“He’s Having A Good Time”

October 2nd, 2023

Baker Mayfield

Life is great when you’re completing 69+ percent of your passes, playing for a first-place team and being 100 percent appreciated by your teammates and coaches.

Baker Mayfield probably feels like most folks who relocated to the Tampa Bay area. He’s gotta be thinking, ‘What the hell was I doing in Cleveand, Charlotte and L.A.?’

Gaining maturity, that’s what Mayfied was doing, setting himself up perfectly to the Buccaneers’ right quarterback at the right time.

Yesterday, Bucs fans got to watch Mayfield take more hard shots from a defense — including a nasty, almost-dirty hit by the slimy Saints that drew a personal foul. That endeeared him even more to the Bucs faithful like Joe.

This afternoon at One Buc Palace, Todd Bowles was asked about Mayfield staying in one piece. Bowles sort of dropped an ‘I told you so’ and said Mayfield is loving very minute of it.

“Baker’s tough. I say it up here all the time,” Bowles said. “You don’t want him taking too many of those, but he’s tough, he’s gritty, [and] he’s a very smart football player. He’s a competitor, he’s been like that his whole life, it hasn’t changed. He has a lot to prove, he’s having fun out there, he understands the offense, he’s using every piece of [weaponry] that we give him, and he’s having a good time.”

Joe’s brain went directly to Bowles saying Mayfield is “having a good time.” Mayfield seems to be one of those competitors who runs hot and cold. He’s jacked up and laser focused when things are good, and Joe’s really not sure what happens when Mayfield faces major adversity.

Joe is thinking of adversity as a three-game losing streak, not some bad plays or a rough night.

Hopefully, the Bucs keep up their consistency and total-team-effort play. If so, Joe could envision Mayfield never having to deal with a losing streak this season.

60 Responses to ““He’s Having A Good Time””

  1. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    The Dude abides

  2. Citrus County Says:

    Canales and Mayfield are a perfect pairing. He’ll keep Baker grounded and centered.
    The longer they are together the more mutual respect and trust each will gain. My hopes are that we can keep this pairing along with Mr. Coach Bowles for years to come.

  3. Weebs10 Says:

    Man I had low expectations for this season and I was ok with it. We just spent big and got a Super Bowl plus two division titles. I was willing to be patient for a year or two of transition. This season has been an absolute blast so far!! Go Bucs!! I don’t think we’re a Super Bowl team but we sure look like a playoff team and a tough out for anyone!!

  4. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    What a day!
    * Turmoil in New Orleans
    * ATM made a withdrawal
    * Bucs eat a W
    * New receivers look great
    * New offense look disciplined and effective
    * Slimy saints explicitly tried (again) to injure a Buc but Mayfiled is too tough.
    Bad Saint! No bounty!

  5. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    * Carr is a disaster

    (To be honest I would have taken Carr over Mayfield too, but that’s why I comment and Licht finds players)

  6. AtlBuc Says:

    I don’t see us having a three game losing streak. But if we do, I think Baker has matured enough to handle it. PLus, there will be no players, or their fathers, throwing Baker under the bus if things start to go south.

  7. Baking with Canales Says:

    We are blessed to experience a new quarterback at the right time again. It sure seems like a perfect match again. Let the fun games continue!

    Go Bucs!!!

  8. AtlBuc Says:

    I think BRady wanted receivers to have a certain amount of separation before he would throw them the ball. Baker makes contested throws. I don’t think Brady would have thrown any of Evan’s three completions. Based on what I saw yesterday, I don’t know whether it was Lattimore or Brady shutting Evans down in previous games.

  9. Alanbucsfan Says:

    5 of next 6 games are against Lions, Bills, Texans, Titans and 49ers – toughest stretch of season

  10. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    -Week 1: The Bucs #28, A’ints #16
    -Week 2: The Bucs #24, A’ints #14
    -Week 3: The Bucs #21, A’ints #10
    -Week 4: The Bucs #20, A’ints #14

    All 4 weeks before we beat the A’ints, NFL. com had them ranked above us. So don’t believe we’ve only beaten bad teams. If we had lost, the A’ints would be 3-1, in first place and the same “fans” would be trashing our team for losing. Read the open game thread. These are the same guys the Dr Pepper commercial is making fun of when they lose their minds after the first play and start trashing their team and burning their team swag.

