No Leverage For Mike Evans

September 1st, 2023

There’s a bit of a divide at world headquarters.

One Joe thinks Mike Evans might very well skip opening day as part of a contract holdout. The Joe typing here thinks Evans has zero leverage and won’t do it.

Does Evans think Team Glazer and general manager Jason Licht will go into convulsions because Evans missing games might cost them a Super Bowl this season? Absolutely not.

Second, Evans would forfeit a fat pile of money every week he would sit out. How exactly will that help him?

Third, the Bucs don’t get any special salary cap relief this season if they were to trade Evans — because the team is so buried in what’s known as “dead money.” And a sign-and-trade for the $25 million-plus Evans appears to be seeking annually seems highly unlikely at this late hour.

The Bucs, of course, want to keep Evans, so they’re certainly not motivated. And the longer Evans potentially would sit out, the more Bucs fans will turn against him.

Evans should be in shut-up-and-play mode like Devin White is, unless he really wants out of Tampa, which he doesn’t. The Joe tying here expects that’s exactly where Evans will be soon.

Evans also has said several times that his historic, record-setting streak of 1,000-yard seasons is very important to him. Well, that’s in serious jeopardy if he holds out, especially if Chris Godwin proves he’s a No. 1 receiver and Trey Palmer stays dangerous.

Get on the field, Mike. The money will come.

134 Responses to “No Leverage For Mike Evans”

  1. Durango 95 Says:

    100% exactly right, Joe.

  2. DS Says:

    Blow it up imo guys on this team have already won and any have gotten paid nobody thinks this team is going anywhere bring in the “ Youngry” guys and get a real Qb

  3. pewter941 Says:

    Does Licht want to be known as the GM who let Mike Evans leave Tampa?

  4. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘Get on the field, Mike. The money will come.’


  5. Smashsquatch Says:

    He already knows the Bucs won’t tie up tons of cap space on two WRs. It’s a last ditch effort to get them to budge, which they won’t. And they shouldn’t shower him with long term money, not at his age. He’s in the short term deal phase of his career. Happens to the best of them.

  6. LOL Says:

    I think you’re REALLY reading into this if you think Evans is thinking about sitting out week 1 and more. This would be ass backwards why would he put his career records at risk by doing something like that? He wants to be a hall of famer and his best shot at that is to get 1k yards the next 3 seasons. Not playing is only going to hurt that.

    Pretty sure he meant he didn’t want to be a hold out during training camp/preseason.

  7. Buc Fan in CO Says:

    “Evans should be in shut-up-and-play mode like Devin White is, unless he really wants out of Tampa, which he doesn’t. The Joe typing here expects that’s exactly where Evans will be soon.”

    Hi Joe. Exactly where? The former or the latter? SUAP or wants out? Thanks!

  8. Roadsoda Says:

    If you listen to the Ira Kaufman Podcast (and you should), then you know which Joe wrote this. It’s logical Joe. Not the Joe that tells you 17 times in a row how he’s been saying X and writing Y for weeks and months and years.

  9. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    He wants to pull this cr#p 10 days before the start of the season. Thanks for everything ME BUT See ya!

  10. Marine Buc Says:

    I agree with Joe.

    Devin White and Mike Evans both just need to shut up and play ball at a high level and the money will come in 2024 – it might not be with the Bucs however…

  11. Jamar Dupree Says:

    Can’t be mad at #13. He going into our Ring of Honor and he been taking pay cuts to improve our roster. I want to see him suit up and I can see him holding out.

  12. Confido75 Says:

    Sign a Letter of Intent based on how he performs this year. Make his future deal contingent on his performance this year, then make the next next deal performance based with a lower guaranteed salary. They owe him this at the very least.

  13. J Says:

    @Jamar…he had no problem with those restructured contracts (not pay cuts) at the time they happened, and im pretty sure he did it voluntarily. The money just got kicked down the road a bit, It’s not like he couldn’t pay his mortgage. At the end of the day this whole thing is stupid. Especially after watching Devin Whites charade. Even our own teammates didn’t learn from Whites idiotic tactics.

  14. KC Buc Says:

    Very astute Joe, the 1,000 yard record angle is surely not something Evans would throw away over a contract extension dispute. I am now firmly in this camp that Evans won’t hold out. Unfortunately for him, I’m guessing Bucs brass thinking is to wait and see how both Evans and Palmer perform this season. There may not be much salary tolerance for Evans if Palmer looks to be blossoming into a star and we all know how receivers tend to take a big leap in Year 2.

  15. KC Buc Says:

    That and if Baker earns a 2nd contract, there’s going to be a tight cap squeeze for next year too potentially squeezing dollars left for a new Evans deal.

  16. T in Orlando Says:

    @ Jamar Dupree, Evans never took a pay cut. He’s restructered his deal, so he’d be paid more money at the time of the restructure, money that could be prorated over the course of the remain contract plus void years, which reduce the cap hit further, up until the time the contract is actually completed. The total number of dollars that Mike would be paid did not change.

    When a player restructures, it does help the team, but it also helps the player. Any good financial manager will tell you that it’s better to get money owed sooner rather than later.

    Very few times do players actually take pay cuts when the term restructure is used, and when it is a pay cuy, it is reported as such. Last time I recall this happening with a Bucs player was Cam Brate a couple years after he signed the $7mil / yr deal.

  17. Fred McNeil Says:

    I was just looking at spotrac. From what I can tell his actual salary for this year is $13 million.
    I realize that I might not understand how it all works, but it seems his game checks are about $750,000 a game. Holding out would be expensive. That said, a reasonable extension could give the Bucs a little money to sign injury replacements and keep Mike happy.

  18. CTBucs Says:

    This really sucks, and a toxic situation brewing from one of our most humble, team-oriented guys. I’d offer Mike a similar deal to Godwin, 3 years, 60something mill and let him retire a Buc. If he wants to play hardball, let him play this year on his current deal or sit out. Don’t trade him, let him hit FA next off-season, then the choice to leave is on him. I don’t see him getting paid more than what I had mentioned on the open market anyways. Hope this all blows over and we can reach a contract that works for the team and for Mike.

