YaYa Diaby Learned In His First NFL Game

August 11th, 2023

Not overwhelmed.

The lights weren’t too bright for Bucs rookie outside linebacker YaYa Diaby.

With Joe Tryon-Shoyinka getting the night off (?), Diaby got his first start in his first preseason NFL game. And he battled.

Diaby had to go against five-year veteran Chukwuma Okorafor of the Steelers. Not an easy task. While Diaby didn’t have a lot of stats, he did get a quarterback hit and did seem to get pressure on Steelers starting quarterback Kenny Pickett.

And it sure looked to Joe as if Okorafor held Diaby at least twice. Let’s put it this way, if you did to a woman on the street what Okorafor did to Diaby, you’d be in deep shiite.

At one point it looked as if Diaby was about to tangle with Okorafor, staring down Okorafor walking back to the defensive huddle. Joe was bracing for a throwdown. In short, Diaby wasn’t intimidated.

“It was just, you know, past the whistle,” Diaby said of Okorafor’s stunts.

That didn’t often happen when Diaby played Virginia Tech or Wake Forest.

Diaby told Joe he said that was just part of learning the NFL his first time out.

Diaby went down injured in the game. After trainers came out, he walked off the field, albeit slowly. Diaby told Joe he was fine.

“I just rolled my ankle a little,” Diaby said.

So Diaby’s night was finished. And while he didn’t dominate or have major splash plays, he did contribute and show he’s not intimidated against one of the more physical teams in the NFL.

24 Responses to “YaYa Diaby Learned In His First NFL Game”

  1. D-Rok Says:

    Maybe Diaby should play RT?

  2. All_da_way Says:

    Diaby looked like a vet out there with his arsenal. A nice surprise.

  3. K2 Says:

    The Steelers played all their guys. I believe that is important and sets the tone. Our coaching staff told the team that they didn’t care (by playing the 2nd team to start the game). So, football is a game on momentum if we are going to let the other team set the tone. Bucs coaches don’t teach tackling. They don’t even teach the CBs to keep outside leavage…I knew that in high school? The coaches are to blame for the bad play!

  4. lambchop Says:

    When is Cam Gill gonna get his respect? The dude has shown he deserves more playing time.

  5. firethecannons Says:

    YaYa Diaby is unbeelievably massive in the wing span and the arms are huge, this kid will never be intimidated by anybody. he is like JPP and just as motivated and bigger. It is a matter of time until he gets home. I guess he gets 6 maybe 8 sacks this year. happy with him.

  6. Dave Pear Says:

    100% agree with lambchop. Gill shows up when he’s out there. When he gets a break through the line he closes fast on the QB. Love that dude.

  7. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Bucs 2nd stringers looked sloppy. That’s not good. They gotta be more disciplined and physical.

  8. Leopold Stotch Says:

    I think Gill would have had a breakout year last year.

  9. CAbucsfan Says:

    Game showed
    Mayfield was good
    Trask bad
    OL bad with no depth
    DL needs more intensity
    LB deepest position
    Secondary iffy

  10. HC Grover Says:

    Ya Ya far better than Plan Nine,

  11. Obvious Says:

    I only heard the game on the radio BUT when I Was able to hear it, I kept hearing 2 names..

    YaYa was Again and AGAIN!

    But then I Also kept hearing Geodonkey as well.

    I do know that it is Very Good to hear one name and Very Bad to hear the other.

    Again, and Again and AGAIN….

    Man, Ya Ya “Could Be” the best pick up of our draft. BUT, I Sure Do want to see Kancey in Action! If we can walk away with 2 or 3 ACTUAL STUDS….. Yeah!

    GO BUCS!

  12. MadMax Says:

    I was impressed with Diaby, but dude, walk away….say it as youre walking away … next play, next play, next play….penalties kill drives….let it go…learn to let it go

  13. Fansince76 Says:

    Diaby looks like a keeper, encouraged by his play in his firs game.
    Dennis also looked decent.

  14. adam from ny Says:

    i saw mayfield standing next to bowles

  15. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Ta Ya…..looked good….as did Mayfield, Gill, Edmonds, Palmer

    We didn’t play most of our starters…..they did…..Nuff said

  16. Voice of Truth Says:

    JTS, sit down and stay there – YAYA is wayyyyyyy better than you

  17. Buc4evr Says:

    I’m thinking JTS is going to be replaced at some point in the season by Ya Ya’s Flame Broiled Chicken.

  18. EternalSon Says:


    And preseason games, do you think it is possible that the coaches across teams tell each other who they are going to play, starters/back ups?

  19. Pewter Power Says:

    He’s gone get plenty of snaps especially if JTS is still a puppy in run support.

  20. Infomeplease Says:

    Diaby was off to a good start. He was all over the field! He is a gamer!!

  21. Bobby Says:

    Looking like 4-6 win only season this coming year. Disappointing that is. Guess we will have a high draft pick next year

  22. teacherman777 Says:

    Get him off of special teams!

    Not worth it!!!

  23. Tap-Out Says:

    JTS …will dominate next week!

  24. garro Says:

    Wow I am loking Diaby alot.
    He definately showed up on the tape. Sacks or not the QBs for the steelers know who he is now.

    Go Bucs