Buccaneers-Bears, Open Thread

September 17th, 2023

The home opener is here. Let’s Go!

Comment all game long right here with fellow fans and a few haters.

Go Bucs! Who’s ready for undefeated at 2-0? Joe sure is!

666 Responses to “Buccaneers-Bears, Open Thread”

  1. Jack Clark Says:

    2-0 Lets go!

  2. unbelievable Says:

    Beat da bears!


  3. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Hoping the offense gets better…good second half last week. Let’s hope the D keeps up the intensity and the offense makes some of the plays they missed last week.

  4. LongSeason Says:

    I was really hoping Bears WR Equanimeous St. Brown would be active. Would love to hear Gene say that name after the WR would be crushed by two Buc defenders.
    Let’s send the Big Bears from the city of farts back with a loss.
    GO BUCS!

  5. BucU Says:

    Please win. Pretty please.

  6. JD Says:

    There is a frequent poster on here that would usually say the blunts are rolled and the beers are ready. IF you see this I hope you know I think of it every gameday now for the last year or so lol. Just wanted to do a shout-out to fellow bucs fan !

  7. Hunter Says:

    Hopefully we can stay mostly injury-free since USF/Bama played there yesterday. Absolutely hate that every time. Should not be a thing.

  8. No Mercy Says:

    Just like last week, literally everyone picking us to lose!! We need this win against a bad looking bear squad if we lose put Baker in the panic chamber

  9. Couch Fan Says:

    Heres to hoping our Bucs come out like last week and not last season. Prove me wrong Todd. Prove me wrong.

  10. MadMax Says:

    Let get this win guys!

  11. Faspro Says:

    Watching from the UK on DAZN…GO BUCS!!

  12. JD Says:

    Desperate game for bears already. cant let them sneak on us.
    Devin White better bring it for Fields!

  13. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    The Bears ain’t too good. Surely, the Bucs won’t screw this up?

  14. NCBucfan Says:

    Let’s go baby! Let’s go huntin and slaughter some bears! Go Bucs!

  15. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Last week was interesting enough to make me want to watch this week. I’m still not high on Mayfield, but so long as he’s playing bad teams, he can produce.

    My main concern is that the Bears are a bad team, and the players will be trying to make a statement. They may be reckless and that could lead to injuries for the Bucs.

  16. No Mercy Says:

    I don’t expect anything less than a blowout

  17. HC Grover Says:

    Weigh Anchor and raise the Mainsail!

  18. BucsFan81 Says:

    LFG let’s Bake baby Go Bucs!!!

  19. ElioT Says:

    Let’s go!

    Time to dominate!!!

  20. HC Grover Says:

    93 in TPA only 82 in Citrus Co.

  21. Jack Clark Says:

    Todd Bowels looking bad as in his sunglasses 😂

  22. HC Grover Says:

    Plan 1 gets 3 up the gutts close for pick bad throw.

  23. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    True Baker Mayfield today?

  24. HC Grover Says:

    Godwin collects,

  25. HC Grover Says:

    Woo Hoo 2 first downs in a row.

  26. Jack Clark Says:

    Great play! Love the creativity by our new OC

  27. HC Grover Says:

    Plan 1 for none

  28. HC Grover Says:

    Plan 1 for 8

  29. Jack Clark Says:

    The Bears were ranked 32 in defense last year 😂

  30. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Here comes a holding call

  31. HC Grover Says:

    1st blunder on 69

  32. TonySoprano Says:

    Cade Otton is absolutely terrible at blocking

  33. HC Grover Says:

    NICE throw Mayfield another 1st,

  34. Jack Clark Says:

    Great blitz pickup, good job coaching by our OC

  35. HC Grover Says:

    22 better than plan 1

  36. HC Grover Says:

    bad throw open in EZ

  37. unbelievable Says:

    Ahhhh wide open! Dang it.

  38. HC Grover Says:

    Settle for FG but at least a score to open.

  39. Jack Clark Says:

    Good first drive, I’m happy for our OC

  40. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    well…. better than 3 and out

  41. Couch Fan Says:

    A much better start than last week.

  42. ElioT Says:

    Let’s go defense!!!

  43. Rod Munch Says:

    Well, I had it 38-10, so they had to get a FG somewhere. It’s all TD’s from here.

  44. SlyPirate Says:

    6 – Passes
    5 – Runs

    Good productivity in both.

  45. HC Grover Says:

    Mayfield 50/50 half good throws half bad.

  46. BucsFan81 Says:

    Now we need the defense to score.

  47. gp Says:

    Where are Bowles’ ballz?

  48. Jack Clark Says:

    Glad we didn’t run it up the middle for a gain of nothing

  49. Josh BOOMER Says:

    Shake n Bake for all of you haters. Joe is no hater. –Joe

  50. HC Grover Says:

    Penalty messed up that drive.

  51. HC Grover Says:

    Uh Oh

  52. unbelievable Says:

    Dean showing everyone why he’s paid so much… not!

  53. BucU Says:

    Pathetic coverage

  54. HC Grover Says:

    Plan 9 got him

  55. HC Grover Says:

    Wide open

  56. Jack Clark Says:

    Our defense looking like swiss cheese

  57. BucU Says:

    Well that sucked

  58. Onetrickpony Says:

    Defense better start stepping it up

  59. unbelievable Says:


    WTF BOWLES????

  60. No Mercy Says:

    It’s pretty simple…. Bracket Moore and qb spy fields!!! They don’t have any chance if you do that

  61. EA Says:

    Let’s put Davin white on their best receiver

  62. BucU Says:

    No intensity at all. Embarrassing

  63. HC Grover Says:

    Weak D to start…not good. DB’s wandering scratching their heads. Looks like the Bad News Bucs out there.

  64. DailyRich Says:

    Here we go making a scrub look like Tom Brady like we always do.

  65. unbelievable Says:

    Told y’all Bowles was gonna blow this.

    Trap game.

  66. Destinjohnny Says:

    Double Moore rush 3 and it’s it’s a wrap
    They have nothing

  67. ElioT Says:

    Well that was easy.

  68. StormyInFl Says:

    And the defense gives up the booty.

    Trask fan club will blame Mayfield.

  69. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Well, at least this isn’t Baker’s fault, lol.

  70. LongSeason Says:

    WOW! Our defense did a great job of holding Chicago to just 7 points on that drive.

  71. cmurda Says:

    Todd Bowles baffling the world of common sense by giving a QB that struggles to thread the needle easy throws by thinking hes going to rattle him. Thing again Todd and lets try common sense zone.

  72. Rod Munch Says:

    How the f was that not a hold on the edge?!

    Fix is in again.

    Bucs have to beat the Bears and, again this week, the refs.

  73. BucU Says:

    Heck my posts. I knew these guy’s were gonna come out jacked. Pathetic defense.

  74. DailyRich Says:

    Last thing you wanted to do was give Fields confidence right out of the gate like that.

    And how the hell do Bears fans STILL outnumber ours at home games?

  75. Crispy Says:

    Ummm. Why are we blitzing so much?

  76. Couch Fan Says:

    Ok so exact opposite of last week. Offense looks good, defense or no defense to be found.

  77. Mr. Editor Says:


  78. Cchead Says:

    Blitzed on every down and it burned the D. Stubborn Bowles better adjust.

  79. Rod Munch Says:

    No problem, I had it 38-10, so we had to get a FG at some point and they had to get a TD at some point.

    It’s all fun from this point on.

  80. cmurda Says:

    What No Mercy said above. Exactly. What is so hard about that common sense defense. The talent is too good on this defense to try to be cute.