  19. pepsi Says:

    Hes on the verge of being a HOF shoe in.. but needs to string about 2 more good seasons together. A hold out could be the difference between easy HOF or tough road.

  20. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Trey Palmer having a monster season would be a leverage killer as well. $25M for a 30 year old vs a cheap rookie. Interesting if it plays out that way

  21. Mike S Says:

    If I’m Mike Evans I shut down negotiations on Saturday 9/9 – tell the team I’m going out there and will show you I’m still an electric talent. If you want to make me an offer during the bye week I’ll listen. If not, then you have to bid against everyone else during next year’s FA period.

    Who knows? Maybe Evans has a big year. Trask comes in – he very well could. Not going to happen with Mr. Dink and Dunk. The Mayfield signing and subsequent job gifting is going to eff Evans royally.

  22. Chris Says:

    If you think Buc fans will ever turn against Evans then you don’t know Buc fans.
    Mike Evans IS the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. If the team screws him over after everything he has done, then I will be a fan of wherever he signs, as a lot of Buc fans will

  23. Marine Buc Says:

    Mike Evans NEVER took a pay cut.

    When a player restructures a contract it converts base salary into guaranteed bonus money that is able to be spread out over several void years…

    It’s actually beneficial to the player when a contract is restructured.

    Just ask Tom Brady – the guy the Bucs are paying $35M not to play in 2023.

  24. Mike S Says:

    pepsi – people really under-estimate what the Baker signing is going to do to Evans’ HOF resume. Its a really big monkey wrench.

    The Bucs basically said F U to Evans when they signed Baker. They need a downfield (Trask) pass-oriented offense to get Evans over the hump. With Baker – as we’ve seen this preseason – its going to be run run run and a short passing game with Baker going 17-27 for 170 yards.

    That was the pattern for the Rams – and this is the same offense they have planned for Baker. High efficiency short yardage passing to hopefully get Baker near 70% and run the heck out of the ball.

    It kills any hope of a Mike Evans 1000 yard season.

  25. Beej Says:

    There’s no way to put a good face on holding out while you’re still under contract

  26. Joe in Michigan Says:

    DS Says:
    September 1st, 2023 at 1:02 pm
    Blow it up imo guys on this team have already won and any have gotten paid nobody thinks this team is going anywhere bring in the “ Youngry” guys and get a real Qb
    Only b!tches b!tch about the season BEFORE IT EVEN STARTS.

  27. K_bassuka Says:

    What a difference a year makes. With Brady he was willing to do anything to help the team and now with a better option at QB (according to some) he cares more about getting paid and not so much the prospect of winning. I wonder why 🧐?

  28. Bucsalltheway Says:

    All the pay cuts and restructuring his contract he has done over the years they need to pull the check book out and at least make it right on paper. He’s always been a team first player and maybe this scheme on offense doesn’t sit in his favor. Deep ball is the last option is this style offense equates to lesser opportunity I smell fish on this one

  29. D-Rome Says:

    Get on the field, Mike. The money will come.

    I agree Joe, the money will come. The agent has a job to do and he’s doing all the right things as an agent for Evans and to put himself out there as a serious agent for other players.

    Has sitting out worked for a player over the past 20 years? I can’t recall. My memory is probably failing me but the last guy that sat out over a contract that I can remember is Le’Veon Bell and it ruined his career. Revis held out I think but that sort of worked out. Dez Bryant held out and he was never as dominant once they came to a deal.

  30. adam from ny Says:

    mike’s a major team leader…

    this crap can really monkey wrench a season that already involves numerous what ifs…

    he prolly pocketed 100 mil already and has another 50+ mil coming his way in his lifetime…

    he should be good…

    and remain a buc for life…

    roh, yellow jacket, involved in buc functions for life…buccaneer family like a handful of others…def the way to go

  31. jim jim Says:


  32. Lord Cornelius Says:


    This has been such a confusing development

  33. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    Joe: “Does Evans think Team Glazer and general manager Jason Licht will go into convulsions because Evans missing games might cost them a Super Bowl this season? Absolutely not.”
    That’s a good point. IF the Bucs had a team that was expected to go deep into the playoffs than Evans would have more leverage.

    Anyways, I have no hard feelings towards Evans no matter what happens. He’s been great for the Bucs and the community for many years but this IS a business and I can’t blame him for trying to get what he can for what is probably his last contract. I’m sure he really would love to play out his final years as a Buc, but ultimately he’s got to do what’s best for himself and his family.

    If I were the GM and couldn’t pay Evans what he’s needing I would seek to trade him. There are some promising young guys on the team and now that the teams cut their rosters down there’s some talented WR’s on the street as well.

  34. Texasbucsfan Says:

    Not worth the money. People can’t afford the seats now.

  35. DS Says:

    @Joe in Michigan you are kinda insane it’s just an opinion no need to go crazy. You might want to get out your moms basement and live a little

  36. jim jim Says:


  37. thatmiracle Says:

    Personally, I wonder if Mike wants to go to a contender that can help guarantee his hall of fame status.

    Being honest, he’s a borderline hall of fame right now and is battling tough competition with Adams, Julio Jones, and others. I could see him wanting to set himself up for that.

    Playing in Tampa, under a run-first offense with a coach who has a losing record, doesn’t help his chances.

    Personally, I’d love for ME to finish his career here, but I also understand that the man has worked and overcame much adversity to get to where he is today. Whether he wants to seek a large contract or play for with Mahomes & the Chiefs to secure a hall of fame, I would support him.

    He doesn’t owe the team anything. Doesn’t sound like they consulted him when they hired a run-first coordinator & QB who has a history of not producing with good receivers.

    I hope he stays but it’s understandable if he wants out.

  38. adam from ny Says:

    also trey palmer is a real x-factor…

    if he has a rookie of the year type superstar season, scenarios can actually shift…

    i think mike plays this season and maybe takes a 28 mil franchise tag money type season next year…

    or initially takes the franchise tag next year and then they continue to hammer it out…

    if i’m mike i take the same contract chris got…3 years 20 mil…or maybe 4 years 80 mil because he deserves the extra year for being a true and tenured buccaneer and a pillar of help in the community…

    i think the bucs know this, and mike and the bucs come to a chill agreement of somewhere in the range i stated above of about 60 mil to 88 mil for 3-4 years

  39. Beej Says:

    I wonder if it’s the per year thing or the total number of years that’s under dispute between the two sides. I could see offering him a three-year contract, maybe half to 2/3 guaranteed, I wonder if he’s looking for more than that

  40. adam from ny Says:

    you don’t let guys like mike walk…it’s a hit to the organization on a whole…

    i believe ronde barber is going to potentially be the next gm after jason licht…it’s almost like he’s an understudy rn…

    unless things go haywire here and we go 2-15 and the whole staff is dismissed on a wild whim or something…

    if there is a smooth gm transition where licht eventually steps down and retires, i see our yellow jacketed cb sliding right into the spizzy

  41. NE Fan Says:

    If he has or doesn’t have a groin he can use that to hold out and still get paid. The guy knows neither Mayfield or Trask will get him his 1000yds. Move on old man get your 1000 with a team and coach not stuck in the 70’s.

  42. pewter941 Says:

    At the start of next season, he will be 31 years old, who is willing to pay top dollar for a 31 year old wr?

  43. ItzOK Says:

    as a bucs fan I want him to stay forever

    its painful to say but they should trade him. This team is going nowhere even with evans on it. Get him to a contender do right by Evans obtain future cap relief and obtain draft capital. We will need it to get a QB in the draft.

  44. NE Fan Says:

    Randy Moss was 30 when he joined the Patriots, he caught 22 TD passes. There are plenty of place he can get a 1 or 2 yr contract.

  45. adam from ny Says:

    i actually think mike gets more yards without brady…

    brady spread the wealth across the board…

    if he and baker get a a good on field rapport, i say his numbers jump some…

    he will see more throws like winston threw to him imho…

    sideline high 50/50 balls…

    back of the end zone crossing patterns, go up and get it by the goal posts, etc…

    there were huge chunks of games where mike was not getting many balls from tom – let’s be real now

  46. HC Grover Says:

    Evans sees the writng on the wall for the Super Bowles season.

  47. adam from ny Says:

    if the season is a disaster, mike also knows he is a prime trading piece to a contender in need of a receiver…

    if the team flops hard – “this team still has some dudes” – some dudes that will be on the move before the trade deadline

  48. NE Fan Says:

    I think the Rams playoff game killed this teams MOJO. Since then they’ve seemed unmotivated and just going through the motions.

  49. DoooshLaRue Says:

    NE Fan Says:
    September 1st, 2023 at 2:59 pm
    If he has or doesn’t have a groin he can use that to hold out and still get paid. The guy knows neither Mayfield or Trask will get him his 1000yds. Move on old man get your 1000 with a team and coach not stuck in the 70’s.

    Oh yeah right.
    58 yards per game is sooo difficult……..

  50. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Mike wants to stay and the Bucs are hesitant to invest in a 30 year old receiver who has played through many leg injuries. It’s a risk/reward situation. I hope they figure out it because it would be a real shame for Mike to leave now. I think what is fair is a 3 year deal with 69 million in guarantees. Unless Mike really does want a 5 year contract…. That muddies the water a bit because there are so few receivers that don’t decline as they approach their mid-30’s. Unless you’re Jerry that is.

  51. Pewter Power Says:

    I’ll never turn on Evans this is a real life matter not football.


    He has the money to hold he’s not hurting for cash. Let’s not pretend we’ll have the same amount or more wins without him.

  52. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Getting messy because it should have been worked out much earlier. Guy never complains until now. If its a shorter deal, throw more money at it. If its longer, get some value back on the price. Ultimately, they restructure and kick the can on the top players and salaries on the team. You need this guy to carry the load this season. Bowles needs this guy to carry the load this season. Licht needs to clear this up quickly. Alienating your best player is a good way to soft tank.

  53. NE Fan Says:

    Douche & mean Doosh, if it was so easy why doesn’t every receiver have 1000 yds seasons every year? Moron, it’s not easy.

  54. Dwayne Cone Says:

    If the 12,000,000 pushed forward to years 2024-2026 is guaranteed money and part of the team friendly deal that would have been due by the end of 2023 then…. 12,000,000 x.05 (Interest that it would be earning) is 600,000 a year/12 is $50,000 a month. He could rent Brady’s old house for $60,000 a month.

    If that’s the case when did screwing yourself start getting packaged as a team friendly deal? He made it though. A deal is a deal back was the term back in the day.

    Could be he doesn’t feel his contract should be 17th of the top 30 for receivers.

  55. NE Fan Says:

    Yes Doosh, it is so easy every WR in the league should have 1000 yd seasons. He barely made it the last 3 seasons and Brady was throwing the ball.

  56. Pewter Power Says:

    This franchise has sucked ever since Bowles became head coach. He was front and center in the decline of Brady and now Evans of all people is holding out. I wonder what he’ll screw up next year. If Bowles waned him this would be resolved.

  57. SlyPirate Says:


    Nothing to add.

  58. billy Says:

    Guys its time to trade these old guys were in rebuild mode.. were not gonna win a superbowl with these peeps that simple.

  59. DoooshLaRue Says:

    21 WRs were over 1k yards last year.
    23 in 2021.
    It’s not that big of a deal anymore.
    It’s an antiquated milestone.

