Taking Sides

August 6th, 2023

It’s hard to believe that Baker Mayfield is playing for his eighth head coach and sixth offensive coordinator as he starts his sixth NFL season.

That was a big topic of discussion last week on FS1. Yes, the Mayfield-Kyle Trask competition actually got national run.

Mayfield has a lot of diverse experience. That’s not necessarily a good thing, but that’s his story at 28 years old.

Ex-Browns and Jets head coach Eric Mangini, the former right hand man of Bill Belicheat, chimed in to say that he’s certain Todd Bowles and new offensive coordinator Dave Canales will be riding the Baker bandwagon when a decision is made in a couple of weeks.

‘The coaches are going to feel more comfortable with Baker because of his experience, his poise, his presence, and that comes with age and with getting a chance to play,”  Mangini said.

However, Mangini said he expects the Tampa Bay front office to come down on the side of Trask if the competition is close.

Joe can’t be sure. But Joe is confident general manager Jason Licht and his team are rooting hard for Trask, though the powers there will respect Bowles’ decision without whispering under their breath if he chooses Mayfield after a close battle.

While there is investiture for Trask as a 2021 in-house draft pick, the front office also gets a fat gold star if Mayfield succeeds on a crazy cheap one-year contract for a starting quarterback.

79 Responses to “Taking Sides”

  1. Destinjohnny Says:

    Is it to early to start talking draft?

  2. Pewter Power Says:

    I wonder under what scenario could the joes see Todd Bowles getting fired for his choice of quarterbacks because I don’t think it comes down to the win loss record. Maybe it would be game management issues that caused losses like last year

  3. Just Saying Says:

    Front office gets a fatter gold star if their draft pick succeeds at an even cheaper contract for a player that will still be under contract for next year too.

  4. JD Still Says:

    Mayfield has had eight Head Coaches and six Offensive Coordinators in six years? It appears playing Mayfield is not career enhancing !

  5. sasquatch Says:

    Unless Trask starts throwing picks at the same rate as Mayfield, I think they’ll pick Trask. Unless the various media reports have been misleading, it sure sounds like Trask is even on most measures and ahead in ball security. They have explicitly put a heavy emphasis on not throwing picks.

  6. Da Bucs Guy Says:

    Th Bucs will start the QB from their top ten draft pick for the 2024 season.

  7. K2 Says:

    JD Still… The coaching turnover says more about the organizations than it does about Mayfield. I continue to hope that both QBs develop and that the best man wins. I don’t think either QB is a superstar…but I would be pleased with solid dependable play. I don’t get excited about drafting a QB…very low hit rates.

  8. Bobby Says:

    Baker has thrown 7 picks in one week of training camp practice and Kyle just one. Kyle Trask should be given a legitimate chance at the starting spot but it sounds like he isn’t going to. That’s not fair.

  9. Hodad Says:

    If turnovers are the deciding factor Trask starts. So far it’s Trask. Most of Bakers experience is bad. Baker make a perfect backup.

  10. A Bucs Fan Says:

    That’s really similar if not more unstable of a start than Alex Smith’s career. He had 7 offensive coordinators in seven years at San Fran.

  11. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Baker gets: +1 for experience, + .5 for moxie, – .5 for big belly.

    Baker started with a slight edge. But, I think that will be ironed out.

  12. Lt. Dan Says:

    “…and with getting a chance to play.” Isn’t that a Trask thing?

  13. Statguy Says:

    Hopefully the bulk of it will lay in Canales hands

  14. gotbbucs Says:

    If Bowles has any sense at all he will leave the QB decision in the hands of his offensive coaches.
    I realize he’ll have say in it, but for him to try to come over the top of the staff charged with coaching that side of the ball would be a huge mistake.

  15. Shak Says:

    I don’t care what they say, they told Baker it was his job and because they told him that they had to tell everyone else it’s a competition to maintain interest. No, we heard the reports of “it’s his to lose” we aren’t falling for it. Listen to Bowels, he was emphatic that turnovers were the big key before Baker started throwing them away and Trask hasn’t, now he tries to downplay the importance. They ask him nearly every time and you can hear the different response over time. Still says it’s important, but has other reasons stuffed in to downplay it.

  16. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Mayfield brought stability to a franchise that won *1* game the previous TWO seasons….that alone should give Mayfield the nod.

