More Clarity On Mike Evans Coming Friday

October 11th, 2023

Mike Evans has had a hamstring issue for 10 days.

It’s lingering. a

That was the indirect message today from head coach Todd Bowles. The official Wednesday injury report hasn’t been released, but Bowles said Evans’ health remains a question mark. He said more will be known Friday when Evans does more running.

Can the Bucs beat the high-octane Lions on Sunday without Evans? Joe doesn’t want to consider that.

19 Responses to “More Clarity On Mike Evans Coming Friday”

  1. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Bucs do need him, but if he has to sit this game to be healthy for the rest of the season that’s fine.

  2. gofortheface30 Says:

    Seen guys like Nico Collins, Tank Dell, etc have 150 yard games with less help around them. Guys that aren’t regarded on the same level as a Chris Godwin. Godwin is being paid like a number 1 receiver. Going to need another Saints-like performance. In fact, I can’t remember the last time we’ve seen a monster 150+ yard game out of Godwin. This week will be as good of a time as any to be “that guy,” because lets be real – after Godwin, we’re trotting out a 2nd tier lineup outside of Wirfs. I love Palmer and Thompkins, but lets not act like theyve established themselves as a force yet. No Evans would be a huge void, no two ways about it.

  3. Jmarkbuc Says:


    Evans gets 120 yds and 2 TDs.

  4. DoooshLaRue Says:


    Yes we can win without him.

  5. adam from ny Says:

    if hurting at least be a decoy…

    he’s needed sunday…these lions are a serious team

  6. SlyPirate Says:

    Godwin + 3 Burners (Palmer, Thompkins, Jarrett) + Otton + White
    Love to have Evans but Bucs have firepower.

  7. BucU Says:

    He’s had plenty of time to recover. This was characterized as a tweak yes? All hands on deck for this game. You hear that Kancey and Evans?
    We probly shouldn’t expect too much from Kancey being that he hasn’t practiced in months. Plural.
    Months. Time to earn your paycheck Mr Porcelain doll.

  8. JeffB Says:

    SlyPirate: Otton hasn’t done much this year so far, maybe if Evans is out, It would be great if he finally has a great game. Could definitely use his big body in the end zone.

  9. Jeff Says:

    Sit him. Even with Evans, the Bucs have no realistic chance of winning.

  10. JimBobBuc Says:

    Sit Evans. We’re forcing it to him. Spread it around A LOT!!! TEs, RBs, Young Dawgs, and God-Win. We need ME13 for our stretch run.

  11. Rod Munch Says:

    The game will be won or lost by the Bucs defense, this offense is way too slow paced and conservative to put up big points. To be clear, that’s not necessarily a bad thing, the offense has complimented the defense so far this year, but if it’s a shootout, the Bucs don’t really have a chance. The defense will have to keep this a lower scoring game for the Bucs to stay in it.

  12. orlbucfan Says:

    The spread on this one is 3. Obviously, someone has a lot of respect for the underdog Bucs. Rest ME13 if necessary. Bucs have plenty of guys who can catch the ball.

  13. Wild Bill Says:

    Don’t risk Mike if he isn’t 100%. It’s a long sesson and a chronic problem for him. Aggravate the injury could cost Mike for weeks or months.

  14. stpetebucfan Says:


    Are you a Bucs fan. Do you even follow the NFL.

    “Even with Evans, the Bucs have no realistic chance of winning.”

    No realistic chance? Really? It’s the freaking NFL and for most of the teams on any given Sunday. The Bucs are not the Panthers and the Lions are not the Niners or the Chiefs…”no REALISTIC chance”. What does that even mean?

  15. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Evans always misses games bc of hamstring or suspension. Dude is unreliable and Godwin is much more clutch. Bucs should be able to spread the ball around more without having to feed diva Evans

  16. garro Says:

    You really don’t expect a real answer from Bowles do you Joe?

    Go Bucs!

  17. Kelly Bowman Says:

    Okay, so can the front office see now how bad we NEED to KEEP Mike on the Bucs?

  18. unbelievable Says:

    Pelsbuc61 Says:
    October 11th, 2023 at 10:22 pm
    Evans always misses games bc of hamstring or suspension. Dude is unreliable and Godwin is much more clutch. Bucs should be able to spread the ball around more without having to feed diva Evans


    Evans has averaged missing 1 game per season over his career.

    Godwin has averaged 2.4 missed games per season for his career.

    It’s amazing how little most of the fans in this site actually know about their team and players.

  19. brooks Says:
