Rondé Barber Identifies A Key Joe Tryon-Shoyinka Weakness

October 25th, 2023

Joe Tryon-Shoyinka, the Bucs’ 2021 first-round pick.

One prominent former Buccaneer admitted this week that he’s made Joe Tryon-Shoyinka his unofficial punching bag because the Bucs’ edge rusher is a terrible player, he says.

Another prominent former Buccaneer was softer in his critique but still pointed.

The former is ex-Bucs guard Ian Beckles (1990-1996). He went on a tirade about Tryon-Shoyinka again this week on his In The Trenches podcast. The latter is Hall of Fame cornerback Rondé Barber who trends more cerebral and classy in his delivery.

“As an edge rusher, to be able to start doing your job, maybe having to stop the run and then be able to counter and be able to rush, that’s a tough skill. I don’t think Joe Tryon-Shoyinka is there yet. He’s got a long way to go to be able to figure how to do both of those things really well,” Barber told the Buccaneers Radio Network. “And he’s not has quick-twitch as Shaq [Barrett] is. Shaq is very, very twitchy. So whenever he has to redirect, he’s really good at getting to the quarterback.”

Great analysis by Barber. Legendary Bucs defensive tackle Warren Sapp always used to talk about stopping the run on the way to the quarterback, meaning a beastly D-lineman lives in pass-rush mode and then adjusts on the fly. Apparently, Barber sees that as a flaw in Tryon-Shoyinka’s game.

It’s obvious to Joe that JTS is not a special player after 43 games. He’s got great durability and raw talent, but Joe is not seeing much else. Hopefully, he’s got a handful of splash plays in his bag for the rest of this season.

JTS is only due about $2 million next year, so Joe suspects he will be in Tampa for a while.

47 Responses to “Rondé Barber Identifies A Key Joe Tryon-Shoyinka Weakness”

  1. DBS Says:

    .Just To Soft to put it politely.

  2. Dewey Selmon Says:

    He is the defensive version of Rachaad White.

  3. Jack Clark Says:

    The only time Joe Tryon-Shoyinka touches quarterbacks is when he’s shaking their hand after a game

  4. Marine Buc Says:

    PFF has JTS graded at 65.7. Not great but just average for the NFL. He has 3 sacks and has gotten solid pressure on the QB.

    I wouldn’t mind seeing YaYa Diaby given some of JTS’s snaps. But JTS isn’t playing poorly or bad. He is just mediocre.

  5. Beej Says:

    Invisible would be another way to describe him

  6. donuts Says:

    Jason forgot you need DAWGS on the DL. We got soft west coast players up front. JTS, Shaq, and Gholston will all be done with the Bucs after this year.

  7. SB~LV Says:

    Whoa… remember how we got Barrett
    It takes time and he has made steady progress and has taken a big step up this year and with the offense he’s going to get as many snaps as he can handle

  8. Buc4evr Says:

    JTS is a situational backup. He will never be anything more. I am happy Rondé called JTS out for being ineffective. Surely Jason has to see that the guy is a bust.

  9. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘Legendary Bucs defensive tackle Warren Sapp always used to talk about stopping the run on the way to the quarterback, meaning a beastly D-lineman lives in pass-rush mode and then adjusts on the fly. ‘

    Love that description of a beastly DLineman’s responsibilities. I would guess that not all that many can meet Sapp’s criteria though. Some get to be excellent at stopping the run (Will Gholston?) while others are good at pressuring the QB but not necessarily great at stopping the run. JPP was one of those in my book who were quite good at both.

    JTS has a long ways to go still, but probably more because he seems to be inconsistent. Maybe that just comes with being young. He’s still got time to get it together.

  10. Architek Says:

    Another wasted first rounder.

  11. ChrisBuc23 Says:

    Put yaya in there instead at this point. JT is a waste of space on the DLine 🗑️🗑️🗑️🗑️

  12. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Why does Joe put a picture of a Destiny’s Child band mate when discussing a former first round pick on the D-Line?

  13. HC Grover Says:

    He is stuck in orbit and out of fuel for his tetro rocket…
    I have called him as a wek link forever…. Just get rid of Plan 9. Why do they keep trying?

  14. DS Says:

    Bowers > JTS

  15. DS Says:

    Styles white > JTS

  16. DS Says:

    Sackles Kyle Moore > JTS

  17. DS Says:

    Teo’Nisheim > JTS

  18. SlyPirate Says:

    YES BUT …

    1. #2 in sacks and TFL
    2. More tackles than every OLB
    3. Only OLB/LB/DL with meaningful stats against Philly and Det

    If you hate JTS, how do you feel about everyone else? Shaq, Nelson, Yaya, Watts, Hall, Gholston, O’Connor, D White have had less of an impact than JTS.