    Like it or not, Trask is still a complete mystery regardless of his recent practice performances. So start Mayfield, if he sucks in comes the Trask era.

  17. ATLBuc Says:

    Joe said:
    “While there is investiture for Trask as a 2021 in-house draft pick, the front office also gets a fat gold star if Mayfield succeeds on a crazy cheap one-year contract for a starting quarterback”

    Joe, this may be true but I’ve read that that cheap, $4m contract becomes $2M cheaper if Mayfield doesn’t win the starting job

  18. Defense Rules Says:

    I’ve read nothing to indicate that the Bucs’ hierarchy won’t go with whichever QB they feel gives them the best chance of winning right from the git-go. If Canales wants Mayfield to start, odds are very very good IMO that Mayfield will start. Last thing Bowles wants to do is rein in his new OC BEFORE he even calls play 1. The ‘best’ decision will be obvious.

  19. Oneilbuc Says:

    Now the new excuse for Baker Mayfield is how many different coaches he had lol 🤣 . But it was repeated on this site by the a lot of people that Jamies was a coach killer but now it’s a excuse for Baker Mayfield!! Jamies is still with his second team and the reason he’s not the starter because the coach didn’t want him he wanted Carr . But Baker Mayfield is on his 4th team and it’s not his fault because of his coaches? If this so call competition keeps going this way and Baker Mayfield is named the starter than Todd Bowles deserves to be fired. And if it’s because of the front office wants Baker Mayfield to start than Jason Licht should be fired for drafting Kyle Trask and knowing you wasn’t going to give him a chance to be the starter on day . He’s actually earning the job right now and you still make Baker Mayfield the starter anyway than every fan shouldn’t show up at these games especially if Baker Mayfield is trash!!

  20. Mike C Says:

    Destinjohnny Says:
    August 6th, 2023 at 3:50 pm
    Is it to early to start talking draft?

    Nope, go for it, you can get all excited for rookies when we haven’t even seen the ones we have, no one else really gives a fuc% about it…… but you go for it bud.

  21. Just Saying Says:

    The Trask is a mystery argument is exactly why he should start. Baker is a known commodity and he is looking like himself in training camp. The mystery that is Trask is outperforming Baker per reports. Baker paid like a backup and is playing like one too. Bucs are in a better position next year if Trask fails or succeeds vs Baker. If baker is .500 next year the team still has no idea if Trask could have been this team’s version of Brock Purdy or even Tom Brady, who knows, I guess we could let the team he eventually goes to find out.

  22. Marine Buc Says:

    “Joe can’t be sure. But Joe is confident general manager Jason Licht and his team are rooting hard for Trask, though the powers there will respect Bowles’ decision without whispering under their breath if he chooses Mayfield after a close battle.”

    This is a very interesting statement – I agree…

    If Trask wins the starting QB job and somehow goes on to have an above mediocre season our GM will look like a genius.

    Taking Trask with the final pick of the 2nd round won’t look like such a bad move anymore but just the opposite.

    If Trask wins the preseason battle and Bowles still decides to go with Mayfield our head coach better pray the Bucs don’t start 0-4. Because that would spell “THE END” for Todd Bowles as a head coach in the NFL.

  23. Mike Says:

    It will come down to who is more effective in preseason game action. I have a feeling that will be Trask, based on his improved play in training camp, but we will see if he shows up when the lights come on or not.

  24. K_bassuka Says:

    And that’s why Mangini failed in the NFL.

  25. Tbbucs3 Says:

    For reference, Blaine Gabbert and Chase Daniel are known to always look sharp and light it up in practice. Dud QBs on gameday.

    Trask is the gamble play, you have to go with the “safer” choice first in Mayfield, a guy who nearly took Mahomes down in the playoffs, whos been there done that with lesser talent than Godwin and Evans.

    If Trask starts opening day, he’ll be on a short lease and have a ton of pressure to preform now…why feed Trask to the wolves right now when you have an experienced vet?

    Btw for those counting meaningless training camp INTs, lots of QBs go through a trial and error process to see what they can get away with in camp, at least the good ones do.

  26. Bucsmarley Says:

    How will we ever no if Trask is it or not if he doesn’t play. Every single qb has to start somewhere. You roll with Trask to see if he develops otherwise you draft 1 next season. Really simple. I do believe with average steady and just taking what’s there would lead to a 8 win season. But we aren’t making a SB run this year so see what you drafted. Everyone knows baker. Great backup but not a quality nfl starter

  27. Posey99 Says:

    Expect a baker meltdown if he doesn’t get the starting nod.