  60. Mike C Says:

    A week before the season stars Mike? Smh agent got in his ear, Stay in Tampa Mike, your taxes will thank you…… not your agent.

  61. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    Pewter Power Says:
    September 1st, 2023 at 3:29 pm


    He has the money to hold he’s not hurting for cash. Let’s not pretend we’ll have the same amount or more wins without him.
    To extend the contract of all our core guys like Evans, Winfield, Wirfs, Shaq and White, is going to be challenging given our salary cap situation. We just cannot pay top dollar to ALL these guys who deserve it and have enough left over to pay everyone else. If Baker has a sufficiently good year where the Bucs wish to keep him they’ll have to pay him some real money as well.

    Licht will do all he can to keep as many of them as possible, but to keep them all when some want to get paid top dollar is highly unlikely. We have to fix our salary cap situation and it’s going to take more than one year. The Bucs went all in to win a Super Bowl and did so in their home stadium. But now we are paying the consequences. It was well worth it though IMO.

  62. DS Says:

    I’m with @Billy there’s no point trying to “reload” with older players who have got paid and already won a chip. We don’t have the coach or personel to contend hell not to even make the playoffs. I wouldn’t be mad an overhaul it’s like a hamster on a wheel going in place

  63. NE Fan Says:

    Doosh so 10% is a lot??? What do you tell your women, bigger is NOT better?

  64. Hodad Says:

    NE fan, Moss also signed for peanuts, and never got a long term big contract from your Pats. Why don’t you post something on the a Pat’s website since you’re a NE fan?

  65. Mike C Says:

    Hodad, Thank You, F^ off

  66. Allbuccedup Says:

    Bucs have a lot show me the money after this season. Evans, Winfield, White etc.etc.etc. If they win fine if not bye bye-bye!

  67. Bucs since 76 Says:

    Evans wants 26 million a year and Godwin is making 20 million a year. The Bucs can’t afford to pay 46 million a year to the top two WR. Either Evans will have to take less or Evans will have to move on.

  68. DFW Buc Says:

    I have to agree with Mike S. If heavens is used as a decoy to take off the top coverage for dinks and dunks passes there’s no way he’d make the thousand yards this year playing for the Bucs. As much as he’s given through the years, and put up with at times, he deserves an out if he wants out. I would be very sad to see him go but at the same time completely understanding.

  69. D-Rome Says:

    At the start of next season, he will be 31 years old, who is willing to pay top dollar for a 31 year old wr?

    The Tennessee Titans.

  70. adam from ny Says:

    worst case scenario is let him play this year, bless him 28 mil next year under the franchise tag, then for what will probably be his 12th season, figure it out then, or let him walk if he’s super adamant on a huge long contract…

    let him push his own way out the door if he so chooses…

    at that point he’ll sign a 3 year 60 mil dollar deal with a new team, chances are he won’t blend into the new system as easily as he anticipated…

    he will have a couple 400-500 yard injury type seasons, the new team and fanbase will be underwhelmed in his production, and he will fizzle out and prolly not even fulfill that 3rd year there…

    these things happen

  71. Ed Says:

    This mess is creature by this present G.M. pay the guy like you promise and stop paying Tom Brady at age 50 $35mill. No one complained about age when they signed Brady !Pay the dam guys,

  72. Bob Buc Says:

    Isn’t this the same time frame from last year when Brady’s divorce saga blew up? I really like Mike Evans but I’m really f’in tired of hostage situations in my life, from the top on down. Mike’s in a bad spot in terms of his body’s useful NFL life. He’s in what you can reasonably call a long-term contract when you consider 1) the remaining miles his body can take and 2) the fact that the Bucs have his soul for 2 more seasons – after which, his value will likely be greatly diminished.

    So he and his agent wait until now to blow the season up hoping that management will cave and give WR 9.5 money to a WR 7.5? That’s not a diss but factual in terms of what Mike can do with the cast around him. Personally, I really want him to stay but not to the point of “pay the man what he wants” desperation. From a cold-blooded standpoint, I don’t see how you pay current wages for 2 No. 1 WRs and a franchise QB.

    Bottom line though:

    1. You picked a fine time to salary cap me Lucille (apologies to Devin White);


    2. My crystal ball says that the puzzle piece you will fill this year is not one that makes a difference between winning the SuperBowl and a near miss.

    That equates to either a come to J meeting with your “team” or blowing up 2 of the last 2-3 years of what hopefully would be a HOF career.

    Can understand/appreciate your dilemma but if you wanted to go to the mattresses, I’d play Mohs Scale 10 hardball.

  73. TF Says:

    Get serious Joe. You know damn freaking well the money will NOT come. He took pay restructures and cuts and EARNED a raise. This is NOT a guy reworking a contract already signed. He unselfishly agreed to pay hits for the SB run. If the Bucs and Jason do not get any to pay one of the all time greatest athletes representing Tampa I want NOTHING to do with this ownership. He will get left high and dry like Lynch. Go Jaguars!!!

  74. unbelievable Says:

    Seems pretty simple to me:

    Evans wants to know he’s got security (AKA money guaranteed) beyond this year.

    Can’t blame him for that. I also know Licht has many times made guys wait til the end of the season to negotiate.

    I don’t think Evans will actually hold out, but man, anytime he isn’t playing up to fans standards, everyone will question his effort / dedication.

  75. unbelievable Says:


    1. This is the last season on Evan’s contract.

    2. We’re spending about 8 million on our quarterbacks… That’s peanuts.

  76. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    There are six articles here today about Mike Evans and everyone of them have the same gator boys using them to trash Mayfield. Look I understand that you like to use Baker as a punching bag but it’s not his fault that your gators got curb stomped last night by a team outside of the SEC. So try to relax, take a deep breath and try to focus your energy on something positive. Remember, they’re still better than Vandy, so you’ve got that going for you. But it’s going to be a long, long, painful season for your gators. And if the Lord’s willing and the creek don’t rise, they may actually make it to 5-7 this year.

