Questions For The Bucs

August 5th, 2023

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

With training camp each summer comes drive-by hits by national football analysts, writers and columnists, though Joe isn’t so sure a certain CBS guy as a “drive-by.”

Hot-pink-shirt-wearing prickly Pete Prisco of CBS lives in Florida. So he’s not a total stranger to One Buc Palace. He drops in three times a year or more.

Prisco, and his CBS colleague Rick Spielman, the former Vikings and Dolphins shot-caller who lives in Naples, have already been to One Buc Palace three times this year. It’s still the first week of August.

This morning, Prisco twittered (“X’ed?”) random thoughts after watching two Bucs practices this week.

Can Mayfield or Trask, whoever wins, be good enough?

Now this is a fair question. Look, the NFL is a business. A ruthless, what have you done for me lately business.

Right now Trask is outplaying Mayfield. Not by a whole lot but he’s outplaying him. At the end of the day, what is that saying? “Hey, Trask is a future Pro Bowl quarterback because he threw fewer picks in training camp than Mayfield?” Really?

Joe hopes a coach picks a starting quarterback based on his ability to be a weapon in the offense and his capability to move the ball and score points, not just because he throws fewer picks in practice than whomever he’s competing against.

If Trask outplays Mayfield enough to win the starting gig and the Bucs still end up with a losing record, then in no way should the Bucs not do their homework on Drake Maye or Michael Penix (Joe won’t get silly here and invoke Caleb Williams’ name. #CollapseForCaleb).

Let’s be real: If the Bucs have a losing record and Team Glazer decides to bring in a new coach, who outside of Dan Mullen is going to take the job if they are forced to roll with Mayfield or Trask as the starting quarterback?

Will they run it better?

They have to. They better. They should. It’s one thing for the greatest quarterback of all time to throw 40 times a game, Tom Brady. It’s quite another for Mayfield or green-as-grass Trask to throw 40 times a game.

This previous paragraph is why so many people think the Bucs are low-key tanking.

TE is a worry, but David Wells has looked good.

Yeah, tight end is thin. Cade Otton has improved, but it seems his hands have not. Joe’s seen Otton drop too many cans of corn this summer. But it’s only Aug. 5. Otton is getting open a lot. David Wells? Nice story but he’s not a gamechanger.

Kancey missing camp will hurt defense.

Big time! Kancey’s calf injury will cost him a bunch of valuable learning experience. He probably won’t get up to full speed until maybe Halloween. His rookie year growth is severely stunted now.

Who will be the nickel? Rookie Izien has talent.

Right now it seems Christian Izien damn near has this locked up. The guy is always around the ball in practice and Bucs coach Todd Bowles has gushed about him. Right now, he’s your nickel corner.

25 Responses to “Questions For The Bucs”

  1. Jack Clark Says:

    The only reason why we have a chance of making the playoffs is because none of our division rivals have a better quarterback than Baker Mayfield’s sorry as

  2. Craig Says:

    6 interceptions to 0 should be enough lead, for now.

    Trask still needs to learn how to make his new body throw touch passes and get the distance thing down. Those are the only two things I see that can be a problem.

    Mayfield almost needs a do-over. He is hurting himself every day. I can’t list all of the things he seems to be messing up.

    Trask will soon be the steal of the 2021 draft, he already looks better that Zach Wilson ever has.

    The tightends will be fine, if the Bowles cleaner picks the right ones for the 53 man squad.

    Kancey will be behind, but his speed will still be a killer.

    If nickel ends up bad Winfield can take a few snaps there.

  3. Bucs since 76 Says:

    Brady was drafted in 2000 in the 6th round. He started in 2001 the Pats won the Superbowl that year, I sure nobody thought Brady would become the Goat. I not saying Trask is going to the next Brady but we don’t know how good he will be until he starts. So before saying Trask sucks at least let him start a couple of games.

  4. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘Right now Trask is outplaying Mayfield. Not by a whole lot but he’s outplaying him.’

    Considering that Mayfield has started 69 games & that Trask has started, oh ya, ZERO games, I think that your evaluation of the current situation says a LOT Joe. And especially when I look at the significant size differential between the two (sorry, but when you’re an NFL QB, size is helpful). And oh ya, Bowles & Canales dislike for their QB turning the ball over.

    Oh and should we mention the fact that Kyle is already under contract for next year (for a $1.8 mil CAP hit), while Baker would be a free agent & (if successful this year) would most likely be looking for $25-$30 mil at least. Really hoping that Kyle can pull away now & do well in the preseason games running this offense. Even if he does well this year, Bucs can always draft a QB as ‘insurance’ & to foster competition.