  81. BucU Says:

    God I saw this coming a mile away. Garbage effort on defense

  82. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Calm down everyone.
    Rod Munch has assured us that we always beat the Bears in Tampa.

    The Fancy Man is never wrong…….. just ask him.

  83. Crickett Baker Says:

    I’ve been saying all along. Watch out for the Bears. We need to gear up!

  84. Duane in Sanford Says:

    They dared Fields to throw early and he did. Its all good. Time to adjust a bit.

  85. chark Says:

    Schematically,,that was absolute garbage playcalling by our defensive coordinator!

  86. LongSeason Says:

    Call Walmart lost and found. They may have our Defense.


    These cover 4 blitzes are trash

  88. Rod Munch Says:

    I don’t have an issue with the blitzing, the issue is that the blitzing wasn’t getting there. I still do not understand why White is in coverage so much – not that the long pass was on him, that was an impossible coverage responsibility as that was too much ground to cover.

  89. NE Fan Says:

    Already blaming the refs? Sad

  90. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    Defense was absolutely slapped on that drive

  91. gp Says:

    Bowles needs to adjust his bawllz!

  92. TonySoprano Says:

    It’s like nobody on our D has even a basic understanding of how zone works

  93. BucsFan81 Says:

    Defense better get it together this is ridiculous

  94. 757Buc’em Says:

    And I’ll say it again Bucs secondary is trash. Winfield is the only talent we have back there. Jamel Dean and Carlton Davis robbed us. Afte Arians haul taled we should’ve fired everyone and started over. These guys been in this defense for how long and it’s still mess ups. Dean is trash trash trash

  95. BucsBeast Says:

    Typical. Bucs

  96. StickinUp4Centers Says:

    Guess the coaches didn’t read the JBF article about Fields and the blitz.

  97. Jack Clark Says:

    Our new OC much better than Byron Leftwich

  98. HC Grover Says:

    Canales O looking ready out of the box. Bowles D looking like Bend then Break.

  99. HC Grover Says:

    Mayfield needs to get accurate

  100. HC Grover Says:

    Godwin open and good throw

  101. BucU Says:

    Most boring team ever.

  102. Rod Munch Says:

    Bowles trying to run out the clock, down 7-3.

  103. HC Grover Says:

    Now no blunders

  104. chark Says:

    This is crazy stupid defense bowles!! Just contain Fields and make him throw from the pocket and cover dj moore . Let fields try to read the field and throw to other people than moore and kmet. Dont blitz too much just contain fields.

  105. Since76 Says:

    Defense won’t carry us every week. Looks like the O better step up

  106. HC Grover Says:

    NICE Otten

  107. DailyRich Says:

    Running is going to wear down the Bears defense. Two players already went down.

  108. HC Grover Says:

    Nice Mayfield

  109. Jack Clark Says:

    Hopefully our offense can win a shootout against the worst defense in the NFL

  110. Rod Munch Says:

    Nice job by Mayfield there keeping his head.

  111. unbelievable Says:

    Nice escape Baker!

    Can’t believe he didn’t get sacked there.

  112. HC Grover Says:

    There he goes again….now get 7 we will need

  113. SlyPirate Says:

    Fing Wirfs. Cut him.

  114. unbelievable Says:

    Did did Pam Oliver have a stroke or something?

    She sounds… not right.

  115. unbelievable Says:

    Lol sly

  116. HC Grover Says:

    Nother blunder

  117. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Heat seems to be taking it’s toll on the bears already

  118. cmurda Says:

    Thats n Dave Canary. The play should have been called with tempo. Never want your O Line in their stance for too long. No reason for it.

  119. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Pam Oliver has been terrible for at least a decade.

  120. chark Says:

    @76 our defense just got shredded by the bears offense..inexcusable..bears offense playcalling was pretty simple and we got shredded .

  121. shak Says:

    Baker looks good

  122. Diggler Says:

    Bucs fan still don’t know how to shut the hell up when the offense has the ball. Hilarious!

  123. NE Fan Says:

    Stickemup@ Blows doesn’t believe in stats.

  124. Buc50 Says:

    @unbelievable Pam Oliver has not really been healthy since she took a ball to the face some years ago.

  125. Rod Munch Says:

    If your opponent can’t handle the heat, what you do is really slow down the game, and give them plenty of time to rest. Brilliant plan by Bowles.

  126. SlyPirate Says:


    Our defense can rest and make adjustments. Their defense will be tired in the 3-4 quarters.

  127. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Field Goals.

    Well, at least the defense is staying fresh.

  128. cmurda Says:

    Thats the play after the timeout? OK Canary. Get your offense on the same page

  129. HC Grover Says:

    2 penalty cost us 8 pts. Hope Bowles D can get a brain Whups Blunder Bucs not looking good.

  130. BucsFan81 Says:

    Getting dominated by the damn bears SMH

  131. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Holy spit.

  132. shak Says:


  133. unbelievable Says:

    How embarrassing

  134. No Mercy Says:


  135. Rod Munch Says:

    Ridiculous, you run the clock down, let the Bears recover on defense, wait through a TV break, then you’re not on the same page.

  136. cmurda Says:

    Thats cute. Looking good Bucs. The basics. Simple kicks. Looks about right from a team that has no expectations. There is a reason for that. It doesn’t matter how many Bears go down if Bucs players can’t perform their basic duties.

  137. HC Grover Says:

    We are outblundering the Bears today so far. Outlook not so good.

  138. gp Says:

    is there a flag for KICKING in the HEAD!!!!!!!

  139. D-Rok Says:

    Not a good start to this game! C’mon Bucs…

  140. Rod Munch Says:

    That’s fine – the Bucs couldn’t get a FG there for my 38-10 to work, so something had to happen.

    No worries, it’s all going to plan.

  141. ChiBuc Says:

    I guess wirf is human after all

  142. unbelievable Says:

    @Buc50 – yea you’re right. Now that I think about she’s seemed off for a years now.

  143. No Mercy Says:

    Need the defense to play like they did last week or were toast

  144. BucsFan81 Says:

    Back to being the Yucs tank for the number 1 pick back on the table.

  145. HC Grover Says:


  146. Rod Munch Says:

    In my mind, the Bucs get off to a slow start, people panic, but they get a TD right before halftime, then coming out of halftime, get another on a return via a turnover, and the route is on.

    All going to plan.

  147. PSLBucfan Says:

    Why does Armstrong still have a job. Our special teams have never been good under him.

  148. unbelievable Says:

    Shaq attack!

  149. HC Grover Says:

    D wakes up

  150. HC Grover Says:

    Woo Hoo!

  151. Rod Munch Says:

    See, told ya.

    Calm down ladies, the rout is on.

  152. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    The “Shaq-Attack”

  153. HC Grover Says:

    Plan 9 is in the atmospher firing his retro rockets

  154. No Mercy Says:

    THEY NEED TO DOUBLE TEAM MOORE!!!! He’s their only weapon!! Come on Bowles

  155. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Offense needs to get its sh!t together and get in the damn end zone

  156. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Hot defense!

  157. unbelievable Says:

    Good defensive stand after that special teams disaster.

    Time for a touchdown.

    Let’s not let the Bears hang around

  158. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Don’t Easter the D’s dominant possession…got get 6!!!

  159. Rod Munch Says:

    Who cares about the score, the Bucs are winning the time of possession and haven’t turned it over. Those are the most important things in football – not stupid overrated points. Anyone can score points, but not everyone can win the TOP and TO columns.