  77. Buc4evr Says:

    Don’t care about multi millionaire players. They should be greatful for the opportunity to play and if they want to move on that’s ok also. Let the millionaires and billionaires fight it out, no care given. If Evans decides to move on, thats ok, next up.

  78. Lokog Says:

    Ive turned on mike evans don’t want him on this team no more

  79. DoooshLaRue Says:

    NE Fan,

    I’m saying 1k a year @ 17 games isn’t as big of a deal as it used to be.
    The 10% number you mention I assume is based on total WRs in the NFL.
    How many WR3, 4 or 5s had over 1k?

    None, so we’re talking WR1 and 2, of which I believe there are 64 in a league season.
    My apologies for not being clear.

    That would make my point at 30-35% = not that big of a deal anymore.

    1500 yards should be the new milestone.

  80. Power Of Pewter Says:

    Evans’ agent is just playing hardball to get his client the best deal possible. I would take everything he says to media with a 50 lb sack of salt. Remember, it’s the agent talking, not Evans.

  81. Steven007 Says:

    Mike has made nearly 100 million so far in his career. Slated to make millions this year, and next year. Even if he signs the franchise tag, it’ll be 25 plus million. And more the next year on a tag. I understand the business aspect, but as a fan it’s just hard to get behind the implied greed of these one percenters.

  82. Mike S Says:

    Mike Evans is one of one right now on consecutive 1000 yard seasons to start a career.

    I think he gets in now with his achievements, but 2 more 1000 yard seasons locks him in as a 1st ballot HOFer.

  83. Allbuccedup Says:

    Evans 26 mil, White 20 mil and Winfield 18 mil equals 64 mil WOW!

  84. NE Fan Says:

    Hodad, Randy Moss signed a 3 yr $27MM contract with the Pat’s, a $12MM signing bonus and $15MM guaranteed, 4th highest in the league.

  85. Bucsfan951 Says:

    $25 million a year for Mike Evans or $25 million a year for Tom Brady.

    Say what you want about Brady but he knew to take a friendly contract to build a championship team. I don’t like to count other peoples money but the Bucs will have paid Evans (after this year) 9 figures over his lifetime.

    If licht is smart, you don’t give in to his weird tactic and let the season play out. Deal with it during the offseason.

  86. Jack Clark Says:

    Mike Evans is our only legitimate threat at Wide Receiver. Jesus Christ he even got 1,000 receiving yards from Josh McCown. Mike Evans is a pillar for our offense to build on just like Triston Wirfs. Pay the man what he’s worth

  87. JeffreyLane77 Says:

    I’m starting to wonder if Licht made some promises in the past to these guys. Probably vague pie in the sky promises about future contracts. When the players came to collect Licht stringed them along. White and Evans were willing to wait for a team heading to the playoffs with a chance at a Superbowl. I’m betting these guys are now thinking. If you want me to play for a team with no chance at a Suoerbowl. I expect to be paid. No more home team discounts. Honestly neither of them currently have much leverage. As far as Evans his only leverage is to holdout or holdin. Whatever these guys are doing these days. I suppose Evans could milk this groin injury. But if Godwin fills his role well. Then Evans has even less leverage than he does now. Evans could threaten to retire. I’m no contract genius but Evans could end up owing the team money to retire. In which case the team won’t take that threat too seriously. Evans will play this year. Hopefully Canales can keep him motivated and in a positive mindset.

  88. WyomingJoe Says:

    Just got off the phone with Mike. He’s in for this year because he knows Mayfield will get him 1300 yards and 14 TDs.

  89. Rod Munch Says:

    Get his deal done.

    The guy has been there every previous time the Bucs needed to rework the cap for whatever reason, so now return the favor.

    Yes, I understand you’re going to be ‘overpaying’ if you assume he’s going to decline soon.

    But don’t be so sure that is going to happen. Plus, if it does happen, the Bucs are going to be rebuilding anyways with a cheap young QB, so you’ll have extra money.

    Finally, the cap isn’t what it was even two years ago. Medicore guys now get $20m/year, so if Mike wants $25m, sounds fair to me.

    Again, just get it done. Mike has never been a drama queen, and even when he was a woke idiot after Trump won for one week, after Dirk gave him the riot act, he wasn’t an issue, didn’t try making it all about himself, didn’t go crying to the media talking about how he’s a victim.

    Mike has been the ultimate anti-DIVA WR, so again, get the deal done.

  90. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    This is all bull. It’s not going to happen. News is just slow and this is something to latch onto and talk about.

    Gotta say…it’s disappointing that fans can be manipulated so easily.

  91. jeff Says:

    EXACTLY! u rock joe, now email this to every player/coach/front office etc on the team

  92. FortMyersDave Says:

    If ME sits out the Viking game fans will turn on him, the 1000 yard streak will probably be in jeopardy and even if his teammates will say that the holdout is “business”, it will cause damage. Also, the franchise tag has been mentioned for 2024. Without franchise worthy receiver numbers the Glazers will not pay ME 28 million. He wants Cooper Kupp money but I bet the Rams are regretting giving Kupp that coin as he now has one of those nagging hammies that will help the Rams have an even worse offense than the Bucs. ME really has nothing to gain with this unless he wants to lose the fans like Devin White has. Maybe he was promised a deal but the Glazers and Licht are dragging their feet, maybe he realizes he does not fit in the Canales/Baker offense. It is too bad, ME might be seeing any chance of a gold jacket disappear unless he goes the route of John Lynch which will be hard for a WR with declining skills.

  93. Derobbins Says:


    His statement was “I am better than cook or Jonathan Taylor, I showed up and didn’t hold out”

    Not a threest that he was going to hold out.

    His agents statement said ” if week 1 gets here and we haven’t agrees yet, no more negation with you, we will look for a new team next year.”.and that he would transition to “focus only on football”.

