talk, “They Said, ‘Tom Not Here'””

  1. Lt. Dan Says:

    Trash talk getting backhanded and shoved aside according to the scoreboard. Well done Bucs! Well done indeed.

  2. Boss Says:

    Brady IS the GOAT.

    He single handedly brought this team to a SB, chanpionships and a winning mentallity.

    I could care less if he never mentions the Bucs. They OWE him.

    They gonna go all mike ohr on em next…lol

  3. Tampamac Says:

    Wish CG would have said ‘And Drew ain’t here either’

  4. stpetebucfan Says:

    “I could care less if he never mentions the Bucs. They OWE him.”

    Isn’t it a two way street? The Bucs were already a major SB contender!!!
    Brady owed the Bucs as much for his last SB as the Bucs owe him.

    What other team could Brady have gotten another Lombardi?

    And if you read much of Rod Munch you would know that JW had the talent to get the Bucs to the SB anyway. Not sure I agree totally…I do agree JW had the talent but not the head…he was thick as a brick in his decision making both on and OFF the field. But who knows. If he had a sudden epiphany…I wouldn’t argue with Rod..JW had the talent but not the leadership and character.

    And that’s what’s disappointing about Brady!!! After getting HIS Lombardi his final year he horsed around with his failing marriage and missed most of the prep. During the season a Robert Kraft birthday party was more important than his Buc teammates.

    Brady will always be the GOAT…unless Mahomes continues another 10 years or more at his present pace. But success seemed to truly go to his head!!!

    GRATITUDE is a TWO WAY STREET! I’m with Joe on this one.

  5. Jack Clark Says:

    The Bucs are a Top 10 team now according to the NFL’s official website! Has anybody seen NE Fan? Is he okay? 😂

  6. Rod Munch Says:

    What is the nonsense fake news drama about Brady?

    First off, anyone who has a brain knew Brady was a hired mercenary. So what, fantastic! We should do it again if we get the chance.

    Second off, why is that a bad thing? He was brought in to win, and the Bucs got their 2nd SB ring out of it.

    Why in the world would anyone, other than the mentally ill, bash Brady.

    What nonsense.

    Also, before people here start booking their travel plans for the SB, it’s worth remembering the teams the Bucs have beat are a combined 3-10 – and the only good team the Bucs played beat them by 14 points.

    It’s great to be 3-1, but in 1990 Ray Perkins was 3-1, and finished 6-10. It’s a nice start to the season, but the hard strech of the schedule is coming up with the Lions, Bills and 49ers – lets see how the team does with those games before you blow out your elbow patting yourself on the back.

  7. Lt. Dan Says:

    @Jack..if memory serves; NE Fan posted a formal statement on this here website and officially tapped out.

  8. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    The Saints are reeling……we crushed them…..and that’s a really good thing…

  9. Crickett Baker Says:

    Agreed, Joe. I’m not going to listen to it this week then. As for Rod, you need to munch a few instead of putting a damper on our joy.

  10. Tampa Bay-ker Says:

    I seriously doubt Brady gives a flying f#$k about the Bucs anymore.

  11. Mike C Says:

    Why don’t you just get excited about the possibilities Rod instead of this crapping on everyone’s optimism, what exactly will it hurt for FANS to get excited?!‽

  12. westernbuc Says:

    The disrespect has been unbelievable. I’m almost glad we lost on national tv to the best team in the league. Let people keep sleeping on us.

  13. dbbuc711 Says:

    Yup. Tom’s not there and they still kicked your sorry butts in your own house. 🤣🤣🤣

  14. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Q: What’s the difference between the Taints talking trash and CleanHouse thinking and HOPING Jameis would put 50 points on the scoreboard?

    A: None, they’re all a bunch of dumbfounded dips-hit LOSERS.

  15. Mike C Says:

    You literally refranced a bucs team from over 30 years ago, you are the grumpy old man in the room.

  16. Durango 95 Says:

    Brady helped to bring another SB championship to Tampa Bay. For that he will always be remembered. Beyond that, he was never truely part of the area. Easy come, easy go. If anything he overstayed his welcome by one year.

