The Cream Rises

September 10th, 2023

Big-play defense plus Mike Evans and Chris Godwin coming up with Pro Bowl moments today in Minnesota.

That’s the way Bucs football should be.

The strength of the Bucs is Evans, Godwin and the playmakers on defense. Joe sure hopes that is always remembered by the guys calling the plays and influencing the offense.

Godwin had a tough low catch to seal the game on 3rd-and-long right after the two-minute warning. The Vikings were out of timeouts and then the Bucs got multiple cracks at victory formation.

Godwin caught 5 of 6 targets for 51 yards. Evans ran the sweet route that lit the spark in a then-floundering Bucs offense late in the first half. The 28-yard touchdown grab launched Evans’ 6 catch, 66 yard day (plus a pass interference call against him that somehow wasn’t flagged). Evans was targeted 10 times and it could have and should have been more. He appeared to drop a bomb from Baker Mayfield and a short throw.

Godwin and Evans combined for about 41 percent of the Tampa Bay offense.

When the Bucs needed their big guns, they were there. It should be like that all season.

45 Responses to “The Cream Rises”

  1. ModHairKen Says:

    Pay the man.

  2. Weebs10 Says:

    Evans dropped a would be touchdown too. We could have beat them by multiple scores! Great start to the season. Lots of positives with plenty to clean up. Go Bucs!

  3. unbelievable Says:

    Yeah Evans did have one bad drop (maybe two), but otherwise was clutch. Hopefully just week 1 jitters.

    Chris was Chris, always dependable.

    I’m excited to see where this offense can go once everyone gets a little comfortable. Especially if the o-line can block a little better, we can see a few more intermediate to deep shots. Cuz Evans and Godwin were open a lot today.

  4. CTBucs Says:

    Contract? Cut Gage and give M13E the raise

  5. Coquiro Says:

    White is horrible…way too slow of a RB. We need twitchy speed.

  6. Rod Munch Says:

    People saying Evans dropped that deep pass are nuts, the ball literally hit the defender.

    Godwin showed why he’s an all-pro on that last catch, because that was an awful pass by Mayfield, and yet he still hauled it in.

    Mayfield was trash that first half, yet played a great 2nd half – if they can get a full game out of Mayfield, that all by itself will fix the issues with the running game.

    Overall Canales did an excellent job. Wasn’t predictable, only made one blaringly awful call on that WR run late in the game. That’s change, as when Leftwich was here, you could count on at least one blaringly awful call a series.

    We shall see about Mayfield, but this has always been his issue. He can look good at times, then look so bad the rest of the time he prevents you from winning. Today, he got away with it.

    Next week is the Bears, and the Bucs never lose at home to the Bears. That’s a W. Then the week after is the Eagles, and I’ve said all offseason, the Bucs will win that game (although you may not like my reasoning if you read why).

    So enjoy the next couple of weeks.

  7. James west Says:

    The cardiac bucs are back, send me a buc battle flag joe, my ex stole mine

  8. Durango 95 Says:

    Chase McLaughlin just cemented the Vikings.

  9. Tbbucs3 Says:

    White is too slow and dances around the hole

  10. Jonzey Says:

    Pay Evans he deserves to be a Buc for life, he gave up a lot of money so that the Bucs could sign people for years. Evans has been an asset to the sign since drafted by getting 1,000 yards every year. Pay him

  11. Rod Munch Says:

    Coquiro Says:
    September 10th, 2023 at 4:52 pm
    White is horrible…way too slow of a RB. We need twitchy speed.


    Literally runs a 4.4x, has nearly a 10 RAS score, literally bigger, strong, quicker and more twitchy than Bijan.

    But yeah, he’s slow because he’s not a full speed when he’s hit by 4 guys behind the LOS as he’s handed the ball.


  12. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    Rod Munch: you said “All they got to do is win to shut people up”.

    They won and yet here you are writing another one of your many books, trashing Baker.

  13. Pewter Power Says:

    They were scared of Mike Evans and paid for it.

  14. Rod Munch Says:

    Don’t tell me it’s raining – I’ve literally been repeatedly saying Baker played a great second half and should get a ton of credit for that half.

    Hopefully he can play a full game next week instead of being complete trash like he was in that first half, if that happens, the Bucs should blow out the Bears.

  15. DoooshLaRue Says:

    That ball to ME may have been touched by the defender but it then him him squarely in the chest.
    He should have caught it.
    The other drop was totally on him.

    At least he got 66 of the 59 yards avg needed so his all-important-to-him 1k streak is still alive.

  16. Infomeplease Says:

    A big WIN! And on the Road against a division winning team!! Great start!! A true TEAM WIN!!

  17. BUCS SQUAT Says:

    Ah shut up be happy we won the game and save all your negativity for Monday today be happy enjoy Buccaneers win have a DRINK!