  11. Shane Callahan Says:

    When I was in the USAF, I made a good friend from Tampa. I’m an Okey. I felt a kinship with him that made me feel like Tampa folks and Okey folks were a lot alike. I’m so glad you guys are finally embracing Baker. I hope he brings y’all lots of wins. Go Bucs!

  12. dls5492 Says:

    I love a good BM! (BTW, check youtube, etc., Saints fans are crying!)

  13. HC Grover Says:

    We have to beat the Lions. This is the tell for the season.

  14. Bucs since 76 Says:

    I will gladly say I was wrong about Mayfield he is the real deal. Maybe now is the time to lock him up to three year deal.

  15. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    dls5492 Says:
    October 2nd, 2023 at 5:07 pm
    I love a good BM! (BTW, check youtube, etc., Saints fans are crying!)

    It’s fun to watch them whine!!!

  16. Watch More ALL22 Before Commenting Says:

    Mayfield has suffered nothing but adversity – he was on the Browns and Panthers. This is the first winning organization he’s played for other than the Rams on a brief visit.

  17. dbbuc711 Says:

    I think the percentage of fans who appreciate him is growing every week

  18. SlyPirate Says:

    Bucs win the NFCS

    We’re only 25% through the year but the Bucs will win the NFCS. The Saints took a step backwards. Atlanta and Carolina have not improved (may be worse than last year). The Bucs got better. That defense is solid. The offense is better at controlling the game.

  19. BuddhaBuc Says:

    @Shane – I’m an Okey too, but I moved from Tampa to Broken Arrow 2 yrs ago. What part of Oklahoma are you in?

  20. Citrus County Says:

    I think it is quite possible that Bucs fans are witnessing the best all around coaching and team assembly since the Dungy era. For all the uninformed newcomers, that was 22 years ago. If Coach Dungy had the offensive support and competent front office support for his defense based team that this team has….well, couda, wouda, shouda.

    But that is the past. The morons that have no clue don’t realize that they may be witnessing a new era that surpasses all others. And that includes the TB12 and Kangol Hat era.

    Let the uninformed be reminded that the greatest Buc defense stated “Just give us 17 points and we’ll win it.”

    Stop your mindless criticisms morons and enjoy the ride.

    The clueless comments from those in our area just invite more trolls from elsewhere.

  21. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of UniqueModernArt.com Says:

    Baker Mayfield, Bucs Franchise QB thru til the 2034 season at minimum.

    I think we’re Bakin for awhile, Buc fans…

    LF Keep it Going

    SB or bust

  22. HC Grover Says:

    Hello…We play the Lions Sunday.

  23. Buddha Says:

    The media continue to act utterly shocked that Baker Mayfield is having so much success. How surprising should this be? Baker is on his eighth head coach in this his sixth year in the league. Until he got to the Rams, he had never played for a coach with a winning record other than Greg Williams who was not hired as head coach after having a 5-3 record as an interim coach. The others:

    Hugh Jackson 3-36-1
    Freddie Kitchens 22-34
    Kevin Stefanski 6-16 outside Baker’s year of 11-5
    Matt Rhule 11-27
    Steve Wilks 9-19

    If you think coaching and stability don’t matter, then you shrug your shoulders. Of course, Todd Bowles record as a head coach is not much to brag about. But these other “Losers” did not bring great credentials to the job. At least Bowles record as a defensive coordinator is stellar (52-29)!

  24. Citrus County Says:

    My comment was not directed to any of the previous posts in this thread. Much to my own consternation I’m spending too much time keeping track of all the posts and can’t recall which comments I made in what post. I have noticed however that there are many good folks that have much good to offer. Pity the Joes for having to read all of it. That’s HARD WORK and they should be appreciated for their efforts. Yes that sounds like A** kissing but is only an acknowledgment of their hard work.