  5. Defense Rules Says:

    Nickel admittedly concerns me, because I’m not all that excited about Delaney, McCollum or Izien filling that role. I won’t be a bit surprised though if the Bucs re-sign Logan Ryan to be the nickel or pick up someone else before the season kicks off.

  6. Pickgrin Says:

    DR – I’ve been expecting them to sign Logan Ryan back for some time now.

    I think whats happening though is that so far, coaches are pretty happy with what they are seeing from UDFAs Izien and Merriweather as well as drafted safety Hayes.

    Ryan had a hard time staying healthy last year and age may well have played a part in that. Also these younger guys (that make the squad) will be effective special teamers.

  7. C.j. Massie Says:

    Well Izien or not?

  8. C.j. Massie Says:


  9. Mike C Says:

    If Trask works out…… what a Frikin move by JL.

  10. D Cone Says:

    Main argument I hear about Trask is his ability to throw the deep ball. On passes with air yards of 20 or more there is a top ten for last year. 9) was Burrow who was 19 of 48. 10) was Allen at 29 of 75. Mac Jone, Taylor Heineken, and Justin Herbert just missed the cut. Number one was Geno Smith who was 24 of 51. There was a degree of difficultly factor built in also.
    My questions would be is Geno a better passer than the others like Tua, Hurts, Prescott, Cousins, Mahommes, Wilson and Carr (2-8) or was it Seattle’s Scheme that had receivers more open down the field?

    Either way if it’s thrown over 20 yards in the air it is basically a 50/50 ball.

  11. Danny Husak Says:

    Baker has been fearless under pressure. When the bullets start flyin,
    that’s when the Bake kicks ass. Browns 1-33 and losing to the Jets. Baker comes in and wins the game. Baker developes some and leads the Browns to consecutive wins over Pittspuke. 2020 playoffs. Would beat the Chiefs if he didn’t have to carry the D, too. Baker gets hurt and is banished. Browns begin losing again. What has Trask done when it counts ? Even if Trask slightly wins the UNIMPORTANT pre-season, You will ALL holler when Baker is the starter.

  12. D Cone Says:

    Main argument I hear about Trask is his ability to throw the deep ball. On passes with air yards of 20 or more there is a top ten for last year. 9) was Burrow who was 19 of 48. 10) was Allen at 29 of 75. Mac Jone, Taylor Heineken, and Justin Herbert just missed the cut. Number one was Geno Smith who was 24 of 51. There was a degree of difficultly factor built in also.
    My questions would be is Geno a better passer than the others like Tua, Hurts, Prescott, Cousins, Mahommes, Wilson and Carr (2-8) or was it Seattle’s Scheme that had receivers more open down the field?

    Either way if it’s thrown over 20 yards it is less than a 50/50 shot.

  13. Fred McNeil Says:

    Pickgrin, Coach Bowles, in what may be his last gasp as a head coach, has decided to get younger and faster. Logan Ryan isn’t the future. We got Ryan Neal…PFF #1 safety. Fits the bill. This izien kid is fast and stout…and young. I haven’t heard as much about Merriweather. Dee Delaney can also play safety. Nolan Turner sounds good. If Bowles is right we will shine.
    Our BUCS have been spat upon

  14. Rod Munch Says:

    Hey Joe, if you have a min I got a couple of questions. I’ve heard/read in some other places, that the QB having the best camp, by far, is Wolford? Any truth to that? Also I heard that while Trask has looked better than Mayfield, he hasn’t made a ton of plays, it’s more in a game manager role. What’s your take on that?

  15. Rod Munch Says:

    -Will they run it better?
    YES, without a doubt. A better RUN scheme without a complete moron running the same players over and over again in the same situation, should help. Also getting Jensen back should help – as should just shaking up the line.

    -TE is a worry, but David Wells has looked good.
    TE is not a worry, so long as Otton is healthy.

    -Kancey missing camp will hurt defense.
    I like Kancey a ton, but he’s still a rookie DT, and they rarely make much of an impact. It stinks that it puts him behind the curve, but as always, you shouldn’t be on rookie DT to contribute much, so I don’t think this makes as big of an impact as it would, say, next year.

    -Who will be the nickel? Rookie Izien has talent.
    Corner depth is a legit issue, unless Izien can come out of nowhere and play. Zyon is an amazing physical talent (remember that perfect 10 RAS score) but was very green, hopefully he can take a step up. But this is one of the more worrying positions on the team as Dee Delaney stinks and is too slow to be in the NFL.

