“Obviously Pretty Good”

September 3rd, 2023

While Peter King sees Tampa Bay as an obvious loser team that likely could be knocking of the door of the NFL basement this season, a man with intimate knowledge of the Bucs and experience as decision-maker sees something different.

Former Bucs rock star general manager Mark Dominik looks at Bucs’ talent and assessed the team as “obviously pretty good” while co-hosting on SiriusXM NFL Radio with Joe’s pal Alex Marvez last week.

But like many Bucs fans — and Dominik is a Bucs fan — Dominik is unnerved by the team’s many question marks.

“They’ve got a lot of young guys they’re popping into that offensive line, right? And that makes me nervous for them,” Dominik said. “Those guys gotta grow and develop.”

All the youth on the roster, including six undrafted free agents, means the Bucs are sort of a wait-and-see team.

“Just go down the offensive side — and I really like what Trey Palmer did, their sixth-round pick, in the preseason. … Basically almost the entire offensive line is drafted in 2020 or 2021, 2022, 2023. Same with the tight ends, same with the running back room, you know, same with some of the defensive line,” Dominik said.

“They’re trying to go through that transition of becoming a younger team while, thankfully, in a division where everybody is trying to figure out what they have at quarterback.”

It’s a year of learning for 10th year general manager Jason Licht, Dominik said, see what his young players are really about and whether he wants to move forward with the current coaching staff.

Yes, Dominik knows Todd Bowles is on a hot seat. He also sees the bigger Bucs picture as a key cog in the pending Mike Evans decision.

“It feels like a team that is kind of going through that youth movement, and that’s where this gets interesting with Mike Evans,” Dominik said. “Even though he’s a great player, you realize he’s going to be 31 years old next year.”

As far as Dominik’s take on the Evans contract barking, Joe already shared that Dominik thinks Team Glazer will make a new deal happen as long as it’s very close to $25 million annually.

Join Ira Kaufman and Bucs fans on opening day at the Big Storm Brewing Co. taproom in Clearwater, on 49th St. just south of Ulmerton Road. It’s a 1 o’clock kickoff and Ira will be hanging out starting at 11:45 a.m. 

Beautiful covered patio with strong sightlines and audio. Indoors, too! Cocktails, Florida’s best craft beer and more. 

27 Responses to ““Obviously Pretty Good””

  1. MadMax Says:

    Look, we’re going to surprise a lot of people….we’re a dark horse. A very capable QB1 and a very capable QB2 (so far). My thing is this cap issue and where its at… looks like we have to cut some corners. Cant pay everyone unfortunately 🙁

    Unless we stink, I’d say we’re picking in the teens next draft, go get Johnny Wilson to replace Evans, draft a RT after that….then who knows. And sorry DW45, I dont think we can afford you.

  2. HC Grover Says:

    The proof will be in the Sunday Pudding.

  3. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Even Dominik has more sense than the “Trade Evans to the Lions” crowd. As far as The King of Peter Puffers, remember when he recently picked the Saints to go to the Super Bowl? Hahahaha

  4. 02,20,2022 Says:

    who still reads peter king?

  5. Buc Fan in CO Says:

    “The Bucs Will Be Terrible” is such a weird hill for Peter to die on.

  6. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Peter Puffer, in 2020: “Detroit Lions will make the playoffs!”…Uh, the Lions were 5-11 and came in LAST PLACE in their division.

  7. Mac Says:

    25 million a year seems a but high if you ask me for Evans. I was hoping for a 3 year 60 mil max contract for him. We have a lot of guys who need signed and still have no qb1!

  8. John J Barse Says:

    as much as I love Mike Evans, you cant pay him 25 million a year

  9. August 1976 Buc Says:

    But like many Bucs fans — and Dominik is a Bucs fan — Dominik is unnerved by the team’s many question marks.

    “They’ve got a lot of young guys they’re popping into that offensive line, right? And that makes me nervous for them,” Dominik said. “Those guys gotta grow and develop.

    The season hinges on the Oline and clean QB play and for the defense stopping teams on 3rd down.

    If the Oline does not play well, then nothing else really matters, T Bowles will be looking for a job in Feb 2024

  10. Defense Rules Says:

    I like Dom’s take on the Bucs’ situation … a lot of young guys who ‘gotta grow and develop.’ That pretty much nails it. All we can do is wait-and-see how quickly they develop.

    Also like the point he made about other teams in our division ‘trying to figure out what they have at quarterback.’ And yes, that includes the Saints since Carr is in his 1st year there (might not be that good a fit?). Many obviously feel that our QB situation is the pits, but I feel like we’re in the best shape in the NFC South along those lines. At least we know who Baker’s backup is if he stumbles, and we know who Kyle’s backup is if he doesn’t cut it. Personally I’m comfortable with all 3 of them in this offense.

  11. Defense Rules Says:

    Mac … ’25 million a year seems a but high if you ask me for Evans. I was hoping for a 3 year 60 mil max contract for him.’

    I agree Mac. If Bucs break the bank (say at $25 mil a year) for him, we’ll end up losing at least 2 other starters who need to be re-signed, maybe more. Can you imagine what’d happen if the Bucs couldn’t afford to re-sign starters like Winfield and Neal next year? Gaines is also up for renewal, as are guys like McLaughlin, Delaney, Feiler, Thompkins (not to mention the more expensive FAs like Wirfs, Evans, White). A lot of mouths to feed, and the cupboard’s stocked with beans & franks right now.