  25. Eddie Says:

    Told yall bucs going to superbowl this year. Better team than superbowl team was in 2020. Younger, faster and more energy. Wont be plagued by injuries due to age again like last year. Dont give up hope with every loss, its not indicative of an entire season.

  26. Pewter Power Says:

    Joe’s really not sure what happens when Mayfield faces major adversity.

    Are you talking about facing adversity like Monday night because not much went right for the offense

  27. Citrus County Says:

    Amen Eddie. I’m not so sure of a Super Bowl appearance yet but with some good fortune it shouldn’t be ruled out and the Debbie Downers should keep their mouth shut if we don’t make it. It is obvious that this entire organization is trying hard for the team and fans and that is something that hasn’t always appeared to be the case.

  28. Mike C Says:

    Orange game Flexed to 425! LFG

  29. Citrus County Says:

    To Pewter Power and Joe; Baker Mayfield has been facing adversity for his entire NFL career. Agreed ? I don’t think a 3 game losing streak will will destroy the confidence of this young man. He’s a fighter. He will persevere adversity and come out a winner. JUST WATCH.

  30. Irishmist Says:

    We should all take a moment to give thanks that the pole cats took Bryce Young instead of C.J. Stroud. Stroud is already looking like a legitimate franchise QB for the Texans, while Young looks like a scared fawn surrounded by wolves when he is in the pocket

  31. Jerry Says:

    NFL flexed the Bucs-Lions game to 4:25

  32. Jeremy Says:

    Bowles is a really good defensive coach. Maybe Leftwich was the problem. I’m glad TB12 is gone, I felt he did more harm than good last year. BM and coach C are doing a really good job. We might be seeing Philly again come NFC championship time

  33. Citrus County Says:

    I said from the moment the Bucs acquired Baker that I believed he would become our version of Drew Brees and I stand by that. Want to bet that Dennis Allen and Jon Gruden may agree with me after yesterdays game ?

  34. Mark hardt Says:

    Well you saw what happened last season. When things go bad he asks to be traded. It worked out in LA and Sean McVey revitalized him. He chose the Bucs because it is basically the Rams offense. He has also matured. 5 years ago he would be gloating. Now he is saying tune out the chatter.

  35. Defense Rules Says:

    Eddie … ‘Told yall bucs going to superbowl this year.’

    I tend to be optimistic too for the most part, but still, 1 game at a time. Three teams in the NFC (Eagles, Cowboys & 49ers) are pretty well stocked to compete for the championship this year. Lions are looking like the real deal so far too. We’d have to the playoffs first, then get past them in the playoffs to get a shot at the AFC survivor (they have several pretty good teams too).

    We’ve already played 1 of the big boys (Eagles), but we’ve still got several others to contend with (Lions, 49ers, Bills & Ravens for starters). All of those are primarily ground & pound teams like the Eagles (and we had a little bit of a problem with them). Hopefully we face each of them with a healthy team so we can get a sense of what we’ve really got under the hood. One game at a time.

  36. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Baker mayfield chose the Bucs because if the Bucs were good enough for Tom Brady, the Bucs were good enough for baker mayfield.
    That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
    Now, let’s go eat some W’s!

  37. Kidfloflo Says:

    Joe, “almost dirty hit” that was no doubt a slimy Saints classic dirty play that could have benched Baker for the season! Thank Jah he bounced back up, he or the team should never forget it! Ask Godwin about such plays

  38. Citrus County Says:

    To Mark hardt ; You make a valid point but Baker has a team, fan base (rapidly increasing), a GM, a head coach, and Dave Canales all behind him now. A fresh start with this situation offers him something he has until now not seen in his career. He knows he will be appreciated here and he benefits from his past experiences and maturity. We can thank Sean McVey for his revitalization but Baker new the Rams were not his opportunity for redemption. He took a shot on the Bucs and we took a shot on him. It worked out and Dave Canales will make him a star QB to each of their benefit. Thank you Jason Licht and Glazer family .