    Seems like you might be misunderstanding things.

  94. Kidfloflo Says:

    No way he holds out and lets valuable games slip by keeping from his goal of ANOTHER consecutive 1000 yd season and a gold jacket in his midst

  95. Fernando Says:

    Play and you’ll get paid
    Don’t let your agent do this
    You have no leverage and you in your 30s so this is your last big payday
    Bucs can franchise you next year too!!!
    You under contract stop the drama
    You play and get paid simple

  96. Statguy Says:

    If you do trade him or pay him then it undermines what you told Devin white so you would just be moving the spoiled milk to the other side of the floor.

  97. StretchOMatic Says:

    I think this whole deal is because of Trey Palmer. He is WR3 right now. If he blows the lid off the NFL this year, say Rookie of the Year…where would that leave Mike next year? WR3 for him possibly. Under this Trey Palmer scenario, Mike won’t get a big payday next year. He know this, his agent knows this….so they want money now in case Trey becomes the “star”! The NFL is a business, it has no loyalty in it’s ranks!

  98. ATrain Says:

    If any current player deserves a pay day Evans does

    Make a deal

  99. Stanglassman Says:

    Mike is afraid of a 6th round draft pick outshining him? Players usually get their contracts in the offseason going into their finally year. Everyone thought Mike would get his contract this offseason. This was before Palmer was even picked. This is a ridiculous statement. If Palmer has a great year would they be more reluctant to resign or franchise tag him at 28 m. It’s possible but it not the reason the Bucs aren’t paying him 27 million a year. They just can’t tie over 50 a year to one position. They want to give him slightly over 20 million a year. He wants 27 and that’s just not gonna happen.

  100. Rayjay1122 Says:

    Welp, if we were not Minnesota ready than I guess now we are for sure.

  101. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    I was backing Mike Evans 100%

    Today, I told my boss, “I want a new contract within a week, or I may not come to work”….. He fired me.

  102. mg Says:

    Short arm Mike should have been traded.

  103. Mr. Editor Says:

    This news is setting the Buccaneers’ world on fire. The agent puts the blame squarely on Team Glazer. I believe that he will play. I’m hoping that this is “gamesmanship”, too.

  104. Michael Says:

    Somehow I think there is a woman behind this? 🤔🏈

  105. ScottyMack Says:

    Wow, nothing like a bunch of people who have no clue, speculating on things.

    A. Evans wants to be a Buc and stay a Buc. He has said so numerous times.

    B. Mike Evans did not say anything about his contract, an extension or a holdout. His agent is the one pressuring the Bucs.

    C. While there are those here that like to say that Evans really didn’t give up anything when he restructured his contract several times, what he DID do is whatever it took to make it possible for the Bucs to sign players to deals that they never would have been able to do during the Brady years. He’ll do it again and frankly, if he doesn’t, the Bucs are screwed and cannot afford the even the players they have on the practice squad (they are OVER the cap right now).

    D. Evans has never shown a sign that he is even close to being “over the hill”. Unlike the myriad of Mayfield haters/Trask(Gator) lovers on this thread, I truly think that Evans is going to have the best year of his entire career this year.

    E. Evans has stated that he does not believe in holding out to gain leverage.

    BOTTOM LINE: Evans is not going to hold out. He’s a true professional and dedicated to this team and his teammates. He is going to ball-out this year and if Tampa is smart, they’ll work something out with him PRONTO! If they don’t, he’ll get an offer that Tampa will never be able to match after the spectacular season he is about to put together.

  106. Fishhawkbuc Says:

    Cut is old arse. We will spend half the season on IR this year, maybe more.

  107. Since76 Says:

    Can anyone whos been saying Evans has been taking pay cuts to help the team please enlighten me when that happened. When a player extends a contract or moves money almost 100 percent of the time they receive more money along with guaranteed money. I would like to know when he took a pay cut. Did not happen.

  108. August 1976 Buc Says:

    Seems like par for the course, just what the team needs distraction before game 1.
    Mike is a good guy, and teamate and player, has been for many years.

    in 2018…..
    Buccaneers receiver Mike Evans has agreed to a five-year contract extension, as first reported by NFL Network’s Ian Rapoport. The deal can be worth as much as $82.5 million and includes $55 million in guaranteed money.

    Just a little perspective from real life.

    So Mike has made more money already than most people in the history of the mankind.

    Sorry Mike, I have no sympathy for you. In think you have been a class act and represent the Bucs well.

    Sorry bro this team is in need of a new talent cycle and most likely a new head coach is coming within a year.

    No spend the money another way Jason.

    And to you Mike, hope the best for you in your endevours in life, and will love the day of your induction into the Hall of Fame, and seeing you standing behind the podium in Canton with a gold jacket on giving your induction speech. You are a class act.

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  109. No mercy Says:

    This is a non story. Mike Evans isn’t holding out and I think we all know that. I do appreciate Chris Godwin far more now knowing he’s never had his agent pull some bs like this

  110. Mike S Says:

    Mike Evans ranks with any Bucs player in their pantheon.

    Sapp, Alstott, Brooks, Barber, Lynch, Evans….

    However the reality is he’s 30 and Baker Mayfield is his QB.

    He’ll never get $25M – not now nor will he get it in 2024. There won’t be enough balls and thus yards to go around to feed the hungry mouths. He won’t have the stats at the end of this season to solicit top dollar.

    The Glazers don’t have to give him the contract extension he wants. They can wait.

    The only leverage Mike has is – “If you don’t extend me at max money now I’m gone in 2024.”

    The problem is – even with his value maxing right now, this is a rebuild year with Tank Mayfield at the helm.

    Glazers will just say “OK Mike. Thank you for your excellent contribution and best of luck to you at your next stop. After you retire we’ll bring you back and put you in the ring of honor.” They might even trade him at the deadline. If Evans is assuredly gone after 2023 – then the smart move is to get a draft pick(s) out of him.