  160. HC Grover Says:

    We not closing the deal on points so far.

  161. Rod Munch Says:

    So we should get a TD on this drive, then a stop, then another TD before halftime.

    Bet your wife on it.

  162. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Special Olympics team, 1 blocked fg 1 offsides. Glad it wasn’t 4th&4

  163. HC Grover Says:


  164. Jeagan1999 Says:


  165. HC Grover Says:

    Plan 1 for none. again

  166. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    The blocked fg in essence was able turnover

  167. HC Grover Says:

    Come on get in there

  168. Since76 Says:

    I don’t know what it is. Mayfield or the play calling. No explosive big play ability being shown on O. And now special teams again. One common denominator all these years. The coach.

  169. LongSeason Says:

    Is Baker allergic to throwing into end zone?

  170. HC Grover Says:

    Plan 1 is in there!

  171. Jeagan1999 Says:


  172. unbelievable Says:


    White actually got more than 3 yards!

    Nice toss by Feiler to push him over the line lol

  173. Rod Munch Says:

    Told you what would happen.

    I can’t believe anyone would doubt me after my incredible track record of success over many years.

  174. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Who said Evans CAN’T get yac or separation???? Shutter up!

  175. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Damn Mike wanted that TD, mad at himself!!! That’s how you respond though…I was hoping they go for it on 4th if they didn’t make it

  176. HC Grover Says:

    Much better 1st qtr than last week

  177. ElioT Says:

    Ballsy call on third.

    Go Bucs!

  178. LongSeason Says:

    Mike Evans ignites the team.
    TD White!

  179. Jack Clark Says:

    Our offense has been able to go up and down the field on the Bears defense all game long. Kudos to our new OC

  180. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    White tryin to prove us wrong

  181. shak Says:

    some people mad, BUCS FANS HAPPY WITH BAKER NEM!

  182. Capt2fish Says:

    Man top tier WRs should not run out of gas before the end zone…especially in the first half

  183. Rod Munch Says:

    Well Canales had to call a run there on 3rd since he knew Checkdown Charlie wasn’t going to put the ball in the end zone.

    Just joking, Mayfield has mostly played really well.

  184. Bobby Says:

    Nice drive! Great answer after blocked FG!

  185. ChiBuc Says:

    all you Luke, 9, white naysayers are quiet. Maybe you’ll be a bit more patient before spitting your venom in the future

  186. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Old wore out Mike Evans, still got it. When his hamstring gets tired, he just steps out of bounds, lol

  187. BucsBeast Says:

    Yo! Evans pulled a hamstring running.

  188. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    ChiBuc they won’t. Buc fans are done of the most whiny and disloyal

  189. Rover Says:

    Bears Defense wont physically be able to play if our offense keeps on the gas.

  190. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    He’ll yeah LVD

  191. NE Fan Says:

    How did that push off not get called and then Evan’s ran out of gas

  192. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Bucs now know they can run and pass today

  193. HC Grover Says:

    Its Alive

  194. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    NE fan because the CB initiated contact

  195. cmurda Says:

    Great play LVD. Smart adjustment by Todd

  196. HC Grover Says:

    Is Evans OK?

  197. Capt2fish Says:

    He was in on the run play td

  198. ElioT Says:

    Gotta put another 7 on this defense. They’re gassed and dropping like flies.

  199. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    WOW that defense

  200. HC Grover Says:

    Chicomgo look tired

  201. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Lavonte is still a “Dawg”

  202. Rod Munch Says:

    I got the Bucs getting another TD before half-time, but not sure if it’s this possession, seems like too much time left, but maybe they just run the clock down. Lets see.

  203. HC Grover Says:


  204. HC Grover Says:

    Stop wit da blunders

  205. Mr. Editor Says:

    Got to take advantage of the injuries in the Bears’ secondary!

  206. StormyInFl Says:

    There’s the Goedeke we know…

  207. ElioT Says:

    Gotta attack this secondary

  208. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Might be end of this drive

  209. StormyInFl Says:

    Drive killing penalty by Goedeke

  210. ElioT Says:

    Need 8 run a 6 yard route.

  211. HC Grover Says:

    3 and out cause of another blunder. We will not get away with this against the Philthy Beagles.

  212. HC Grover Says:

    That was a Moon Shot

  213. shak Says:

    damn carm

  214. Jack Clark Says:

    72 yard punt! 😆

  215. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Ugh, waste of a possession…that damn run up the gut on 1st and 19, disgusting

  216. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Refusing to let Chicago dictate their game

  217. BucsFan81 Says:

    Damn we found a punter…

  218. unbelievable Says:

    Holding penalties = drive killers.

    Every frickin time. Gotta clean it up fellas

    Camarda is a beast!

  219. No Mercy Says:

    THAT MAN GOT A LEG!! holyyyy shieettt

  220. HC Grover Says:

    Right side Oline blunders killin us.

  221. Rod Munch Says:

    Wow, that was a punt, 70+ and was still flying in the air.

    Wow, have that ball tested for riods.

  222. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    What a punt! When the announcers talk about your punter that’s somethin else!

  223. Jack Clark Says:

    72 yard punts = No offensive advantages gained from defensive stops

  224. Kory Says:

    Who are the Captains??

  225. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Time for a turnover and a short field for the O

  226. HC Grover Says:

    Otten is no Gronk

  227. Buc50 Says:

    I think I know what the problem is with RT. It’s the jersey number. Jersey #67 plus RT means holding penalty.

  228. Jbeachbuc Says:

    Donovan Smith doing Donovan Smith things in Jacksonville

  229. unbelievable Says:

    Lol roid balls

  230. PSLBucfan Says:

    We are not an offense that can play behind the chains. This officiating crew is known for pre snap and holding penalties. OLine has to be very clean.

  231. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Need a governor on Camarda’s leg.

  232. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Without that hold we’d still have the ball

  233. D-Rok Says:

    Not too often one hears about a 72-yard punt. Holy cow!

  234. HC Grover Says:

    Oh well giving them a chance cause of Buc Blundering.

  235. NE Fan Says:

    David@ BS

  236. cmurda Says:

    I prematurely praised Todd for learning from his mistakes. Nevermind he keep idiotically blitzing.

  237. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Nice #31!

  238. LongSeason Says:

    Nice catch by the ground!

  239. HC Grover Says:


  240. TonySoprano Says:

    Dean has absolutely no clue how to play zone. A complete liability

  241. ChiBuc Says:

    Come on 12th. Crowd is quiet

  242. StormyInFl Says:

    Wright is friggin holding on every damn play

  243. HC Grover Says:


  244. cmurda Says:

    Well if Fields has 37 seconds to find somebody then no way we are stopping the Bears. D Line needs to get home way sooner

  245. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Jbeachbuc Says:
    September 17th, 2023 at 2:02 pm
    Donovan Smith doing Donovan Smith things in Jacksonville

    So expected!
    I wonder what his excuse is this year?
    Maybe his dog was diagnosed with PTSD?

  246. HC Grover Says:

    Gill makes the play to save the day

  247. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Damn Bears got lucky…we’re lucky Fields is so inept and holds the ball so long.

  248. LongSeason Says:

    Wow. Four sacks

  249. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Fields reminds me of Jameis Winston…

  250. HC Grover Says:

    Keepin it close

  251. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Alright get a damn TD offense…2 minute drill

  252. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Things are going as planned. Bowles wants “close games”

    Don’t want to bust things open, too early.

  253. Duane in Sanford Says:

    The rush is solid so far.