  17. Erik The Viking Says:

    Joe needs to lay off TB12 already. He’s done his duty for the Bucs more than Joe could dream of. If Brady wants to stay silent, perhaps it’s because he doesn’t want to overshadow the success they are having. Just enjoy the victories man. This could go south at any moment.

  18. Joe in Michigan Says:

    The Bucs are 3-1, and Rod Munch is still miserable. 🙄

  19. Bucs13 Says:

    Brady discussed Mike Evans having a big day. He’s also very active on the Bucs Instagram page. He’s like multiple posts about the team, and yes, even Baker Mayfield. He also said Baker Mayfield was having a good year during his visit to an a trading card shop. What more do you want?

  20. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    To the Saints: “Drew not here”

  21. Bucs13 Says:

    @Joe. Please check the Bucs Instagram posts. You will see may likes from Brady! That’s support!

  22. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    Rod said we would start off 2-7 and end up 5-12. We already know he was wrong on the first one but he could get the second right if we end up 5-12. So he needs The Bucs to lose 11 more games, to prove his high football IQ is for real and not just a figment of his imagination.

  23. ModHairKen Says:

    He said “bro”. That’s hilarious. I love our WRs. They are NOT prima donnas. They are men.

  24. Bucs13 Says:

    This video was posted on the Bucs Instagram. Guess who liked the video…Tom Brady. That’s how people usually show their support in the digital age.

  25. First Name Greatest Says:

    Aints are 18-20 since Drew was retired and shown the plank by the Bucs

    Hearing their aging defensive players yap like they are some dynasty is hilarious. Aints prior to Brees were a joke and will be one after him for a long time

  26. Hodad Says:

    Brady is still motivating the team by being gone. The Buc players have more to prove without him, and so far have been doing just that. We have over 10 players on our roster with super bowl rings, not many teams can say that. It wasn’t just Brady.

  27. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    The Saints now have Derek Carr…. A huge upgrade? lol

  28. KC Buc Says:

    This feels like a beacon call out to NE Fan….waiting for him to enter the chat to defend golden boy and his dumpster fire patriots lol

  29. Citrus County Says:

    Football is a game. The NFL is “show business”. In 2003 our SB win was the result of SB capable team that only needed a spark to get them over the top. The Glazers knew that and mortgaged the farm to hire a 39 tear old “phenom” to provide that spark. It worked. Gruden benefitted by playing against his former team and offense in that SB. After the 2003 SB… POOF…we got nothing. Then after 5 or 6 years of mediocrity and Gruden bravado the Glazers realized their team was going nowhere and started the 2 year coaching carousel; Morris, Schiano, Smith, Koetter. Then after 3 years of BA trying and failing to coach up Jameis, the Glazers got another opportunity of a lifetime. They had a SB ready team that needed a spark to get them over the top again. Enter TB12. It worked but the fairy dust was good for only one year. My biggest fear is that we go 9-8 this year and the Glazers blow it all up and start the carousel again. Mr. Coach Bowles along with his OC and GM are building a team that can win it all without having to import the necessary spark. That to me would be a far greater and more meaningful achievement than either of our previous SB wins.

    I do believe this team is much more capable than 9-8, but stuff happens. My gut feeling tells me that we are an 11 win team but if we fall short of that I pray the Glazers don’t blow it up.


  30. Steven007 Says:

    Joe in Michigan, clean house really crapped on himself in the threads before the game. Even I was forced to comment, haha. And then when his boy came in, he promptly threw it to his former team. Poetic justice.

  31. Citrus County Says:

    Hey Boss, pick up your sippy cup and get back in the high chair.

  32. stpetebucfan Says:


    Mentally ill for having a different OPINION than you. Is that how you really roll through life insulting people who dare to disagree with you?

  33. I remember 21 Says:

    I don’t think Brady hates the Bucs, but I do believe there’s a little bad blood mixed in with general apathy in how he feels about the team at this point. He was always a Patriot at heart, but as someone mentioned, we gave him what MAYBE only a handful of teams could in 2020. And his off the cuff comments (I’m not swayed by likes on Instagram 🙄) about the team since his immediate retirement period have been… interesting.

