QB “Time To Throw” Goal Is A Quarter-Second Longer Than Tom Brady’s 2022 Release

August 1st, 2023

There’s an important data component to the quarterback competition and training at One Buc Palace.

Buccaneers offensive coordinator Dave Canales is an analytics guy, so Joe asked Canales today what sort of technology/analytics are in play when evaluating Baker Mayfield and competing Kyle Trask.

Canales went right to the “Time To Throw” metric. That’s the amount of time from snap to release, per NFL Next Gen stats. He explained that  Bucsquarterbacks better be under three seconds and 2.7 seconds is ideal, as well as the goal.

Interestingly, Canales said the Bucs use 84-year-old senior offensive assistant Tom Moore to track every snap. That either says a lot about Moore’s reflexes or NFL teams don’t have the technology to track Time To Throw like is done by the NFL’s Next Gen Stats during games.

The 2.7 seconds goal really stood out to Joe because Tom Brady led the NFL with the fastest average Time To Throw last season at 2.45 seconds, per Next Gen Stats. Mayfield was at 2.82 seconds last season, the exact same time he averaged in 2021.

During Mayfield’s best season, 2020, he was at 3.05 seconds Time To Throw, the second-slowest time in the league behind scrambling rookie QB Jalen Hurts.

Of course, Kyle Trask hasn’t played enough to have a history when it comes to Time To Throw.

Canales emphasized that quarterbacks must be aware of timing in camp, in part because it’s unfair to the defense to hold the ball longer, which is possible because the defense is not permitted to hit the QB.

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22 Responses to “QB “Time To Throw” Goal Is A Quarter-Second Longer Than Tom Brady’s 2022 Release”

  1. Citrus County Says:

    Thanks for reading my comments Joe.

  2. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    It is unbelievable that stud receiver Mike evans got his 1000+ yards last year givin Tom Brady had no time to throw the ball. A 7th wonder of the world. A true mystery. last year’s offensive line will go down as one of the NFL worst ever.

  3. Netwalker Says:

    ‘Brady led the league last year at 2:45 seconds.’ How’d that work out? There is more at play than a ten of a second.

  4. Mike S Says:

    This reflect what I have been saying. Baker was a run around guy who looked to extend plays after the one read.

    After he suffered a few injuries – one big one in particular – he retrained to check down over taking hits from LBs and safeties who saw him break loose.

    Baker is not a drop back type of guy – he has to extend to be successful. The offense has to be creative to get him passing lanes. Even in this mobile QB friendly offense though – habits are hard to break. Baker rolling out and getting on the move

    Now that Trask is putting on a show at TC Baker has to match that effort. He’s pressing and the turnovers are coming.

    Either Bake mounts a comeback or he begins to fade. We’ll see. Its early yet so he has time.

  5. Bucsfan13 Says:

    Baker holds the ball too long and it results in too many sacks. They say sacks are a QB stat and there’s some truth to that metric. The OL gets unfairly blamed. You can’t expect them to hold a block that long. The QB should be decisive and read things pre snap and post quickly.

  6. Brandon Says:

    Brady audibled to smoke screens an extremely high percentage of the plays in the first three quarters so his Time to Throw metric is a little off.

  7. Dooley Says:

    Getting the ball out of your hands as fast as possible doesn’t necessarily make it a “good” pass, especially if you and your route runners aren’t synced up timing the toss w/the pattern. Rhythm is a thing and the ‘22 offense had two left feet and anything said about how to fix it in-season was just….careless whispers lol

  8. Tbbucs3 Says:

    “mounts a comeback” lmaooo….. reminder that it’s the 2d day of training camp with with pads….there’s not going to be a comeback because there’s no leader with this small of a sample size.

  9. nooyoker Says:

    The extra pounds Baker is packing will slow him down and increase his time to throw.

  10. Thisisouryear!! Says:

    Hey Joe- Just curious because all of read is about how much Trask has improved. Do the two QBs look equal your opinion so far or is Trask looking better than mayfield so far?

  11. Duane Says:

    Pretty sure that Tom Brady wanted more time to throw, probably near the 2.7 sec that Canales stated. But if he did he’d been killed by slackers given our bad offensive line performance … explaining his drop in yards per attempt. We all saw it last season – the long balls disappeared from the offense, and PPG suffered a dramatic drop, particularly when down in the red zone.

    If the offensive line is giving the quarterback an extra several tenths of a second to throw, it gives him time to work thru his second, third, and even fourth read.

  12. Craig Says:

    I don’t have a lot of faith in time to throw.

    It takes time for plays to develop, especially if they are complex.

    It also takes time to go through QB progressions if the primary target is covered.

  13. Tap-Out Says:

    Time to Throw is relative and hot relative when you winning …Brady is no longer a part of the organization, please let him stay gone so this team can move on!

  14. Fred McNeil Says:

    I imagine we are gonna get blitzed like crazy till Baker or Kyle prove they can handle it.

  15. Rod Munch Says:

    Regardless of the ‘goal’, the time is going to be longer than what Brady was putting up, that’s for certain. So I like how they take that number, which will increase just because no one could process info as quickly as Brady, and now claim it’s increasing by design. That’s a good way to own that stat.

  16. westernbuc Says:

    Like I’ve been saying, Brady couldn’t extend plays, which makes the Arians/Leftwich offense flounder. You need a guy willing to stand in there or run around a bit. It looked like his last year with the Patriots.

    I’m happy Trask has improved. It tells me we’re going to be fine at that position. But no final decision can be made based on how the first week of practice goes. They need to play some of the preseason games against guys who can hit them before the coaches declare a winner.

  17. Nybuccguy Says:

    Brady was skiddish and gun shy last year. He was clearly scared of all contact and deep passes couldn’t develop. Leftwich and the O-line failed too, but Brady deserves criticism for his timid play.

  18. Oneilbuc Says:

    Man forget Brady he’s gone it’s time for you guys to move on from him . Who cares about what happened in the past it’s the same thing we get it every thing that happened was BL fault. When Brady was throwing passes in the dirt it was BL who told him to that . When Brady played bad it wasn’t his fault that’s BL fault. His divorce was BL fault when he left team for 11 days to go on a vacation that was BL fault. When he went to the wedding party in New England that was BL fault. When he didn’t ride with the team to the game and after the we lost the game that was BL fault. So every thing that happened was BL fault ok can y’all move on now!!

  19. garro Says:

    So we already know Brady was getting it out super fast last year. We already know Maybefield holds the ball too long at times. We have no idea about Trask yet. BTW Tom was down to 2.13 at one point last year if I remember correctly.

    That makes the O-line sack stats from last year a bit skewed, don’t ya think?

    Surprised that the teams don’t have it for practices though.

    Go Bucs

  20. AlabamaBucsFan Says:

    So far everything I have read about Dave Canales is promising. He seems like a bright young offensive coordinator. I can’t imagine him doing any worse than Byron Leftwich.

  21. Infomeplease Says:

    It’s no secret that when passing last season, TB12 had to get rid of the ball fast or land on his back. That was the combination result of a very poor o-line, a very poor run game, and extremely predictable play calling!!!

    Can this season be better? I sure hope so!!! The addition of Dave Canales is a good start! Can the o-line and run game improve? We’ll only find out, when the Bucs are lining up against other teams. That’s happening soon.

  22. SlyPirate Says:

    A QB has less than 2.5 seconds to drop back, read a defense, find a receiver, and release the ball accurately into a moving 2 foot window?

    That’s just nuts.