  39. Wild Bill Says:

    Looks like winning has drawn a lot of newbies and also some big expectations. I loved the win over the Saints but there some much better opponents coming up in the next few weeks. If the Bucs can win 3 out 4 of the next 4 games they will considered serious contenders. It’s possible, but not a sure thing by any means. If they win at least 2 of the next four they will be respectable at 5/3 with easier opponents in the second half of the season. The next 4 games are HUGE!!!

  40. Citrus County Says:

    I return to my Drew Brees comparison. Baker was drafted by Cleveland, CLEVELAND !
    He was dropped into a steaming pile of dung, abandoned like a bad date, and woke up in Charlotte surrounded by the same stench of dung. The LA Ram experience was the best thing that could happen to him. With ZERO expectations and everything working against him, he WON that game. That ONE game proved him to be a winner.
    Mayfield, Canales, and Bowles are a perfect match. Bowles and Mayfield are experiencing a rebirth of sorts and Canales is the bright young star on the rise. I truly believe good things are happening for the Bucs. Just don’t mess it up Glazers.

  41. Let’s eat another W Says:

    Go Bucs!

  42. Citrus County Says:

    Winning with TB12 felt good. Winning with BM6 feels even better.

  43. Brandon Says:

    Wow. Look at that. People that don’t know good football are finally convinced of something I knew a month ago. This is a 10+ win team. We are better in all three phases of the game and at the QB position. The first three I knew, the last I’d said we’d be fine if we had an average performance from our QB position.

  44. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    Citrus County Says:

    I truly believe good things are happening for the Bucs. Just don’t mess it up Glazers.

    ^ They will. That’s what they do. “It’s a great team but there must be a way to cut costs” is the secret motto.

  45. BillyBucco Says:

    DR we don’t play the Ravens this year?
    That was in preseason.
    Out hardest games left are Detroit, Bills, SF, GB in December frozen tundra and Jacksonville.
    No way we lose all those.
    Carolina is terrible.
    Atlanta looked horrible in London.
    Houston isn’t a gimme but if we play like yesterday we can beat anyone but maybe SF and Bills.

  46. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    Kidfloflo Says:
    October 2nd, 2023 at 7:21 pm

    Joe, “almost dirty hit” that was no doubt a slimy Saints classic dirty play that could have benched Baker for the season! Thank Jah he bounced back up, he or the team should never forget it! Ask Godwin about such plays

    Saints are pure evil

  47. David Says:

    Baker M. Sucks against good teams as he did against Eagles on national TV. Real lousy Baker will show up whenever Bucs play the teams outside of their division, Lions, 49ers, Bills. He can beat up on poor Falcons, North C. and Saint within the division.

    Baker was desperate to come to Bucs to play in worst division in NFL that matches his qualifications. He and other teams knew he has no chance playing in any other divisions in NFL.

    Ther is a slim chance that miracles can happens and Baker changes back to a starting NFL qb.

    However he is still a garbage qb until he defeats or play efficient on regular basis against good playoff teams

  48. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    Jeremy Says:
    October 2nd, 2023 at 6:44 pm

    Bowles is a really good defensive coach. Maybe Leftwich was the problem?

    ^ Ya think? LOL

  49. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    Citrus County Says:
    October 2nd, 2023 at 5:43 pm

    I think it is quite possible that Bucs fans are witnessing the best all around coaching and team assembly since the Dungy era.

    ^ Slow down there amigo. Bucco Bruce and TB12 were the best and Gruden and the 2002 Bucs were the 2nd best teams.
    As far as coaching I’d say Bucco Bruce, Father Dungy and Gruden in that order.

  50. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    LOL the Gruden cancellation is one of the most butthurt and ghey things that I have ever witnessed. The obscene power od the 4th estate.

  51. Used to be Browns fan Says:

    Did you notice that Deshaun Watson was cleared to play but chose not to because of a shoulder injury? Baker played all season with a much worse shoulder injury. He was great for the Browns until he started playing hurt. If you compare Baker’s last injury free season with the Browns to Watson’s last season of playing for Houston, Baker did much better. Baker has an old-school mentality and thinks that he is letting his team down if he sits. I hope that the Tampa Bay coaches and management take better care of their QBs than Cleveland does if he gets hurt.

