Monitoring A New Baker Mayfield Injury

October 15th, 2023

Maybe, Kyle. Maybe.”

UPDATED: The Kyle Trask faithful is on the edge of their barstools.

What’s wrong with Baker Mayfield’s shoulder? ESPN reporter Jeff Darlington shared on X that Mayfield was headed for X-rays on his left shoulder after today’s blowout loss to the Lions. That surprised Joe a bit because it was in his right shoulder armpit where Mayfield was drilled on the final Bucs drive.

It was a nasty, nasty shot. Mayfield’s arm was hit as he waited for Mike Evans to get more depth downfield.

Mayfield was seen on FOX kneeling after the game and talking to playcaller Dave Canales, and not quite looking himself.

Joe thinks Mayfield would have to have quite a signficant injury in a non-throwing shoulder to keep him out of Sunday’s game against the Falcons. Mayfield knows what missing a start could mean for his future, and Trask’s.

UPDATE: Todd Bowles says it was Mayfield’s left hand that was injured, a contusion. And X-rays were negative. Phewww.

58 Responses to “Monitoring A New Baker Mayfield Injury”

  1. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Kyle Trask time bebe!!!!!!!

  2. K_bassuka Says:

    I’m sure his feelings were hurt after such a bad game.

  3. Hodad Says:

    Said during the QB competition, Baker would start, but will he finish? His history says no.

  4. Voice of Truth Says:

    He took a late hit to the chops not called and got his left shoulder crunched on the last throw – he was wincing all the way off the field

    It might not be a bad thing to give Kyle a shot

    Baker showed his true self today – he is Steve Deberg reincarnated

  5. HC grover Says:

    Put Trask in now. Maybe he can hit wide open receivers…..Mayfield can not.

  6. Buc Unto Death Says:

    Is there a better way to read and post on the Game Day chat without refreshing and constantly scrolling to the bottom of a monstrous feed?

  7. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Becareful what you ask for……….

  8. HC grover Says:

    How lame the last weeks info looks now. Pro Bowl Super Bowl nope…Maybe the Puppy Bowl. Told Ya So….DO NOT COUNT CHICKENS people. Get real.

  9. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Hope Mayfield is ok but it seems like the entire offense was injured today the way it played

  10. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    This makes the Atlanta game a must win…….they are certainly no Lions……out Defense stopped the run today but got burned by Geoff…..

  11. Buddha Says:

    Did any of you watch the game? 13 missed two first down throws and was called for pass interference. he was not ready to play today. The defense stopped the run but couldn’t get off the field on third down. The zone pass defense was not good. Lions made some incredible catches especially the one for the clinching TD. Baker was not good but he was not the reason we lost.

  12. Joe in Michigan Says:

    HC grover Says:
    October 15th, 2023 at 7:47 pm
    Put Trask in now. Maybe he can hit wide open receivers…..Mayfield can not.
    Ah, Habitual Complainer is complaining. Shocker. Old HC needs to find a different hobby other than b!tching, maybe tiddlywinks or something more his speed.

  13. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    As soon as Trask gets his opportunity it’s over.

    Everyone knows this.

  14. HC grover Says:

    His shoulder hurts so he overthrows wide open receivers for TDS? OK put Trask in.

  15. Tye Says:

    no run game; Evans dropping passes; any qb is going to struggle playing like this..

  16. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Buddha yes he was.

  17. Hunter Says:

    Bowles says it was his hand, not shoulder. Was a nasty hit though for sure.

  18. BucsBeast Says:

    Let’s be honest. This loss is on 2 people. Bowles for his BS predictable 3rd down blitz and the dust in the wind Mike 13. Prove ne wrong.

  19. HC grover Says:

    J.I.M you are such a football fool and a max loser. Please go get your operation asap.

  20. JayBuc Says:

    Question; what in the ever living F#CK did we do during this bye week?

  21. Bojim Says:

    Baker has to do too much.

  22. Pewter Power Says:

    Atlanta game is a must evasive if the Bucs lose another game like this then yea all the talk about them having a top ten pick was accurate. We should be the one feeling the squeeze

    Trask or mayfield who hell cares. Win the division just to get destroyed game one of the playoffs again. That is not something I wish to see again.

    Maybe losing the division will being this front office back to reality. Can’t continue to be happy because you beat Medicore teams

  23. Miller5252 Says:

    I agree Joe, that hit on his last drive didn’t look good at all. Helmet right to the throwing elbow and his arm bending in a weird way. The Trask faithful want their boy suited up and given the keys to the ride but, everything we saw this preseason didn’t look better than Mayfield. Plus we still have a division to win and Baker gives us the best shot.

