Bucs-Eagles Is Not Sold Out; Prices Falling On Secondary Market

September 25th, 2023

It’s game night in Tampa at the Stadium on Dale Mabry Highway, one mile south of Bill Currie Ford.

Yes, tickets are available.

And remember, it’s a 7:15 p.m. kickoff.

The official Tampa Bay Buccaneers seller of non-resale tickets is TicketMaster.com. They’ve got pairs of tickets available, though not many, and nearly all are on the first and second stadium levels with a wildly expensive price.

At reseller StubHub, Joe is seeing upper deck pairs of tickets as cheap as $152.00 per ticket this afternoon. That’s about 25 percent off the face value price.

Given the rainy game forecast, Joe expects prices to start dropping later this afternoon after many fans realize they can load up on Big Storm beer and a tray of Hooters wings and stay home a lot more comfortably.

One-hour flash poll posted at 1:45 p.m.

37 Responses to “Bucs-Eagles Is Not Sold Out; Prices Falling On Secondary Market”

  1. Dew Says:

    Weather was suppose to be bad but the forecast is improving.

  2. Marine Buc Says:

    The “Brady Effect”…


    Also the “Biden Economy Effect” – less people have $1,000 to spend on taking a family of four to a football game… Unless you are a lobbyist in Washington DC.

  3. Bucs Fans Says:

    Great football fans & city

    Eagles come to town for MNF and ticket prices are falling lmao

  4. Bucs Fans Says:

    Get your paper up, Marine. – Baker

  5. Alanbucsfan Says:

    How many season ticket holders are selling their tix to Eagle fans at a profit?

  6. BucU Says:

    Marine Buc = FACTS

  7. orlbucfan Says:

    Biden economy effect? Don’t think so. They didn’t have the BS monopolies back during Raygun, but the scalpers were around outside Tampa Stadium. They would beg people for tix, and then scalp the h3ll out of them. This was back in the Dark Ages of constant double digit loss seasons under Culverhouse. I walked by plenty of it.

  8. Kev@Inverness Says:

    Marine Buc = BS

  9. Baseball newt Says:

    Partisan hacks see a thriving economy buy try tp convince others that Biden has wrecked the economy. Reality is, ticket prices to entertainment events are excessive. Whether it is sports, Disney or theater. And people are beginning to question thr value

  10. OrkinManBucsfan Says:

    Marine Buc isn’t totally off base I know because I’m in outside sales. Customers are picking between keeping their home protected or paying the mortgage. 4 yrs ago this wasn’t a problem.

  11. Bojim Says:

    It’s a football game. Not a political statement.

  12. Marine Buc Says:


    Let’s GO BRANDON!!!!!

    Let’s GO BRANDON!!!!!


    Go Bucs!

  13. NJbucs23 Says:

    You always buy your ticket to Bucs game on day of game.

    Opening day ticket section 132. Scored for $80 mornin of game. Win 👍

  14. SB~LV Says:

    Thursday night is not a football night, there is nothing good about it

  15. Kev@Inverness Says:

    Marine Buc = ButtHurtTrumpyDumpty.

  16. unbelievable Says:

    Don’t mind Marine Buc, he also thinks Mike Evans is garbage and not worth paying any money too…

    In other words: his opinions are laughable at best.

  17. Mike S Says:

    Wasn’t Baker brought in to sell tickets?

  18. Kev@Inverness Says:

    So the Biden bashers say whatever they want, but others are moderated and silenced.
    JoeBucsFan boys must be ButtHurtTrumpyDumpy too.

  19. Why Not Says:

    I was happy to sell my tickets last week. I just can’t make the drive from Orlando for a night, week day game. I had to drop the price significantly from the price I first listed them. Hopefully I didn’t sell them to an Eagles fan.

  20. Jerry Says:

    Most of the tickets that were left on the secondary market were ridiculous prices for weeks. So yeah now they are trying to unload them.

    This isn’t the Brady era where you can sell Bucs tickets for $600 each.

  21. HC Grover Says:

    152 is cheap??? Holy Mackerel!! Just back from Tampa. Everything there is too damn expensive.

  22. Zoocomics Says:

    Let’s be honest when it comes to available tickets, and Bucs season ticket holders selling off their tickets tonight … and I know I’m speaking for some of you out there, but also myself, I’m a coward. I love this team, for over 25 years now, through good times and bad. I’m on these boards with you guys’ everyday reading these articles and what you have to say, I listen to podcasts, I’ve invested quote a bit in this team for my entertainment. That being said… I don’t think this will be a good time tonight. It’s a lot of work to get to a game, a late night and a lot of money for that matter, and I’m just not liking our chances against arguably the best team in the NFL, I said arguably. I don’t think there’s one phase on this team that’s better than the Eagles, lol, maybe kicking? But I’m fine with that because technically, we shouldn’t be given our cap situation, new OC and the Brady hangover effect.

  23. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    I have a few hundred dollars I’m willing to spend, to go back and forth to urinate.

  24. BucsBeast Says:


    Let’s Go Brandon!

    I hope to hear that chant on MNF tonight!

    And like Joe’s typo Let’s GO Bycs!

  25. Marine Buc Says:

    @ unbelievable


    I never said Mike Evans was garbage my guy…

    I said if Mike Evans wants to earn a new contract in the $23-$25M range he needs to stop dropping passes that hit him in the hands.

    Stop spreading your disinformation and propaganda Mr. CNN lover…

  26. tampabuscsbro Says:

    I mean idk why no one except older people with money goes to these games?

    So perplexing. Average rent for a studio is nearly 2K+ most places in Pinellas and Hillsborough county.

    Just checked the falling ticket prices start at 200 before fees so tack on another 100 for two tickets.

    500 dollars before taxes/parking/food/drink.

    So perplexing why it’s hard to go to an NFL game in the 2020s

  27. Kev@Inverness Says:

    Notice what “side’ is allowed to say whatever they want here?

  28. Kev@Inverness Says:

    Marine Buc = ButtHurtTr#mpyDumpy

  29. tampabuscsbro Says:

    So true Kev, Granted compared to every other site I don’t mind it.

    Also if Donnie happened to be in office right now inflation would still probably be this bad.

    A lot of the people on this website are older and don’t understand how much rent/ the cost of living actually is right now. Especially here.

    There isn’t much of a solution either. But that’s why you don’t see many younger adults at these games.

  30. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Joe, for the love of God…please start banning these political arseholes.

    Enough is enough. No one is changing any minds at this point.

  31. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    @ marine buc – our side is always complaining about no politics in sports…don’t be a hypocrite. I consider this site and the Bucs to INCLUDE sports. Cool?

  32. Marine Buc Says:


    Let’s go BRANDON!!!!


  33. Marine Buc Says:

    @ optimismlittlepecker

    “Joe, for the love of God…please start banning these political arseholes.”

    Typical response from a weak minded snowflake…

    Waaaaaa… I don’t like what they say – BAN THEM!!!!!

  34. Voice of Truth Says:

    2 seats avail in 219 AA – $370 for the pair as of right now at TM “ plus applicable taxes and fees”

  35. tampabuscsbro Says:



  36. LongSeason Says:

    I think it’s time the Bucs moved to Lemon South Dakota.

  37. dalvincookrules Says:

    less than 4% unemployment since he’s been President with wages at the highest in US history… under the previous guy, 15% unemployment–the highest since the Great Depression.

    Yes indeed, Go Brandon Go!!