A Year Of Reckoning For Joe Tyron-Shoyinka

September 8th, 2023

Bucs OLB Joe Tryon-Shoyina.

Joe has written often that Baker Mayfield is at the crossroads of his NFL career as a starting quarterback. It’s do or die for him.

If Mayfield has a bad year, he won’t likely get a chance to be another team’s No. 1 quarterback.

On the other side of the ball, the Bucs might have a guy in a similar situation, at least when it comes to his Bucs career.

Though he has one more year left on his contract, this season very well could be the crossroads days for outside linebacker Joe Tryon-Shoyinka. If he plays well, he may get the fifth-year option of his contract picked up. If JTS has his standard four-sack season, well, Joe would guess 2024 will be his final year in Tampa and he will lose his starting job.

Yesterday, Bucs inside linebackers coach Larry Foote spoke about JTS and if he is improving.

“He looks better,” Foote said. “Being in this league, year three, you really tell the league what type of player you are.

“This is year three. He looked better than he looked last year and definitely from his rookie year. I’m excited to see what he’s going to bring this season.”

The Bucs need him. There is no getting around it. We don’t know what Bucs sacks king Shaq Barrett will be like after blowing out his Achilles. And Joe is convinced that the Bucs are only a consistent edge rush away from having a dynamite defense.

JTS could be that difference-maker.

A lot is on the line for JTS. His contribution to the team. His future with the team. And a whole bunch of zeros on his paychecks.

32 Responses to “A Year Of Reckoning For Joe Tyron-Shoyinka”

  1. KingLDavid54 Says:

    Spot-on analysis, it is absolutely critical that the Bucs have an effective edge rush. It is, to some extent, the only way a defense can stay afloat in the NFL today. Offenses are too good (and the rules too offense-friendly) to allow them ample time to pick you apart. It doesn’t matter much how good your coverage is when QBs and WRs have all day to find separation.

  2. KingLDavid54 Says:

    It is absolutely critical that the Bucs have an effective edge rush. It is, to some extent, the only way a defense can stay afloat in the NFL today. Offenses are too good (and the rules too offense-friendly) to allow them ample time to pick you apart. It doesn’t matter much how good your coverage is when QBs and WRs have all day to find separation.

  3. kgh4life Says:

    Sorry to say it, JTS is not that guy. Diaby on the other hand has shown me more in a couple preseason snaps than JTS has during his two seasons so far.

  4. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    JTS needs to make sure he doesn’t do an ASJ on the field this year.

  5. TDTB2023 Says:

    If only he is a late bloomer like Barber. I believe it was year 3 for Barber to start put things together.
    No, I’m not saying Tryon will be a HOF. Let’s hope it clicks for him and he starts introducing QBs to the ground more often.
    2 more days and everything will be glorious!

  6. DS Says:

    His ceiling is a 5 or 6 sack guy, if anyone thinks he is a double digit guy they are mistaken. Logan Hall is a run stuffer guy but he also was a 2nd round pick. Just don’t see it with either of them

  7. bucsfaninOregon Says:

    If Logan Hall and JTS hold the Bucs’ season in hand, I hope they are wearing sticky gloves. I’m not optimistic about both.

  8. RagingBrisket Says:

    If it is a year of reckoning for JTS then it should be the same for Licht. Built like Tarzan JTS, invisible Logan Hall and can’t-see-the-field Kancey is a scary run of high draft stock ineptitude.

  9. Fire Bowles Says:


    Good point about Logan Hall. I know you’ve talked about a little Joe, but where the heck is that dude and what’s his deal?!?

  10. HC Grover Says:

    Make sure Plan 9 has enough hydrazine in his retro rockets to reenter the atmosphere and not bounce off the stratosphere beck to Outer Space.

  11. HC Grover Says:

    Maybe he would be better at a different position. He is not a pro level edge rusher.

  12. Marine Buc Says:

    If JTS can just convert a few of his QB pressures into sacks he will easily have an 8 sack season.

    He is constantly getting to the QB but needs to develop better control when he is in the offensive backfield.