  28. Jack Clark Says:

    “It’s hard to believe that Baker Mayfield is playing for his eighth head coach and sixth offensive coordinator as he starts his sixth NFL season.”

    That’s not hard to believe because Baker Mayfield is a sorry as quarterback

    “But Joe is confident general manager Jason Licht and his team are rooting hard for Trask”


  29. Destinjohnny Says:

    So our would be starter is getting outplayed by Kyle?
    What could go wrong….
    Maybe Jason finally hit on a 2nd round pick?

  30. Beej Says:

    Neither has played an actual game yet

  31. Craig Says:

    Hot Toddie was never all in on drafting Trask. That is why the Baker was brought in.

    That put him a full point ahead of Trask at the start.

    Now, though, I would say Trask has a better chance of starting. That is before pre-season and almost real competition.

    If Trask maintains his poise and Steady Eddie play, while the Baker does Baker, Trask will definitely start.

    I think OTAs have instilled a confidence in Trask but didn’t for Baker.

    Less than a week before we know for sure.

  32. Rod Munch Says:

    Based on the camp reports, and what I read here and elsewhere, I’d be pretty surprised if Mayfield gets the job. As lower Bowles said, the number one job of a QB isn’t scoring point, it’s not turning the ball over, and clearly in camp, Trask has done that well.

    Again, I’d much much rather see Trask play, and see what he can do over Mayfield who guarantees you a 5-12 or 6-11 record. With Trask, there is at least the possibility of a different outcome, be it better or worse, and I’d take either outcome over being a bad, boring team that isn’t bad enough to get a top QB next year. With Trask, if he’s terrible, great, you get a new franchise QB in the draft – if he’s good, then great, you got your future QB already. Either way it’s a win. With Mayfield, it’s nothing but a future of bad, but never bad enough to get better.

  33. Zoocomics Says:

    @Tbbucs3…that’s not how that playoff game went dude.

    EVERYONE should re-watch that Browns-Chiefs playoff game for a couple of reasons, FIRST. You can see how good Mayfield was going against the best football team in the AFC, and defending Super Bowl Champs…and that Mayfield didn’t lose that game for them, overall he was solid with the exception of 1-pick that I don’t think they scored any points off of…and 2. That game was closer because as I recall, Mahommes got dinged up and was out most of the 2nd half. Mahommes under center that whole game and it’s probably not going down to the wire. Browns got within a down of getting the ball back and Henne converted to ice the game.

  34. Bucsfan13 Says:

    The Glazers will go with whoever draws crowd, and that’s most definitely Baker. There’s already silly nicknames out there for him. The organization cash cow left town, so they need a recognizable name to fill seats.

  35. Rod Munch Says:

    Bucsfan13 Says:
    August 6th, 2023 at 5:36 pm
    The Glazers will go with whoever draws crowd, and that’s most definitely Baker.


    There’s literally nothing that says Glazers involve themselves with that type of stuff. Also, if it’s about selling tickets, there’s a ton of Florida fans around here – not so many Mayfield fans.

  36. ATLBuc Says:

    Tbbucs3 Says:
    August 6th, 2023 at 4:44 pm
    Mayfield brought stability to a franchise that won *1* game the previous TWO seasons….that alone should give Mayfield the nod.

    Below, you will find the Quarterback passing stats for the 3 years prior to Mayfield’s arrival to four years after his arrival. As you can see, the performance coming from the quarterback position remained relatively the same. This despite the fact that Mayfield was the primary QB when he was there and during all of the previous seasons multiple quarterbacks started. There was an increase in TDS but there was also a sharp increase in interceptions, which Mayfield has the most of since coming into the league.

    Looking at the stats below it would be prudent to conclude that the running game and the defense, not Baker Mayfield’s quarterbacking prowess, added stability to a franchise that won *1* game the previous season.

    So please stop saying that. Its not true.

    2015 4156 YDS 20 TDS 11 INTS
    2016 3693 YDS 15 TDS 14 INTS
    2017 3537 YDS 15 TDS 28 INTS
    2018 4261 YDS 29 TDS 17 INTS
    2019 3847 YDS 22 TDS 21 INTS
    2020 3701 YDS 27 TDS 8 INTS
    2021 3619 YDS 21 TDS 14 INTS

  37. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    What is the debate?
    This is the reason why preseason is most important this year for tampa.
    Let the games decide who the starting qb is.
    As it should be, as this ain’t rocket science.

