Report: Hamstring MRI For Mike Evans

October 3rd, 2023

The word from longtime ESPN NFL reporter Jeremy Fowler is that Mike Evans is heading to the MRI chamber for a look at the hamstring he pulled/tweaked Sunday in New Orleans.

There was speculation after the game that Evans only had a mild injury, and Fowler echoed that this morning on X.

The bye week landed at just the right time for Evans, who is more than one-third of the way to his 10th consecutive 1,000-yard season with 14 games remaining.

39 Responses to “Report: Hamstring MRI For Mike Evans”

  1. DS Says:

    Doesn’t sound good

  2. Hodad Says:

    Mike’s had hammy issues before. Those hammys don’t get better with age. You don’t do a new long term deal with an aging player. Bucs were smart not to extend Mike yet when they really didn’t have to. Think Evans is going to find no team is going to offer him more than one year deals. Besides, the way Palmer, and Thompkins are coming on signing Mike long term doesn’t make any sense.

  3. Adam's Angry Says:

    I swear, all that money for the Bucs training facility and I doubt they have a squat rack in there. Evans’s hamstrings are about as strong as the strings on a pawn store guitar.

  4. Brandon Says:

    People saying it doesn’t look good… an MRI is a precautionary test used to determine severity, or lack of, of any injury. Cue the know nothings about training principles and techniques at One Buc… I can guarantee those commenting and complaining know less than the average middle schooler.

  5. Boss Says:

    meh…2 weeks off…why not do the mri.

    heal up mike and be back for the playoffs.

    the rooks will hold your spot.

  6. JimBobBuc Says:

    I will admit I can’t see what’s happening on the sidelines, but every player with recurrent soft tissue injury should be stretching between series. I can’t recall a sideline TV shot showing a player stretching between series. Evans and players like him need to keep problem-areas warmed and stretched between series. This seems like common sense, so our trainers need to get these guys to do it. OR, maybe we do nothing different and keep getting recurring soft tissue injuries??

  7. jugheadfla Says:

    As much as I like Mike and for sure he is the best offensive player, if not player overall that the Bucs have ever had, it just seems like every other catch that he makes it gets injured somehow. Its going to be hard to justify a long term deal with him when we have younger WRs coming on that are more durable. He’s coming to the end of his career so like someone else just said, it will most likely be 1 year deals, if its with the Bucs or another team remains to be seen.

  8. SlyPirate Says:

    Dropping TDs and now injuries. Mike is losing all the value he built up in games 1-2.

  9. Nayrb Says:

    Every season it seems like the players are hobbled to varying degrees by their hamstrings. Given its frequency of occurrence, I would have expected every NFL franchise to declare a new position called Head of Hamstrings.

    Make Dr. MJ the new HoH.

    P.S. and yes I get the unintended Big Brother reference. We’ll just call it a happy accident like Bob Ross.

  10. Duane in Sanford Says:

    I still take Mike at 30 and his bad hammies over Davis and his toe, Dean and his fragility, Kancey and his calf. Surprised its not a back injury from all the heavy lifting he has had to do for the offense. He will be back.

  11. Miller5252 Says:

    I wonder if he’s still doing the TB12 thing. He’s always had hammy issues except last year. Too bad he hasn’t found anything to help them.

  12. Durango 95 Says:

    Kind of hard to believe that Mike flailing away on that stationary bike on the sideline was helpful. Very surprised they would let him do that w/ a bad hammy.

  13. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Get well soon Mike, preferably before the trade deadline.
    Danny Dimes needs a target.

  14. orlbucfan Says:

    ME13 will be back. Hamstrings are a PITA, but at least it’s not a smashed knee or worse with the lousy refs. Besides, Mike is helping out the youngsters’ development.

  15. Bucsfanman Says:

    Get well soon Mike!

  16. Citrus County Says:

    With minimal knowledge of the human anatomy but understanding mechanics I say this; #13 is often fully vertically extended and often off his feet and carrying speed when he goes after after the ball. The position he is in when he lands or is tackled seems to me to be very relevant to the stretching of the hamstring. I think the nature of his playing style having to elevate fully extending his legs so much is the primary cause of his recurring hamstring problems.

  17. First Name Greatest Says:

    Drops and bad hammies is why good teams and GM’s do not OVER PAY for an aging WR’s. These idiot fans saying “Pay Mike” or “Give Evans a lifetime contract” are just stupid

  18. Jeff Says:

    MRI 😳

  19. Citrus County Says:

    First Name Greatest ; In my opinion, Mike Evans “bad hammies” occur frequently because he does what is being asked of him. The elevated sideline and end zone corner throws are what makes him special. How many times have you seen him fully extended in a 15 degree angle carrying speed and being tackled ? The answer is many times. He deserves to be paid for that kind of effort.

  20. Citrus County Says:

    First Name Greatest; Work on your grammar. It should have been are and not is. By the way YOU are the stupid idio*.

  21. Citrus County Says:

    FNG, one more thing – #13 usually catches the ball while fully extended, off his feet and at a 15 degree angle. Sometimes those catches are by his finger tips and he still controls the ball. THAT is why he DESERVES to be paid.

