Todd Bowles Said There Is “Value” In Pounding The Rock Even Without Production

September 27th, 2023

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

If anyone just now beginning to follow the NFL wondered what Bucs coach Todd Bowles’ background is, after Bowles’ press conference today, any doubt should vanish.

He’s a defensive guy through and through.

Early in the press conference, Bowles touched on one of the universal talking points for defensive coaches, a subject most obsess over: turnovers!

Later, internationally-known columnist Ira Kaufman asked Bowles if there is value in slamming the ball into a brick wall of defensive linemen time and again without any production to show for the effort, such as what happened Monday night against the Eagles.

Bowles said, yes, there certainly is.

“As long as it is not a blowout, yes [there] is value in it,” Bowles explained. “If you get behind, you have to throw the ball, obviously.

“But there is value in the carries. It takes time off the clock. It gives the defense a rest. Hopefully, it wears the other team down some to where you can do some play-action things.

“It doesn’t necessarily [mean] deep runs. It’s almost like time of possession, the wear-down process in the heat in Tampa, giving the defense a rest, it is all inclusive.

“You want to be better in the run game. You want to break some runs. It [was] Week 3. You want to win the game anyway possible. Right now if we can win the game throwing the football, I’ll take it. If we can win the game running the football, I’ll take it.”

While there is no question that Bowles would prefer to ground and pound defenses to bits, it’s not like he has ordered Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales to do that (yet).

Yes, Canales is a big fan of running the ball, too. So far, the Bucs haven’t turned into the Titans or the Dixie Chicks. The have run the ball on first downs only 29 percent of the time. That ranks 20th in the NFL for percentage of runs on first down.

However, the Bucs are 25th in the league overall in total passes attempted.

But yeah, Joe thinks Bowles hit all the key talking points long ago established for defensive coaches.

30 Responses to “Todd Bowles Said There Is “Value” In Pounding The Rock Even Without Production”

  1. Marine Buc Says:

    The Bucs running game sucks almost as bad as it did last season.

    I like our new OC for the most part but my question is – Where are the screen passes?

    What about the jet sweep?

    How about running off tackle instead of right up the gut (Hainsey is horrible)? We have an All-Pro LT…

    Where is the occasional WR screen? TE middle screen?

    Where are the RB draw plays?

    Come on!!!!

    Get your 5h!t together and STOP WASTING PLAYS!!!!!

  2. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Bowles answers above sure seem like he is trying to explain things to dummies. Maybe he is. Maybe some of the questions he is getting are actually dumb questions. I mean, what do you expect him to say to people who apparently have just watched their first football game?

  3. Hodad Says:

    There were some well blocked plays that could’ve went for big yardage if we had any NFL backs. White is not one. You can’t throw every play. Whether it’s working, or not, you have to have the attempts. Baker throwing 50 times a game won’t work either, so running the ball is a must. We just got to get better at it.

  4. pepsi Says:

    Im rooting for Canales and so far have loved how people are schemed open with the passes all being pretty QB friendly like he preached. but patience is going to wear thin if a super star like Godwin isnt getting enough targets. Id even say Otton should be getting a solid amount of looks and the rookie palmer as well. The strength of this roster(on offense) is without a doubt its receiving weapons – Evans, Godwin, Otton, Palmer. If were striving for a balanced approach at the cost of playing to our strength then the smart money is going to be on Bowles + Canales both looking for a new job in 2024.

  5. unbelievable Says:

    Phill ran over 70 offensive plays on Monday night. I think we ran something like 42.

    That kind of disparity is going to throw off any plans anyone had before the game.

    I would like to see them use some tempo earlier on in the games, as that has seemed to get our offense going when they’ve been stuck. And agree with everyone about running outside more often. The middle of our o-line is our weak point, stop trying to run guys behind our weakest lineman so dang often!

  6. Aaron Says:

    I get it, but just don’t run middle from your own half yard line…would have rather seen a QB scrum play if you felt the need to get off the goal line…Play-action roll Baker out or just run him…I knew our O would be a work in progress as the year moves on…more concerned how our front 7 got handled Monday night…

    Go Bucs!

  7. Obvious Says:



  8. orlbucfan Says:

    Trolls: get lost!

  9. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    When “Cha Cha” is your #1 back, there is little value in pounding the rock. At one point in the Eagles game, Cha Cha had 11 rushes for 22 yards, a fumble lost and a safety. No bueno! Hell of a dancer though!