  38. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Trask finally spoke more than a few words, the other day.

    Said he’s been working on: “Playing smarter, smoother, faster, taller, and not repeating a mistake”

    Sounds like he paid attention, to the “Great One”…. Is there a better QB coach?

    Sounds like he’s doing ok, in training camp. According to Joe.

  39. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “As you can see, the performance coming from the quarterback position remained relatively the same”

    15 TDs to 28 INTs is relatively the same as bakers numbers??

  40. EEK Says:

    If Mayfield can’t win the starting job, it’s probably better to release him than have him around with his status as a celebrity.

    He can be a backup somewhere else without an expectation to start.

  41. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    I forgot to say, I’m optimistic about Trask.

  42. Brandon Jeff Says:

    Previously, all the Trask haters were ganging up on him. Now they are circling the wagons around Baker. Obviously, the pendulum has swung.

  43. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    We will get to see both QBs start games this season we’ll all see soon enough

  44. Toad Bowels Says:

    Hey Joe – What does Bruce Arians think?

  45. Bucsmarley Says:

    I agree with mayfield I expect we would win 5-7 games. Trask? But either would be better. If he goes less we draft our qb or n the draft or if he exceeds 5-7 wins we might already have our future qb all along

  46. WyomingJoe Says:

    I’ve said it before, Joe has to provide us with more details of what’s happening in practices and less opinion. Seems like we only get INT info which doesn’t begin to tell the whole story about what QB is moving the offensive most efficiently. Otherwise, we get all the feedback I’ve just read through (while holding my nose btw) plus the lazy national media echos. If Trask wins, fine. But Joe, PROVIDE MORE DETAIL. And please don’t say, “it’s coming.” We should have gotten it Day One of camp. Go Bucs.

  47. steele Says:

    Right now, there are too many variables in this clusterf. Trask knows the defenses, Mayfield doesn’t, so Trask should look better in camp. But Mayfield has regressed instead of improved, which bodes poorly for him. Rah Rah’s QB whispering doesn’t seem to be elevating either guy.

    This entire debate is tiresome and I am looking forward to the actual games, which I pray will decide which bad/mediocre QB starts for a bad/mediocre team, with a bad coach, in transition towards a total reboot that we will be eager to get going.

  48. ATLBuc Says:

    15 TDs to 28 INTs is relatively the same as bakers numbers??

    The output, passing yardage, is relatively the same despite Baker having the best running back duo in the league. AND more play action options.

  49. Marine Buc Says:

    Let me put it this way…

    The best game Baker Mayfield has played the past two seasons was last season when he was in L.A. – they beat the (you know what) out of the Denver Broncos…

    L.A. scored like 51 points – it was a total massacre not seen since the days of General Custard.

    Baker’s final stats – 24 of 28 – 230 Yds. – 2 TDs

    This is absolutely as good as it gets with Baker Mayfield.

    However – you only get this performance every once in a while…

  50. Aaron Says:

    I feel like Mayfield gets the start to begin the season…if it’s ugly they hand it over to Trask after the bye

  51. Thunder Says:

    I hope if Trask looks better he starts.
    History tells me they will pick Baker no matter what.

  52. Eric S Says:

    why practice and compete if you just going to give the job to someone who has obviously been turning the ball over consistently, the bucs claimed that was one of the most important metrics!

  53. Reality BucFan Says:

    The Past is the Past…..with that being said Baker Has already thrown More interceptions in Practice with 7 over 9 Practices…Trask has Only thrown 1… I’m not that smart but 7 is more than 1 I can only imagine what it will look like during preseason and if you want to not turn the ball over Coach bowls then trask is your quarterback simple….

  54. Drew Says:

    Why isn’t anyone talking about all the balls that Trask is completing are 3 to 5 yard routs.. I’ve been to two practices now and Baker is throwing the ball way better down the field and up the seams!!

  55. Greg Says:

    Personally, I think Bowles is going to pick Baker because he is aware that he will be on the hot seat instantly if things don’t go well. If Trask continues this streak of no interceptions or whatever through the preseason…then we’ll see. Regardless, there is an interesting contrast between Arians and Bowles that has become readily apparent. Arians was no risk it no biscuit. Bowles has proven out to be a conservative play it safe guy from what I have seen.

