“Luke And Tristan Played Well”

September 26th, 2023

Bucs right tackle Luke Goedeke.

The offensive line grades are in at One Buc Palace.

Collectively the Buccaneers’ offensive line was bullied last night against the Eagles. But individually was a different story.

Speaking on the Buccaneers Radio Network this evening, head coach Todd Bowles had praise for left tackle Tristan Wirfs and right tackle Luke Goedeke. “Luke and Tristan played well,” he said.

Bowles added that veteran left guard Matt Feiler did some good things, but Bowles was quiet when it came to talking about center Robert Hainsey and rookie right guard Cody Mauch.

What a test it was for the offensive line. Joe saw Wirfs struggle a few times, which is rare for him. Goedeke held up quite strong. The interior of the line, however, was very messy.

Mauch should only get stronger, better and smarter, but it’s unclear if the back issue he’s had most of this season was a factor last night. As for Hainsey, he usually plays like a lower tier starting center, which is no shame for the 2021 third-round pick.

54 Responses to ““Luke And Tristan Played Well””

  1. Marine Buc Says:

    OK – but Feiler, Hainsey and Mauch were the lowest scoring lineman on PFF.

    What a joke.

    I still have hope for Mauch but Feiler was a cheap free agent for a reason and Hainsey is far below mediocre…

  2. Chris l Says:

    I’ve moved on to saints week. Big division game. Will be hard hitting as it always is. Let’s go kick some ass

  3. TonySoprano Says:

    It’s a flawed drafting strategy. Licht continually drafts olinemen that need several years of development to get better and stronger, yet these players are forced to start because we have no one better/can’t afford vets. Licht, if you don’t have the luxury of letting these weak, small school olinemen sit and develop behind the scenes, quit drafting them in the early rounds. Go get some hogs that are ready to play from day 1.

  4. Mike S Says:

    Marine Bucs the line make-up changed profoundly when Jensen went down. Hainsey is not the answer as a replacement.

    It seems the Bucs are good at the tackle spots. Probably OK at guard. Center is a problem.

  5. Pewter Power Says:

    Licht has been working his “what if “ strategy to building a team. Hainsey Only competition came from guys who Bucs showed were nfl backups based on depth charts the last few years.

    Hainsey should have been pushed by a draft pick just like they did at guard.

  6. JD Still Says:

    This can’t be the same Luke Goedeke everyone was calling a failure can it? Not slamming anyone, he did play poorly last year in an unfamiliar position but moving back to a familiar position and gaining some experience there seems to have worked wonders.

  7. HC Grover Says:

    And we lost

  8. Jerseybuc Says:

    Hainsey is no doubt the weak link on that line. He’s not strong enough in the middle back up center really wish would of addressed that in the offseason

  9. Rick Says:

    All the people on here commenting like the sky is falling seem to have forgotten about that Super Bowl Trophy in the case. We went all in for Tom Brady, and would have won twice had it not been for injuries. We are paying the price this year, lots of dead cap space left over from doing what we needed to do to make another run at it. What is a team to do? You stock up with young talent. Some of these players make it, some don’t, but Hainsey, Mauch, and Goedeke will continue to get better and we will continue to push them through the draft. Nobody expected Marpet to retire the way he did and the Jensen injury was unfortunate, but we are doing it the right way and we should be better next year than this year, which is what young teams with some cap room do.

  10. Marine Buc Says:

    @ Mike S

    I agree.

    I’ve seen a few suggest Cody Mauch will be moved to Center next season.

    I’m also OK with leaving Mauch at RG and just drafting a Center in round 2-3 next Spring…

    But something needs to be done. Hainsey is not athletic enough to block linebackers and he isn’t big/strong enough to block interior defensive linemen.

  11. JN Says:

    They threw us around like rag dolls on both sides of the ball. The difference between a dominant front and roster and what Bucs have which is mediocre on both sides of the ball. Bucs have too many JAGs… Phily has horses and war daddies. I can only hope one day TB is built like the Eagles.