    When he was being interviewed before the game he went to in New England, he said something to the effect of “great career here and then a few years in Tampa for perspective.” Perspective?? We helped you win a final SB (without & to eclipse Belichek). We essentially gave you control of the roster for 3 seasons. Gave you the exact contract you desired. And I’m of the mind we backdoor fired Arians at his insistence. That’s a few bridges past perspective IMO. And while I haven’t seen any mention here, Brady did an hour+ long sit down with Patrick Bet David a few weeks ago. It was mostly about his college & early NFL carrer, but at one point he starts talking Bucs. It’s a very short mention, and it’s about hardship, doesn’t even touch on the success. And then… there’s a cut inserted in the video. As if he said something he may have regretted (it was otherwise a very positive interview) and asked that it be removed. It was the only cut I noticed in the whole video.

    So to my mind he’s salty about something Bucs related. Whether it’s from the team blocking his trade scheme or the way the 21 season ended or the whole 22 season played out. But I just think it’s interesting the narrative was that his ownership stake in the Raiders was gonna keep him from being involved with the Bucs, but it sure hasn’t stopped him from cozying back up to the Pats. There’s gotta be a reason.

  34. Rod Munch Says:

    Mike C Says:
    October 3rd, 2023 at 4:43 pm
    Why don’t you just get excited about the possibilities Rod instead of this crapping on everyone’s optimism, what exactly will it hurt for FANS to get excited?!‽


    Well in this particular case it’s the nonsense of people people bashing Brady, acting like they got another SB ring on their finger, when they haven’t done anything yet.

    But it’s also about being a Bucs fan as a kid, meaning the first stuff I remember is around the mid-80s, and the fact until Brady got here, this was the most losing franchise in the history of all of professional sports. So I have a natural built in fatalism and assume it will all fall apart at any moment. Any real Bucs fan that isn’t just a bandwagon rider feels that way.

  35. Rod Munch Says:

    stpetebucfan Says:
    October 3rd, 2023 at 6:09 pm

    Mentally ill for having a different OPINION than you. Is that how you really roll through life insulting people who dare to disagree with you?


    What are you, like 98 years old or something? How did you make it that far in life and never learn ‘sticks and stones’? Why exactly do you care what some random person on the internet thinks of you? Anywho boomer, or what was before boomers, I’m GenX, meaning I’m edgy, kewl with k, and like to mix it up verbally. The fact you’re offended by that is your problem old man.

  36. Rod Munch Says:

    Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:
    October 3rd, 2023 at 5:07 pm
    Rod said we would start off 2-7 and end up 5-12.


    Actually I said the team would start off 2-1, perhaps 3-1, before finishing 5-12.

    I said the team reminds me of the Ray Perkins era, and they’d get off to a fast start before falling apart.

    So, we shall see.

    But I also said I’d love to be proven wrong. It will all come down to Mayfield if he can keep it up or not. So far he’s played great, and it’s not a 2018 Fitz style of great where you obviously know he’s going to bust – so far it’s very sustainable. So if Mayfield can keep it up and not fall apart, they’re going to blow past my expectations, and I hope that happens.

    Anywho, get back to me when we got our 6th win, hopefully that’s in a few weeks, then bust on me.

  37. Citrus County Says:

    Let’s not forget that while TB12 may have declined some at age 45 he still kept us in contention during his second year and may have possibly done so in his third year here. He still had a better than average team around him. But somehow it all got sabotaged. I would really like to know his true feelings about the final years of his career. Maybe that would explain the smile on his face when he was back at Foxboro being honored at the place where he was dumped. I can almost empathize with the man but that’s show business.

  38. Citrus County Says:

    stpetebucfan. I’m in your corner buddy. Rod is a PUNK.

  39. Rod Munch Says:

    Citrus County – but now you called me a name. I’m deeply offended by that and you must be silenced. We can’t have anyone riling up people in the old folks home.