  254. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Fields ain’t Winston, Winston was a gunslinger, fields is just a good runner who can throw some

  255. cmurda Says:

    Yup. Of course hes amazing now.

  256. HC Grover Says:

    NOW no blunders this time

  257. Rod Munch Says:

    That’s fine, they were always going to score 10 points.

    Now the Bucs need to get a TD going into half for the blowout to come true.

  258. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    75 yards, 1:30 to end the half

  259. ChiBuc Says:

    All I know, work will be much better on Mon with a buc win. Keeping it exciting as usual

  260. NE Fan Says:

    Bowels will sit on the ball, watch.

  261. HC Grover Says:

    Evans is gassed

  262. Mr. Editor Says:

    The article on DJ Moore’s success against the Bucs was prescient.

  263. HC Grover Says:

    Why no time calls?

  264. HC Grover Says:

    Bad throw

  265. NE Fan Says:

    This game has special teams f up all over it.

  266. unbelievable Says:

    Chicago was all over that QB draw smh

  267. Rod Munch Says:

    QB draw?


  268. Jbeachbuc Says:

    That’s a BS

    Personal foul I’m sorry

  269. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Mayfield needs to calm down in the red zone.

  270. HC Grover Says:

    Throw it to Palmer

  271. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    That draw was a horrible call, wasted TO

  272. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Mayfield looks like a top 10 QB. He’s efficient, not making mistakes and is making big plays.

  273. HC Grover Says:

    Mayfield really plays like Kilmer

  274. HC Grover Says:

    Bad clock management

  275. Rod Munch Says:


    Damn you and that stupid wasted play QB draw. You screwed up the entire plan for the game.

  276. Crickett Baker Says:

    Chase is injured. 🙁

  277. unbelievable Says:

    Ughhhhh how was no one open on that? Dang good defense from the Bears right there.

  278. HC Grover Says:

    Well Canales was a real find

  279. cmurda Says:

    Gross. Gotta learn how to get td’s. Way too long. Yuck

  280. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Reminds me of last year’s. Bucs get yards, but don’t punch it in as much as they need to.

  281. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    See everyone whines about only 173 yards passing last week but 2 TDs…this week over 200 first half and only 1 rushing TD

  282. No Mercy Says:

    Good FN throwaway dude..! baker looks like a baller

  283. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    The draw was horrible this baker mayfield not fields as our QB

  284. Bucs 95 Says:

    We should be up 21-10 instead we have all these yards of offense and only 13 points

  285. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Hoping D comes out with dominance and then the damn offense gets their heads out of their azzes and in the end zone

  286. cmurda Says:

    I like the QB draw play but not with a mediocre at best Center. If Hainsey makes the block, it turns out good but predictably he did not

  287. unbelievable Says:

    The red zone woes continue.

    Moving the ball effectively for the most part, but untimely penalties on the o-line are killing us. Run game still inconsistent. Baker played pretty, only had 2 poor throws so far.

    That said, it Should be 20 – 10 right now.

  288. Bucs 95 Says:

    That draw call was stupid afff

  289. Crickett Baker Says:

    Well, Rod, you were almost right..

  290. Rod Munch Says:

    So the Bucs completely dominated the stat sheet, like the Vikings did last week, and come away with a 3 point lead, and the Bears get the ball to start the 2nd half.

    Really really really bad call with the QB draw. Just terrible.

    Still, outside of that call, Canales has mostly done a good job, and Baker has done a good job.

    But with Bowles running this team, this is just how things will be, games will always be close if they win – blowouts when they lose.

  291. Bucs 95 Says:

    Our D is so wierd we have 2 drives looks elite then the other they give up big plays like nothing then will have a 3rd and long and its like they forget how too play smhh give up a first down i hate this crap

  292. unbelievable Says:

    Agree cmurda, interior of the line isn’t strong enough. Maybe if you run behind Wirfs and Feiler instead.

  293. Rod Munch Says:

    Crickett Baker – so I guess it’s going to be 34-10 instead. I’ll still take it, but disappointing not to get the full 38 points.

  294. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Baker Minefield exactly as expected: “Chaotic”

  295. rickym Says:

    Bears offensive line is holding on every single pass play. Penalties on the Bucs offensive line stopping drives. Bucs will win the game and the Zebras will make sure the Bears cover the spread. This is the NFL.

  296. Bucs 95 Says:

    They did miss a holding call badly on that fields TD run

  297. Since76 Says:

    Canales has to figure out how to score some TDS. Not good to get close and just kick field goals. LFG.

  298. Crickett Baker Says:

    Well I hope you are fully right. Without Edmonds, IDK..

  299. unbelievable Says:

    Defense has got to come out and get a quick stop, let us get the ball back and score a dang touchdown already!

    We should be up 2 scores already.

    I said this before the game started, can’t let the Bears hang around…

  300. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Newsflash: There are missed holding calls on every play.

  301. SlyPirate Says:

    With this heat and those long drives, the Bears D is going to wiped out by the 4th.

  302. DailyRich Says:

    That draw *almost* worked, just didn’t block 97 well enough to keep him from tripping up Baker from behind.

  303. Mr. Editor Says:

    Rachaad White is having a better game, and I am glad to see it! He’ll have to keep doing it. A 100-yard game is in sight for him.

  304. gp Says:

    *****The Beer Whisperer Says:
    September 17th, 2023 at 2:31 pm

    Newsflash: There are missed holding calls on every play.

    Yeah, It’s the blatant ones on big or scoring plays that really drive us nuts!

  305. BucsBeast Says:

    I like the gamer mentality of Baker but, DAMN gotta trust your WRs in the end zone. This game should be blown open already.

  306. Gofortheface30 Says:

    A lot of you are some major c-u-n-t-s. Mayfield has been nothing short of outstanding. Game 2 in a brand new offense and 200 yards passing in a half? They will fig out the red zone shi ok, there is a lot to be encouraged about. Not only is mayfield throwing well but they are running well. Neither of which they did well last yr. Clowns

  307. Rod Munch Says:

    Oh no, they’re showing Barry Sanders during the Lions game, and he’s now just a sort of a pudgy guy with gray hair in his 50s. I don’t want to see that, no one wants to see that. That’s Barry Sanders, if he’s in public, use AI to make him look like Barry Sanders.

  308. HC Grover Says:

    Lost at least 10 pts to Buc Blunders. Have to stop it

  309. StormyInFl Says:

    “BucsBeast Says:
    September 17th, 2023 at 2:34 pm
    I like the gamer mentality of Baker but, DAMN gotta trust your WRs in the end zone. This game should be blown open already.”

    They were covered. Either the WRs aren’t getting open or the play design isn’t scheming them that way. I’m sure a lot of folks here would be howling if Mayfield forced a pass and it got picked.

  310. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    Buccaneer Bonzai Says: True Baker Mayfield today?

    Bake throws for 173 yards against the Vikings, we get the W and he sucks.
    Bake throws for 200+ in the first half against the bears, we have the lead and he sucks. Some so called “fans” don’t really want the W, they just want Bake to lose.

  311. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Baker Minefield has been, Spectacular

  312. Rod Munch Says:

    Gofortheface30 – wait, weren’t you a Trask fanboi a few weeks ago? I’m pretty sure that’s the case.

  313. HC Grover Says:


  314. unbelievable Says:

    What was the soft azz bs in that run?

  315. Bucsfantim Says:

    Should be a 20-10 game, but I’ll take where we are. Overall pretty good so far. I’d like to see us turn up the heat a little bit more on offense and put it away. But that has been more on playcalling then on Mayfield.