  12. Bucs13 Says:

    @MarineBuc. Having Brady play behind two new interior guys who have never played the position was coaching malpractice. You need to protect Brady’s interior or any QB for that matter. Luke Goedke gave him PTSD. Brady’s internal clock was sped up so fast. Luke is back at his original and looks more comfortable.

  13. D-Rok Says:

    O-line was terrible last year, which got “this” fan hammering, stomping, and hollerin’ ’bout it. Yep, I’m one of the fans Joe references when he says fans who whine about the O-line. I whined all last year, no doubt.

    This year, I wasn’t sure, but didn’t think it looked good. Oh sure, the O-line was serviceable, perhaps slightly above average eeking out the first 2 wins…but were badly beaten last nite.

    Again, I say our O-line IS our weakness, and who is responsible for stocking talent on this team? If you don’t have a good O-line, you don’t have a good team, or at least not a winning one.

    Not sure about our ceiling unless some dramatic changes occur…as you can guess, on the O-line. Gotta get better there.

  14. It's Corn Says:

    They didn’t do well at all in the middle, so why keep running behind them? Where were the screen passes? The outside runs? The Bennd Around???

  15. D-Rok Says:

    I say all that above and now I can give some projections based on 3 weeks:

    Ceiling: 11 wins.

    Cellar: 6 wins.

    That’s based on the current O-line and only that.

  16. KnoxvilleBuc Says:

    We can hate on R.White all we want and we have legitimate concerns. But he shows flashes of his talent. Just too many indecisive decisions and the lack of wanting to go downhill but he is severely hindered by the interior o-line. Zero push and consistently losing at the point of contact. I know it’s the almighty Eagles upfront but we have struggled since the beginning of last year running the ball. The division can be ours, only if we make improvements.

  17. BucU Says:

    We have lots of issues pretty much EVERYWHERE.

  18. JeffreyLane77 Says:

    Hainsey wasn’t terrific this week. You can’t expect a rookie like Cody Mauch to play his best with Hainsey struggling. Hainsey does his best and well enough to be be considered a solid backup for a few games. He’s a below average starter at best. Not completely his fault Hainsey would have an easier time with a veteran guard next to him. Hainsey isn’t bad at pass protection. Although he gets zero push in the run game against good D lines. At this point we know what Hainsey can and can’t do. Goedke can improve. Mauch is playing really well for a rookie.

  19. SlyPirate Says:

    Hainsey was HORRIBLY outclassed. He was the focal point of the DL. He was the primary reason for the safety. They blew him up. On that play, he finished pancaked on his butt in the endzone.

    Licht views Hainsey as a backup. He already has discussed moving Mauch to C next year. Expect the Bucs to draft 1-2 Guards or possibly a Center. Let’s pray the new blood hails from a SEC or Big10 powerhouse (not some small school).

  20. Iamabuc Says:

    I guess I’m the only positive guy around here. For me, the sky is not falling.
    Do you guys remember what happened in 2020? We lost to KC in the regular season, ok.

    What happened in the SB that year?
    Announcer: Mahomes; running for his life!!

    Soooo…losing to the Chickenhawks don’t mean squat.
    On to the Aints. LFG!!

  21. Why Bowles? Says:

    lambuc@ here is a little salt for your wound. Many of the Eagles had flu like symptoms including Kelce and Hurts. So we can remove the injury card excuse.

  22. Mike C Says:

    Correct me if I am wrong, But 1st super bowl we got handled by Philly in the regular season? Then went and beat them in the playoffs, KC embarrassed us on national TV regular season, we beat them same year in the super bowl…… season isn’t over, we can get healthy and hot at the right time, and teams like Philly and the 9ers can lose pieces, Let’s win our division, then we can worry about the rest.

  23. Bucs Guy Says:

    Need to draft a top C in the 2nd round who can be there for the next 10 years and G/T depth. Starting RT is still TBD.