    Unless the defense plays absolute crushing lights out. That conservative mind set is going to bite him. I hope not and I guess we’ll see.

  56. Bucfan94 Says:

    I don’t care for who has more experience, just who is playing better. Imagine if Green Bay signed someone more experienced rather than risk going with Rodgers, or many others great QBs in history.

  57. Bucfan94 Says:

    Imagine if the Colts gave up on Manning after his rookie year

  58. WyomingJoe Says:

    Sounds like most on this site are giving up on Baker. Based on his past history, that’s a big mistake. We’re about in the middle of training camp with the most important practices still to come. Anything can happen. Let it all play out.

  59. Wild Bill Says:

    Looking at the picture Joe put up, Mayfield looks short and squat (fat). Trask looks tall and fit. Trask looks like an athelete. May field looks short and thick. Not a good look for Mayfield.

  60. Lakeland Steve Says:

    Why are there Bucs fan who can’t wait to lose the season so we can draft a quarterback in the first round of next years draft. Our history with drafting QB’s in the first round is awful. Doug Williams, Trent Dilfer, Vinny Testaverde, Josh Freeman, Jameis Winston. There may be others but it doesn’t matter because what do they all have in common? None of them have won a Super Bowl for the Bucs. I know two others have won Super Bowls for other teams, but that is part of the problem. We suck at drafting first round QB’s and developing them or give up on them before they have completely developed . The two Super Bowls we have won were by veteran QB’s, one a game manager and the other the G.O.A.T. So why don’t we enjoy the season and see what happens and then worry about the 2024 draft.

  61. SOEbuc Says:


    “Maybe Jason finally hit on a 2nd round pick?“

    He hit a bomb with Antoine Weinfield in the second round.

  62. D Cone Says:

    Eric Mancini. There’s a Gem. If anyone should know about having one good season and then 4 embarrassing one’s it’s this guy. Jets ran him out of town after 3 years. Then goes to Cleveland and goes 5-11 the first year, drafts Colt McCoy and that superstar couldn’t even save him. Browns went 5-11 again. Gone.

    Monday will be the first of three practices before the first bullets start flying as they say. Both QB’s should know what the Offense is and both have had the playbook the same amount of time.

    Zero out the turnover meter as Baker says he’s been making high risk throws to see if and when he can fit them in tight coverage. So you can’t really count the one that he tried a bank shot off the defensive lineman.

    All even. Zero to zero. Throw them in the churn and let the cream rise to the top.

  63. Trask To The Future Says:

    Zero incentive for Mayfield to start. Trask still has another year on his rookie deal.

    The WORST thing that could happen is that Mayfield plays decent but not great and commands a $15M-20M/year contract next year.

    I just don’t see how people don’t get that.

  64. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    I think we beat this dead horse enough.

    Need to see the preseason games next.

    Only so much practice can tell you.

  65. Destinjohnny Says:

    It only took 11 drafts, to get one right not bad if you are into being mediocre.

    I think he was a 3rd rounder though

  66. ATLBuc Says:

    Joe!! Where are the practice notes for today?

  67. ScottyMack Says:

    Sheesh, not even a single preseason game has been played and so many “expert football minds” here have already decided who the best QB to start is.

    Lets cool our jets a bit, folks. I know I won’t have a real opinion, myself, until after the second preseason game.

    Whoever it is, I wish them and their backup (if needed) all the success in the world.

  68. Oneilbuc Says:

    Preseason ain’t going to mean nothing if they’re not going with the first team and I mean that with either of the quarterbacks . Joint practices with the Jets should be the desion on who should start. With them playing a preseason game with players that’s not going to be on team ain’t going to tell us nothing rather they play good or bad !!

  69. Buddha Says:

    Everyone loves the underdog (until his first interception) or boneheaded play.

  70. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Defense Rules Says
    “I’ve read nothing to indicate that the Bucs’ hierarchy won’t go with whichever QB they feel gives them the best chance of winning right from the git-go.”

    I’ve been saying it for months.

    Here’s how I believe things will go:

    Trask will start the first preseason game. It could be Mayfield, but I get the feeling they will have Mayfield start the second preseason game, because it will give him more playing time (half game). It’s possible Trask will get a half in the first game.