  40. Citrus County Says:

    Brady has every good reason to feel betrayed. But not betrayed by the Bucs proper. He had the rug pulled out from under him leaving him looking bad at the end of a glorious career. What could have been a wonderful storybook ending was destroyed by the very man that brought him to the Bucs. The Kangol Hat got his SB and then crapped on Brady by allowing the fiasco with Leftnut happen. Exactly how all that went down we will never know. I have certainly speculated my share on the subject. I believe Tom Brady and the Bucs fans and even the Patriot fans that wished TB12 the best and a fitting end to his career were cheated by BA and Leftnut. I can come to no other conclusion.

  41. Citrus County Says:

    Sarcasm will get you nowhere with me young feller.

  42. Brandon Says:

    Boss Says:
    October 3rd, 2023 at 4:17 pm
    Brady IS the GOAT.

    He single handedly brought this team to a SB, chanpionships and a winning mentallity.

    I could care less if he never mentions the Bucs. They OWE him.

    They gonna go all mike ohr on em next…lol


    Idiot fans like you need to jump ship. Thanks, Brady. He was good in 2020 and 2021 but pitiful in 2022. He was well past his expiration date. As far as him winning single handedly, that defense won the Super Bowl. Not Brady. Brady had an okay game. The defense was stellar. He didn’t win the NFC Championship either. Those three 4th quarter picks were Winston-esque. We can talk about the bomb to Miller before the half all we want but three inexcusable picks in the 4th quarter… he got bailed out. We could’ve won the Super Bowl with Brady or at least 10 other QBs. If there’s one thing Brady was exceptional at it was picking a team that was one competent QB away from being a serious contender. Unfortunately, we didn’t have a competent QB in 2022. We had the immobile, prematurely checking down, smokescreen machine version of Brady. He was awful last year.

  43. Citrus County Says:

    Rod..But it’s also about being a Bucs fan as a kid, meaning the first stuff I remember is around the mid-80s, and the fact until Brady got here, this was the most losing franchise in the history of all of professional sports. So I have a natural built in fatalism and assume it will all fall apart at any moment. Any real Bucs fan that isn’t just a bandwagon rider feels that way.

    Let me say this young feller, I’m a REAL Bucs fan and have been since before you were born. I have NO “natural built in fatalism”. If being a fan of a sports team causes you those feelings, you need to seek help.

  44. stpetebucfan Says:


    Yes indeed I heard the old saying…back in freaking grade school. And that’s what I’m trying to get across!

    Let me finish on a nice note…calling people names is NEVER effective. It also dilutes your OBVIOUS knowledge of football. When you engage like a name calling 8th grader it takes away a lot of your credibility.

    If you wish to continue like an 8th grader…call me old…75 is not really 90 something and I’m on track to get in 12,000 yards in the pool this week so I’m not insecure. It’s just that I find tasteless 8th grade commentary IMMATURE.

    So call me the old man…I’m actually proud I’ve been LUCKY enough to make it this far and who knows…one day perhaps your mind will catch up to your body 8th grader.

  45. stpetebucfan Says:

    @Citrus Thanks.

    @ I remember 21 says….that was an excellent post that really made me think.
    What a concept eh…You bring up some excellent thoughts without forcing any conclusions.

  46. unbelievable Says:

    FYI for everyone – the video is gone from youtube right now, but is available on the Bucs website.

    Re: Brady – he literally commented how happy he was for his former Bucs teammates, and mentioned Mike’s huge day against Chicago. Maybe you’re expecting him to talk Bucs every single week on his show, but I’m not. He helped us get another SB ring, and brought some respect back to our organization. No beef from my POV.

  47. Citrus County Says:

    I take back what I said about the Bucs proper not letting Brady down. The Glazers should have insured a fitting ending for Brady even if it meant interfering with the coaching staff. I think Jason Licht was in a bad position and should not be held responsible. The Glazers made a BAD business decision. I think they may have been absent and disinterested and failed to see what a good swan song for TB12 would have meant for the franchise. Think of how many AFC Pats fans would have become NFC Bucs fans. Such ignorance leads me to think they will blow it all up if this season turns out 9-7 or even 9-8.

