Baker Mayfield And The “Universal Language”

October 10th, 2023

Joe has a first class seat on the Baker Mayfield bandwagon.

A near-perfect preseason followed by a stunning four-game run to start the regular season, what’s not to like?

It’s all come together so quickly for Mayfield. And one big reason is Mayfield’s way about himself.

General manager Jason Licht calls Mayfield “a dude.” Head coach Todd Bowles has called Mayfield a guy’s guy that players love to play for.

Bucs officials and many others have referenced Mayfield making tough-guy plays via his tough-guy ways as a big part of him rallying the roster and earning its respect.

Former NFL quarterback, brother of Carson Palmer and noted college QB guru Jordan Palmer referenced this in a report on He sees Mayfield as being the right QB at the right time for Tampa Bay.

“I always say there’s a couple of universal languages in an NFL locker room. Toughness is one of them,” Palmer said. “You can be a punk, or you can be the man. You can be from the hood, or you can be from the country. But toughness? We speak toughness. Work ethic, that’s a universal language. And then making plays. We need you to make this block, we need you to run your lane in kickoff, we need you to get this stop, we need you to make this throw.

“I see Baker as a tough, hard-working guy who’s making plays and that’s universal language to speak to any guy in the locker room.”

Tampa Bay needed a strong personality like Mayfield to take the reins from Tom Brady, and they got it. It sounds like heresy, but it’s been an easy transition from Brady to Mayfield.

Mayfield has a long way to go to prove that he’s the Bucs quarterback that Brady was, but he’s perfectly on track through his 6 1/2 months in Tampa.

38 Responses to “Baker Mayfield And The “Universal Language””

  1. Cannon Says:

    They say that a football team often takes on the personality of its QB.

    Through four games, we look tough, gritty, and determined. No quit. Keep grinding.

    I like what Baker has brought.

  2. Jack Clark Says:

    “A near-perfect preseason followed by a stunning four-game run to start the regular season, what’s not to like?”

    I don’t like that we can’t depend on Baker Mayfield to put up 30 points for us to win a game, but I’m glad Baker Mayfield is playing well enough for us to win. We will put up more points per game when our offensive line starts run blocking better. All credit to our offensive success should go to our new OC imo. Dave Canales just needs 2 or 3 more years to perfect his offense and then he can go get a head coaching job.

  3. Steven007 Says:

    Great start for Baker. To this point he is certainly the man. An example of a punk would be Mac Jones. He’s largely unliked on his own team from reports, and he’s quite disliked from opponents for his dirty play. And he’s simply not very good. Belichick must be on antidepressants after the departure of TB12. Ditto for NE fan. Good riddance.

  4. BucU Says:

    Amen to THAT!!

  5. SlyPirate Says:

    That’s a good take. Favre had a lot of love from everyone (his team and the other team) because he was so tough.

    You know who isn’t tough: Goff.

  6. Buc4evr Says:

    Just hope the week off doesn’t affect this team adversely. The Bucs never seem to do well the week after being off. O line and D line better be ready as the Lions are a tough team in the trenches. Need 30+ points this weekend. LFG!

  7. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of Says:

    I watched that full podcast and I’ve watched the few national interviews/ segments that Baker had done in the past few weeks, and dare I say that I think he’s the ‘coolest’ QB we’ve ever had in Tampa. No offense to Brady who was cool too, Baker is the man.

    I loved when they were discussing his trash talking, Lol

  8. JCLV Says:

    Hey Joe, what Baker has is moxie and hope you come to like that term cause it gets used with reference to him because he is a “dude”. Whatever it was that Gary Huff had was not the same stuff. Glad the Bucs fans are getting to see what Sooner fans have known all along and not what the media has put out there.

  9. KC Buc Says:

    I also enjoyed Baker’s shoutout to Wirfs on the College Gameday set this past weekend. He really seems to be happy in Tampa, more than we could ever say about our last QB.

  10. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    Bake has won over his coaches, his teammates and now the media is coming around. Looks like everyone except the Trask fanbois who love to bloviate on JBF, are finally accepting Bake as a legitimate QB1. Don’t forget, they picked us to be the worst team, with the worst QB who would be benched first. F’ck the haters!