    After that, we will be shown that the competition was fake…when Baker gets the start, even though Kyle had a better training camp and preseason.

    If Bowles wants Mayfield, he’ll get him. For now.

    But that will tie his future as head coach to Mayfield. If Mayfield bombs, Licht and the Glazers will hold him accountable for it after the season.

    Bowles will have to be forced to put Kyle in, either by the Glazers…or because Mayfield gets injured…which is very likely because of the oline needing time.

    So…I predict that by the bye week, or part of the game just before the bye week, the era of the Traskmaster begins.

    Unless Kyle is beyong good, he’ll struggle a bit at first. After all, he does not have the experience. But hopefully, the Bucs will give him the remainder of the season.

    He’ll ether earn us a top pick, or show nough promise to not have to draft a QB.

  71. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    ScottyMack, I know who the worst of the two is. But that won’t mean much with Bowles.

  72. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I suppose Licht could go to the Glazers and say, ‘He’s picking the wrobg guy.’

    But really, that would turn Bowles againt Licht.

    So…I see them giving Bowles leeway to succeed or fail by his own choices.

  73. garro Says:

    I’m getting to the point with all the debate, National media BS, and Bowles BS about players and team, that I almost want them to shock the world and name Wolford the starter. after all we know about as much truth about him as the other two.

    Go Bucs!

  74. Defense Rules Says:

    Bonzai … ‘If Bowles wants Mayfield, he’ll get him. For now. But that will tie his future as head coach to Mayfield. If Mayfield bombs, Licht and the Glazers will hold him accountable for it after the season.’

    IF he picks Mayfield & Mayfield bombs out, Bowles should be held accountable. IF Mayfield was the problem, Baker gets replaced because Bowles made a very bad choice. IF the TEAM supporting him was the problem, Bowles did a lousy job of developing & using the talent that we have. He has to at least break even on the season IMO to show that we’re acceptably ‘retooling’ & thus be retained.

    Personally I believe this team is capable of doing that … but not with Mayfield under center. Oh he’ll have some good games in there, but he’s proven over time that he’s inconsistent (Fitz was pretty much the same way as I remember). Trask MAY or MAY NOT be the future, that book’s yet to be written. I like how he’s developing under Canales’ guidance thus far, but we’re only in the Preface. I have zero problem though drafting a QB this year with our 1st Rnd pick regardless of how we do. Supposed to be a bumper crop for QBs; let’s take advantage of that. You can never have too much competition.

  75. Mike Alstott Jr. Says:

    Garro… “I’m getting to the point with all the debate, National media BS, and Bowles BS about players and team, that I almost want them to shock the world and name Wolford the starter. after all we know about as much truth about him as the other two.

    That’s what I’ve secretly been hoping for! let’s. not sleep on the WOLFMAN! Canales said “let’t not leave John Wolford out of this either” and so far (judging only by the practice notes and coach talk) he’s shown proficiency in the deep ball, has turned the ball over significantly less than mayfield, and keeps scoring. I’m actually pulling for Trask because I feel like it’s the best team scenario, but prepared to ASSEMBLE THE WOLFORDPACK

  76. TampaBayBucsFanSince1976 Says:

    Mayfield has small hand disease and Trask does not. The comparative numbers say the large hands QB’s perform better statistically. When standing next to one another Trask is noticeably taller and looks to be in superior physical condition.

  77. Steelers fan Says:

    I watched this on FS1 and its mind boggling that not a single one of them knew anything about Trasks college career. They were saying he was no good in college and really got down in mud and rolled around saying he was a kindergarten MVP..on and on

    Man i hope Trask saw that, though hes not the type that needs motivation.

    These guys are straight trash. If Mac Jones is a Starting NFL QB Kyle Trask sure as H#%^ is FORSURE 100% geez these idiots never fail to amaze me with their “logic”

  78. Steelers fan Says:

    Seriously tho- If you could magicly make Trask and Baker and hide thier identity so you didnt know who was who ( Like a Blind QB test) You’d pick Trask more than 90% of the time its not even close if were being real here.

  79. Mike Johnson Says:

    I’ve said from day one Baker will start. But it will be short lived. Before midseason, Trask will be our QB. I just hope he is as ready s many of us think he is. Mayfield will not be in a Buc uniform after this season.