  316. HC Grover Says:

    Nice a Bear Blunder

  317. cmurda Says:

    Can we please tackle

  318. NE Fan Says:

    This is exactly what they did last season, couldn’t get in the end zone and D letting up big 3rd down plays.

  319. NaplesBucsFan Says:


  320. HC Grover Says:

    Plan 9 fires his Booster Rocket!

  321. JimBobBuc Says:

    Ballsy call to run for the touchdown, good to see White running hard. Not sure about the QB draw with so little time left at the half. But the Bears had good coverage on 3rd down. Good drive to use the clock and take the lead going into the half.

  322. HC Grover Says:

    Alls we gotta do is stop the blundering for the win

  323. bucs_shak Says:

    We’re hereeeeeeeeee

  324. Duane in Sanford Says:


  325. HC Grover Says:

    A blunder off the bat on the kick

  326. Rod Munch Says:

    Alright offense, you need 7 here.

    Not a punt, not 3, but 7, then you can put this game away.

  327. DailyRich Says:

    Can we just make a deal with the league to just take the ball on our 15 on every punt? ‘Cause we’re gonna get called for holding and end up there anyway.

  328. Sam Says:

    Vea is a beast @joebucsfan Bout time whichever of you has a problem with him needs to check themselves

  329. cmurda Says:

    We will definitely hold the record for having the coach with the longest tenure and the worst special teams in the NFL. It’s an impressive streak.

  330. Bobby Says:

    Too many penalties this week!

  331. ElioT Says:

    Gotta do something here, long drive for 7.

    Can’t let the Bears hang around.

  332. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Bears have had their opportunities – they’re just a bad football team.

  333. JBBUCS_06 Says:

    Needs to be a nice 3Q drive like last week w/ 7 on the board. TOP will then come into play. D keep playing solid!

  334. JBBUCS_06 Says:

    Or a deep shot w/ TP10 taking advantage of backup safeties. Will take that one too.

  335. unbelievable Says:

    Special teams have regressed back to their Keith Armstrong norm.

  336. Gofortheface30 Says:

    Rod ass munch – no.

  337. BucsFan81 Says:

    Offensive line still sucks.

  338. HC Grover Says:

    Wirs blunders Evans makes another play

  339. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Little Shake N Bake!!!!

  340. Arn platz Says:

    Bucs defense is for real, Baker Mayfield was a great deal, this team has a Dungy feel…..love it Go Bucs!

  341. unbelievable Says:

    “Evans can’t get YAC”

    Say the idiots…

    Nice run Tucker!

  342. BucsFan81 Says:

    Evans going to need to get paid…

  343. Rod Munch Says:


  344. Crickett Baker Says:

    Playfield! Go Mike!

  345. Bucsfantim Says:

    This defense is missing both of its safeties. Would love to see us dial up a shot

  346. Rod Munch Says:

    Nice 3rd down throw by Baker.

  347. Bucsfantim Says:

    Also PAY THAT MAN Mike Evans

  348. unbelievable Says:

    Baker has some serious heads up awareness even everything is collapsing

  349. HC Grover Says:

    3rd an long as usual

  350. Rod Munch Says:

    There’s the obligatory batted down pass at the line, at least that’s out of the way now.

  351. HC Grover Says:


  352. Jack Clark Says:

    Great play call by our OC

  353. DailyRich Says:

    Love going for it there.

  354. Rod Munch Says:

    Good call by Canales on 4th down there.

  355. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Big Balls Bowles…I like it!!

  356. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Damn it!!!

  357. HC Grover Says:

    Ugggg nother blunder

  358. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Mayfield sacrificing himself to get it

  359. Jack Clark Says:

    Glad Todd Bowels is going for it on 4th down instead of playing like a scaredy cat

  360. HC Grover Says:


  361. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Where you pansies at now saying ME13 didn’t earn his payday!!!!!

  362. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Holy Schlitt!!!

  363. bucs_shak Says:

    Ooooohhhh babyyyyyy

  364. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Holy crap

  365. Jack Clark Says:

    Touchdown Mike Evans !!!!! Great read by Baker Mayfield

  366. DailyRich Says:


  367. Rod Munch Says:

    PAY THE MAN!!!!!!

  368. ElioT Says:

    Heck yeah!!!

    Let’s go baby!!

    Beautiful drive.

  369. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    What a throw!

  370. Bobby Says:

    There we go!!!

  371. gp Says:


  372. Jack Sparrow Says:

    Wow !!! 👏👏👏👏

  373. unbelievable Says:

    “Evans is over the hill”

    “Evans isn’t reliable”

    “Evans doesn’t get any YAC”

    “Evans can’t get any separation”

    – all the idiots

  374. Bucsfantim Says:


  375. Jack Clark Says:

    165 yards for Evans 😂

  376. Mr. Editor Says:

    Long drive taking a lot of time off the clock! I love it!

  377. bucs_shak Says:

    Haha good job bake

  378. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Mayfield sucks, he ain’t accurate, mister checkdown…blah,blah,blah….I ain’t seen nothing that says he can lead this team. His hustle and scramble play has been fantastic so far. Keep it up Bake!!!! Long season keep building

  379. Capt2fish Says:

    Great play…weak Lambeau leap!

    Bucks look good! Bring on the eagles!

  380. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    This is not a 6 win football team.

    This is the best team in the NFC South.

  381. unbelievable Says:

    Nice call big Big Balls Bowles on that 4th down too!

    LFG! Good job offense.

  382. gp Says:

    un said it!

  383. Rod Munch Says:

    Alright, now come out, get a turnover and maybe a TD off of it, and we’re good.

  384. HC Grover Says:

    Callin’ Mrs Johnson
    They are for real

  385. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    The way Baker looked last year we had every right to say he sucked.

    But he’s lighting it up today.

  386. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    That WAS a perfect throw, just over the beer watch defender and not too far so the back defender can get there. Not saying Brady accurate, but pretty!!!

  387. BucsBeast Says:

    Ight, I retract my statement that Mikey pulled a Hami

  388. Rod Munch Says:

    Listening to these stupid Bears podcasts talking about how Moore is better than Evans. He’s old. He’s just a good, not HOF-level WR. F-ing idiots.

  389. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    If this were against a quality team, Baker Mayfield might score points with me.

    I’m not bought in…but he is keeping me watching, so there is that. Let’s see how he does against a team that has a good defense.

  390. White Dogg Says:

    Evans having himself a hell of a game. Currently 165yards and 1 TD!

    Go bucs!

  391. Rod Munch Says:

    Now it’s up to the defense to put them away.

  392. gp Says:

    Turn on the afterburners and point the L out of em!!!

  393. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Should be a sack

  394. Call the Salt Truck Says:

    Here for an order of Bears tear-salt after that Evans catch? I- yup. There it is.

    What a play by Evans, and hell of a throw by Mayfield. What a dagger on 3rd and 14.

  395. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    Impressed with Mayfields dive on the loose ball instead of a Cam Newton puss out.

  396. unbelievable Says:

    Izien is a baller

  397. JBBUCS_06 Says:

    GREAT drive!!! Shake n Bake is proving something.

  398. Rod Munch Says:

    Dang, how much nicer would it be to be up 24-10 right now, or even better, 27-10, which is what the score should be.

  399. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Good tackling, hold him up until help comes

  400. DailyRich Says:

    Foot on the throat time.