  52. Citrus County Says:

    To Vlad The Impaler; In my opinion, the Kangol Hat owed most of his success the first few years to Mr. Coach Bowles running the defense. BA couldn’t coach up Jaboo even though he was regarded as the “Quarterback Whisperer” and likely took the Tampa job because he thought he could do so. When TB came to town all BA had to do was teach him the new offense and we won in spite of Leftwich. TB12 won the super bowl for us in spite of the coaching, although BA handled the pandemic shutdown very well. Pre snap and stupid penalties were a hallmark of BA’s tenure and that goes directly to coaching.

    Gruden had Monte Kiffin running the defense loaded with HOF talent carried over from the Dungy era. Look closely at some of the “talent” Chucky brought in. He had some big busts.

    Mr. Coach Bowles has not been handed on a silver platter the same advantages that Kangol Hat and Chucky were given.

    Mr. Coach Bowles, now freed from the Hat, facing very negative media, low regard from the fans, and the spectre of his NY Jets past has exceeded expectations. This is now his team through and through.

    As I have stated in previous comments, the Glazers caught lightning in a bottle twice by pure circumstance.

    Coach Bowles and Jason Licht are starting with a clean sheet of paper this time and are so far doing very well. I am more impressed by what they are doing than what Chucky or Kangol Hat did with their two length head start.

  53. Larrd Says:

    Fans and teammates believing in Baker is nothing new. I don’t think either ever turned on him in Cleveland. OBJ and his dad, I guess.

  54. Citrus County Says:

    Speaking of stupid penalties, I think the “tweaked” hamstring #13 suffered may have (pure speculation) mysteriously happened due to the wisdom of a very insightful head coach. I admire Mike Evans and was proud to see him stand up for his teammates in the incident with Lattimore that cost him and the team a one game suspension last year. I believe Mr. Coach Bowles could see it coming again and made a decision. If that is true then Mr. Coach Bowles showed his wisdom, courage, strength in command and true leadership qualities. Those are the qualities I accused him of lacking. Boy was I wrong.

  55. CAbucsfan Says:

    All the post from those who wanted Carr over Baker bet ya’ll glad that didn’t happen lol

  56. JBBUCS_06 Says:

    Shake N Bake. Starting to believe. A little.

  57. WyomingJoe Says:

    As I said many times before, I followed Baker through his years with Cleveland. The Cleveland fans loved him, but during the 2021 season following his injury the Cleveland press crucified him. They seemed to attack him at every press conference. Slowly, he fought back by challenging some of their questions. Look what’s happened since Baker left: the Browns have a big time losing record.

  58. BillyBucco Says:

    There is no doubt outside of a few bad throws (Inaccurate) Baker has done nothing that would signify he is a bad QB. Has any QB thrown less than 1 pick?
    I haven’t looked, but I would assume everyone throws picks this year. His did come in a game where I felt he reached the point of feeling like he needed to PRESS, but that shouldn’t happen unless we fall behind considerably. As far as IDENTITY goes, the Bucs are inching closer to discovering theirs, and if, IF the defense can play like that every game moving forward, don’t see us falling behind terribly except for maybe SF and the Bills. Those are road games of some distance and SF across the whole nation. IMO, it will take a sloppy game for them to lose to anyone. You never know in the playoffs though.
    If we beat the Lions, at home, in a Jersey we haven’t worn in decades, after a bye week, we might be ranked top 5, which is CRAZY to even say. Everything I have seen tonight has us at #9 already.
    Simply Put LFG Bucs!!!!

  59. BucU Says:

    This David dude is the king of the negative Nancy’s in here. He makes me look like an eternal optimist.
    How about just enjoying the surprising start to the season bub? You must be a joy to hang around with.

  60. Bucs13 Says:

    @Eddie. This team is not better than the 2020. Are you out of your mind. The 2020 team beats this team in every metric. The offense numbers are way better. Let’s not get carried away