  24. Bucnjim Says:

    We won the Super Bowl when? That’s right just a couple years ago. Every team pays a price some more some less but there is a price. We are paying the piper so freaking suck it up. I’d rather be like the Steelers and Ravens. Rebuild and reload instead of straight sucking!

  25. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Goedeke was most responsible for the safety play- got arm-whipped to his knees and then the whole right side collapsed
    It’s 1 play but gave the Eagles points and possession

  26. ModHairKen Says:

    Philly is over. They are a vastly superior team. Hainsey is weak. Mauch is weak. Rachaad White is bad.

    Canales now understands this. He needs to adjust accordingly.

  27. Why Bowles? Says:

    Mike C@ Bucs manhandled Philly in 2020 and then again in the playoffs in 2021. The score in 2020 doesn’t reflect how Bucs dominates that game. AB went off in that game.

  28. D-Rok Says:


    “ModHairKen Says:
    September 26th, 2023 at 8:13 pm
    Philly is over. They are a vastly superior team. Hainsey is weak. Mauch is weak. Rachaad White is bad.

    Canales now understands this. He needs to adjust accordingly.”

    Agree! Question is, will he adjust? Serious question.

  29. Mike S Says:

    Jalen Carter kicked Wirf’s ass last night.

    But OK OK.

  30. Mike S Says:

    Bucnjim that’s why they need to start Trask instead of playing pretend with Baker.

  31. Larrd Says:

    They were facing three all pro level defensive tackles. No time to panic.

  32. IrishTony Says:

    Licht’s issue is that he CANNOT (I repeat) CANNOT draft an above average rb to save his F’ing life. He does ok with o lineman and not so well with edge rushers. These are facts folks!

  33. Mike S Says:

    You know what this team needs? Another undersized DT who’s fast but doesn’t play.

    Philly has gangsters on their DL. Steal your lunch money. Rip off your chain. Then laugh at you for 9 minutes on the sideline during the 4th quarter.

    Just in case anyone is wondering…

    New Orleans gives up fewer total YPG and fewer PPG than Philly – so does Detroit and Atlanta. After that Bucs play the Bills in Buffalo.

    We’ll see Kyle Trask after that and start to move on from the Baker Mayfield clown show.

  34. Duane in Sanford Says:

    Its growing pains of a new and young offensive line. They got whipped by a bunch of pros and can learn from the experience. As each one improves their craft, the overall line becomes better. There is likely to be more tough days ahead.

  35. BoricuaBucfan Says:

    @ Mike S get the dumbest comment of the article award. All these lame fake fans that came on when Brady got here, you can leave now. 🤣🤣

  36. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Mauch will be just fine with a year of NFL conditioning under his belt. There’s a difference between college strong and NFL strong, especially small school. Hainsey was drafted for his versatility, he’s meant to be a spare tire not a starter when drafted. Was he R1, R2? No. Did Licht think Jensen was not gonna play this year? No. Did they have the cap space to bring in a stud instead of a guy who’s been through a few teams like Feiler? No. There’s only so much draft capital and FA $ to go around. They have a competitive team, instead of a 2 win team that the experts predicted. They’ll win the South and maybe a playoff game before running into the Iggles or 49ers.

  37. David Says:

    I do not understand why people are shocked. Every single person on the line is new to the position. WIRFS is the only one I had faith in and even that is tentative because it’s a new position.

    This offense will be above average at best, and that is only if the line plays well. They won’t be any better than that because of Baker. He is an average quarterback at best. If you can re-watch the games, try to see the pass plays over the last few weeks. He misses A LOT of open receivers

  38. Beeej Says:

    Was just watching a few Baldy’s Breakdowns from this game. Baker gets hit almost every play

  39. Kgh4life Says:

    Every one knew the Eagles dline would be a formidable task for the Bucs,however, the play calling could’ve helped them out a little more, too many runs up the middle.