  401. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Thanks ME, you are having a good day except for your conditioning.
    I don’t see Godwin taking breaks.
    Maybe you did need preseason.
    We don’t need to pay top dollar for an over 30 WR1 in early decline.

    Go Bucs!

  402. Jeagan1999 Says:

    Baker is the man!

  403. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Damn it, that was a good designed play

  404. Jack Clark Says:

    Todd Bowels has a better record this year without Tom Brady than Bill Belichick

  405. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Mike Evans looks re-energized. This might be the most explosive I’ve seen him to date.

  406. Mr. Editor Says:

    ME13 could potentially get 200 yards this game. Amazing!

  407. Mr. Editor Says:

    They need to Kcover Kmet!

  408. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Come on!!!!!! Had his azz

  409. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    So…we’re not getting the top pick…and this defense is good enough to get us to .500 I think, if they keep playing like this.

    Soooo…let’s play to win.

  410. HC Grover Says:

    White had him but he got away

  411. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Mike is looking great. Can tell his knee hurts though.

  412. unbelievable Says:

    What happened to our tackling?

    Herbert just running over our defenders left and right.

  413. ElioT Says:

    Devin White posing after a missed tackle.

    He’s done nothing today.

  414. Bobby Says:

    Herbert is a hard runner!

  415. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Dirty Birds are losing just need the Kitties to beat the Taints tomorrow night

  416. HC Grover Says:

    Now for a turnover

  417. cmurda Says:

    Apparently Herbert is tougher than our defense. Weak

  418. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Not sure it’s a fumble but good no call

  419. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    ElioT Says
    “Devin White posing after a missed tackle.
    He’s done nothing today.”

    You must not be watching the same game.

  420. HC Grover Says:


  421. LongSeason Says:

    “You’ll never see me coming.”

  422. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Defense turning up the intensity

  423. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    No a fumble, but this defense is playing amazingly well.

  424. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    Luckily for the bears, Mr. Dink & Dunk can’t throw more than 5 yards deep. Poor Mike Evans, looks like that sorry a$$ Bake is gonna screw him out of his 1,000 yard season. You know I heard it from a friend, who heard it from a friend, who heard it from another, Mike wanted to leave The Bucs because Bake is the worst QB in the league the last two years.

  425. cmurda Says:

    Thats an incomplete pass but really nice pressure

  426. DirtyBucs Says:

    It’s really tiring watching you guys scrutinize every single play. Sometimes the other team just makes a decent play. That doesn’t mean our players suck. That doesn’t mean they are soft. Etc. Please just enjoy watching the freaking game. Thank you

  427. Bobby Says:

    Let’s hold on this third and 10!!!

  428. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Working as I watch…well…trying to. That’s a good sign!

  429. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Give credit to Herbert he’s running tought.

  430. Crickett Baker Says:

    Devin has been balling out!

  431. HC Grover Says:

    There it is!!!

  432. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    ZYON!!!!! Hell of a play!!!

  433. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    May be overturned

  434. Faspro Says:


  435. HC Grover Says:

    McCollum looking good

  436. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Still a great play Z

  437. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:


  438. unbelievable Says:


  439. Duane in Sanford Says:


  440. DailyRich Says:

    Okay, good long soul-killing drive right here.

  441. ElioT Says:

    Screw these refs!

  442. orlbucfan Says:

    Vita and Tryon-Shoyinka have been helping White have a very good game playing a QB who plays like Michael Vick. Plus, the refs have been busy with the usual calls.

  443. HC Grover Says:

    Bucs getting the bounce. Now seal the deal

  444. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Okay, that was legit

  445. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Grave-diggers back?

  446. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Alright another 6-7 minute drive with a TD baby, nail down the coffin

  447. Vsy Says:

    This referee is kiding right??? Bunch of cheaters

  448. Crickett Baker Says:

    Zion is coming into his own.

  449. Rod Munch Says:

    Lets get Mike 300 yards today!

  450. gp Says:

    Highway theft by the refs!

  451. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Refs were right.

  452. Duane in Sanford Says:

    That kid was robbed. Great effort.

  453. unbelievable Says:

    Can’t believe those hosed him on that INT.

    We really are playing the refs every week it seems

  454. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    That wasn’t possession while in bounds not a bad call, but hell of a play regardless

  455. unbelievable Says:

    Nah ur allowed to be adjusting the ball as you make the catch

  456. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    The ball was moving y’all, can’t call it a catch

  457. Mr. Editor Says:

    Zyon got cheated on!

  458. Rod Munch Says:

    Zion made a hell of a play there, but the ball was knocked out of his hands at the end there. In the old days that would have been an INT since he did have possession going out of bounds, but because of Bert Emanuel, and the NFL covering for that blatant BS call that cost the Bucs a SB, that is now an incompletion.

  459. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Up the gut with no blocking, come on be better

  460. HC Grover Says:

    Now step on gas pedal

  461. garbs65 Says:

    I’d like to see them keep on the gas until there is no chance of a comeback.

  462. HC Grover Says:

    Dink it

  463. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Waste of possession!!!! Damn it!!

  464. unbelievable Says:

    They know we’re running every time Tucker checks in.

    Too obvious / 1 dimensional.

  465. Show Me the TDs Says:

    The Bucs run blocking needs some work.

  466. HC Grover Says:

    Wow now close the deal

  467. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Hope the D doesn’t get gassed now…not much rest there

  468. Rod Munch Says:

    Got very conservative with the calls there, that’s what you get with Bowles, he takes games that should be blowout wins and makes them close.

  469. HC Grover Says:

    Turnover time

  470. ChiBuc Says:

    Bucs ST needs a Camarda fake punt (run). He’s quick

  471. unbelievable Says:

    Ah, I didn’t see the full replay on that Zion call.

    Oh well.

  472. HC Grover Says:

    Bowles think D has em where they want em….

  473. unbelievable Says:

    Gotta throw a pass when Tucker checks in.

    They’ve completely sold out to stop the run the last 5 times he’s been in there.

  474. Bucsfantim Says:

    Didn’t like that run on 2nd and 8. We should be trying to put the game away

  475. Rod Munch Says:

    Bowles is so worried about not losing, he doesn’t ever put other teams away.

    That’s the difference between him and Arians, between a SB caliber coach with a winning record, and a coach who has a winning percentage under .400.

  476. TonySoprano Says:

    Bears down 3/4th their entire secondary. Don’t pull a repeat of Steelers last year. Don’t shell up and play scared Bowles-ball. Hit their weakness and step on their throats.

  477. BucsBeast Says:

    Next offensive play needs to be a SHOT at 6!
    We look to predictable.

  478. Rod Munch Says:

    unbelievable Says:
    September 17th, 2023 at 3:17 pm
    Gotta throw a pass when Tucker checks in.


    Or better yet, don’t put Tucker in the game. White is having a great day, shouldn’t be getting pulled unless he’s winded.

  479. Jack Clark Says:

    Even though we’re winning it’s kinda concerning that our offense can’t even score more than 30 points against the worst defense in the NFL

  480. unbelievable Says:

    Great job defense!

  481. unbelievable Says:

    @Rod – agree White and Edmonds have both looked good, no need to rotate more just for the sake of it.

  482. HC Grover Says:

    Hit the gas pedal

  483. unbelievable Says:

    also agree with everyone- let’s get up by another touchdown and actually put this team away.

    Someone needs to inform Bowles that it’s okay to blow out another team.

  484. Beej Says:

    147 total yards for Chicago….ME13 has more than that

  485. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Come on up the middle when they expect it!! Here we go…come on Canales

  486. orlbucfan Says:

    Glad to see teams are adapting to climate change. No way Bears could play a fair game in black and orange. They would drop in the climate sauna. Defense looks terrific!