  13. Bojim Says:

    Get your YaYa’s out.

  14. Smoothbayrider Says:

    A year of reckoning ? We want a year of wrecking!!!!!

  15. Hodad Says:

    When was it annouced Foote would be calling the defense this year? I must have missed that. Does that also make him the sole D.C.?

  16. Logged In To Says:

    A bunch of zeros on his paycheck, makes him sound broke, my friend. Lol. Give me a bunch of 9s on my paychecks! 😉

  17. Joe in Michigan Says:

    HC Grover Says:
    September 8th, 2023 at 11:24 am
    Maybe he would be better at a different position. He is not a pro level edge rusher.
    Yes or no…Didn’t you have the Bucs trading JTS last week to the Colts for Jonathan Taylor? Does he have value or not? Make up your mind.

  18. Pickgrin Says:

    “Larry Foote, who will be calling defensive plays this fall”

    Wait – WHAT? Todd Bowles is NOT calling defensive plays this year???

    First I’ve heard of that.

    Please clarify Joe.

  19. usmc9498 Says:

    How may times do we as fans need to hear this is a “break out/break through” year for our draft picks?? When do we start holding the FO and GM responsible for constantly missing on picks that are supposed to be our foundation. Look at the Lions and their draft picks, seem to be playing, and showing flashes already. Is it our coaching? Bad scouting?? I mean, JTS, Hall, Vaughn, the list goes on, drafting players to play other positions, Licht talking about Mauch being our future center, he likes “gingers” how about liking players that can actually play and stop with the “potential” of the players we are taking every damn April.

  20. Joe Says:

    When do we start holding the FO and GM responsible for constantly missing on picks that are supposed to be our foundation.

    We’re talking about the same GM who built a Super Bowl-winning roster?

  21. unbelievable Says:

    Without a pass rush, your defense is toast.

    Simple as that.

    Show us what you got JTS. Hoping Ya Ya can bring some heat too.

  22. Fred McNeil Says:

    With better coaching JTS will easily double his sacks this year. I think better coaching has arrived.

  23. Fred McNeil Says:

    In fact: I predict 10 sacks.

  24. dmatt Says:

    After hearing Markees Watt share his story with Salty Dogs on how he made the active roster just blew me away. Markee is hungry, he plays aggressive n with a chip on his shoulder. If given the opportunity, I foresee him making folks forget that JTS exist on the Bucs roster. JTS plays the same as he did in 2021 n 2022, a bust.

  25. Rod Munch Says:

    8 sacks in 2 years isn’t a bust, but isn’t going to get a new deal either. As everyone has pointed out, his issue last year was bringing down the QB once he got to them – and hopefully he gets that cleaned up. I don’t think he’s ever going to be a star player, but I still have hopes he can be a professional (think Gholston). He was really really green coming out of college, coming off sitting out for a year, then only being a part-time player his rookie year. He doesn’t have nearly as many reps as people think, and that’s part of the reason I still have some hope for him. I’m not betting anything on him leveling up, but I’m just not canceling it out yet.

  26. usmc9498 Says:

    We’re talking about the same GM who built a Super Bowl-winning roster?

    Really, I didnt know that he drafted Brady, Gronk, AB… Brady chose us after SF fell through.. Same damn roster we had when JW left town, quite being so damn narrow minded..

  27. Just Saying Says:

    The coaches must know he’s going to blow up this year. He didn’t play a snap in the meaningless preseason that I saw.

  28. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Joe Keep Try’on:

    Bill Currie’s best salesman 2025

    Book it.

  29. Destinjohnny Says:

    Should be a year of reckoning for the moron who drafted him

  30. Dave Pear Says:

    JTS sucks unless he blows. Oh, he’s dual threat.

  31. garro Says:

    Agreed Joe…I have been a big critic of JTS. Improved is maybe an accurate statement, But living up to his draft status is a different thing entirely. We shall see.

    Go Bucs!

  32. FrontFour Says:

    Hold on a minute. Yup. Just looked up and saw JTS still running around in some backfield not tackling anybody…….