  12. IrishTony Says:

    Hey just waiting for the news that Evans was extended. Here’s my take on the division; Atlanta is a very good running team with a good O Line but you still need a QB to run the offense. Is Ridder capable of getting the ball to playmakers ; Potts and London because you obviously can’t run for 4 quarters. Atlanta’s D remains questionable particularly their pass rush. Same with Carolina with an untested QB, questionable defense (particularly against the run). Aints will probably be good offensively but have a bunch of old men up front. If you can’t generate a pass rush what good are the guys on the back end?

  13. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I don’t see Evans getting only $20m a year…so 3 years for $60m is kind of unlikely. He got $20m last time.

    Evans is still playing well. Give him $25m and have an out after two years. More cash up front to reduce future cap hits.

    Don’t forget though…sooner or later, we’ll have to pay Godwin more too.

    So far as next year’s cap…it won’t be as bad as some of you are predicting.

  14. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I think the Saints take the division, barring a surprise young QB breaking out…one not named Baker.

    All I know is…I want some real football.

  15. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Defense Rules, I think Carr will be the best QB in our division…assuming one of the very young guys doesn’t surprise.

    I’m 100 percent a Bucs fan, as you well know, but I also realize the pickle we are in. A bad year to get the cap fixed isn’t too horrible of a price to pay, especially if we pick 1 or 2 next year.

  16. Larrd Says:

    Dominik seems shocked that the team will rely on recent high round draft picks.

    That explains a lot!


  17. Hodad Says:

    Is Bowles really on the hot seat coaching a team with 18 rookies, and 6 UDFAs? A team with 76 million in dead cap, and zero cap left for this year? No one expects us talent wise to win more than 6 games, so I’ll ask again. How is all this Todd’s fault, and why should is seat be hot?

  18. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Bowles is on the hot seat because Team Glazer knows there is talent to win with in this division, and Licht stocked the defensive side with a bunch of pieces in a cap strapped season. It also comes with the territory if you are the guy that coached Brady to a losing season.

  19. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Buccaneer Bonzai Says:
    September 3rd, 2023 at 7:56 pm
    Defense Rules, I think Carr will be the best QB in our division…assuming one of the very young guys doesn’t surprise.

    Wow, what a bold yet obvious call followed by a nice hedge.

    I’m gonna say we’ll win the SB this year, unless of course another team wins it.

  20. Bojim Says:

    Jeez. Ten years? Bucs are going to surprise some people.

  21. Defense Rules Says:

    Hodad … I think the only way Bowles gets fired is if he loses the locker room. That seems VERY unlikely since everything I’ve read indicates that the players really like him as their coach. As much as anything he’s a teacher, and so are most of the assistant coaches who he’s got on his staff. And that’s exactly what we need to develop this young team. (And especially since we seem to not have an overabundance of true veteran leadership at this point).

  22. Defense Rules Says:

    Bonzai … 2023 is gonna look like a walk in the park IMO compared to 2024 and 2025. Two very rough years ahead, and that’s assuming that the salary CAP goes up by a substantial amount in both years. We managed to survive 2023 by (1) drafting VERY well; and (2) restructuring a bunch of folks to slide their CAP hits forward to 2024 & 2025. We really need these youngsters to come through to be competitive in our division, and I think they will.

    And BTW, I still like Derek Carr, but the New Orleans’ offense doesn’t scare me and the Saints will only go as far as their defense takes them. And that’s likely to a break-even season.

  23. adam from ny Says:

    the payton saints don’t exist any more…

    let me say it again…

    the sean payton saints don’t exist anymore…

    let it go people…

    let it go 🙂

  24. garro Says:

    Wow Joe! You have hit the trifecta of idiots the last couple of days!

    Dominik, King, Smith,…Where is Simms?

    Go Bucs!

  25. Dacake Says:

    Mark Dominik was terrible as a general manager. His record as Bucs GM was 28-52. The rock star reference makes me laugh.

  26. pmarcello Says:

    Whether you like it or not everything is in Bakers hands. He is young aggrsseive ,tough and scrappy and he has a great arm. Baker is going to sling it all over the field and ME and Godwin and Palmer and Ottman and the rest of the young Turks are going to catch and score and the more Baker hits the open man the more excited and committed the team will be and they will follow him to war expecting to win. And they will because they are young and don’t really know that they are not supposed to do all the things they will do. Just one last thing. When Baker gets it all going I don’t want to hear about Canales getting all the credit for Baker’ talent. Think about the Movie Tombstone when Doc Holiday [Val Kilmer } says “Make no mistake it is not Revenge he is looking for ,it is a RECKONING1”

  27. Kelly Bowman Says:

    Mike Evans is one of the GOAT receivers if not THE GOAT and 31 years old is more prime than old. You pay him to keep your legend on your team. I remember the Buc fans back in the day would have been THRILLED to get Jerry Rice at 31 years old and now they’ve got the man that will shatter all of Rice’s records. He’s a priority # 1.
    And as for the quarterbacks, we’ve got a Heisman trophy winner and a Heisman finalist that can thread a needle with his cannon of an arm. I think Kyle Trask will be a phenom when it’s all said and done.
    The needs of the Bucs right now are proven backs and performers on both sides of the line.