  487. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Here comes the pick.
    Thanks announcers…..

  488. Since76 Says:

    Bowled needs to stop interfering with the game plan on offense. Let Canales play his game.

  489. HC Grover Says:


  490. Rod Munch Says:

    So no holding call on the Bears TD, but that’s a holding call.

    Got it.

  491. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    No hit to the head huh????

  492. Jack Clark Says:

    Happy our offense hasn’t turned the ball over

  493. bucs_shak Says:

    Carm is a GOAT already!

  494. HC Grover Says:

    Ripe for int

  495. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Well still not a complete offensive game…but maybe progress from last week??? Need to put it together to beat the Eagles.

  496. DailyRich Says:

    Carmada’s been a stealth MVP today.

  497. BucsFan81 Says:

    Defense going to score and end this game

  498. unbelievable Says:

    That was on Feiler allowing that pressure.

    Amazing how shifty Mayfield is in the pocket. Should have had like 3 sacks on him already today.

  499. Beej Says:

    heck of a thing BM got that pass off

  500. cmurda Says:

    Camarda is such a weapon. Imagine having to catch a footbally from 300 feet in the air. When he punted it, it sounded like an explosion. I’m pretty sure Camarda has to register his right leg as weapons in 37 U.S. states.

  501. Bobby Says:

    We’re definitely winning field position battle.

  502. Rod Munch Says:

    Give Mayfield credit, in previous years he collapses under pressure, but he’s been great so far in his first two games in that situation.

    Also #71 has sucked today, and wasn’t that good last week either. I’ll see if that holds up when I rewatch the all 22, but just viewing it live, he’s missed a number of blocks in the run game and pass game.

  503. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Let’s see if the D can finish them off and then we can waste the possession again.

  504. Crickett Baker Says:

    I just LOVE an exciting game, where our players are into winning like this game! So much fun!

  505. HC Grover Says:

    Well they have to keep it close I guess

  506. DailyRich Says:

    Claypool with a handful of collar and no holding call.

  507. orlbucfan Says:

    Bears are getting away with all kinds of holding. Glad I’m an old fan cos I’m used to the refs BS.

  508. Bucsfantim Says:

    Disappointing to see the offense stall out at this point in the game with a very small lead. Need to put this away!

  509. Bucsfantim Says:

    Come on D! Tighten up

  510. Rod Munch Says:

    Bowles is content to win this game 20-17… I hate that.

    Arians would have this 31-10 right now.

    Playing not lose is what is keeping the Bears in this game, and that comes directly from Bowles, like we saw last year as well in the few cases where the Bucs had games in hand yet never put the other team away.

  511. TonySoprano Says:

    Annnnd Dean is injured…

  512. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Defense getting worn down thanks to our O giving the ball back too much and too soon

  513. BucsFan81 Says:

    Dean and Davis get paid and never on the damn field always injured made of glass

  514. HC Grover Says:

    Well we are to see if they can win another close game.

  515. Bobby Says:

    No pressure on that play.

  516. StormyInFl Says:

    So much for ‘big balls bowles’. More like ‘tiny testes todd’.

  517. Bucsfantim Says:

    What the heck was Dean doing there.. SMH oh no.

  518. cmurda Says:

    Yup. This story looks familiar. Zero pressure and 30 yards down field on 3rd and long. Come on.

  519. LVMYBUCS Says:

    Never will understand why they paid Dean to stay never like his style of play he has been in the league to long to be turn around like that.

  520. orlbucfan Says:

    The Defense has to play the refs and Bears. That pattern has been going down the whole game. Dean is hurt. Bucs better win this one. Go look at the penalties.

  521. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    If we happen to lose this game, I don’t think it is Baker’s fault…unless he does something dumb before it is over.

    That’s all the credit I’m ready to give him at this point.

  522. HC Grover Says:


  523. HeavyE Says:

    Every time Dean and Davis get burnt on a route, they come up hurt…..

  524. 757Buc’em Says:

    Let me find out our best corner is Zyon. DEAN IS A BUM AND JUST LIKE HIS BUM FOOT COUNTERPART HE’S FAKING A INJURY. Whyyyyyyyyy sign them 2 back

  525. Logan Says:

    Our best pass rushers are on the sideline. I don’t understand that.

  526. TonySoprano Says:

    This is the worst I’ve ever seen Dean play. He has had an absolutely terrible game. He should be embarrassed

  527. HC Grover Says:

    Good Grief

  528. darengibo Says:

    Man. Bears holding all day long!!!!

  529. ElioT Says:

    Come on defense.

    Somebody make a play!

  530. orlbucfan Says:

    The holding is insane. Big reason why Bears are in it.

  531. DailyRich Says:

    Again having David cover Moore….

  532. HC Grover Says:

    Well Todd you are on your plan. Keep it close.

  533. cmurda Says:

    Egregious no call on the obvious hold. NFL making sire Bears get back in it

  534. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Just like that

  535. unbelievable Says:



    And there’s the touchdown

  536. BucU Says:

    L O S E R S

  537. Since76 Says:

    Secondary getting torched while there is no pass rush.

  538. Buc50 Says:

    Stop freaking blitzing him

  539. BucsFan81 Says:

    We in a dog fight against da bears…we need to score now

  540. LVMYBUCS Says:

    Another year worrying about the safety’s

  541. Bobby Says:

    That was a great pass.

  542. cmurda Says:

    Disgusting. Todd Bowles defense was lost on that drive. Canary is going to need to put his big boy pants on and Todd needs to stop relying on his tired defense. Gotta win it on offense.

  543. Beej Says:

    Sitting in zone never works for us

  544. Bucsfantim Says:

    :/ Maybe we play offense now?

  545. HeavyE Says:

    Dean once again……double move!!! So SAD!!!!

  546. BucU Says:

    Absolutely pathetic pass rush AND secondary. Embarrassing

  547. HC Grover Says:

    We can EZ lose this now

  548. orlbucfan Says:

    Now, Bucs have to win this one. They have to outplay the refs.

  549. ElioT Says:

    Gave up the booty.

    All that money to Dean…

  550. unbelievable Says:

    Dean is playing worse today than he did in his first NFL game.

    Blowing coverages left and right

  551. HC Grover Says:

    We better move the ball

  552. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Defense was tired…damn offense needs to keep the ball and score with 2:00 or less

  553. LVMYBUCS Says:

    Dean sucks and always has and will suck

  554. Bucs 95 Says:

    Like i told yall this defense looks good for 2 or 3 drives then looks trash and always seems too allow a big play on 3rd and long always i hate this crap

  555. 757Buc’em Says:

    Philly is gonna obliterate us next Monday it’s not even gonna be funny you think the defense is trash now o boy wait till the Philly game. We just let the BEARRRSSS do what they just did

  556. orlbucfan Says:

    Big money isn’t on the Bucs. I have seen it too many times. Go Bucs

  557. Since76 Says:

    Will we see more Todd bowles offense now

  558. unbelievable Says:

    Also the Bears o-line getting away with BLATANT holds on play after play after play.

    Bowles is gonna try to run out the clock, rather than go for the score / Win.

  559. Bucsfantim Says:

    Come on Canales. Lets score.

  560. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Well, crap. Is Bowels going prevent now?

  561. 757Buc’em Says:

    Now watch this hood ol Tampa 3 and out

  562. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Here we go…earlier in the game I felt more confident not now

  563. True bucsfan Says:

    Dean is terrible!!!!!!