  16. Da Bucs Guy Says:

    Which ever backup wins the job, just means the Bucs will have a backup playing as a starter. They are tanking whether they know it or not.

  17. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Deep thoughts by Mostly Peaceful:

    Baker Mayfield is Jameis Winston only shorter, a bit less of a fastball, far less humble and far better in front of a microphone. The arm and height difference explain the difference in passing yards and TDs but both are #1 overalls who turned the ball over way too often and didn’t stay with the teams that drafted them as a result.

    Kancey’s injury is minor as in no big tears. 22 year olds are made of rubber. Should be back practicing before week 1. Not worried.

    Speaking of defense. Bucs have young talented players in their front 7 that nobody is talking about. For example we all but wrote off JTS but he could break out. I’ve seen some camp film and even in the limited amount Bucs have put out he looks good. Plus I have been hearing good things from friends who have attended practice. Hall too. Bucs D will be a top 10 unit this year is my prediction – IF – the Bucs offense doesn’t turn it over.

    If this defense is as good as I stated above. Anything over 22.5 PPG with a positive turnover ratio will push them well over 6.5.

    Canales offense was designed for Baker. Now Trask is out performing him – beating Baker at his own game. Will Canales put in plays that are more Trask friendly – i.e. drop back, shotgun, spread, quick read and throw, and some QB draw? A good coach adjusts to his personnel right?

    Dan Mullen would be a fantastic OC. Would fit the current personnel too. He failed at FL because his defense couldn’t stop a JV team. Proof: Samford game. Trask would have to perform well and Bowles would need to be fired for a chance at that happening. One would think a Bowles firing would mean Bucs get a QB in the draft. Too many stars needing to line up for Mullen in Tampa.

    It’s hotter than Hades today. Setup a fountain in the backyard for wifey today. Still too hot to enjoy it. Maybe in a few weeks.

  18. Tony Says:

    I’d love to know what’s going on with Wirfs & that psychologist.

    Wirfs: “Do you think I’m gonna be able to fill the shoes of Donovan now that he’s gonna be gone sir?”

    Psychologist: “Of course Tristan. I could’ve blocked better.”

  19. Brandon Says:

    August 5th and we already know who the nickel CB is? That’s great news. Izien will be a stud. No lie. His athletic ability and brains put him at a huge advantage. When they do the annual mythological redraft, Izien will be on jt.

  20. Sly Pirate Says:


    This is supposed to be a “throw away” year. We’re deep in the hole financially. We lost the GOAT. Yet, we’re discussing our actual capacity to win the NFCS. Most of us believe we can. Good job Licht!

  21. Rod Munch Says:

    Tony – make it a bit more mean spirited and that could be a funny bit.

  22. kyle Says:

    lets take the pewter glasses off.. the qb situation is unknown (bucs fans, how many times have you penciled in a win when brady was playing a team with a rookie or sub par qb)?

    I’m sorry but this is going to be a shiz show regardless who wins the qb job.. i cant see us winning more than 5 or 6 games on the schedule?

    That’s ok, Licht did a good job putting a competitive roster together. Id rather go 3 and 14 and get one of these qb kids next year than win 7 games and be in qb purgatory lets tank.. we got a superbowl.. lets bite the bullet and suck for Mayes from unc?

  23. Joe Says:

    Canales offense was designed for Baker.

    Perhaps, but Trask is practicing better in the offense allegedly not designed for him.

    Will Canales put in plays that are more Trask friendly – i.e. drop back, shotgun, spread, quick read and throw, and some QB draw?

    Have seen Trask run plays from all of these.

  24. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Thanks Joe!

    Now I’m not as grumpy. Seems like DC and Bowles actually considered the possibility of Trask starting.

    Believe it or not the play that Trask lit teams up with in college was the wheel route – a Dan Mullen special. Read Zach Goodall’s SI article about the wheel against UGA. Great article. You’ll get tremendous insight on what they did at Florida and why Trask was the key to it. You’ll realize this “deliberate learner” stuff is nonsense. Trask thrived in a complex playbook that kept defenses guessing. Imagine having a QB that can execute 40 unique pass plays with accuracy and command in a game such that he can make subtle adjustments on the fly.

    That’s Kyle Trask and why I’m high on him.

    Maybe getting drafted and then benched behind Brady and Gabbert it was a difficult path being in Brady’s shadow. Maybe that’s why we’re starting to see the potential now after stepping out of that shadow.

    We got preseason games to play yet. It’s going to be interesting to see what this all translates to. Looking forward to it.

  25. garro Says:

    yup yup and double yup Joe. You answered my question from another thread here about the QB.

    Go Bucs!