    Another way Mike can run this is to play this season out and hope for another 1,100+ yard campaign. Then see what his market is in FA. Give the Bucs an opportunity to match/beat his best offer.

    That’s a tough bet. I just don’t see the Glazers dropping top $$ on a player over 30 as good as Mike is. There just isn’t the salary cap for it. It’s time to turn over the roster and get some new young blood in here. Plus QB+Bowles I think everyone can foresee a sharp downturn in total pass yardage so it will be tough for Mike to make his case.

    If Mike wants to retire a Buc he has to accept team friendly deals. No reason for the Bucs to go for it on budget/cap with a young team that doesn’t have QB settled. Nothing against Mike. It’s not about what he deserves – its about what incentive the Bucs have to spend. I’m thinking Evans knows this – his agent putting that statement out is a hail mary play of sorts, but really it’s to communicate to fans that it isn’t Mike – he’s very willing to extend & wants to extend – the team is holding off at least for now. Evans wants another nice contract, deserves a nice contract – just that the Bucs aren’t in a position to give it to him. So if something happens we all understand that ultimately its a business and Mike has to do what’s best for him and his family and the Bucs have to do what’s best for their organization. Nobody should have hard feelings it is what it is.

    The only way I see it changing is if Evans blows up for 1400+ yards and 10 TDs. Then he becomes an anomaly – and not just a steady eddie 1100-1000 yard guy. Also says he has longevity and isn’t going to fade soon. Only way that’s happening is if the Bucs tally 4700+ passing yards. No way in heck Mayfield does that. Trask would have to get the job early and then come out of nowhere to take the league by storm. I don’t see that in Trask year one. 4000 yards probably his max, but hey you never know.

  111. Oddball Says:

    Where the f@&$ did this come from? Nothing all off-season then “you got nine days”?

    Mike, fire your agent.

  112. DS Says:

    @Mike S Agreed

  113. Woodenman Says:

    Man plenty of conspiracy theorist on here mike ain’t going no where and he is not going to hold out.

  114. PbnJ Says:

    I’m sure many have said this but the biggest reason I can think of as to why Evans & his agent attempted this move is because they’re predicting a 5 win season like the national media. They expect to such, which should mean bigger numbers for the wideouts, but Mike is also 30 & Mayfield is said to have already failed to involve similar WRs.

    If they don’t force an overpay now, it’ll be very difficult to sell a 31 year old WR coming off his worst season. Licht should maintain the conviction that’s led to this point. I assure you the majority want to think of Evans as HOF material but they mostly cringe when they consider $25 million per for lumbering Mike who has more critical drops than amazing catches in clutch situations the last two years.

    He’s always been presented as the team oriented guy who would restructure for the team…and yet such a deal was rumored for months last year and the team continued to find other players to restructure while Mike refused.

  115. Salary Cap Hell Says:

    Do agents have no understanding of what salary cap hell looks like?
    Bad timing on Mike’s agents part…. do the math where do they pull the numbers? Out of there Ass? 🐴 🫏

  116. PassingThru Says:

    Licht should dial around the league and see he could fetch for Evans. I don’t think it would be much due to age; GMs probably wouldn’t budge for more than a 4th round pick for a WR north of age 30, but it would plant a seed in the event their WR1 is later lost for the season.

    The Bucs aren’t in contention this season, and won’t be in contention until they draft a franchise QB. That might even be a longer span of time than the next Mike Evans contract. Other than sentimental value, I don’t see the need to keep Evans on the roster. Trade Evans; it’s rebuild time and keeping him on the roster won’t sell enough tickets to justify the expense. And it cuts both ways as Evans has a shot at a sweeter deal elsewhere, or at least see firsthand his value with someone other than the Bucs.

  117. Jack Says:

    Evans has already said many times he wants to play his whole career in TB and retire a Buccaneer, make him a reasonable offer with hints of keeping him a BUC after his on the field career has ended, and honor the man with loyalty because he has definitely been a loyal Buccaneer. He deserves to be heard and everything he ask for should be taken serious.

  118. Mike S Says:

    Jack Mike isn’t getting 20+ mil a year – not from anyone at 31. There are WRs tearing up the league 1400 yards plus. Mike’s in the next tier down – not that top dominant tier. Who knows where he’ll be after this season? Will he continue to have 1100 plus yards in the bank? Not a lock. Again – not all on him we got a conservative Todd Bowles pop-gun offense. Stars just aren’t aligning in his favor.

    If he wants to max out his market he needs to introduce other bidders. The only way that happens is in free agency. Maybe that’s his only play at the moment? But that’s not projecting in his favor either.

    The only way he can force an extension is to offer the Bucs a discount to sign now saying the certainty is worth taking a few million less. “Extend me 3 years, 2 guaranteed and I’ll sign for 16 per”. That’s a sign now lure. Mike saying “If you don’t extend me for 25 per right now I’ll go get it from someone else” will solicit the Bucs responding “go right ahead”.

    I’ll tell you right now – Evans comes out of this season with 950 yards or less receiving his market will fall like a stone. He won’t even get 16 per in FA. He and Tank Mayfield won’t be bros either. Think about it – week 7 Mayfield is averaging ~200 PYPG mostly throwing to backs and TEs and occasionally to WRs in short slants, screens and hook routes – with Godwin getting a fat share of those crumbs – that locker room is going to get testy. Tank Mayfield will be officially messing with Evans’ paper.

    I LOL at all of this. Bowles just had to put his guy Tank Mayfield in there. Like I have persistently said through this whole process – Trask was always the smart play. He has all the right bonafides, the intangibles, and since this is a rebuild year everyone can live with any learning curve that occurs. If he struggles early, but finishes the year strong so many good things line up for the Bucs’ future. Trask would avg 240ish PYPG and there’s a good chance more than that. He attacks downfield. Guys will get their yards.

