“Probably Time To Give The Bucs Credit For The Tristan Wirfs Thing”

October 5th, 2023

How many offseason dice rolls have come up winners for the Bucs?

Undrafted rookie nickel? No problem. Baker Mayfield at quarterback? Sure. A first-time playcaller? Got it. Zyon McCollum as the No. 3 corner? He’s got it. Three nobody receivers behind Mike Evans and Chris Godwin? They’ve scored three touchdowns. The new kicker? He’s money.

A big one on the list is the move of All-Pro right tackle Tristan Wirfs to left tackle.

One Joe was fearful and thought it was an unnecessary risk; the other Joe was all for it because, well, beastly Wirfs could move back to the right side if it didn’t work out.

The results has been astounding.

Wirfs looks comfortable and dominant. It’s hard to find the learning curve.

Sam Monson, the high priest of the PFF Tribe (aka Pro Football Focus), held a meeting of his worshippers this week on YouTube and advised them, “It’s probably time to give the Bucs credit for the Tristan Wirfs thing.

“He’s been, if anything, better on the left side,” Monson continued. “We’re four games into the season now, he’s given up two pressures.”

Yes, credit is due. But Joe thinks that’s mostly because Wirfs’ replacement at right tackle has been very good, 2022 second-round pick Luke Goedeke.

Exciting stuff for the Bucs to have two 24-year-old tackles playing so well.

Joe can’t wait for the Bucs to figure out how to run behind Wirfs. If it happens this season, the Bucs might be looking at a stunningly strong seed in the NFC playoffs.

37 Responses to ““Probably Time To Give The Bucs Credit For The Tristan Wirfs Thing””

  1. DBS Says:

    Time to give the fans that kept calling for that move credit also. They were right.. Deserve a pat on the back. Many people here were telling them They were crazy and more.

  2. JimBobBuc Says:

    Wirfs is a Warrior, period. Never, never underestimate the man. He’s taken a personal risk to his rep by moving to the left side. Definition of an All-Pro. If he stays healthy, a HOF dude.

  3. DBS Says:

    And no. I did not believe in doing it. I thought they were crazy too. I am eating crow happy to do so.

  4. Jack Clark Says:

    Thank you Joe, this was the article I was waiting for you to post about Triston Wirfs moving Left Tackle

    “A big one on the list is the move of All-Pro right tackle Tristan Wirfs to left tackle. One Joe was fearful and thought it was an unnecessary risk; the other Joe was all for it because, well, beastly Wirfs could move back to the right side if it didn’t work out. The results has been astounding.”

    Overrated, he only moved a few feet to the left and his role to protect the QB against the best edge rushers in the NFL has not changed. If Wirfs was overrated then he would have already been exposed by the best pass rushers in the NFL even when he was at right tackle.

    But what about the run blocking though Joe? It’s still trash

  5. Crickett Baker Says:

    It’s wonderful to see so many crow eaters. I sure don’t feel they should try to take off the feathers and attempt to make a nice pie. They need to eat roadkill crow.

  6. MadMax Says:

    I knew he’d make it look simple. Thats why i was pushing for us to draft him.

  7. Jack Clark Says:

    I believe NFL guards are the best men in the world to protect against the biggest, strongest humans in the world

    And I also believe that NFL tackles are the best men in the world to protect against the quickest humans in the world

  8. Jack Clark Says:

    I am very happy to be Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan right now because my team heard my voice 😌

  9. ModHairKen Says:

    He’s a man. Goedeke is strong on the right. Just need C and RG.

  10. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Still cant believe he was not the 1st tackle picked. Wirfs/Winfield have to be one of the better 1/2 picks for this franchise.

  11. Esteban85 Says:

    And a 24 year old rookie guard that already has his man strength. Great second round pick IMO. Licht is just racking up points across the board and deserves a lot of credit.

  12. Rod Munch Says:

    This Redskins game is what happens when you go down the field vs the Eagles, score a TD with no time left, and your coach wimps out and kicks a XP instead of going for it and winning the game. They lose that Eagles game, now they’re getting blown out by the Bears. Pitiful.

    But then again, it’s the Bears, so you assume they’ll figure out how to lose this before it’s over.

  13. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Glad goedke is working out. Honestly I had no question he would. When it comes to olineman most know it’s Jason’s specialty. I remember when everyone was crying and calling this guy a bust last year as a rookie. Sheesh these fans some times are a microwave generation. Put it in the nuker and bam instant success sorry some of these dude are like crockpots. Just take some time to cook. Usually things are better that way anyways

  14. Paul Says:

    Stunning who good this guy is
    Goedeke works out we are set

  15. Popcorn Mike Says:

    I was, a little worried about the OL with a rookie Maunch starting and the Wirfs and Goedeke moves but, seems like it’s working out. I can see them meshing and getting better as the season moves on baring injuries. Thumbs up Bucs

  16. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Hainsey is the liability.

  17. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    If I were abetting man, I would bet that Joe end up wanting our first round pick spent on…a running back.

    It’s kind of a tradition.

  18. Drunkinybor Says:

    Like has surprises.me.in a good way. I overreacted and wanted to sign a bum off the street. I guess that what preseason. Is for. To work out the kinks.. kudos 👏 to him 💐 for showing I’m a dumb arse.