  18. StormyInFl Says:

    “Jonzey Says:
    September 10th, 2023 at 4:55 pm
    Pay Evans he deserves to be a Buc for life, he gave up a lot of money so that the Bucs could sign people for years. Evans has been an asset to the sign since drafted by getting 1,000 yards every year. Pay him”

    No he didn’t. He restructured. But he didn’t take a penny less than he was owed. I appreciate Mike and want him back, but that’s BS. If he wants 25 mil per, he’ll have to get that from someone else.

  19. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    No Rod Munch you’ve done nothing but talk trash about Baker on JBF every single day. And it doesn’t matter what anyone else says, you’re always right.

    Joe says: Evans was targeted 10 times and it could have and should have been more. He appeared to drop a bomb from Baker Mayfield and a short throw.

    And Joe is correct. Anyone who watched the game could see Evans dropped passes that should have been caught. But here you are after saying, “all they got to do is win to shut people up”, writing the same 500 word, garbage you write everyday. “Mayfield was trash that first half”, “look so bad the rest of the time he prevents you from winning. Today, he got away with it”.

    I was hoping you were a Man of Your Word and might actually stop the bashing for one week after the win. But I see that’s not going to be the case. But that’s good to know where you stand on what you say.

  20. Infomeplease Says:

    I forgot to mention the gutsy “go for it on 4th” down in the 4th quarter. And 57 yard field goal! TB really wants to be here next year! It works for me! What a difference a year makes!! Props also to BM for a doing what it takes to win when needed!!

  21. Call the Salt Truck Says:

    Mike dropped 2 passes, including one that bounced off his chest which should have been a TD. Between Ko Klieft dropping 2, Cade Otton dropping one (which was initially a fumble and recovery for a 1st down, but overturned by Refs who were carrying water for the Vikings all day) and Trey dropping 1 (which also hit him in the chest), that appears to be 6 drops the WRs and TEs owe Baker.

  22. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Yeah, looks like we have a solid kicker.
    Knock on wood.

  23. Rod Munch Says:

    Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:
    September 10th, 2023 at 5:12 pm
    No Rod Munch you’ve done nothing but talk trash about Baker on JBF every single day.


    Yeah, and we saw why in the first half, he was awful. Then, when he didn’t suck in the 2nd half, I said he was playing great and giving him a ton of credit.

    What exactly do you low self-esteem low t-count losers need, for everyone else to parrot you low IQ opinion?

    I hope he goes out next week and can play a full good game instead of just half a good game, if he does that, the Bucs will destroy the Bears, and I want that to happen. Unlike yourself, I’m wanting the team to do well, not just one guy I have a crush on.

  24. stpetebucfan Says:

    Don’t Tell Me It’s Raining….

    I agree completely! We Bucs fans have truly become jaded if we can’t appreciate winning.

    The Vikings were freaking 13-4 last year. Most people think they’ve lost a bit but they’re still respected. The Bucs were among only a few teams to enter as larger than 4 point underdogs. The Bucs were playing with an OL that had ONE player who played the same spot last year.

    There was every reason for the Bucs to lose they did not. After last season and the number of times the Bucs managed to snatch defeat from winnable games isn’t it a relief to actually finish and win!

    Here is all the counts in all of these posts and coverage.

    The Bucs WIN…on the road againt a team considered superior. It was indeed the utltimate up yours to the “experts” and “fans” who wrote off the Bucs when the old man retired.

  25. SlyPirate Says:

    Game Balls:
    1. Izien. Woah!
    2. D White
    3. Winfield
    4. Camarda
    5. McLaughlin
    6. Logan Hall!!!! Monster game
    7. Evans
    8. Goedeke. Pancaked DL.

  26. unbelievable Says:

    @Rod, I was talking about the drop where the ball hit him right in the chest. He would have walked into the endzone if caught.

    Also, of the last 6 times we’ve played the Bears in Tampa (going back to 2005), we are 3 – 3, FYI.

  27. Beej Says:

    Brady/ the offense usually looked bad in the first half…

  28. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    Rod Munch, I don’t need you to parrot anything. When you made your bold claim last week about if The Bucs win and you would shut up, I knew it wouldn’t happen. You’re a sad little guy who can only feel better about yourself by sitting at home attacking someone else online. The good thing is The Bucs and Baker don’t care what you think. It didn’t affect them at all today. So just keep rooting for Baker to fail and I’ll keep rooting for The Bucs to win.

  29. WyomingJoe Says:

    Have to say that the offense in the first half drove me crazy. Baker plays much better in a hurry-up offense. Don’t know how to characterize the running game yet except that Tucker seemed the better of the two backs. But it’s way too early to make that decision. The defense was clutch and played most of the game with their hair on fire. The catch by Godwin was great and iced the game for us.

    Rod Munch: You actually complimented Baker. Can’t believe it. I’m drinking a shot to celebrate. Go Bucs.

  30. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    stpetebucfan, it was good win today man and I’m going to enjoy it all week!

  31. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    White is horrible start Tucker at least he can break a tackle

  32. Rod Munch Says:

    unbelievable Says:
    September 10th, 2023 at 5:25 pm
    @Rod, I was talking about the drop where the ball hit him right in the chest. He would have walked into the endzone if caught.


    Ah, yeah, I was thinking that first deep ball. I got to go back and watch that, because it absolutely looked to me like it hit the defender and people were saying Mike should somehow go grab that ball as the defender is coming back to it. Anyways, I’ll probably rewatch it tonight or tomorrow. I want to see the blocking as well, it’s hard to really concentrate on that stuff when the game is live and still keep track of everything else.

  33. stpetebucfan Says:

    Don’t tell me….Again agree completely!

    “by sitting at home attacking someone else online.”

    Because I’m an older dude his volley at me is always about a “nursing home”.
    Not only insulting…I can handle that…but boring an unoriginal.

    If people here wish to throw shade at posters or players and coaches for that matter could we at least show some clever wit?

  34. Rod Munch Says:

    WyomingJoe – I’m not a Trask fanboi – I just don’t like Mayfield from the tape I’ve watched.

    But, as I’ve said all along, if Mayfield plays well, I’ll be very happy to give him credit. I want the team to win, I don’t want to sit through a 5-12 season.

    I thought Mayfield played a great 2nd half. If he can put together a full game like that 2nd half, the Bucs will be tough to beat and Mayfield will make himself a ton of money.

    Hopefully he can build on this. I really mean that.

  35. Mike C Says:

    Mike had some big drops today, make those if you want to get payed Bro.

  36. Buddha Says:

    Rod, the Buccaneers offense was poor in the first half. But that was not all on Baker. The Vikings new defensive coordinator was confusing the offensive line, and Baker had little time. The whole offensive was off, but Canales and Baker managed to pull off the one big pass to Evans that kept us in the game, that and the defensive turnovers. That opening drive of the 2nd half showed an adjustment to up tempo that made it more difficult for the Vikings defense. At this point in his career, Baker is in the process of recovering his confidence. The second half, as you suggested, he made some really good plays. The straight-arm run, the fourth down sneak, and the pass to Godwin that wasn’t great but was good enough. Overall, Baker’s play was a B. The defense was a B+. But this is game one. They should get better. This is not a super bowl team, but they certainly look capable of winning 8-10 games. The longer Baker stays as quarterback, the better he will play. The offensive line is the issue. Can’t fault anyone their. The center is adequate and may become good and the left tackle is fine. But the right side of the line needs a lot of time to improve. Thee was never a time when Baker could actually look over the field or the running backs were running though holes.

  37. #99 the big fella Says:

    Rod , you have a few haters today.. try to have a disagreement without calling people do seem to do that a lot

  38. JBBUCS_06 Says:

    As it should be. ME13 and CG14 are our BEST offensive players other than Wirfs.

  39. Swanee Says:

    The best offense today goes to our outstanding field goal kicker. He was the difference in this game. Without him on this team Buccaneers come home with a loss. Evan’s two dropped touchdowns, clean it up…. Baker played well in second half, but must play better against the Bears defense. Prove me wrong, put 4 quarters together next Sunday. Use Tucker more as he hits the hole hard. Defense played very well and created several turnovers. Team win.

  40. Rod Munch Says:

    #99 the big fella – You think when Sapp took The Rock’s job at Miami that Sapp was gracious about it, you think Dwayne took his demotion without saying a word?

    No, I can personally guarantee that Sapp was a complete prick in victory, and that’s why I loved him.

    Anywho, calling people names is 90% of the fun of commenting. Personally I enjoy a great insult, even at my expense. I’m not sure how a men’s sport site has become a cupcake zone where people think words hurt. Personally I wish there was dramatically more name calling, then it would be a lot more fun. Instead we get people saying really boring things they’ve read off bumper stickers, or, even worse, the d-bags who literally repeat what the guy on TV just said as if it was their original thought, even though everyone watching the game just heard the guy say it. That can give me the d-chills, for real.

  41. Jeremy Says:

    They won. I only watched part of 3rd and all of 4th. I liked their style and attitude. Glad to see Todd go for it on 4th, Baker was doing a good job. Defense looked good. Be great to handle the Nfc North, we have good luck with Chicago at home. GO BUCS!!!!!!

  42. Esteban85 Says:

    Is Chris Godwin our best wide out?

    Mike needed that TD before the half. Hopefully he goes on a roll

  43. Don'tBmad Says:

    Let him be good trade bait….let’s be real, 10 years is more than average for a receiver. Even the greatest were average later in their careers. Build for the future, there is no “now”

  44. BakerBucs Says:

    to rod much says that throw to Evans hit him in his facemask not from a crappy baker throw in the first half baker had several drop balls baker also saved the game several times all by himself so stuff u r garbage in u r dawg house bucs were fortunate that Baker was available for peanuts he cud have went else where for more money but gave the bucs a gift so take u r nasty talk elsewhere we don’t like u r neg.garbage

  45. PNW Buc Says:

    Everyone please forgive Munch… it’s in transition:-)