  24. Bucsfan951 Says:

    “ and not quite looking himself.”

    That was the offensive arse whipping he just took.

  25. Hunter Says:

    3 years in a row we have lost after the BYE Week.

    I wasn’t expecting anything today unfortunately.

    Clearly, we don’t know how to manage/handle the time off and use it to our advantage.

    Big game next week.

  26. HC grover Says:

    Mayfield is not the answer. Not even worth the 4 million. Not even 1 million. He can not throw to wide open receivers.

  27. Dom>Licht Says:

    WE have not had a running game EVER under Licht… Evert draft he picks a guy and plays him out of position… got lucky with ALi. Yet to draft a great RB… OL and RB falls directly on poor drafting!

  28. RGA Says:

    This would have been a different game if Baker could hit wide open receivers and if he was three inches taller, three passes batted at the line, one to a wide open Evans. This team is not going anywhere with Baker Mayfield under center, he’s a good quality back-up at best who can win a few games but can’t step up in big games.

  29. Greg The Truth Says:

    Thank Baker for starting us off but our offense is just not good enough. We can beat mediocre or bad teams but get beat by every REAL contender. Baker is not our future. Start Trask! If he plays well? Great! If he’s also mediocre. we now have a backup QB with game experience. Its not impressive to win a bad division and get blown out in the playoffs… again.

  30. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Yes Buddha I watched most of the game but flipped off of it about mid 3rd quarter couldn’t watch no more I also saw 3 passes batted down. 1 when Evans was open and may have score 1 with a wide screen with blockers that was sure to be a big gainer and another that would’ve at least been a first down and as you spoke of Evans penalty in the red that cost the team and his drop that would’ve kept a drive going. Nevertheless, my question is, was all these knock downs due to a injury he have been playing with, his height or what

  31. SlyPirate Says:

    Buddha Says:
    13 missed two first down throws and was called for pass interference.


    Mike is losing $$$ with every game. The last three have been bad.

  32. buccobruce Says:

    if Baker leads QBs in all categories how come we cant put up more than 6 points? We got the wrong coach, wrong OC and wrong QB. Get Trask in soon and replace coaches after the season. If not it will only het worse.

  33. Posey99 Says:

    JayBuc Says:
    October 15th, 2023 at 8:01 pm
    Question; what in the ever living F#CK did we do during this bye week?

    Watch the postgame speech by Bowles, he said for everyone to at least “jog”.

  34. Fred McNeil Says:

    Well, that was most certainly a disappointing display of offensive prowess. The defense was reasonably good, but Canales/Baker laid an egg.
    Joe, umm, I would put to rest your stated fears that Canales will get a head coaching job come Springtime. Yeah, I feared that too. Now …I have to wonder if he has a future as an OC.
    I am very disappointed.

  35. TheBucsAnthem Says:



  36. Crickett Baker Says:

    This game reminded me of the creamsicle years when I always had heart-stopping moments whenever someone attempted to kick. It was almost always horrible. It started to feel the same in this game when Baker attempted a pass. It was sort of like long-forgotten muscle memory. AAARGH!!

  37. Fred McNeil Says:

    Lemme rephrase. Baker Mayfield = a much shorter Mike Glennon.

  38. DoooshLaRue Says:

    20-6 is a “blowout loss” now?
    We looked like dookie most certainly, but 14 points ain’t a blowout Joe.

    Dallas getting beat 42-10 last week was a blowout loss.

  39. Popcorn Mike Says:

    Crockett Baker I try to forget those days but you’re right. Back then I had got to a point where I was looking forward to the draft in November

  40. BucRodgersBDBDBD Says:

    Most of you are abunch of jack asses. We are a middle of the pack football team that faced a well oiled machine today. New Offensive scheme, new coaches, new QB trying to learn the system & get to know his recievers. On the bright side next time we win a game you all will act like we’re the best team in the league. We’re a team that may win the weakest division in football by default. Then you all will be bent out of shape when we get destroyed in the first round of playoffs. It’s called GROWTH. I give the bucs credit for hanging in the first half today. I give you commenters credit for consistently being stupid with a 0 Football IQ.

  41. StormyInFl Says:

    If Trask has to start, this season is done.