  10. Pewter Power Says:

    With those receiving weapons he thinks the running with guys who can’t produce in a passing league is what’s best For his team. Coaches who can’t change disappear like Lovie

  11. StretchOMatic Says:

    How does it give our defense a rest and wear down the opponents if you don’t get first downs from the effort? He’s an idiot!

  12. HC Grover Says:

    There is value in beating your head against a brick wall. What it is I DO NOT KNOW.

  13. SlyPirate Says:

    Fans expect greatness day 1. Bowles has a long-term vision. Maybe we should view a new OC and new OL through a longer lens?

  14. Crown The Bucs Says:

    Who says something like that? I mean seriously. What a loser mentality.

  15. Crown The Bucs Says:

    SlyPirate. This is a win now league. No ones got any patience for a long term vision. Bowels blew last year and I’d say the front offices leash is about 14 more games with him . If he produces, they’ll give him one more year. If not and they collapse, he’s as good as gone.

  16. Steve-O Says:

    Running the ball effectively takes the pressure off the QB and makes the defense honest. Todd Bowles, while he is a good man, is delusional about a non productive (yards) running attack. Just ask Brady where that got him last season. Bowls approach put the best QB in the NFL into retirement. Bucs opponents (for first time) said Brady was a sitting duck. Baker will be able to dodge and weave for a while but he will not last the season.

  17. Irish Laughter Says:

    Ask Tom Brady how that worked last season? The best QB in NFL history had to carry an offense that even his competitors felt sorry for him.

  18. Destinjohnny Says:

    I get it
    We only have one legit player on the o line

  19. Hodad Says:

    Alvin, that was funny.

  20. Kgh4life Says:

    This is why TB isn’t a great head coach for the modern NFL. Running the football keeps defenses honest,however, an ineffective run game will put the team in long down and distances.

  21. Voice of Truth Says:

    Bowles is a really nice DC, he should never have been promoted to HC

    Six D starters potentially missing on the road at NO….and we are gonna run the ball to wear them down in the dome…

  22. D Cone Says:

    Bucs pass percentage is 53% and change or 24th. Pass heavier teams of 23 there are 14 with a worse record and nine with the same record as the Bucs.
    Three undefeated teams Miami Passes 52% and change. Philly and 49er’s pass less than 50% of the time. Really not getting your point Joe.
    Bucs don’t need to run less then just have to get better at doing it. O Line’s job is not just to protect the Boy Wonder. Do it or bring in some that will.

  23. confido75 Says:

    I get you want to run the ball to wear the other team down, and rest your D, but you also have to gain yardage on the play to put your team in a third and short situation at the very least. Not get tackled for a loss or no gain and keep trying to run the same play again. Stop pissing on our legs and telling us it is raining, coach!

  24. Oddball Says:

    “Todd Bowles Said There Is “Value” In Pounding The Rock Even Without Production”

    Uh, no.

  25. gp Says:

    Stubborn is as stubborn does…
    He’s going to stubborn himself right out of Tampa.

    Unlike some who wish to have their points proven, I really hope to be proven wrong. Losing seasons are never fun. And the shakeup will probably last a couple more seasons past that as well.
    I do NOT, look forward to that.

  26. TDavis Says:

    Two major problems with this: 1, if your runs get no yards and you go 3 and out, that doesn’t let the defense rest. And if you’re saying you’re choosing going 3 and out by running instead of 3 and out by passing, then you got no shot either way, and it’s certainly nothing to be striving for. 2, it’s been well-established by data that you don’t need to run well for play-action to work.

  27. TDavis Says:

    These are just out of touch, out of date, losing philosophies in the modern NFL and its so disheartening to see as a Bucs fan.

  28. Rod Munch Says:

    This is why he’s a loser as a headcoach, and why he shouldn’t ever be more than a DC.

  29. Matt Says:


    A 3 and out running the ball takes as much real life time as a 3 and out passing the ball

    Sure more game time passes via running but that isn’t rest. Rest is based on actual earth time.

    If you want to rest your D you need your O to have more plays. That results in longer earth time and more rest. Passing or running isn’t relevant

  30. steele Says:

    The stench from the Leftwich era remains. Because it is still the Bowles era, and that is the source of it. A big part of bringing in Rah Rah Canales was because he talked smashmouth Beast Mode Lynch and that planted nice images in certain minds.

    The reality is that the OL is still problematic, and slo-mo tip toe long stride Cha Cha is not a feature back and there is no one on the roster who can beast.