  564. HC Grover Says:

    Need that keep it up

  565. unbelievable Says:

    Evans was wide arse open man!

  566. Beej Says:

    hmm. Up the gut on 1st, get 5 yards

  567. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Why up the middle again…swing it or something besides up the middle

  568. HeavyE Says:

    So let Me understand this, we pay Dean and Davis, but we won’t pay ME13, what He Truly Deserves????

  569. HC Grover Says:


  570. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    THANK YOU…Hainsey pulling

  571. Beej Says:

    wow, quick screen actually worked

  572. Jack Clark Says:

    Great play calling by our OC

  573. unbelievable Says:

    Nice running from white right there!


  574. HC Grover Says:


  575. BucU Says:

    This offense sucks.

  576. HC Grover Says:


  577. unbelievable Says:

    Another o-line penalty.

    Let’s see if it kills this drive too

  578. Faspro Says:

    Wtf, another penalty

  579. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    What is this play calling?!?!?!?!?!?!

  580. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Canales is a cool customer.
    He ain’t even sweating……

  581. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Come on Canales!!!!

  582. unbelievable Says:

    2 runs up the gut on 1st down for NO GAIN.


  583. HC Grover Says:

    Doubnle Uggggggh!

  584. BucU Says:

    Do something out there!!!!

  585. cmurda Says:

    Canary is having to navigate a pretty lackluster right side of the O Line. These guys are jumping, missing blocks. Its not good enough. Goedeke hasn’t been good enough

  586. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    Pathetic!!!! Playing not to lose, not using our strength to win the game

  587. HC Grover Says:

    How to lose the close game

  588. HeavyE Says:

    We just gave this game away…..WTF????

  589. unbelievable Says:


    2 runs in a row when you need 15 yards?

  590. DailyRich Says:

    What the hell is this playcalling?

  591. BucU Says:

    Can u believe this shyt?

  592. cmurda Says:

    Canary vcant be given a pass on that 2nd down run. Atrocious playclling by the rookie playcaller. Awful

  593. Since76 Says:

    I guess Todd is getting his calls in.

  594. TonySoprano Says:

    These coaches are complete cowards. Run, run, run…shell up and play scared like usual.

  595. Dan Says:


  596. BucsFan81 Says:

    How are we running on 2 and 15 what stupid play calling

  597. Bobby Says:

    Piss poor blocking

  598. Bucsfantim Says:

    Pathetic playcalling

  599. DoooshLaRue Says:

    That……..was a DUMB call

  600. BucU Says:

    Coaching is abysmal.

  601. HC Grover Says:

    What a mess

  602. DailyRich Says:

    Sure, throw 7 yards short of the line to gain.

  603. HeavyE Says:

    Yeah, let’s run routes, in front of the sticks, that’s just so smart!!!!

  604. BucU Says:

    I hate Todd Bowles

  605. HC Grover Says:

    Maybe a 4ht down dink…Nope

  606. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    This is embarrassing simply embarrassing from our O

  607. BucsFan81 Says:

    Go for it idiots

  608. BucU Says:

    Garbage performance

  609. cmurda Says:

    This guy is already predictable. Always always always runs after a penalty. Too predictable. Not good enough Canary. Hopefully he improves.

  610. HeavyE Says:

    Bowels, has to Go!!!!!

  611. Since76 Says:

    Terrible play calling in crunch time. Not impressed with Canales.

  612. DailyRich Says:

    It felt like after that Evans TD that this was over and we just did not play with a killer instinct.

  613. Bucsfantim Says:

    Loss on coaching if we don’t hold onto this lead. Playing not to lose the entire 4th quarter.

  614. TonySoprano Says:

    This cowardly mindset is a perfect example of why nobody believes Toad Bowles can make this team a winner

  615. StormyInFl Says:

    Dear Todd, please play to win. Gutless turd.

  616. LongSeason Says:

    Camarda is MVP with his punting.

  617. unbelievable Says:

    @TonySoprano – 100%

  618. BucU Says:

    I positively knew this garbage team would revert to their old ways

  619. HC Grover Says:

    Offense moved but nother blunder

  620. DailyRich Says:


  621. Faspro Says:

    Penalties killed the Bucs…

  622. HC Grover Says:

    Now what

  623. BucU Says:

    One idiot play after another allllll day long

  624. cmurda Says:

    Oh there’s Shaq. I was wondering where he was. At least he jumped offsides so I can see him

  625. DailyRich Says:

    And that replay didn’t look like Shaq was early.

  626. Jack Sparrow Says:

    Lets go Bucs !!!!

  627. Beej Says:

    he’s always within a hair of offsides

  628. Jack Sparrow Says:

    Bucs win !!!

  629. NaplesBucsFan Says:


  630. HC Grover Says:

    Hot Diggity Dog

  631. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Wow. Big play!

  632. HeavyE Says:

    Thank You Jesus!!!!

  633. unbelievable Says:


  634. Jack Sparrow Says:

    2-0 baby !!!

  635. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:


  636. Faspro Says:

    Yeah!!! Barret!!!

  637. cmurda Says:

    OMG. And there’s Shaq again. Yesss

  638. ElioT Says:

    Hell yes!!!


  639. unbelievable Says:

    This was Bowles wet dream of a game lol

  640. darengibo Says:

    I really don’t get all the negative comments about this team.. ain’t perfect but pretty good.

  641. Jack Clark Says:

    Todd Bowels defense wins it!

  642. BucsFan81 Says:

    Nailed it what did I say defense scores to win the game called it..

  643. LongSeason Says:

    SHAQ!!!!!!!! TD!!!!!!!

  644. Bobby Says:

    And that’s all folks!!

  645. Beej Says:


  646. Call the Salt Truck Says:


  647. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Our kicker is really, really good. Punter is pretty good too.

    Shaq rocks.

  648. Geopliticus Says:

    They kept runnin screens…Go Shaq!

  649. HC Grover Says:

    Plan 9 fired his Booster Rocket and Shaq Scores

  650. HeavyE Says:


  651. Mr. Editor Says:

    The Dagger!

  652. Bucsfantim Says:

    Thank goodness SHAQ BARRETT. But Nooooo now Bowles is gonna think relying on our defense like this is okay rather than putting games away with offense

  653. MadMax Says:

    Game over! Nice one Shaq!!!

  654. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    2-0 broheims

  655. LVMYBUCS Says:

    I have no confidence in Calace offense calling, we dont have a good enough front to run the ball so much.

  656. HomerSimpsonRocks Says:

    Hell yeah! I thought we we’re gonna lose by going into turtle mode. Welcome back Shaq!!

  657. Jack Sparrow Says:

    Rest up Bucs !!! Bring the Eagles 🦅 !!!

  658. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    I was never worried, unless Baker was throwing.

  659. HC Grover Says:

    Diabi hits hard

  660. Rover Says:

    I will take that. On to the overhyped Eagles. Go Bucs!

  661. unbelievable Says:

    Big hit from Diaby right there

  662. orlbucfan Says:

    Barrett grabbed it and the whole D grabbed him across the goal line. That is why I love football. Entire team scored that one. Go Mighty Bucs! 🤎🏈🏈

  663. Crickett Baker Says:

    Talent beat coaching.

  664. cmurda Says:

    Whoa. Welcome to our 3rd round pick. Nice start rookie. What a hit

  665. Bucs 95 Says:

    If the looks like this and can finish scoring plays i think we go 4-0 into the bye

  666. Bucs 95 Says:
