Spitting It Out Fast

September 12th, 2023

“Blaine, somebody coached up Baker.”

Bucs fans who thought they were watching Tom Brady on Sunday against the Vikings weren’t delusional.

Yes, it was Baker Mayfield, but it was a very 2022 Brady day in at least a couple of ways.

First, official NFL NextGen Stats reveal Mayfield’s “Time To Throw,” elapsed time from snap to release, was 2.47 seconds. That was third-best in the league in Week 1. Brady led the NFL in that department last season at 2.45 seconds.

New Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales must have been ecstatic.

Even with some Baker scramble-and-throws mixed in, the release time was optimum, as the goal at One Buc Palace is 2.7 seconds.

How else was Mayfield like Brady? Well, he was vicitimized by two Mike Evans drops — a deep shot early in the game and a short slant. Cade Otton couldn’t squeeze a ball over the middle, either.

Drops were an issue for the Bucs last year.

Perhaps it was all that surprising zone coverage from the Vikings in the first half that had Mayfield spitting the ball out early? Time will tell.

33 Responses to “Spitting It Out Fast”

  1. rickym Says:

    Thanks for pointing out the two drops by Evans. Mayfield was the victim of dropped passes all day. I feel that Mayfield will play well enough to win on Sundays but the offensive line is still a concern. Hopefully they will jell as the season goes on. We are definitely good enough to beat the Bears on Sunday.

  2. BucU Says:

    Great 2nd half performance from our guys.Devin and Lavonte were vicious!

  3. SufferingSince76 Says:

    If the Bucs start putting full games together, it will be a fun season.

  4. DJB Says:

    Yeah, Evans has always dropped a few, but hey, nine years and counting with 1,000-plus yards. Cade Otton is kind of soft.

  5. Oneilbuc Says:

    Man Joe get off Tom Brady he’s not coming back no one cares about Brady anymore. Move on he’s a Patriot for life not a buc we won a game and you still want to keep adding Brady . Are you going to mention Brady after every win this year??

  6. Joshua porter Says:

    Mike wanting 25 million a year can’t keep dropping these tds . Love Mike but ubwant more money than Chris then play better than him….

  7. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    It sure didn’t seem like two and a half seconds. Looked to me like he was holding it for too long quite often, but then I didn’t have the stopwatch handy. It also seemed to me like they had someone running free at Mayfield most of the pass plays in the first half. That may have contributed to some of the inaccuracy.

  8. DoooshLaRue Says:

    And like Brady last year, Baker looked very uncomfortable in the pocket.
    At least he can run.
    Hopefully Canales can scheme more roll outs this Sunday.

  9. Buc4evr Says:

    Mayfield is going to need help from his TE’s in both the blocking and catching departments. Keift 0 for 3. He better get his act together or there is a rookie on the practice squad.

  10. go dawgs Says:

    love ME but dude, keep dropping passes and crying about money??? cmon man

    disgraceful and embarassing

  11. George R Says:

    Here is the real question. Who do you want to keep the next 4 years, Chris or Mike? You can’t keep both. Chris will be a free agent after next year. 2 WR making 25 million a year not going to happen. I would take Chris.

  12. Tuddie Time Says:

    I don’t understand the negativity towards Brady. The goat was our QB playing at a league leading high level not as a washed up player. He brought along friends that would have never come to Tampa had he not come here. So leave Joe alone and let him reference the Goat all he wants. I still can’t believe Brady came here. The boat parade, the Gronks, etc… we don’t need to forget. This is a Glorious time in Buc history! He maybe a patriot for life, but his biggest and basest ring is as a Buc!

  13. Todd Says:

    Chris or Mike?


  14. First Name Greatest Says:

    Love Evans but the drops have gotta stop if he wants anyone to pay him

    The 1k seasons or barely getting 1k yards in 4 of the 9 seasons is a cute record but not as impressive as some think.

  15. garro Says:

    He did not really play the hero ball we were told he would…Untill crunch time and even then he stayed within himself and did not force anything as in dangerous passes. Accept one Mahomes type pass. I was worried that we would get Jaymiss 2.0

    Go Bucs!

  16. Infomeplease Says:

    Cut ME13 some slack. All receivers miss some! And if I recall correctly, ME13 was asking the team to pick a starter qb so he could get better chemistry going with him. 16 more games to play he will make some highlight catches for sure! And he’s good for 1000-1200 yards too!

  17. RegWonder Says:

    So tired of the ME bashing…. yeah, dude missed a couple but he has always come through when it matters most and he’s been available for this team, even when injured. Most of the diva WR’s have not had the longevity and consistency of ME. When he’s done here, we will feel it. Think back to the revolving door of wideouts prior to his arrival.

  18. DoooshLaRue Says:

    That whopping 66 yards against the Vikings extrapolates to 1122 yards in 17 games.
    Truly astonishing accomplishment.

  19. RustyRhinos Says:

    “Are you going to mention Brady after every win this year??”

    Oneilbuc I would bet we will on every loss… 🙂

  20. go dawgs Says:

    godwin all day

  21. go dawgs Says:

    let mikes cryin azz walk, we can go with godwin and palmer.. free up some money to help the rush or oline?? mike will be on the ring of honor one day.. but man he has the drops

  22. unbelievable Says:

    Maybe Doosh and O’Neil can find a safe space to cry together.

  23. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Some of y’all are tripping about ME13. Dude ketches more than he drops by a long shot. Quit crying. He will tighten up. Also some of y’all are hating on kio. All 3 passes were terrible for him. If y’all knew anything he caught more passes than dropped in TC then all our other TE. dude has some of the best hands on the team. Joe says so and he’s the one at practices watching so I’ma trust him over a bunch of cry babies lol

  24. Bucnjim Says:

    Hopefully it doesn’t come down to Evens vs. Godwin but if it does Godwin is 4 years younger.

  25. go dawgs Says:

    1#bucs fan^^ good job

  26. First Name Greatest Says:

    Godwin is younger and has less drops, keep him and draft a young WR. Mike is a ALL TIME GREAT BUC, but if you are making excuses you know he did something wrong.

  27. BucU Says:

    Big big game on Sunday. We should beat this team but our guys usually play down to the competition. I want to start 2-0 badly just to shut the big mouth’s in the national media for a day or two. Just W I N.

  28. Herbiebuc Says:

    Bet the over on mike against the bears !

  29. Rod Munch Says:

    “How else was Mayfield like Brady? Well, he was vicitimized by two Mike Evans drops — a deep shot early in the game and a short slant.”

    I went back and rewatched that play like 10 times, that was absolutely not a drop, the ball literally hits the defender in the helmet. If Mike made that catch, it would be one of the most incredible catches ever since he’d have to grab it out of the air, instantly stop the momentum of his arms and somehow hang onto the ball as the guys helmet would have been knocking it out.

    The other one was 100% on Mike for dropping it. Hopefully it’s out of his system now for another half-season.

  30. Larrd Says:

    Evans’ touchdown catch was the play of the day. It turned the game around. Wide open.

    I would like to see Godwin run patterns further downfield. He had one great catch, too, however.

    Keep them both once their contracts are up, for 15M each.

  31. Larrd Says:

    I never thought I was watching Tom Brady Sunday. My 80 year old mother could tell it was a different guy.

  32. JeffreyLane77 Says:

    Looked to me at least in the 1st qtr Baker needed to settle down. He was throwing incredibly hard on short to intermediate throws. Made his throws a little inaccurate and hard to catch. Brady would sometimes throw unnecessarily hard leading to drops. I remember Brady throwing to Lenny behind the line as Lenny rolled right. Brady threw the ball early and so hard Lenny never had a chance. So I guess they have that in common.

  33. tbc 1 Says:

    yep brady would not could not run with the ball-AAAAAAAAAA++++++++++++

    Mayfield he is your next 4 year qb