  19. Big Papi Rojo Says:

    We’re only 4 games into the season. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I stand by that. This ain’t Madden. Think of how good he is at LT right now… he’d have been even better at RT…

  20. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    HeyJoe (Hendrix) – has any player ever been an All Pro at two different positions? Could make history!?

  21. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Big Papi Rojo Says:
    October 6th, 2023 at 12:28 am
    We’re only 4 games into the season. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I stand by that. This ain’t Madden. Think of how good he is at LT right now… he’d have been even better at RT…
    You’re joking, right?

  22. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Goedeke had no business playing right guard. The best thing that could’ve happened was to get rid of Mr holding on the left side. I knew wirfs would have a seamless transition. Goedeke is the man, he’s a beast. The strongest man on the line. I think we should bounce RW off right tackle more but with our team we have to start the game throwing darts to set up the run and our run game will get a lot better.

  23. BillyBucco Says:

    Saying he would be even better at right tackle is idiotic.
    He was already the best RT in the game.
    Now he is possibly the best LT in the game and protecting Bakers BLIND side.
    I guess you would rather have Walton or Skule the guy who gave up a FG block, at LT?

  24. BillyBucco Says:

    What’s interesting is that this line will only get better, every single one of them have so much room to grow.
    I’m still calling Feiler the weak link, not Hainsey.
    If anything its at least a tie.
    Pretty sure we still won’t take O Line in the first round though with Jason Licht a mastermind in the 2nd.
    I’m all for D Line again honestly.
    Follow the SF and Philly mold, it obviously works.

  25. Sly Pirate Says:

    Wirfs was kind of a no brainer. What’s been crazy, surprising, and AWESOME is Goedeke!!!

    Imagine having Wirfs – an ALL PRO RT, all world, future greatest RT in NFL history – and replacing him with (basically) a rookie RT, from a small school, that sh*t the bed at LG the year before, AND … AND not missing a beat.

    Talk about Bowles Balls. This move (not Wirfs to LT) was gutsy AF.

    What do you know? Goedeke is Fing KILLING IT!!! Some of his blocks against the Saints are (it feels blasphemous to say) blocks we’ve never seen Wirfs make. He blocked two guys on one play! He crushed a man’s body and soul into the ground. He stonewalled a Pro Bowl DE. He’s allowed almost no one touch Baker.

  26. MadMax Says:

    Yeah Goedeke is an awesome surprise at RT…his original college position. I think playing LG allowed him to open up to new ways of blocking and now he’s carrying that over. Plus, he’s getting his legs under him more and is stronger now. Its great to see.

  27. Hodad Says:

    I don’t think it’s a run blocking problem. I think it’s a running back problem. There’s been some well blocked plays that could’ve gone for big yardage, even a TD, but the back couldn’t make one man miss, or break a tackle. We have no NO threat in the backfield! White is not the Dude we need back there.

  28. garro Says:

    The folks mentioned in the first two paragraphs are astounding to me. Wirfs success is great but the odds on all the others have got to be through the roof!

    Goedeke has been a very big surprise for this fan. Pancake of Warner is awesome. But Wirfs is the only one playing at an All Pro level. Win percentage for our O line is near the bottom of the league.

    Go Bucs

  29. BucU Says:

    Tristan is a superstar. Luke manhandled Cam Jordan and has looked so much better at RT.
    I’m so impressed with where we’re at the bye it feels surreal. But please let’s not start talking about what our playoff seed is going to be. Enjoy our record. Enjoy the bye week. Rest up and be ready for war against Detroit. One game at a time.

  30. pewter941 Says:

    I think his run blocking has been just ok

  31. SB~LV Says:

    lol… as I recall he was the 4th or 5th OL picked in that draft
    I think he is a keeper

  32. Jeff Says:

    Having a top 3 left tackle is a huge advantage for Baker.

  33. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    My bad Joe, I can’t hear you what was that? 🙂

  34. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Go put your mom’s tablet back and go mow the grass boy

  35. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Well, Jeff’s grandpa, I’ve got the grass mowed and my mom’s tablet safely returned. But hey, If your mom needs a hand with anything just say the word. I’m pretty good at taking care of both lawns and ….. 😉🏡

  36. Joe in Michigan Says:

    I’m waiting to hear what the people who wanted the Bucs to keep Wirfs at Right Tackle would’ve done at Left Tackle. Would you’ve:

    1) Kept Donovan Smith at LT? In this scenario, the Bucs would’ve have to let 2 or 3 defensive players walk, weakening the defense to have an inferior LT to Wirfs.

    2) Put a current Bucs O-Lineman that’s not Wirfs at LT and hope for the best.

    3) Draft a LT and start him his rookie year on the blind side.

    The Bucs did the right thing. There should be no argument.

  37. geno711 Says:

    @Joe in Michigan.

    At first, I was with the Wirfs should stay at right tackle. But after we did not grab one in the draft, it was apparent that Wirfs was our most likely left tackle so as always, I was fine with giving the coaching staff that sees the guys every day make the decision.

    That OL coaching for the Bucs is pretty outstanding at teaching pass blocking. It looks like they have done it again with some new guys along the line.