  22. Boss Says:

    FNG is right. it really upsets the homers. Also not mentioned is ME had bad qb’s throwing him jump balls most of his career and should be thankful for them getting him paid. A good qb, like Brady, looked past him 90% of the time because he is just not that good at getting “open” short of pushoffs and curl routes. TB had to actually work to feed ME his 1k yards.

    you don’t think GM’s notice that stuff…. lol

  23. Citrus County Says:

    Boss is trying to bait me. Mike Evans job is to see the ball – catch the ball. His talent for that will likely get him into the Hall of Fame. GM’s DO notice that stuff.

  24. Citrus County Says:

    Hey Boss. How much touch football have you played at family reunion picnics ?

  25. Citrus County Says:

    One more thing Boss. I don’t see an original thought in your post. You are just a parrot for the talking head media.

  26. Boss Says:

    calm down fuit juice

  27. stpetebucfan Says:

    Brandon FTW right at the start of the thread!

    “I can guarantee those commenting and complaining know less than the average middle schooler.”

    Thanks Brandon. This is what is wrong with our freaking society. EVERYBODY is an expert…whether it’s epidemiology, science, or training and keeping world class athletes in top shape.

    It’s like electing a popular football coach to the Senate when he has ZERO experience in ANY legislative body. Alabama folks certainly have their priorities in order. Does anybody suspect they would have let a Senator become head coach of Auburn or the Crimson Tide just because he was popular or a good Senator.

  28. MelvinJunior Says:

    Yeah, “Citrus County,” when you can’t argue on the merits of what “First Name Greatest” said, you go after his grammar… I guess next, he’ll be racist. What the guy stated was 💯 FACT. Amazing, just how ‘personal’ you took it, and how sensitive and protective of ME13 you are!!!! Hmmmm… Youuuu muuuust wuuuuuv himmmm LoL. It’s A BUSINESS. Period. End of Story.

  29. Citrus County Says:

    Hey Boss, in case you don’t know what an original thought is then you should read the above post twice and then consult a dictionary. By the way, I think you just dropped your sippy cup with your fruit juice in it.

  30. unbelievable Says:

    Man, the Mike Evans articles are starting to bring out nearly as many idiots as the GMC articles used to… that’s impressive!

  31. Boss Says:

    don’t encourage fruit for brains!

  32. stpetebucfan Says:


    Yes and now we have a new whipping boy since GMAC is gone. Ironically same position and first round draft pick. Let’s hope Kancey can silence them as well as GMAC when he gets to play.

  33. unbelievable Says:

    St Pete- yup the hate is already there.

  34. orlbucfan Says:

    As, pizz on this. I stuck up for GMC the whole time he was here. Talk about gutting out losing seasons. ME13 has done the same da##ed thing, cut his salary when Bucs were in their usual bottom feeder spot in the Division, AND still put up HOF numbers. At least, he finally has a richly deserved SB ring which GMC never got. So give it a rest FCS!

  35. TampabayDJ Says:

    @ Hodad and the rest of the Evans haters – Mike has had hammy problems since he was drafted and he has never missed more than a couple games in a season. What does it matter as long as he’s ready to go in 2 weeks ? He’s on pace for one of his best seasons ever , and that would be a monster season ! He’s probably in the best shape in the last 3 years. I just don’t understand how you fake Bucs fans can write off the greatest offensive player in team history just because you read what the mainstream media writes ✍️. They don’t give Evans the credit he has earned , yet they all want to see him play on their favorite teams 🤔 Sad AF to read some of you people’s garbage. Same people who said our Bucs wouldn’t win 3 games all year , but we are in great position to win the division title and be a better team than last year’s. Go Bucs

  36. 76 bucsfan46 Says:

    No need to rush on resigning 13 because Bucs can franchise tag him next season.

  37. 76 bucsfan46 Says:

    No need to rush on resigning 13 because Bucs can franchise tag him next 2 seasons if nessessry.

  38. Ed Says:

    Mike is the greatest Buc receiver ever and the most consistant WR as far as yardage since entering the league 9 years ago.

    His is a dangerous weapon that when used properly is a touchdown machine. He certainly will leave the game with Hall of Fame credentials.

    Having said all of that the Bucs are in a position with having a star in Chris Godwin who can become the number one receiver and is under contract.

    The young guys, particularly Trey Palmer, who has hands as good as Evans has in the short time he has been with the Bucs is likely to become a #2 receiver.

    I want Evans to stay. Most fans do. The reality is the Bucs don’t have to pay him top 5 wr money because if these young guys like Palmer and Thompkins continue to make plays there is no reason for Mike to be paid for past achievements. Mike at this point in his career there are many WR that are more valuable than Mike to their teams.

    Keenan Allen
    Tyreek Hill
    Justin Jefferson
    Stefan Diggs
    Ja’Marr Chase
    AJ Brown

    Mike isn’t leaps and bounds below these guys but they all make more catches and are impossible to cover. Mike is somewhere between the 10th-15th best receiver in the league but factor in injuries, he can’t be paid what a younger superstar receiver is going to get. Thats my opinion, be it what it is.

  39. Shawn Says:

    The guys saying mike Evans isn’t durable and injurie prone don’t know what they are talking about hes missed 6 games do to injuries and 3 of them in 1 season he’s played 15 or more games in 8 outta 9 years and 13 games in the other season godwins missed more games in the last 3 years then mike in 9 years