  11. Cobraboy Says:

    Tough recognizes and respects tough.

  12. Oz Len Says:

    Being from Ohio, I’ve followed Baker for his whole NFL career. I’m a fan and that’s why I’ve made Tampa my team this year. In my opinion, he’s been flying a little bit above his curve lately. I’ve always thought of him as a top half or maybe even top-third QB when everything is working from him. I am concerned that I’m seeing him a little too much on TV and podcasts, well actually everywhere. I would rather see him dig in and forget everything else but his craft. He also needs to take care of his body a little more during the games, and I have noticed him running out of bounds in later games. He’s at a crossroads in his career with a lot to prove. I hope he keeps it going. Carry on!

  13. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    NE Brady’s personal nut gurgler ain’t going like this

  14. Tom in MadCity Says:

    The biggest difference I have seen between Mayfield and Brady through four weeks is the ability to escape a collapsing pocket. Both QBs can sense the pressure coming, but Mayfield has a better ability to avoid the rush and keep the play alive.

  15. DLdub Says:

    Baker was judged unfairly in Cleveland. There is a reason no QB since Brian Sipe has been successful there. He drew a bad hand in Carolina and he didn’t have enough time in L.A but Sooner Nation knows what he is made of, how tough he is . Just let Baker be Baker and he will win a lot of games for you.

  16. Dwayne Cone Says:

    Jack Clark Says

    Dave Canales just needs 2 or 3 more years to perfect his offense and then he can go get a head coaching job.

    You can see it every week run almost to perfection. Dallas got a taste Sunday Night. Lack of tape on Canales Offense is not and advantage. Teams just need prepare to play the 49er’s every week.

  17. Erik The Viking Says:

    The next 7 games will tell us all just how tough and determined this entire team truly is. Attitude reflects leadership. 3-1 through 4 games is a great start and I’m happy. But big time players make big plays in big games. Sunday against the Lions might as well be a playoff game. Defend our home turf at all costs. LFG!!!

  18. Barbosa Says:

    Baker is a leader. He is not nor will he ever replace Tom Brady. He is Baker and he is a leader of men, which is all we need. Now to teach him the run out of bounds versus the QB stiff arm. Less of that Mr. Mayfield and we are golden!

  19. m milligan Says:

    Big game, need to get this W with 49ers & Bills coming up, both at their place.

  20. WyomingJoe Says:

    OZ: I’v been following Baker’s career as well. I always felt that his growth was stunted by so many different HC’s and OC’s early in his career. I’m amazed that he’s as good as he is! But he might have found the right team to make him a top 5 QB, certainly a perennial top 10 … regardless of what some of the Baker Haters on this site say.

  21. Buccos Says:

    If we beat the Lions then we can start to heap praise on this team. We have beaten 2 bad teams and a mediocre team. The Lions are good and we have had 2 weeks to prepare. So win this game and then we can start to talk playoffs

  22. Crickett Baker Says:

    I loved the Baker stiff-arm. You really can’t get hurt pushing a guy away. I don’t even mind if we lose this game (I don’t think we will) as long as the team fights and it is an entertaining game. I really like our chances for a W though.

  23. BakerFan Says:

    Hey if TB does not embrace Baker, then send him on down to the Cowboys and they can send you Dak Prescott….. or I can say this same thing about 15 other teams. If Rams Stafford hangs it up there will be competition immediately for his services.

  24. BucaneroJim Says:

    I have always liked Baker. Glad the Bucs went with him. I wanted him over the other QB choices at the time. And glad, he is performing well and has jelled with the team!

    I like Kyle as well, it would be interesting to see him in real action for an extended period on time. I hope Baker goes all season, but if Trask has to step in (injury), I believe he/we can succeed. Trask can rush, scramble and pass out of the pocket, maybe not the fastest – but he is no concrete statute pocket passer as suggested, like Brady… plus, he’s is not afraid to rush and take a hit or stand make the pass and take the hit, when he knows its coming. While, his personally is not the brash frat boy like Baker, he’s a tough physical guy and a leader in his own right – not a milk toast.