  40. SOEbuc Says:

    Luke is much better at OT than OG. It takes time and development, especially at the Center position, Who’s head did not totally sink when heard Jensen was out for the season.

  41. Beeej Says:

    Center, right guard, right tackle swept by a tidal wave on the run play out of the end zone

  42. Buccos Says:

    Terrible play call on the safety. Really bad

  43. garro Says:

    Ok…Lets give Philly some credit here. They are two deep on the DL across the board. We are what we are. Hainsey may not be the answer at center But he was not playing against scrubs. He was taking on fresh 320 lb plus guys who can be considered top shelf interior linemen. Same with Cody and he is a bit light for the bigger dudes the likes of those guys. He did not crap the bed…but…

    Our guys did not look good… I may be wrong but I would bet there are not many who would look All Pro.

    BTW the folks here who live and die by the PFF O line grades? Those grades are borderline useless. Ask around. Actually watching the game will give you a better idea of how our guys are doing than their crap.

    Go Bucs!

  44. firethecannons Says:

    Licht should of drafted us a center or bought one, it is not like they did not know jensen’s knee was a tatters–it was an unstable knee as it never was operated on. Ridiculous! They liked hainsey so here we are–stuck with a weak line

  45. RGA Says:

    The offensive line couldn’t open a single hole for a running back. Poor performance all around.

  46. Drunkinybor Says:

    I’ve seen Hainsey get bull rushed and as he tried to anchor was lifted from his feet and bull rushed. His whole body was flying in the air. Ss he looked like a rag doll. Hiscl arms and legs kicking and clawing at air . It was pathetic. He does NOT push anybody around…ever. just a pathetic looking meat sac.

  47. ThatAintRight! Says:

    Tbh lot of teams are struggling to find talent at a lot of key position’s. College football isn’t what it use to be and NFL isn’t what it use to be. The games are changing and the league keeps losing a lot of its talent. I’m not seeing much improvement anywhere these days for any teams. KC looks like they have the GOAT still Patrick Mahomes, but besides him maybe only a handful of QBs I’d trust to even start for me. Justin Herbert , Joe Burrow , Kirk Cousins , Jared Goff , Matt Stafford, Tua , Russ Wilson. Aaron Rodgers, but he’s hurt so talent it’s just tough to find it seems. O-lineman it’s getting even harder. 6-5 315 Lb men who can bench 225 30X and run a 5.0 flat 40 is tough. Maybe it would be entertaining with 5-5 Olineman 215 Lbs that bench 125 30x

  48. Mike C Says:

    Talking about 2002 Why Bowles

  49. adambomb418 Says:

    How good was he when the Eagles scored a safety? He literally whiffed on his man.

  50. Mike Says:

    I’m actually kind of happy to know that Goedeke and Mauch are looking like they will be good starters long term, and we already know Wirfs is a beast. With another draft, we could have a solid if not good offensive line. We just have to keep building the trenches through the draft.

  51. ScottyMack Says:

    Same stupid statements I see here time and again. It was a very bad draft year for offensive linemen. By the time the Bucs picked, there were no real starting caliber on day one linemen left on the board. Not sure where people think we were going to get the money to pay for a quality veteran, either. It’ll be a couple years until the Bucs are out of cap room purgatory, so don’t expect any major changes next year, either. Just keep blaming Licht for the foreseeable future and forget about the Superbowl he mortgaged these years for.

  52. orlbucfan Says:

    Yeah, one of the reasons Bucs are in cap h3ll is the whole ownership setup and Tom Brady and his demands.

  53. Dave Pear Says:

    Every time I looked for Goedeke he was on his back. Great game, coach.

  54. geno711 Says:

    Every time I let me eyes tell me what is going on, it comes back to Hainsey as the weakest link on the offensive line.

    He is a capable backup for a game or two. To me, he should not be playing as a starter for 2 full seasons in a row.