    But nooooo. Bowles had to bring in his Tank Mayfield guy and force that issue to try to sweat out 17-14 games all season long with running the ball and dinks and dunks. “We’re going to win on defense and ball control” partying like it’s 1999.

    We all saw the preseason. We all know what time it is. Canales called the games differently when the two QBs were in there. Trask risks it for the biscuit and Tank throws a steady diet of pop passes.

    There’s going to be some grumpy mother truckers before this is all said and done.

  119. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    Man if I had just HALF the football acumen that some these cats believe they have, I’d be running an NFL organization. Grandiose delusions at their best.

  120. Mike S Says:

    Don’t tell – Mike is a HOF player, but he’s in his 30s and we now have a conservative offense with the bottom ranked QB in the league who’s known for turnover struggles.

    Bucs are allegedly going to be a run heavy offense – but the run game was the worst in the league last year.

    Bucs let D.Smith go – added a decent journeyman in Feiler and a rookie on the o-line. Could be improved, but how much and how long before they gel?

    The QB is a career 226 ypg 61.4% guy who’s thrown more INTs than anyone since he’s been in the league.

    Canales is a rookie OC – never called plays before.

    None of this lines up for Mike.

    You don’t have to be Bill Parcells to make a reasonable prediction here.

    I want him back – but if I’m the Bucs I want to see what he looks like this year in this new paradigm. I want to know that if I give him 22 mil per he’s going to be dominant through that contract.

  121. adam from ny Says:

    if an esteemed player wants to go and i’m the glazers this what ya do…

    you buy the esteemed player a rolls royce and you put a giant bow on it like on christmas car commercials…

    you park it front and center in the player parking lot…

    you invite esteemed player out to the lot for a meet and greet…

    you present esteemed player with the keys to his nice new tpy and tell him to get the f out the building

  122. adam from ny Says:


  123. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    Mike S: Baker threw 14,125 yards in 60 games with the Browns. The Bucs have 17 games this season. That would translate to a 4,000 yard season, if he has a season similar to the four years in Cleveland. Seems like that would be more than enough to get a couple of guys 1,000 yards+ and still have plenty left over.

  124. Mike S Says:

    As a Browns QB he was 235 PYPG

    Last two seasons 198 PYPG

    180 PYPG last season.

    My brother that is trending in the wrong direction.

    We got lots of excuses – injury, traded without time to learn the playbook, family stole from me, etc…

    I think he’ll get better than 180 this season – but not 235.

  125. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    I didn’t make any excuses for him, just pointed out what his passing yards were in his 20 games in Cleveland and what that playing 17 games this year would be if he had a similar season. Didn’t make a single reference to injury, traded without time to learn the playbook, family stole from me, etc…

    And if he has Evans and Godwin it makes sense that he would be able to average that. At this point it’s all speculation. But we’ll know the answer soon enough

  126. Mike S Says:

    You tell me:

    2018 266 ypg
    2019 239 ypg
    2020 222 ypg
    2021 215 ypg
    2022 180 ypg

    The confidence bound interval there is 156 to 192 ypg on the trend.

    Bump that by +20 because we believe in Tank Mayfield and this personnel.

    High water mark is 218 ypg and 3700 yards passing.

    Probably shake out to Godwin getting 1100, Evans getting 1000 – the rest of everyone getting 1500. Backs are going to catch 80+ balls this season with this offense and Mayfield at the helm. So best case scenario is Evans eeks out 1000.

    I think Tank will fall underneath that – 210ish maybe.

    If the Bucs allow Tank to ride all 17 games with a 210 ypg average everyone deserves to be fired.


    We’ll see Trask long before then.

  127. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    Again, just more speculation. But one thing is certain, it’s going to play out however and no speculation is going to affect that outcome.

  128. SavageBucsguy Says:

    Are we sure this was Mike Evans’ doing…or do we think his agent is just wanting more money for himself?

  129. pmarcello Says:

    All you nasty Baker bashing trolls crack me up. Not one of you ever accomplished doo da in your miserable lives and none of you even collectively add up to a pimple on Baker’s butt but you consider yourselves experts which even by any stretch of logic or fantasy adds up to one slimy slimy tinky OXYMORON keep making slanders derogs aimed at Baker and you haven’t a leg to stand on.

    Here is reality. The Bucs fate, the coaches fate ,the team’s fate and yes even the mighty ME’s fate arfe all in Baker’s hands.You are right about one thing and that is that Brady is gone. Baker is not Brady and doesn’t want to be. The simple fact is at this point Baker is better than Brady. He is young. He is in his prime. He has abazooka for an arm and he is set up to make some serious noise. Championship noise.You folls think Baker is going to run some mediocre dink and dunk flea circus. That it total bunk. Baker is going for it all and he now has the means to do it. Evans and Godwin and the young lions just have only to run past the secondary or cro them over the middle and Baker will supply the long rainbow bombs that will rock the Buc’s opponent starting with the Vikings and you will all get to watch the bet story in the NFL unfold. But you will have to sweat it out one play at a time andf you deserve it for being kool aid sucking skeptics.And there is not a dfamn thing you can do about it. It is all about baker. As he performs the team,ME included will follow him and you will all have to acknoledge it. By the way that is what Licht and Bowles and Canales knew all along. I trust them and Baker. Not you know nothing fools andf that includfes the fake news muscle throats. Go Baker. The Role of Mavrick i aperfect fit.

  130. TOMMY MORDUE Says:


  131. TOMMY MORDUE Says:


  132. TOMMY MORDUE Says:


  133. F#@k joe Says:

    This site sucks. Joe is obviously a moron.
    Complete nothing article, just to get clicks, which is all Joe ever does.
    Mike’s never gonna sit out, and any real Bucs fan know that. He’s also not getting traded. He’ll get paid. The trade talk is just the typical tired media bs.

  134. Joe Says:

    Mike’s never gonna sit out, and any real Bucs fan know that.

    How come he hasn’t said that?