    Nothing wrong with 3 quality QBs on the team.

  25. J Says:

    NE fan is somewhere drinking himself into oblivion. Baker looks better than Brady this year, and Bill looks like Joe Biden coaching an NFL team.

  26. Hodad Says:

    Joe, it’s as easy as going from a 46 year old girlfriend to a 28 year old one!

  27. Since76 Says:

    I’m happy as hell we are 3-1. But it’s not because of baker. He has played average. That’s what our team needed. He has not wow’d me yet. He plays tough for a QB. But he hasn’t played a game for us where I think he was the reason we won. Against the eagles 147 passing. I guess that it a wow game. The Vikings like 173 passing. Sorry guys not going to annoint him anything until he can play at least average most games.

  28. WyomingJoe Says:

    Since 76: What games are you watching?! Baker is just getting started and he’s already playing better than half of the NFL starting QBs. I just don’t know why you Trasklodytes don’t give him more credit. But you will…

  29. BillyBucco Says:

    NE is talking to his Brady posters in a full on conversation. He said he KNEW Brady and that tells you all you need to know. Now Brady is gone, the Patriots are back n the bottom five and Belicheat has been exposed.
    You can find NE in a ditch somewhere.

  30. David Says:

    “General manager Jason Licht calls Mayfield “a dude.”

    He sure wasn’t a dude against Eagles. He probably won’t be against Lions.

    I think the miracle can happen and Baker could become an efficient starter again. However he has the same odds as winning the lottery ticket. He found a lousy division to take him as a starter before the training camp even started.

  31. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:


  32. Big Red Says:

    If we win 10 games this season, I guarantee Joe Caneles is getting a HC job next season. So don’t get too attached.

    Baker has been average, for sure. Nothing wrong with that. People see average and the knee-jerk reaction is negative. You can be average and win a superbowl. Lesser QB’s than Baker have chips on their resume.

  33. SOEbuc Says:

    If Godeke continues what he’s doing at RT could be close to top OT duo. Amazing pass protection on the outside. Baker and the Bucs oline was what Vegas had us dead last🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

  34. garro Says:

    Ok, I’m sold on what Mayfield brings to the Bucs. Was not a fan of the “moxie thing but I can’t argue with the results. Maybe it’s just that I don’t like the word “moxie” I think I like “dude” better. LOL

    I am tired of the Brady replacement narrative however and I am pretty sure Mayfield is too. He said as much the other day.

    Go Bucs!

  35. orlbucfan Says:

    BM is FEISTY, and it’s contagious. I don’t follow college ball. What OK college did we draft Lee Roy and Dewey Selmon, and Gerald McCoy? Serious question. Go Tampa Bay!!

  36. Don'tBmad Says:

    Lots of casuals in these responses. Typical of today’s world where people look at a screen and get limited input but are quick to pass judgement. Baker is that guy.
    After being doubted by morons his whole life, he’s had to rely on the one person who believes in his ability and work ethic.

  37. tgoodwin Says:

    Yep, u all (us now) r getting 2 c the real gritty fighting Baker bake-the Baker being Baker thing-the I am winning and so is EACH MAN ON OUR TEAM BAKE!!!! Keep goin’ Bake-from Texas, 2 Ok 2 gag-Browns, 2 yuk Panthers, 2 ALRIGHT!!RAMS! 2 OH, HECK YEAH, THE BUCS N BAKER N BAKING TEAM BUCS 2 SUPER BOWL, N, OH MY, THE AWESOMEST FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO BAKER, B BAKER BAKING N GO BUCS-BAKE THOSE WINS U GLORIOUS TEAM-BLOW NFL MINDS WITH ALL OF YA’LLS TALENT AS A TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. BakerBucs Says:

    Sorry but I don’t think the Vikings or the saints r mediocre teams the saints & Vikings r both of quality what makes u the know it alls of good teams every week there is a top tier team that goes down the eagles & the chiefs r lucky their records r not reversed the only team that looks above the frey is SF