“We Had Absolutely Sh*t The Bed Before This Drive”

September 13th, 2023

Baker Mayfield

After Sunday’s game and its media aftermath, Joe has a much better understanding of why Bucco Bruce Arians was a such a huge Baker Mayfield fan in 2018.

Arians had just retired from the Cardinals and studied up on college QBs for his new media gig at CBS. By November of that year, Arians said publicly that he was considering a return to coaching but only for the Cleveland Browns job. Mayfield was their rookie quarterback.

Fast-forward to this spring, and Arians was lauding the Bucs’ Mayfield signing and Mayfield’s skill and how he carries himself.

Part of Mayfield’s aura is being more candid than most, a lot like Arians is. Of course, most NFL coaches and quarterbacks do not tell the whole truth, but Arians and Mayfield will share it more than most.

Mayfield was on The QB Room podcast today with co-hosts Jordan Palmer, the noted college quarterback trainer and former NFL QB, and Bills backup QB Kyle Allen.

They got into a film session on Sunday’s Bucs win in Minnesota and Mayfield noted how huge the touchdown to Mike Evans was late in the first half. He explained how he picked up a zone-defense tell from veteran Vikings safety Harrison Smith and that led to him making the call to Evans deep.

Joe is oversimplifying, but Allen noted how difficult it is to pick up on those defensive tells because there are so many disguises.

“That was the biggest [play] for us because we had absolutely sh*t the bed before this drive,” Mayfield said. “So finally got a couple of tells on it and was able to make this happen. We were lucky.”

Mayfield went on to say how valuable the in-game reps were with Chris Godwin and Mike Evans, buidling trust and confidence. It’s the kind that can only come through games and seeing how well they perform under real pressure, he said.

33 Responses to ““We Had Absolutely Sh*t The Bed Before This Drive””

  1. ATLBuc Says:

    It was like night and day. Mayfield was like 3-12 for 32 yards before that drive. But he really turned it around after that.

  2. Mike C Says:

    With 4drops….would have been 7 of 12 100 yards and a TD easy.

  3. Darin Says:

    I dont know what he means. I’ve only sh!t my pants and pissed the bed

  4. Smoothbayrider Says:

    You heard it here first. Mayfield is going to be in the MVP conversation this year.

  5. Ed Says:

    Maybe someone should ask Mayfield why he call a grown man a boy, sunday afternoon.

  6. Darin Says:

    Heard it there first and last smooth. I like the fact you’re a young fan. I used to think with my heart too

  7. Bob Says:

    Another website says Baker’s throwing shoulder is injured. True?

  8. Marine Buc Says:

    Please stop throwing the ball to Ko Freaking Keift who can’t catch a cold – get the ball to Chris Godwin, Thompkins, Palmer, Otton, White, Tucker and Evans (if he can catch the ball).

    Stop being cute… The Bucs need some production and big plays in order to keep winning and you will not get that from Ko Keift.

  9. ElioT Says:

    @Ed – because he stiff armed the heck outta that DB and made him look like a boy that needs to put on weight.

  10. adam from ny Says:

    watching some youtube content last night, a notable talking head, i forget who, was talking baker mayfield…

    he said even though those scrappy moxie filled runs were inspiring and all, he can’t do that for 17 weeks or he’ll be super beat up…

    in fact the guy also said he was sure this week coach and OC, in film rooms, told him to chill out with the wild scrambles as well…

    he said they will instruct him to start sliding down asap…or else…

    and it makes sense…

    baker was def winning me over getting all scappy out there, but he’s gonna have to chill out a bit…hence the shoulder on injury report

  11. Ed Says:

    ElioT Says:
    September 13th, 2023 at 5:55 pm
    @Ed – because he stiff armed the heck outta that DB and made him look like a boy that needs to put on weight.

    Stiff arming someone is one thing, but calling them a boy, puts a target on your back.

  12. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Hangover from Byron…..isn’t it interesting that Byron rhymes with Myron….

  13. StormyInFl Says:

    “Ed Says:
    September 13th, 2023 at 5:47 pm
    Maybe someone should ask Mayfield why he call a grown man a boy, sunday afternoon.”

    You’re right. Biatch would have been more appropriate.

  14. stpetebucfan Says:

    BOTTOM LINE: It was ONE game! A WIN!!! All areas that needed to at least show potential did from the rookies to the new QB.

    The Bucs may not win big this year but today they are 1-0 after a road win in a tough place to play. It was a hard fought game. It’s all good tonight at leaast.

  15. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    I luv it. 💩 the 🛌. You can’t make it up. Dude’s gotta since of humor too! I’m liking it.😎

  16. Infomeplease Says:

    I liked the BM6 signing for the cost and the potential he could bring. The more I see and here from him, the more I believe he is a true “winner” . This team will never have another GOAT at QB but to find a guy who talks up the players at crunch time and then goes on to deliver is special! There’s video of him talking up the offense to not give the ball back to Minn at around 4 minutes left in the game. Leadership! I know it’s only one game, my map says BM6 is driving the bus in the right direction!!

  17. BillyBucco Says:

    Let me guess, MR ED is a Minnesota fan?
    Throw darts all you want, Murphy was MAN handled by a 6’ QB lmao

  18. Mike S Says:

    LOL the comments are like reading a two mayfields one cup fanfic.

  19. Gofortheface30 Says:

    Ed – shut up boy. Get your weight up.

  20. Defense Rules Says:

    Adam from NY … ‘those scrappy moxie filled runs were inspiring and all, he can’t do that for 17 weeks or he’ll be super beat up’.

    Maybe that’ll end up being the case, BUT … there’s only 1 way to play the game: full speed ahead. Baker is who he is. He had certain strengths, and certain weaknesses. Playing with ‘moxie’ and taking chances like that are part of his strengths. To shut that down would be a huge mistake on his part. And it’d be a big mistake for any coach to tell him to throttle it back also.

  21. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of UniqueModernArt.com Says:

    Man, I really wish dum dum R White didn’t spill the beans on Mayfield figuring out the Vikings signals. Now, the story has made its way around the national media and he prob will have a much more difficult time figuring out any team’s signals the rest of the season.

    We prob could’ve won a few extra games this year bcuz of that, but now that’s out the door…

    Hopefully we can still win alot of games, but that’s a real bummer.

  22. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Marine most of those throws to kio weren’t good and baker missed him wide open for a TD. more baker faults then kio. Ask Joe kio hands are the best of all the TE we have. Barley missed a caught in TC. Otton Durham and wells all had the case of the dropssies all TC. Don’t know why your raggin on the guy. Baker has to do a better job putting the ball on him. It’s not like he’s ME13 and can just throw the ball up anywhere so he can go get it.

  23. Power Of Pewter Says:

    Vikings got punked in their own crib. They all boys that need to put on weight.

  24. Esteban85 Says:

    It’s called talking shît Ed. It is a big part of his game and I love it.

  25. Esteban85 Says:

    Ed if you haven’t realized by now that Baker already has a target on his back, I don’t know what to tell you, boy.

  26. Beeej Says:

    “Erik Hesson – Fine Artist and Founder of UniqueModernArt.com Says:
    September 13th, 2023 at 9:37 pm
    Man, I really wish dum dum R White didn’t spill the beans on Mayfield figuring out the Vikings signals. Now, the story has made its way around the national media and he prob will have a much more difficult time figuring out any team’s signals the rest of the season.

    We prob could’ve won a few extra games this year bcuz of that, but now that’s out the door…

    Hopefully we can still win alot of games, but that’s a real bummer.”

    There was a GREAT ‘I AM ATHLETE’ video with Shady McCoy. (Most the episode was about Brady, as this was right after the Super Bowl) Famous retired LB from Broncos (whose name eludes me) was talking about a game against the Patriots, and his coach discovered a Brady trait–if he was about to hand-off in a certain situation, his feet would be more spread apart (because a while back, the guard had stepped on his ankle on that very play, and Brady wary of it happening again) The LB was screaming when he saw Brady’s feet, and they busted the play, won the game.

    That stuff fascinates the heck out of me

  27. D1 coach Says:


    You may not know this but, QBs watch a ton of film on the opposing team.
    What do you think they do that for? Why?
    If you guessed , to pick up how to find weaknesses in players or things that they do well and things maybe not so well. QBs look at coverages for hours on end.
    Thing that really separates baker from trask is baker has a photographic memory. Trask is a slow learner. White didn’t give anything away to anyone in the NFL.

    Apparently, some fans have zero idea what a QB does or how the games are played. To believe white gave away a secret is naive at best!

  28. garro Says:

    Yup…At least he is honest about it.

    They stunk out loud for most of the 1st half.
    Cromarda earned his pay!

    Go Bucs!

  29. Defense Rules Says:

    D1 Coach … Obviously every player watches a ton of film, and looking for tells is surely a key objective. Vikings obviously knew that Mayfield would be looking for tells, and the result that Mayfield found something in that 1st half is great.

    But danged, don’t validate the outcome for them by having your running back broadcast it on national news. If I was a Vikings’ coach or player, making me look incompetent to the whole country would really piss me off. And for every other team we’ll be playing, I’m sure it puts them on super extra high alert to avoid the same treatment. White needs to get HIS act together on the field and keep his mouth shut off it.

  30. Bucaneeric Says:

    I wish he hadn’t told the world he can learn people’s signals. Now everyone will be ready for that. (Not sure how but it tipped his hand way sooner than I’d like).

  31. K_bassuka Says:

    Why is Maybefield acting like HE wasn’t the reason they didn’t score a TD before that drive. HE was the one mainly playing like 💩.

  32. orlbucfan Says:

    So what if White said Mayfield can figure out the opposing defense’s tells and signals? What’s with all the bellyaching on here? THAT ‘s his job, defeating the defense. Why do QBs spend hours watching opposing team films? So they can get eye strain? Mayfield admitted the O stunk up the joint before that drive right before the half? Read the articles or just shuttup!

  33. Statguy Says:

    ED , must stand for erectile disfunction cause you sound soft as hell little boy