  42. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    We all know someone’s a gaytor boi and a trash oops trask fan bou groovey baby

  43. Iamabuc Says:

    When I decided to pick up my phone and check the JBFans page, I knew I was going to read about the Trask nuthuggers
    bitching and calling for him to start over Baker.They didn’t disappoint….lol
    For all of you in the Trask mob: Be careful of what you wish. Trask wold have been killed in this game.

  44. DW Says:

    Tampa Bay Buccaneers Please tell me how excited you are and proud you are to have made Faker Mayfailed our QB1, now? Todd Bowles should be fired!! Kyle Trask was the right man for the QB1 position. I mean how many incomplete passes and interceptions does the Faker have to make for you to see y’all got played? #SuchADisgrace #WhatAJoke

  45. Dom>Licht Says:

    Sub 500 team with Brady… WTG y’all expect Baker to do???? Jason Licht is as sub 500 GM without the Brady years…. Dude sucks!

  46. TB Bolts Says:

    Anyone saying don’t start Trask must be big fans of batted balls and missed deep shots. Put the kid in.

  47. LANshark Says:

    We would be 0-5 with Trask starting, just saying

  48. OU Sooner 18 Says:

    Jared Goff had batted balls. Mike Evans drops passes. One of the deep passes Palmer turns around way too soon and it slows his route down. Ya there were some bad throws but what help is he getting? Runs for 1 or 2 yards doesn’t open up anything. Several really good teams had a bad weekend. Purdy lost to a XFL quarterback and Hurts lost to Wilson. Baker is still good just like the other guys but no run game or drops or letting a 20 yard wide open area in the middle of the field every defensive play isn’t helping anything either.

  49. Fred McNeil Says:

    Admittedly, Baker was not exactly helped byany of his teammates. It’s not quite time to replace him just yet.

  50. Dan Naughton Says:

    The game calls: 3 and 1 either roll out or run… 3 and 2 run vs a throw. The roll outs were working. Staying in the pocket was a nightmare. The running game misses a major running back

  51. Manny Says:

    In that photo, the guy on the left looks like an NFL quarterback, the guy on the right looks like a baker at Krispy Kreme.

  52. orlbucfan Says:

    I was disappointed but one glaring fact stood out in this game: the atrocious, one-sided referring. Lions probably would have won if these yahoos were actually doing their jobs, but the score would have been closer and given a better picture of the Bucs O. BTW, you bozos, JTS had quite a few plays.

  53. Stan says Says:

    I have always been a Mike Evans fan, he will get his big contract. I have told anyone that will listen he could have been the greatest to ever play the position if he could just catch the easiest passes. He makes unbelievable catch after catch but somehow seem to drop passes when the team needs a big third down play. The other thing that gets under my skin I feel like he takes to many plays off. I wish him the best of luck in the future come on Mike catch the damn ball.

  54. C R Says:

    The Bucs have scored 90 points all year folks, I wouldn’t get too excited about this team. If they win six games I’ll be surprised.

  55. Bbro Says:

    Defense was on a pretty heavy, so give him a chance before throwing in the towel and Kyle Trask will get his chance just everybody be patient and continue to support our team

  56. WyomingJoe Says:

    You Baker-Hating, jock-sniffing Trask lovers make me want to puke! What a bunch of whiners. You’re certainly not not Bucs fans and you certainly don’t know football. Hopefully, Baker isn’t injured because if he is you can kiss the season goodbye because Trask doesn’t have it.

  57. Pewter Power Says:

    Oh ok I didn’t realize we were going to blame the quarterback for this game. Bench baker lol so sad

    Uh if Trask ends up in the starting lineup it’s because the Bucs gave up on their season.

    Trask is not Brock Purdy, he’s a second round pick. How many backup quarterbacks play better than the starter In the Super Bowl era so since 1970? Not counting being injured I can’t name them but I’ll give you 5.

  58. Student of the Game Says:

    I agree with orlbuc fan. The refs sucked more than the Trask fans think Baker did. Every NFL team looks Super Bowl ready when they can hold with impunity. I saw it during SF and Jets game. Saw it on last TD by Lions. Replay with announcers bragging on Geoff for staying in the pocket showed lineman with a hand death gripping the inside of the shoulder pads ushering Bucs pass rusher to the left and opening throwing lane. DB on the Evans interference should be playing in major soccer league. He has the falls down. That said, Bucs are 3-2 and you Baker haters predicted 1-4 at best. Run game needs to get better and everything else will get better for the offense. Still looking at 11-5 or 12-4 season unless Trask fans get their wish. Then you can flip that prediction. 5-11 or 4-12.