    Why are we continuously talking about JTS and not other players?

  19. WillieG Says:

    I saw the headline “Barber identifies a JTS weakness” and the first thought that came to my mind was “football?”

  20. Mike Johnson Says:

    I like Joe. But its time to go.

  21. Hodad Says:

    Look at the hair do, says it all. More like Jane, nothing like Tarzan.

  22. Larrd Says:

    Not too long ago Bowles was saying the Bucs had nine good outside linebackers. It seems like zero right now.

  23. Iamabuc Says:

    To me; Jason is the best GM we ever had. The only thing I think he has failed is to hold the coaches (from top to bottom) accountable for their piss poor job. He has the power to do so. I mean, he has give them very exceptional players to work with, yet they haven’t delivered. I bet you that real good coaches would’ve have this 2023 team rolling by now with all this talent. Just saying it the way I see it.q

  24. Iamabuc Says:

    …and he should start with Bowless and then the OL coaches. And to tell you the truth, all of them.

  25. Iamabuc Says:

    Our great talented team , is being hold back by our own coaches…🤦

  26. HC Grover Says:

    Hey Mr Spaceman
    Won’t you please take me along
    I won’ do anything wrong

  27. Larrd Says:

    Bowles seems enamored with his complex zone schemes this year, which is not only a bad idea but a killer for indecisive types like Shoyinka.

  28. unbelievable Says:

    JTS has straight line speed and not much else.

    Has made a few plays this year but is a liability in the run game and still gets pushed out of the play way too easily by opposing linemen.

  29. Mike S Says:

    If JTS shaves his head before tomorrow night he will have dominant 3 sack game.

  30. Jonny Says:

    Being able to run fast in straight line is not raw talent.

  31. TomR Says:

    JTS reminds me of a player from one of the old vibrating football games….

  32. HC Grover Says:

    Plan 1 and Plan 9 are playing the wrong positions.

  33. Ben Harvey Says:

    Depth player at best. This team needs a legit edge rusher badly. I still think JTS has time, but it’s running out. Dont forget he lost a year of development and it’s not as though he was a top pick. Basically a second rounder. Somethimes these guys take a little longer to develop along the line when they come out raw. He has the speed and length, just needs that killer instinct to get home. He is close.

  34. Joel Says:

    He is in year three and needs to be performing by now.

  35. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Bust! It’s official.

  36. TonySoprano Says:

    It’s an interesting strategy. The Eagles are the gold standard for line play, and you look at their draft picks – they select monsters. Mailata, Dickerson, Carter, Davis…

    And then you look at Licht – he’s been targeting light lineman like Hainsey, Mauch, JTS, Kancey, Hall. We’ll see if the strategy pays off, but right now the results aren’t looking stellar.

  37. ElioT Says:

    So sad that we have so little drafted impact, star players.

    You see stars drafted every year, not with the Bucs.

    I’m talking guys who can take over games.

  38. TonySoprano Says:

    Looks like a Cobra Kai villain in this pic

  39. DoooshLaRue Says:

    He does have 1 more sack than Shaq. 3 vs 2
    At this rate he should have 9 by the end of the season which would more than double his 4 last year and year before.
    I’m not saying he’s great, but from a purely cost/value perspective he’s much better than just about anyone else we have right now.

  40. Obvious Says:

    Why doesn’t someone tell this guy the truth about his hair? Only a child would think that it looks great! Look up “bad hair day” and it’ll show you this guy!

    Some adult needs to explain what it really looks like. And I don’t care about boys who like “other boys” because thats not my business but I gotta say advertising it like he does with his “new aged man bun” doesn’t say “to be feared or tough guy”. It’s kinda Screaming something else concerning make up and lip stick…..

  41. Pewter Power Says:

    Wonder what was going through his head when Bucs drafted YaYa

  42. Knucknbuc Says:

    Lol he’s one of the worst run de I’ve ever seen just awful. Can’t hold contain at all. Name one Jts play in his 3 years??? Anyone?

  43. JN Says:

    He just a JAG…. we have too many of those guys

  44. Fansince76 Says:

    Thumbs down on JTS and Hall.
    Thumbs up on Kancey and Diaby!

  45. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Yep JTS is a JAG , just a girl.

  46. orlbucfan Says:

    The problem is not JTS. It’s the Offense and Canales getting on the same page. If they do, Bucs will win.

  47. Corey Says:

    Forgot he even played. Dude is non existent