Todd Bowles Not Happy About Fumbled Snaps

August 5th, 2023

Whose fault was it?

Yes, Todd Bowles was talking turnovers (again) yesterday. He better be careful or he’s going to turn into Lovie Smith.

Only one pick was thrown in practice yesterday — by Baker Mayfield at the tail end of the session.

That wasn’t the worst play of his day.

Yesterday, backup (?) center Nick Leverett was snapping the ball. Mayfield went under center and the snap exchange hit the turf.

On the very next play, the exact same thing happened.

It was bad enough that on the next play, Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales had Mayfield line up in shotgun.

The bad snaps angered Bowles.

“The quarterback-center can’t have fumbles, regardless of what I saw,” Bowles said. “I’ll figure it out when I see the film – whose fault it was – but the ball can’t be on the ground.”

Joe cannot remember seeing back-to-back fumbles on snaps in practice by the same quarterback/center duo.

But Bowles is absolutely correct. Fumbled snaps are intolerable.

34 Responses to “Todd Bowles Not Happy About Fumbled Snaps”

  1. K_bassuka Says:

    If Bowles didn’t want turnovers then why in the world did he sign Maybefield? Cause everyone knows that’s part of Maybefield’s game.

  2. Voice of Truth Says:

    Fumbled snaps, wayyyy more picks than anyone els3 in camp after all they leadership BS all off-season.

    looks just like a pattern seen before from good old Baker

    Kyle should start and Molchon(sp) should be the backup

    Cap implications if we just cut the Mayfield experiment???? Who cares, cut him

    Dude is HORRIBLE and if he starts the season, it is going to be ugly, ugly, ugly

    If you thought Brady looked bad, wait til Baker is stumbling, fumbling, and throwing picks all over the place…

  3. Confido75 Says:

    I don’t blame Bowles for getting heated aboit this. Seriously, these guys can’t snap the ball properly at this point in their careers?? Boils down to a lack of focus and effort. Capabilty is more than there.

  4. Pewter Power Says:

    Man I have to be honest, with all the “swagger” he displays I expected more from baker. I’m not disappointed because I wasn’t thinking he’d get us to the playoffs but I 100% expected him to have a sizable lead on Trask. We are in for some big surprises this year. We’re gonna be really good or really horrible, don’t think this front office will allow them to be middle of the pack which is no man’s land

  5. Craig Says:

    Never saw two fumbled snaps in a row anywhere.

    Maybe is Baker took one foot out of his mouth he would be better balanced. That might also cut down on the batted balls and interceptions.

  6. Joshua porter Says:

    Let’s not forget this is the 3rd string center for a reason but ues 2 in a row is ridiculous..

  7. Shak Says:

    Y’all just want to hate on Baker, Bowels said he has to see who’s at fault. Whoever is a fault they need to fix it because I want the best results for the Bucs!

  8. JD Still Says:

    Yes the FBI ( Fumbles, Batted down balls, and Interceptions ),will expose you sooner or later.

  9. Fred McNeil Says:

    I can’t say I ever saw two fumbled snaps in a row. I saw two fumbled handoffs returned for touchdowns in a row to start a game, but that was in a bad snowstorm in Greed Bay on a Monday night. The game was all down hill from there.

  10. Fred McNeil Says:

    Well, Shak, I’m pretty sure it was Leveret hiking to Trask before that with no mishaps. The only difference was Baker. As far as I can tell, anyway.

  11. covertwo22 Says:

    I’ve been saying this since they signed Mayfield and called this a competition. If Mayfield is the starter, this season is a wash. He is not a starting quality QB. Trask is the ONLY way to go. See if he can be a quality starter or move on. Mayfield is not the answer.

  12. Buc1987 Says:

    Go Trask!

  13. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    The cream rises to the top.
    It’s the job of the coaches to recognize the top.
    Time will tell.
    Case in point. Tom Brady was not starting first string qb at Michigan for most of his tenure.
    The coaches simply couldn’t see the top or the cream.
    This probably happens more times than not.

  14. R0n@Tampa Says:

    Turnovers do not matter now. It That will happen when you go against the best defense in the NFL. As fans we are fired up for this the super bowl title that the Bucs will bring home this year. Can’t wait for the games to begin.We believe Bucs!!!

  15. Buc1987 Says:

    R0n@Tampa…you live in a different world than most of us.

  16. kyle Says:

    please come back tom..haha

  17. BillyBucco Says:

    Usually those fumbled snaps are because it’s a lazy snap when the center is focusing on standing up quickly because he is getting beat.
    Either way it was Baker AGAIN.
    I’m really tired already of him turning over the ball.
    If you think about it, if he starts Mayfield and he does this in games, no way is he back next year.
    If he starts Trask, he can at least say I didn’t draft him and there is a chance.
    Of course in that scenario, Baker would eventually play.
    I think he is serviceable, but he aint gonna win a SB at this rate.

  18. Brandon Says:

    Fred McNeil Says:
    August 5th, 2023 at 11:26 am
    I can’t say I ever saw two fumbled snaps in a row. I saw two fumbled handoffs returned for touchdowns in a row to start a game, but that was in a bad snowstorm in Greed Bay on a Monday night. The game was all down hill from there.


    It wasn’t though. I remember that game. Two snaps on offense and two fumbles returned for TDs by the Broncos. I think Denver won the game 17-14 or something like that.

  19. mike anthony Says:

    >> Cause everyone knows that’s part of Maybefield’s game.

    thats strange because fans of his who have actually followed him for years wouldn’t know what int the world you are talking about. Batted passes and ints okay but no – problems with the snap have not been part of his game more than any other QB

    all in all this is a nothing burger and I would say the same if it was trask as well. Its easily correctable and isn’t worth any great anger from a competent coach unless he sees it as an additional sign the players involved are not taking things seriously other wise.

  20. R0n@Tampa Says:

    Most real fans believe as I do. It is the fake fans that think this team will flounder.

  21. David Says:

    John wolfo, a proven winner

  22. Oneilbuc Says:

    I still believe Baker Mayfield will be the starter regardless if Trask is better!! Baker Mayfield has been gifted the starting job!! Baker Mayfield is really in the way of Kyle Trask development.

  23. Defense Rules Says:

    I’m ASSUMING that Leverett is the 3rd string center (Jensen & Hainsey in front of him?). IF that’s correct, does he even have prior experience as a center? I’d be a lot more concerned if this was happening with Jensen or Hainsey as the center.

    Something else MAY be at play here also. Baker Mayfield’s hand size is 9.25″ (represents the 24th percentile of QBs). Kyle Trask’s hand size is 10.13″ (represents the 86th percentile of QBs). PERHAPS a QB’s hand size does in fact make a difference when it comes to handling snaps under center, etc.

  24. R0n@Tampa Says:

    What’s not to like about the Bucs this year and the upcoming years?

    Right now the bucs have the 3rd and 4th best qbs in the nfc Mayfield and Trask.Trask will ascend to #1 next year. Best WR core in the nfl, best defense in the nfl, elite dline, best lb core and secondary in the nfl, elite oline, solid rb and te.

  25. Mike Johnson Says:

    Just wait until Baker start throwing those….. Spiraling interceptions…..

  26. don g Says:

    ron@tampa I see you are new to football. I am a fan since day 1 and I can assure you the Bucs are none of those things. Any way If Trask is not the starter even after outplaying Baker in camp and he plays well in preseason. I will be a pissed off fan. We drafted Trask to play so lets do just that!!

  27. Rod Munch Says:

    I appreciate the fact that Bowles, for once, didn’t have a loser response to this. Instead of the generic, ‘it doesn’t matter who’s fault it was’ nonsense, he actually says he’s going to look and find out who screwed up, so you can address it with the person who committed the error as opposed to group punishment like a communist would.

  28. R0n@Tampa Says:

    Bucs are that and more. Another fake fan bashing the Bucs. well you have your small group of dum dums. all good

  29. firethecannons Says:

    Buc1987 Says:
    August 5th, 2023 at 12:32 pm
    R0n@Tampa…you live in a different world than most of us. Lol! omg! no doubt!

  30. gotbbucs Says:

    Unless you’re a former center or former QB, don’t assume you know anything about the center/QB exchange.

    I’ll be the first to say that I think Mayfield being here is more or less a waste of time, but I get the whole “competition” thing. If it pushes Trask to be better, then so be it.

    Being a former college Center, I cam tell you that it takes quite a few reps to get comfortable with each other, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen two fumbles in a row.

  31. TF Says:

    Is Bowles is being reactive again? Coaching from behind. He apparently should have emphasized back to basics when training camp first started in week 1 knowing good and well they are BRAND new QB/Center combos that need reps. ESPECIALLY the QB. Look how weird Brady was about his center. You cannot take fundamentals for granted Coach Bowles. Our new QBs need practice reps! But Coach has a track record of his teams having theses issues: Missed tackles, fumbled snaps, penalties, that’s high school stuff! There is a trend. I hope they made them work on it after the practice.

  32. Pewter Power Says:

    I remember when baker was competing with Winston for most interceptions and baker won one year

  33. garro Says:

    I got to agree with Bowles on that one. That is BS!
    One of the most fundimental things in football. Actually easier to execute than shotgun. QB and or center is Effing up if there is a problem there. My money is on the QB being the problem. In my experience he never gets the blame though.

    Go Bucs!

  34. garro Says:

    This is one of the most fundimental things in football. Just should not happen…Period. Back up center or not! Shotgunis actualy harder for the center. In my experience my money is on the QB leaving early or hand placement. Centers repeat this over and over so the QB is comfortable with where they are putting the ball. BTW the QB hardly ever catches the blame on this even when it is his fault.

    Go Bucs!