Joe Tryon-Shoyinka On Calijah Kancey: “A Bullet Ready To Be Shot Out”

October 22nd, 2023

Major props from teammate.

If Bucs fans were impressed with the home debut last week of defensive tackle Calijah Kancey, just wait, said one Kancey teammate.

Joe spoke with Bucs outside linebacker Joe Tryon-Shoyinka about Kancey and all JTS could do was shake his head. Kancey, JTS said, is going to be a handful.

“Kancey is a bullet ready to be shot out at any time,” JTS said. “I think it is crazy. He’s a different dynamic.”

As JTS told Joe, Kancey is not in shape. He missed virtually all of training camp and preseason with a calf injury. When he did return for 11 snaps in the season-opener at Minnesota, he reaggravated the injury and didn’t play against until last week against the Lions.

Evan Kancey admitted all the work he has done was rehabbing has him way behind in work on his fundamentals and techniques.

JTS said folks better watch out when Kancey catches up.

“They’re not used to that!” JTS said of interior offensive linemen dealing with Kancey’s speed, which was evident against Detroit. “With those movements? I’m excited!”

Cross your fingers, Bucs fans.

16 Responses to “Joe Tryon-Shoyinka On Calijah Kancey: “A Bullet Ready To Be Shot Out””

  1. BillyBucco Says:

    We need him in shape ASAP.
    He already KNOWS what to do, but doing against teal NFL talent does take reps until that confidence is back.
    Now this is a guy that I expect to see quick results with.
    Unlike saying just wait until week 12 and we MIGHT have a run longer than 14 yds.
    You watch, first game back for Edmonds and he will be the guy to break 14 yds.
    Then, EVERYONE will know it’s the RB talent and it will be too late to add anyone.
    Hell Bowles said it was too late to go get a lineman last year at like week 2.

  2. garro Says:

    Is it just me or is that statement coming from the wrong Buc player?

    Just saying…We got guys that really need to do more before they get in front of a microphone.

    Go Bucs

  3. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    LOL……what garro said.

  4. Lt. Dan Says:

    Kancey was impressive in his 11 snaps v. Minny. was even more impressive v. Detroit. It only stands to reason that as he rounds into shape and learns a bit more from NFL coaches and the players around him he will only get better. Warren Sapp 2.0?

  5. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Good…then JTS can ride CKs a$$ and make some plays…..

  6. dmatt Says:

    They’re not used to that!” JTS said of interior offensive linemen dealing with Kancey’s speed.

    I hope folks don’t get too complacent with wishful thinking that JTS will produce 7 sacks. The sack against Lions was pure luck. JTS is a dud that’s shot out every week. I’ve seen enough of his one attribute, speed and lack of basic football knowledge. With 13:38 in the 3rd quarter, Lions had the ball on their own 30 yd line on 3rd & 4. Goff is in shotgun formation, Bucs blitz n Goff throws short pass to his right to Josh Reynolds’s, JTS was squared up facing Goff 3 yards away from Goff as pass was thrown his direction m. It was an easy pick had JTS jumped up to bat the ball down, Reynolds’s caught the ball n zig zag for a first down as JTS follow in pursuit but gestures with both hands on the side of his head as in “omg”while in motion running after Reynolds’s. Who does that? Can’t Bowles see that this guy is outta his league. Folks don’t u remember the play last year when JTS had a int that was given to him by Joe Burrows n he batted the ball to the ground. It’s time for a change…can u say Ya Ya.

  7. ModHairKen Says:

    If Kancey and s a bullet ready to shoot out, then JTS is a shotgun load of rubber pellets, bouncing off or missing.

  8. Pewter Power Says:

    Hopefully year two he becomes a household name

  9. Brandon Says:

    Y’all’s criticism of JTS is comical. He’s currently our best all around edge defender and it isn’t even close.

  10. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Brandon, I would agree with you and that is very sad but don’t give him credit for anything good because he’s a horrible OLB. He’s always taken out of the play by the tackles he also gives up on half his plays and when he does get free of the tackle in pursuit he’s always 3 yards behind the quarterback in chase. He had one good game against the bears.

  11. Mike Johnson Says:

    Now if only we could make some sort of bullet out of you Tryon……

  12. orlbucfan Says:

    Brandon Says:
    October 22nd, 2023 at 9:28 am
    Y’all’s criticism of JTS is comical. He’s currently our best all around edge defender and it isn’t even close.
    Brandon, there are a lot of bozos on here who think they know more about defensive talent than Todd Bowles and/or Tony Dungy. JTS is usually always in the opposing team’s backfield causing disruption. So, now the sacks and turnovers are starting to come his way. He, VV and Kancey are going to be a force. That is already evident.

  13. bucsfaninOregon Says:

    I’m glad that people are catching on to the JTS show. And, you all know what kind of show it is, regardless of what Brandon says.

  14. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    JTS is like GMC – quick explosive moves to nowhere.

  15. Captain Vic Says:

    Okay 3 things that need to be said and they’re all inter-connected:
    1. Bucs D last week, especially our front 7 + Antoine Winfield, looked like they were game ready, and had a really good first half. Even kept Detroit out of the end zone on short field. I really like Winfield as a Blitzer a la Ronde Barber, even w Devon White also, set tone early in games. It seems like Coach Bowles starts off like a Rocky movie where D has to get beat up/gashed before he starts getting aggressive. If Kancey is as advertised, then maybe we have the luxury of getting pressure w. just front 4. By 2nd half our D was gassed, played almost double snaps as Lions D.
    2. The “run” game: Calales seems like a really nice guy, but there’s that old expression nice guys finish last. He was supposed to bring this innovative “Zone blocking” creativity, but our Run game looks way too much like Leftwhich, predictable, boring, run straight up the middle. Just like last 2 seasons, not using the skill set and speed on our roster. How about some motion, some end arounds, some fake end arounds with Devin Tompkins and Trey Palmer? Stretch the field sideline to sideline, tire out those big D lineman. Plus White seems more like a flanker back/pass catcher then a banger running up the middle.
    3: QB: I like Mayfield, and I remember the initial success he had in Cleveland, Plus I just happened to catch that game last year where he led the Rams to a victory and was really brilliant after only being with the team for less than a week. The tipped ball early in the first quarter last week would have been a TD to Evans, easy. That was just bad luck, and worse an interception to boot. The couple times he overthrew Trey Palmer, and Evans my only advice to him is put some air under the ball! He was trying to be too perfect and hit them right in stride but they were wide open and if he lays the ball out there, those are 2 or 3 more big plays, or TD’s. Go Bucs! 1st Place!!

  16. Captain Vic Says:

    Okay 3 things that need to be said and they’re all inter-connected:
    1. Bucs D last week, especially our front 7 + Antoine Winfield,
    looked like they were game ready, and had a really good first half.
    Even kept Detroit out of the end zone on short field. 1 really like
    Winfield as a Blitzer a la Ronde Barber, even w Devon White also,
    set tone early in games. It seems like Coach Bowles starts off like
    a Rocky movie where D has to get beat up/gashed before he
    starts getting aggressive. If Kancey is as advertised, then maybe
    we have the luxury of getting pressure w. just front 4. By 2nd half
    our D was gassed, played almost double snaps as Lions D
    2. The “run” game: Calales seems like a really nice guy, but there’s
    that old expression nice guys finish last. He was supposed to
    bring this innovative “Zone blocking” creativity, but our Run game
    looks way too much like Leftwhich, predictable, boring, run
    straight up the middle. Just like last 2 seasons, not using the skil
    set and speed on our roster. How about some motion, some end
    arounds, some fake end arounds with Devin Tompkins and Trey
    Palmer? Stretch the field sideline to sideline, tire out those big D
    lineman. Plus White seems more like a flanker back/pass catcher
    then a banger running up the middle.
    3: QB: I like Mayfield, and I remember the initial success he had in
    Cleveland, Plus I just happened to catch that game last year where
    he led the Rams to a victory and was really brilliant after only
    being with the team for less than a week. The tipped ball early in
    the first quarter last week would have been a TD to Evans, easy.
    That was just bad luck, and worse an interception to boot. The
    couple times he overthrew Trey Palmer, and Evans my only advice
    to him is put some air under the ball! He was trying to be too
    perfect and hit them right in stride but they were wide open and if
    ne lays the ball out there, those are 2 or 3 more big plays, or TD’s
    Go Bucs! 1st Place!!