  48. Citrus County Says:

    unbelievable: Brady is a class act. He could have retired after the SB win but that would have left the Bucs in a very bad position and he decided to honor his contract. What happened to him last year is shameful.

  49. Mike C Says:

    Ohhh so I am optimistic that means band wagon? Eff right off bro, season ticket holder since 95……I am just not a grumpy old fart who wants to scream like chicken little.

  50. Mike C Says:

    And try and feed negative energy so your predictions come true…… real fan smh

  51. Irish Laughter Says:

    Once again, Joe is bringing up old news. Brady is gone. He is not a God, he is not a supernatural being from the 5th dimension. He tried to turn the losing culture of one of the worst football franchises around. He did that. Now lets hope the team can continue what he started and keep winning. Go Bucs.

  52. orlbucfan Says:

    Bucs were already in position on both sides of the ball to win that second Stupid Bowl with or without Soap Opera Brady. He would pull stunts like throwing his iPad on the sidelines. Glazers and BA kissed his arse bowing to his every whim. Bringing back Gronkowski? Check. Bringing in nutcase Antonio Brown? Check. He looked and played just like the Methusaleh he was last season. Good riddance!

  53. Wild Bill Says:

    Truth: Brady should have retired after his second season. His third season was a mess of distractions before it even began. Like many former greats he played one too many seasons. NFL history is full of similar histories. A combination of personal distractions and at least some physical decline turned Brady into a rather mediocre qb in the end. Brady just plain did not look like his previous self. He joined a sizable list of great NFL qbs who played one year too many. I wish he would have retired after season two when he still had his stuff. And his family.

  54. Rod Munch Says:

    Mike C Says:
    October 3rd, 2023 at 7:57 pm
    Ohhh so I am optimistic that means band wagon? Eff right off bro, season ticket holder since 95……I am just not a grumpy old fart who wants to scream like chicken little.


    Well, it was more about the dopes going around trashing Brady like he didn’t do anything, and because the team is 3-1, they’re spiking the football like they just beat the 49er, Bills and Dolphins. When does that ever work out well?

    I don’t care about being optimistic – I’m not bashing people who are happy that the Bucs are winning and think they can keep it up. It’s the nonsense of pretending like Brady was holding the team back, they’d have won the last 3 Super Bowls if it wasn’t for him.

    It’s just stupid nonsense.

  55. garro Says:

    To all the trash talk lovers out there!

    If your gonna talk it, you better walk it!

    Otherwise you ain’t $#!^ and you have allowed your mouth to overload your ash.

    Go Bucs!

  56. Rod Munch Says:

    garro Says:
    October 4th, 2023 at 12:17 am
    To all the trash talk lovers out there!

    If your gonna talk it, you better walk it!


    It’s literally called trash talk, because you’re talking. Words don’t hurt cupcake, you respond to words with words.

    The fact you think words should be responded to with violence, just means you have a very low IQ, or in terms you can understand better, you’re very stupid.

    I’ll pray for you.

  57. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Rod you made a comment about being Gen X as am I and I grew up a Bucs fan and I totally have ptsd from the losing year in and year out. I also moved to Lasveagas in 1990 with my mom. I was 14 and wearing all the Bucs gear in high school and quickly got into several fights over my pride of the team and was suspended from school.

  58. Rod Munch Says:

    Proudbucsfan – SEE, it’s not just me.

    Although I didn’t get into any big fights, just the normal trash talking and pushing and shoving of the era.

    But that’s a great story, the team should give you some tickets for the throwback game.

  59. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Rod Munch: He’s talking about backing it up on the field, as in winning the game, IMO.

  60. Proudbucsfan Says:

    No joe in Michigan, real fist fights. If anyone that went to high school in the early 90s on the west coast can relate to fights on school grounds everyday. I have good memory of 2 fights directly stemming from being a Bucs fan. I had a white and creamsicle starter jacket with bucco bruce on the back in 91. One of the altercations stemed from another student spitting on the jacket while I was wearing it, Just because he didn’t like the Bucs. We were both suspended from school until our parents came in for a conference.